Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 9

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"Why don't I call Chip and ask him for one of the designer's number and you can call that person and tell them exactly what you want? Personally, I know that you will take my breath away in any dress you pick. Besides, the dress will look best when it's lying on the floor and your naked body is in front of me."

She laughs and says, "Well, Mr. Staff, are you suggesting I walk down the aisle naked?"

"Yes, ma'am, that is exactly how I want to marry you." We both laugh and I say, "No, baby, I just want you to have the exact dress you want." It's getting hard for me to keep quiet about the house so I tell her I'll call her later.

"I love you, always have and always will," she says.

I quickly say, "I'm counting on it."

Chapter 16.

'Through ups and downs, the sun still s.h.i.+nes.'

Lyrics "Mom, Tan gave me the number to a designer that Chip has worked with and she says she can make the dress I want."

Mom grabs a pen and paper and says, "Write it down here, so when you speak to her you won't forget." I take the paper and sit there blank.

Mom takes the pen and paper from me and says, "I'll write honey, you talk." I look at her and she smiles. She says, "Okay, let's start with the length. Do you want a long train?"

"s.h.i.+t, I don't know. What do you think?" Mom rattles off a whole list of things and draws out the dress that she thinks is totally me. I look at it and say, "Seriously mom? This is perfect. Exactly what was in my mind, you just put to life!"

She puts her hand on mine and says, "Mom's know best." For a moment, I really miss my mother, but quickly realize that I am so lucky to have the Mom right next to me. My dress will have thin straps with rhinestones and the front shapes into a s.e.xy but not s.l.u.tty V-neck. The whole top is filled with bling, the elegant kind not the big ugly kind, and the bottom flares out nicely into a medium length train, with some more nicely placed bling. I called the designer and she is flying into Austin next week to take my measurements. I can't believe this is happening.

I lean over and kiss Mom on the cheek, "Thank you so much, Mom. You are the best mom a girl could ask for."

Her eyes tear up and she says, "Oh, baby girl, I know you'd rather your mom here, but I am just so honored to have you as my daughter. The fact that you're marrying Tan makes it that much better. You've always been my girl, but now it's going to be legal and I'm just so happy." Oh c.r.a.p, here come the tears! She gives me a big hug, wipes her eyes and says, "I'm gonna get dinner going now."

"Do you mind if I write for a bit?"

"Not at all, I was wondering when I would see some new material." I smile and grab the paper and pen.

I'm sitting on this porch swing; the same one I've shared with Tanner since we were just teenagers. The cus.h.i.+ons are worn perfectly for me and my feet curl up just right. The word destiny keeps rolling through my thoughts. What Mom said inside about wis.h.i.+ng my real mom was here, made me think about how different my life would have been. Would I have ever met Tanner? Instead of calling her Mom, I'd be calling her Mrs. Staff. Too weird to even think about. Destiny. This is definitely my destiny.

I begin writing and the words flow as if they have been waiting to be heard. For the first time, I hear the song in my voice. When I write, it is normally Tanner's voice I hear when I imagine it being performed. Wow, I wonder if this means I'm supposed to sing it? I've never performed by myself and just the thought scares the p.i.s.s out of me. It's scary enough writing and singing with Tanner, but by myself, oh h.e.l.l, that is terrifying. I spend another hour or so cleaning it up and I go inside and ask Mom to listen to me sing this song and tell me what she thinks. I know she'll give an honest opinion as she has many times before. She finishes was.h.i.+ng her hands, grabs a paper towel and heads to the living room.

She plops down on the couch and says with excitement, "I'm ready!"

I grab the guitar and prop the paper up in front of me. I'm nervous and it's just Mom. G.o.d help me if I ever sing this in front of a crowd. I take a deep breath in and say, "Okay, here it goes. Remember, please be honest." Mom rolls her hand at me like, get going chicken a.s.s.

Seems lately we've been up and down and all around I've crumbled so many times, without a sound.

n.o.body's promised a road without twists and turns But it's you my love for which my heart continues to burn.

Chorus Happiness don't always come around that easy Life ain't just about pleasing me.

As long as I still know you're mine Through up's and down's, the sun still s.h.i.+nes. (End chorus) Life's sense of humor sometimes ain't all that funny Misery finds all, even people with money But you and I, we've got this, you hear me Like leaves that grow back on a bare tree Chorus Happiness don't always come around that easy Life ain't just about pleasing me.

As long as I still know you're mine Through up's and down's, the sun still s.h.i.+nes. (End chorus) With you by my side on this wild ride There'll always be a pep in my stride.

Chorus Happiness don't always come around that easy Life ain't all about pleasing me.

As long as I still know you're mine Through up's and down's, the sun still s.h.i.+nes. (End chorus) Mom sits there quietly which makes me nervous as h.e.l.l, and then she says, "Dylan, honey, that is going to be a huge hit! I absolutely love it, and you sing like an angel."

I look at her with a c.o.c.ked eye and say, "Don't just blow smoke, Mom."

"In all these years, have I ever lied to you?" She has a point. She's been honest with me always, even when it was something I didn't want to hear.

I call Tan but his machine picks up. I text him, "Babe, I have a new song! Mom loved it. Hope you do too."

A few minutes pa.s.s and then he texts me back. "Can't wait to hear it. I'll call you in just a few. Love you"

I text, "I love you." Hope he doesn't think I'm edging him out, but this song has my voice all over it. I'm sure he will be stoked that I'm actually willing to sing it.

When we were about fifteen or so, I wrote a song and he got so mad at me because I wouldn't sing it. I kept telling him that I wrote it for him to sing, not me. He would tell me what a beautiful voice I had and how I needed to drop the shy s.h.i.+t and get up on stage. Even now, the only time I've been on stage is when he is up there with me, taking the lead. After all, the girls do love him and the guys totally want to be him.

I tell Mom that I'm going to go home and surprise Tanner.

"Well, Sophia was going to come over in a bit, but it's fine if you need to leave." I smile and ignore the thick layer of guilt.

"We will come up next week. Are you sure you don't mind if I leave?"

She pulls me in to a hug and says, "Of course I don't want you to leave, but I am okay with it." I give her a hug, grab my bag and head back home, to my man. Being away from him for so long and with what happened, I have found myself getting very anxious when I'm away for too long.

Chapter 17.

'Today we start our new beginning.'

Tanner Who knew we collected this much s.h.i.+t? I got my apartment almost packed but packing Lyric's apartment seems like it's taking forever. Maybe if I didn't feel the need to reminisce over each picture, it'd go a h.e.l.l of a lot faster. She's coming home tomorrow and I want to have everything packed. I booked a room at the Four Seasons hotel for tomorrow so she doesn't see all these boxes and ruin the new house surprise.

A knock on the door makes me jump. I put down the gla.s.s I was wrapping and peek to see who it is. It's Tyler. I open the door and say, "What's up man? Come in." He looks around and I say, "She's at my mom's until tomorrow, you know, wedding planning." I had to throw that in there, just a little dig I guess.

"Y'all moving or what?" he asks.

I hesitate for a moment and then say, "Actually, I bought a house on the lake yesterday. She doesn't know yet, it's a surprise. We'll get the keys on" Tyler raises his eyebrows and continues to scope the bare apartment out.

He gives half a smile and says, "d.a.m.n, that's awesome dude. I'm happy for you two. Really, I am. So, when's the house-warming party? Need a band?"

I laugh and say, "h.e.l.l yeah! Check it out, the house was Don Henley's house."

"No f.u.c.king way! That's incredible."

I excitedly say, "It has a recording studio in it, fully ready to go. If y'all want to use it, you are welcome to it."

He shakes his head and says, "Bad a.s.s, dude. We'll for sure take you up on that." There's an awkward silence and he says, "So, y'all doing okay though?" I pause for a moment thinking, this is the most amount of conversation I've had with him in the two years I've known him. I say, "We are actually. I can't believe I ever doubted staying with her, I mean, not that I wanted to leave her, but for her own good. That woman has been there for me since we were thirteen years old, and she never let me down once. Look dude, I know you wanted a shot with her, and I don't blame you. She's f.u.c.king perfect in every way. If it weren't for me, y'all would probably be together, but she's truly my better half. You'll find somebody that is perfect for you. As much as I hate to admit it, you're a great guy, and apparently good looking, too. I guess I'm saying thanks for being there for her when I wasn't. That means a lot dude, I won't forget it."

Tyler smiles and says, "You're a lucky man, Tanner. I always knew I didn't stand a chance with Dylan as long as you were in the picture. I'm fine with just being friends though, with both of you." He stretches out his hand to shake mine. I shake his hand and he says, "Let me know if you need help moving."

I smile and say, "I hired movers, but thanks for the offer. That modeling s.h.i.+t was good for something at least." He gives a nod and then leaves.

I look at the clock and it's almost six o'clock. I realize that I haven't spoken with Lyrics in about four hours. I call her and the machine picks up. I quickly hang up and text her.

"Hey gorgeous, making sure you are okay."

I get a text back, "I am. I'll talk to you in a bit. Love you"

I text, "K, love you too." That's kind of weird, guess she must be busy with mom or Sophia.

Looking at this apartment and all the boxes makes me think back to when we moved to Austin. I tried to convince Lyrics to share a two-bedroom apartment with me, to save her money, but she refused.

She said, "No way, you're too much of a s.l.u.t to be roomies with." She always made me laugh with the sarcastic blunt way she had of telling me what's what. She was right, I was a s.l.u.t. Looking back, that must have broken her heart seeing me with all those girls. I really didn't like seeing her with other guys either. She was far from a s.l.u.t, but when she'd go on a date or start getting serious with a guy, I would tend to make up reasons for her to be with me. We were together every day anyway, but I would make sure the guy knew she was my best friend. Never really thought about it but I was acting like a jealous boyfriend even then. Strange that it never dawned on me until right now. I don't think anybody will be surprised to learn that she and I are getting married. We spent our whole friends.h.i.+p defending the accusations of us being a couple, and look at us now, a couple.

Everything is packed, except the bare essentials. I hear footsteps coming toward the door and hope it's not Tyler again. When I hear a key go into the lock, I hop up and dart into the living room. Lyrics is standing in the door way with her jaw completely hanging open. Her eyes are bulging out and she appears to be speechless. Not sure what to say or do, so I yell, "Surprise!" Why I yelled that, I have not one clue.

She tries to absorb the situation and stutters, "What's going on here? Why is my apartment packed up? Did I get kicked out?"

I laugh and say, "You are home early. I actually have a surprise for you but it's not ready until" She looks at me like I've lost my marbles. "Dylan Brooks, even though you f.u.c.ked up my surprise, I am so glad you are here. So, I did something kind of huge."

"What? What did you do?"

I put down the tape and give her a kiss on those soft, pouty lips, and tell her, "C'mon, I'd rather just show you." She looks nervous and I find myself extremely giddy at this point.

When she sees the lake, she asks, "Did you get us a new apartment?"

I smile and say, "Maybe? Or maybe not!"

"Yep, that's it! You know you can't keep a secret from me, I know you all too well." This is way too much fun messing with her.

I look at her and say, "Yep, there's no surprising you. No more questions, please."

She looks at me and says, "You are so s.e.xy when you are demanding."

I put my hand on her thigh and say, "There's more where that came from, just wait." The s.e.xy smile she flashes me makes me want to pull over and f.u.c.k her senseless, right now. When I pull into the neighborhood, confusion rushes over her face. She doesn't know what to think anymore and my stomach is dancing with b.u.t.terflies.

I drive by our new house and she says, "Oh s.h.i.+t, did you see that house with the music notes out of bushes? We should totally do that when we get a house." Opportunity just knocked.

"You like that?"

"Heck yeah, that is awesome."

I thread my hand in her hand and say, "Okay, it's yours!" I turn the car around and pull up in the driveway.

"What the holy f.u.c.k do you mean?"

I smile and say, "Surprise! This is ours baby. I bought it the day you went to Beaumont. I didn't look upstairs or at the master bedroom though. I wanted to wait for you before I saw the whole thing." She is stunned. I say, "We will get the keys on, but do you wanna see your new backyard?"

"Tan, if you are f.u.c.king with me, this isn't cool."

I run my fingers down the side of her cheek and say, "I want to f.u.c.k you, yes, but I'm not f.u.c.king with you. This is all ours. I wrote a check for 1.7 million dollars and we f.u.c.king own this beauty! Man, I was dying to tell you, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise." She hops out of the car and jumps up and down like a kid on Christmas morning, yelling for me to get out and show her. As quickly as I can, I get out of the car and run around to where she is. I take her hand and lead her to the backyard. It's completely dark outside now so it's hard to see anything. She's looking around trying to see as much as she can. We both have our phone flashlights on and she sees the outdoor kitchen and runs over to it. There's a big stainless steel bbq, a sink, granite countertops, a kegerator, mini fridge, and what appears to be a few cabinets. She s.h.i.+nes the light back on the pool and sees the treble sign at the bottom of the pool.

Her jaw drops as she looks at me and says, "This is ours, really?"

I smile and say, "Yes ma'am, it is all ours. Well, it's ours. Oh, and this house just happened to belong to none other than Mr. Don Henley himself."

"From the Eagles?" I shake my head yes. She excitedly yells, "We got Don Henley's house! Don f.u.c.king Henley!" I can't help but laugh. We walk to the edge of the yard, where the dock is and the moon is reflecting off the water in a majestic way. She pulls me to the edge of the dock and sits down, pulling me down with her. Our feet are dangling off, just like we used to do when we'd go on our family summer trips. I place my arm around her and she automatically lays her head on my shoulder. Seems like every memory I have, this woman is part of.

I remember Tani told me that they kept the heater on for the pool. I stand up and reach for Lyric's hand. She stands up and I lead her back to the pool. I reach down to make sure the water is warm, and it is. I run my hand through her hair and softly kiss her neck. She looks around and realizes that the neighbors on either side have no view into our yard. I peel off my sweats.h.i.+rt and t-s.h.i.+rt and nod for her to do the same. She looks at me c.o.c.keyed and I say, "What? You chicken?" She snickers and peels off all her clothes and jumps in the pool. She's completely bad a.s.s. When I glance at her in the water as I'm taking off my pants and boxers, my breath is taken away from the way the moonlight is dancing on her beautiful face.

She sarcastically asks, "Who's the chicken now?" It's freezing tonight! I quickly dive into the warm pool and swim up to Lyrics. I cradle her naked body in my arms and she wraps her arms around me like I'm her salvation. The fact is that she's mine. I carry her over to the steps of the pool and make sure that she's warm enough. She puts her hands on my face and looks directly in my eyes as she says, "Thank you." That's it, I can't hold out any longer. My desire to take her right here overcomes me. Pulling her head to mine, I take owners.h.i.+p of her mouth. Her long legs wrap around my body and the water s.p.a.ce closes fast. Her mouth drags from mine down my chest, as she reaches down and grabs my engorged c.o.c.k. Her grip is strong and the rhythm she's got going is f.u.c.king insane. If I don't stop her now, she's gonna make me come. I grab the back of her hair into a ponytail and lay her back against the steps. Keeping her hair in my hand, her body floats up as I press two fingers into her noticeably ready p.u.s.s.y. My breath escapes me as she moans with a low purr. The deeper my fingers go, the more she bucks against my hand. She says with sporadic breathing, "I want you inside me, now. You're gonna make me come and I want you inside me when I do." Who could argue with that? She throws her arms behind her head and grabs the side of the pool. I spread her legs with my arms and my c.o.c.k finds the inside of her without flaw. The warm water, warm p.u.s.s.y, and cold night air is driving my body crazy. Her hands squeezing the edge, trying to hold on for dear life is so f.u.c.king s.e.xy. I grab her and she wraps herself around my body as I buck myself deeper in her. The sound of the water squis.h.i.+ng between us doesn't bother either of us. She squeezes tight against my body and between short breathes, she whispers, "Make me come baby, please don't stop." Stop? I couldn't even if I tried. Grabbing a hand full of her wet hair, I pull her head backward and bite her neck.

As I continue to f.u.c.k her, hard, I look into her eyes and in a low growl, I tell her, "Come on me. I want it baby, now." She lets out a loud moan and I feel an extremely warm gush wave over my c.o.c.k and her walls grab tight. I pull myself deeper in her and dig my fingers into her as I explode inside of her. Our bodies are molded as one and neither of us is in a rush to break away. I notice her staring at the house and I ask her what she's thinking about.

She says without a second thought, "Can you see our kids running around? Can you hear them playing? I can." I look at the house and I absolutely can see exactly what she just says. d.a.m.n, my eyes well up and I can't form the words so I nod yes. This feeling of pride comes over me and I wipe the tears that are falling. I wasn't expecting to be so emotional right now. Just a few months ago, I didn't think I'd be able to get through the s.h.i.+t I was going through and now, I'm wrapped around my best friend staring at our new house, imagining our children. G.o.d, I f.u.c.king love this woman.

Lyrics wipes my face and then hers and says, "We don't have any f.u.c.king towels." We both start laughing, harder and harder.

Chapter 18.

'When it rains, look for the rainbow.'

Lyrics I convinced Tanner to cancel his reservations at the Four Seasons because I wanted to stay at our apartment one last night. He told me that they wouldn't cancel it, so he called his mom and dad and told them to stay there, and then they could check out our new house on, too. They took all of three seconds to agree.

The moving company will be here tomorrow at ten a.m., so the real-estate lady needs to have our keys first thing in the morning. I'm excited to meet her, from what Tan has told me, she seems like a super fun lady. Five years we've been in these apartments. If Tan wasn't entertaining a s.k.a.n.k, he was at my apartment. We didn't spend too much time in his. It kind of grossed me out. We have made so many great memories in this place. The day we got the keys to our apartments, I gave him one to mine and he gave me one to his.

When he handed it to me, he said, "Make sure you knock first, I wouldn't want you walking in on me in a compromising position or anything."

I laughed and said, "Same goes for you."

He smirked and told me, "Yeah, sure. You aren't that type." I remember feeling like I wished sometimes I was that type, but he was right, I wasn't that type. I hated that he was, though. Even if he was banging some chick, he always ended up at my place after. So often, we'd stay up writing until the sun came up. Man, we've made so many great songs here. Now, it's reduced to a load of boxes. The new house is ma.s.sive, all the stuff we have will only fill about two rooms. Tanner told me we have a lot of shopping to do, which doesn't excite me in the slightest bit. He and I shopping together is like taking turns poking each other with a hot stick in the eye.

Tanner walks into the living room and comes up behind me, puts his arms around me and asks, "Ready for this?"

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Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 9 summary

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