Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 16

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I quickly say, "They didn't and they won't. Don't answer any of their questions. I'll do all the talking." She agrees and we head toward the swarm. I know I'm gonna have to answer some of these questions or they'll continue to show up day after day and, once again we'll be prisoners in our own home. I roll down the window and questions are hitting me left and right. I hear one question louder than the rest and everything else goes silent.

"Tanner, did Jennifer rape you?" Like time stands still, my head begins spinning and my mouth fails to operate.

I feel Lyrics' hand on mind and hear her tell me, "It's okay. If you don't want to answer, don't." I do want to answer, I just can't find the words. The pet.i.te reporter yells out the question again.

Finally, I say, "This is the only question I'm answering so listen up and please after this, leave us alone." The whole crowd is silent within seconds. "Yes, Jennifer Temple drugged me, raped me, and had two guys beat me up."

About twenty reporters yell, "Why didn't you report her to the police?"

"I didn't report it because I didn't think anybody would believe me. I mean, she's Jennifer Temple. I saw her suicide video and find it very sad, but will I lose any sleep over her death? Nope, not even one moment. That is all I have to say. Please leave and don't come back."

Reporters begin rapid firing questions but as I begin to drive, they make room for me to slowly get through them. I stop and make sure none of them sneak inside the gate before it closes. I take a deep breath and realize that holding that secret had really taken a toll on me.

Lyrics says, "You did great. I was thinking that maybe you telling the truth will help other men that have been raped and are keeping it a secret. I know you want to just forget about it but I bet you would help so many other people." I hadn't even thought about how many other men have or are going through this same type of thing.

"I don't really want to be known as the raped guy."

Lyrics looks a little p.i.s.sed off and she says, "How about being known as the man that was brave enough to step forward and help other victims? I believe we call those guys heroes."

I snicker and say, "Really, a hero for being raped?"

"No jacka.s.s, a hero for helping other people move forward without shame." I look at her and squeeze her face.

"That's why I love you so much, you've always made me a better man. Let's see what I can do." Lyrics leans over and kisses my cheek.

"I'm sure this is going to be insane for a while with the tabloids, but it'll blow over soon. I'm sure some dumba.s.s celebrity will do something that makes everybody forget about this whole thing."

I laugh and say, "Yep, that's true. We can handle this no problem."

As we pulled onto our street, neither of us knew what to expect. To our pleasant surprise, the street is quiet and reporter-less. A sigh of relief escapes both of us. We grab the bags of groceries and lug them into the kitchen. This is the first real shopping we've done since moving in. Actually, it's the first real shopping we've ever done. Normally, we pick up a couple things to munch on in between writing or after gigs.

I can't suppress my smile and Lyrics asks, "What's so funny, funny man?"

"Nothing, it's just, this is the first time we've actually shopped like adults that are actually adulting."

She paused and then smiled. "Wow, I feel so old now."

"Come on, Granny, let's get this put away before it spoils." She grabs my hands and puts them on her b.u.t.t.

"Does that feel like a Granny?"

I squeeze and say, "I'm not sure yet, let me keep checking." I grab her and sit her on the kitchen counter and slide between her dangling legs, hands still on her perfect a.s.s. "You know, there are some pretty hot Granny's out there."

She laughs and says, "That's true, look at Mom, she's hot."

I back up and say, "Gross, not her." Lyrics pulls me back in and my mouth falls right to her soft neck. I say, "One week from today, you will be Mrs. Staff."

She takes a deep breath in and says, "I can't believe it's actually happening."


"My dreams, they're all coming true." I pull her face into mine and kiss her soft, wet lips.

Right when our kiss is getting deeper and leading us further, we hear, "Ah yuck, I ate on that counter yesterday."

Lyrics pulls away and sarcastically says, "Sorry, Dad."

Anthony says, "It's okay this time, but eh, don't let it happen again." We all laugh. n.o.body mentions Jennifer at all, and it's nice.

Lyrics says, "We filled the fridge with real people food; we even bought some pasta."

Anthony says, "How about I make youse dinner tonight?"

I say, "Perfect."

Lyrics cuts me off and says, "Not tonight. I told Lorenzo that Tan and I were taking y'all out for some country dancing. In fact, we need to get you both fitted for boots and hats."

Anthony looks like he just saw a ghost. He says, "Did that moron agree to this?"

She says, "Not just agreed, he's excited for it."

Anthony shakes his head and says, "Yee haw."

I kiss Lyrics on top of her head and tell her to relax, I'm making breakfast.

She smiles and says, "Perfect, that Jacuzzi is calling my name."

I raise my eyebrow and say, "On second thought, is anybody really that hungry?"

As Anthony is walking away, he yells, "Yep, I am."

I slap Lyrics on her a.s.s and say, "Go enjoy, I'll just be in here slaving over the stove."

She smiles and says, "Sounds great."

I'm alone in the kitchen and it hits me like a ton of bricks. We made it through what easily could have ripped us apart. This woman, my best friend, my Lyrics is going to be my wife in one week. Every memory I have, she's there. The thought of what's to come is the most exciting feeling I've ever felt. We have money, a beautiful house to raise children in, a loving family, and each other. Life is better than I could have ever wished for.

Chapter 28.

'A new beginning to every ending.'

Lyrics I wake up in a panic. It's already Friday and tomorrow is the wedding. This whole time I've been casual about everything and now I'm having a flippin' heart attack. I wake Tanner and say, "Babe, I'm freaking the h.e.l.l out. Tomorrow is the wedding and I feel like I've forgotten something."

He smiles and says, "Both you and I will be there, and hopefully the Pastor. That's really all we need for the wedding, right?" I grab the pillow and slam it into his face. He swiftly flips me over and says, "Say sorry. Does the bride to be need a spanking?" I slowly shake my head yes. He chuckles and says, "Was that a yes?" What better to take my mind off this ridiculous panic attack than hot, nasty s.e.x with the s.e.xiest man alive? I slowly but clearly shake my head yes again. Without looking, I know his smile is big enough to stretch across Texas. He lifts my s.h.i.+rt up and drags my undies down to the middle of my thighs. He grabs a handful of my hair and tugs my head back. His hand is circling my cheek and he lets out a moan. He smacks my a.s.s and the sting makes me thrust. He pulls my hair a little harder and says, "Like that?"

I moan, "mmhmm." He smacks me again, a little harder and then again.

"G.o.d, your red a.s.s is so s.e.xy." Before I can say anything, he smacks it again. I need him in the worst way and now. This time he smacks my a.s.s hard and drags his finger between my wet folds, teasing me. He grabs my hips and lifts me up so that my face is on the bed and my red a.s.s is high up, impatiently awaiting his entrance. He pulls his boxers off and rubs my wetness on his thick head. He says, "You're so s.e.xy. Do you want me now?" I don't say anything, but I press myself against him, silently begging for him to take me now. He says, "This may be the last time I f.u.c.k Dylan Brooks so I want it to be memorable."

I turn my head and say, "Well this is the last time I'll be getting f.u.c.ked as Dylan Brooks, so you better make it memorable." He flashes me a smile that sends b.u.t.terflies throughout my stomach. He reaches around my waist and flips me over so we are facing each other.

"That's better." He dips down and puts one of my legs on each of his shoulders and lets out a growl when he presses against me. He says with a s.e.xy tone, "Are you ready for me, Ms. Brooks?"

"I am, Mr. Staff."

He grabs my hips and slowly enters me, forcing moans from both of us. As he leans down to my face, one of my legs falls off his shoulder and his lips crash onto mine. The way he grabs my lip with his teeth drives me crazy. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him tightly against my body. The mere thought of becoming my lifelong love's bride tomorrow makes this time different from all the rest. This man is going to be my husband!

He puts his hand on my face and says, "I love you, my Lyrics." My heart feels like it stops and I soak in his words. His rhythm picks up in pace and his beautiful body is one with mine. I can feel my body tighten up, getting ready to explode when his phone rings and scares the h.e.l.l of out us. He ignores it and says, "I want you to c.u.m for me baby, please." He continues with a hard rhythm and leaves me no other option but to explode. He grabs my hips and in turn explodes inside me. Although we both want to lie here and hold each other, it is the day before the wedding, which means he has to go pick Chip up from the airport and I have to wait here for the family to arrive.

Before Tanner gets out the door, he turns to me and says, "Oh yeah, I booked a suit at the Four Seasons for you and the ladies." I'm shocked.


He smiles and says, "Babe, it's bad luck for us to see each other the night before you become my wife. Plus, it'll be nice for you and the ladies to be pampered, and y'all will be pampered." I jump up and down like a total nerd and leap into his arms.

"Thank you, babe! What are y'all gonna do?"

"Maybe go shoot some pool, get some drinks. I don't really care to do anything but Brent has a.s.sumed the duty as the best man to take us somewhere."

I smile and say, "Sounds like a blast, just go and have fun. You haven't ever been to a bar with your big brother. It'll be great."

He laughs and says, "I think he just wants to get out."

"Probably, but even still, it'll be fun. What time do we need to be at the hotel? My dress is arriving around noonish today and everything else is being delivered tomorrow."

"When you get your dress and all the ladies are here, head over to the hotel. Chauncy is coming in tonight and agreed to babysit the kids."

My eyebrow raises and I ask, "Really? Chauncy doesn't seem like a kid-watching person." He laughs and says, "I know, it's hysterical." He pulls me in and gives me a kiss and then says, "I gotta jet, don't want to leave Chip waiting too long." I smack his a.s.s and say, "Go get 'em, tiger."

As I walk back toward my room, I see Anthony down the hall. I say, "Mornin cowboy!"

He shakes his head and says, "Too early."

I laugh and say, "Y'all really picked up on line dancing. I mean, you can really boot scoot and boogie." He laughs as he closes the bathroom door. Boredom is turning into panic and panic is not what I want right now. I pull out my list of wedding musts and go over it again. The dress is being delivered in a couple of hours, the chairs and tables are being delivered and set up tomorrow at around eleven, flowers at two-ish, and catering at fourish. I don't know why so many women freak out over their weddings, this has been a piece of cake. I guess anything is a piece of cake compared to what we just went through. Oh, my flippin' h.e.l.l! I completely forgot about a photographer and DJ! Panic sets in and it has its nails clawed deep!

I call Tanner and as soon as he picks up, I say, "I didn't get a photographer or a DJ. The wedding is tomorrow. What in the h.e.l.l are we gonna do?" He laughs, which irritates me. "Seriously, what in the h.e.l.l are we gonna do?"

I hear him say, "Chip, you didn't happen to bring your camera with you, did you?"

Chips words fall like satin on my ears, "Of course, I did and I'd be honored to step in the role of your wedding photographer." I jump up and down and tell Tan to put Chip on the phone.

Tanner says, "He can hear you from here."

I say loudly, "I love you Chip! Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Chip yells back, "You're welcome my dear. It's my pleasure. Let's just hope the natural lighting cooperates tomorrow. It's not a hard task to make you two look good."

"Okay, now we just need a DJ."

Tanner says, "Babe, call up Bobby at Cowboy's and ask him for the number to their DJ. He'll give it to you, no problem."

"Great idea. See, you aren't just a pretty face." I hear Chip laugh in the background.

I look at the time and think it's too early for Bobby to be in yet, but I give it a try anyway. He answers after about ten rings. "Cowboy's, this is Bobby."

Frantically, I say, "Bobby, this is Dylan, with ugh Tanner and Dylan."

"What's up girl? Little early, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. Listen, I'm the worst wedding planner ever and forgot to book a DJ for our wedding tomorrow."

He interrupts me and says, "Y'all are getting married tomorrow? Well, it's about d.a.m.n time! Congratulations but what do you want from me?"

I begin to pace and say, "Is there any chance you'd give me the number to your DJ or one that you know?"

He quickly says, "Tomorrow is DJ night here so you can't have mine, but call Stoney at 512-555-1212. I spoke with him yesterday and I'm pretty sure he's available."

"Oh yeah, we really like Stoney. We owe you big time!"

He quickly says, "Girl, y'all have been great to me. You owe me nothing. Although, I'm a little hurt I didn't get an invitation."

I feel like a giant a.s.s. "We'd love for you to come. This whole wedding was sort of thrown together quickly and I dropped the ball, sorry. Seriously, we'd both love it if you could come."

"Girl, I've got this bar to run, you know I can't make it."

I laugh and say, "You're a funny guy, Bobby. Thanks a bunch for Stoney's number."

"I'm truly happy for y'all, you are one of the few that'll make that crazy marriage thing work."

Thank you, that means a bunch to us."

I call Stoney and it's clear that I've woken him up. He's barely understandable but I don't have any time to waste so I say, "Sorry for my early call, but Bobby told me to call you about being our DJ tomorrow for our wedding."

He slurs, "Who is this?"

"It's Dylan Brooks, of Tanner and Dylan."

"Well h.e.l.lo pretty lady. Now, what do you want?"

I smile and say, "I completely forgot to book a DJ for our wedding tomorrow and Bobby thought you may be available."

"b.u.mmer, you're getting married, guess I shouldn't ask you out then. Okay, so you need me to DJ tomorrow at what time?"

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Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 16 summary

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