The Lawson Brothers: Love So Perfect Part 9

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He cupped her chin and tipped it up. "I'm sorry for making you feel that way. It wasn't my intention."

Her lips parted. "You are?"

Nodding, he let go of her chin and caressed the side of her face. "Yeah."

"Then I'm sorry for getting unreasonably upset. I shouldn't expect an invitation to a party from you. I'm not sure what's wrong with me," she finished.

Austin leaned in, dipping his head so that his lips touched her ear. "You were missing me."

"Was not," she protested.

His teeth grasped her lobe, sending sparks of desire straight to her core. "Missing my kisses."

Well, he did have a point there, but to admit that to someone so dang not happening. "Maybe a little." She inwardly groaned. Self-control was not in her vocabulary when it came to him.

"How about we have a party tonight?" He kissed the side of her neck and she s.h.i.+vered, tipping her head to one side to give him better access. "Just the two of us."

"It's a school night."

"Even better. I promise to get you home on time, Ms. Bell." His voice was deep, hypnotizing as he spoke. "You don't have to change. h.e.l.l, you don't have to drive. Just put that sweet a.s.s of yours back in my truck, and we can get started."

One of his big hands reached around to her to grab a b.u.t.t cheek and squeeze. She let out a strangled moan.

"Say yes, sweetheart. I'll do you right this time."

Do her right-what did that mean? She knew what she wanted it to mean. New year, new her.

Swaying at little, she grabbed onto him and whispered, "Come inside."

He shut the door behind them with his free hand. As soon as she heard the click, she pushed him against the door, searching for his mouth and tugging at the hem of his s.h.i.+rt with frantic movements.

"Easy, baby. I'm right here." Lifting her without effort, he fused his mouth to hers and began to walk across her floor. The taste of him was intoxicating, addictive, just like before.

She sank her fingers into his hair and deepened their kiss. Her b.u.t.t hit the side of the sofa, and then he lifted her a little higher so she could sit on the arm. Breaking their kiss, he used one hand to pull his s.h.i.+rt up and over his head in that way only men could do.

At the sight of his sculpted chest, a dreamy sigh left her mouth before she could stop it. He smiled wickedly at her. "Your turn."

"Not yet." Keeping her eyes on his, she leaned forward and licked his nipple. "I want to taste you."

His eyes closed briefly before opening back. "Whatever you want."

She moved to his other nipple, nibbling on it as her hands roamed his hard body. her fingernails across his skin, she smiled as he groaned and his body shook. There was something very heady about making a man like him come undone with only her mouth and hands.

"But you've got about two minutes before it's my turn."

"Maybe longer."

He grabbed her ponytail and tugged on it until she was forced to look up at him. "Two minutes is all I'll allow."

"Will you bench me if I don't follow your rules?" There was something about him that made her inner vixen come out and play. For almost two hundred years, Lawson men and McCoy women had avoided one anther like the plague, but now it seemed that things were changing. For the better.

Or for the worse if he breaks your heart.

She brushed away that dark thought and concentrated on the half-naked man standing in front of her, looking every bit a dedicated athlete. Men like Austin had to be the reason the Olympics started out with nude partic.i.p.ants. Who wouldn't want to look at them?

"Nah, I'd put you over my knee though. Spank your bare a.s.s until it was nice and pink."

"Oh my." Her mouth dropped a little, and heat flooded her body even more. She was pretty sure she needed to change her panties, but she was just as sure she wouldn't be wearing them very soon.

He bit the side of his lip, and it was one of the s.e.xiest things she'd ever seen a man do in her life. "d.a.m.n if I don't want you."

Reluctantly, she stopped touching him. He let go of her hair, and she began to take off her top.

His hand on her shoulder stopped her. "Stop." Getting down on his knees, he pulled her s.h.i.+rt back down. "We need to stop. I don't have protection with me. I didn't set out to seduce you, just to talk to you. I needed to see you. Hear your voice. Kiss you." Visibly swallowing, he swore. "There's something going on here... Not sure what it is, but it's... not casual."

Lord. The things he said to her. "I'm glad."

He framed her face with his hands. "I'm serious. I don't want to hurt you."

"Then don't."

His hands traveled from her face to her shoulders, and then skimmed her arms. "So d.a.m.n soft." He gripped her hips, leaning in to press his nose against one of her thighs. "f.u.c.k. You smell good."

She ran her hands over his impossibly wide shoulders. "So do you."

Lifting his head slightly, he peered up at her, a devilish glint in his eyes. "Lift up your sweet a.s.s."

Doing as he asked, she soon found herself with leggings or panties. He'd taken off both in one swift movement. Wrapping one arm around her hips, he pulled her toward him, leaving her teetering on the edge of the sofa arm.

But it also put her at the perfect height with his mouth. "Are you going to...?"

"h.e.l.l yes I am." His head dipped once more, and his tongue searched through the thin, wet strip of curls, finding her c.l.i.t with ease. Pleasure surged inside of her like high tide during a hurricane.

"Mmm. Better than I imagined," he murmured, his breath hot against her She had no time to think, no time to do anything at all besides grab his head and hold on for dear life as he licked her. He took the time to tell her good she tasted, how turned on he was by the sight of that landing strip... how he couldn't wait for her to come on his tongue.

"Stop talking so much," she gasped as he swept his tongue over her again.

With a grin, he pulled her off the couch and onto his face as he sank onto the floor. "Much better." When he shoved his tongue inside of her, she nearly fell over.

Panting, she could barely say anything. Her heart pounded, and her body didn't feel like it was hers anymore. "I want you inside of me."

His answer was to replace his tongue with his fingers and suck on her c.l.i.t. In what seemed like seconds, she came apart, screaming his name so loud that Libby started running toward them.

"Go... lay down. It's okay," she managed to gasp, feeling foolish.

Libby turned around and headed back to Harper's bedroom, the dog's favorite room to lie down in after long walks.

Rolling to one side, she stared up at the ceiling. "That was amazing." She'd never felt that good in her life. Never.

Austin appeared in her line of vision, a s.e.xy face hovering above her as he grinned. "Want to do it again?"

"What about you?" she asked.

He kissed her slowly, thoroughly, pressing his body against hers. She could taste herself on his tongue, and it only made her want him even more.

"Figured you could help me out, too," he said, breaking their kiss.

Suddenly, her leg began to vibrate and play music. No, not her leg. His. "Your thigh's ringing."

"d.a.m.n it. Work. I have to answer it."

She touched his face, smoothing the pads of her fingers over his lightly bearded jaw. "I understand."

"Thank you." Letting out a frustrated puff of air, he rolled to one side and answered his phone. "Lawson." He sat up straighter, his brows cras.h.i.+ng together. "What? Son of a b.i.t.c.h. No, I didn't say that, and no, I'm not searching for a new team."

This was not a conversation she needed to hear. She lightly patted his thigh and whispered, "Going to the bathroom. Be back."

He nodded. Pulling her to him, he kissed her hard before murmuring, "We're not done."

Bemused and slightly off-kilter, she grabbed her leggings and panties before hightailing it to her room.

Holy crud.

What had just happened? Beyond the obvious, of course.

After was.h.i.+ng up in her bathroom, she put on clean panties and a different pair of leggings.

"You can tell the Kryzowskis to go to h.e.l.l," she heard Austin say. "I'm not playing for them."

There was a pause.

"Then add a bless your heart to it, Finley, if you're that worried. I don't give a d.a.m.n how it sounds."

Harper let out a thick sigh and flopped back on her bed. Libby jumped on and curled up next to her. "I think he needs some privacy a little bit longer."

Libby thumped her tail.

"You're such a good girl," Harper crooned.

Exhaustion hit her. She hadn't slept all that well last night. With an early morning, followed by walking Libby all around downtown Jessamine... and the mind-blowing o.r.g.a.s.m Austin had given her, she was plumb tired.

Her eyes grew heavy even as she rubbed Libby's head and listened to the low rumble of Austin's voice. She liked the sound, especially in her house. Most of the time, it was just her and it was quiet.

A homebody by nature, she tended to stay in instead of going out. Even in college, she'd been the one who always volunteered to be the designated driver, except she'd wait in her dorm room instead of going out along with the partiers. Plus, she'd always had a good time with her parents on trips and when she came home during semester breaks.

Yet, she knew that wasn't just because of her nature. The Bells made just enough money to disqualify Harper for any kind of grants, and the money her parents had put aside to pay for her education had only covered the first two yeas of college-not that she was ungrateful. Not at all.

However, a lack of finances had forced her to get student loans to cover the rest of college, along with two part-time jobs. She was still paying back those loans with a second job in real estate during the summer. It kept her busy, so busy that she barely had time for a personal life. Since her parents had always come first, she did make time for them... at her own personal cost, but they had made so many sacrifices because of her.

In her most private, deepest, darkest thoughts, she wondered if her parents would have gotten married at all if it hadn't been for her. It was why she kept her nose clean, kept out of serious or casual relations.h.i.+ps, and led a life mostly devoid of male interaction.

In fact, that had been the driving force behind making good grades and keeping out of trouble in high school and college. There was no way she could disappoint them by doing something so stupid as to give in to her impulses and possibly get pregnant. Until Austin, she'd never met a man who made her not only want to give in, but also throw all caution to the wind.

What would her parents say if they knew-not that she would give them insider knowledge of her private life-that she'd become involved with Austin. A man she knew had no intention of settling down for years at least.

However, since her parents had recently started traveling during their retirement years, it was unlikely they would find out any time soon. Their prolonged absences were the fuel behind the extra guilt, and even more of a reason to go to the stupid monthly McCoy luncheon with her mother. Yet what more of an excuse did she need to start spreading her wings, socially at least?

Growing up as an only child, she'd always been secure in her parents' love, a.s.sured that she was the center of their world. Perhaps that had been a bad thing, since she yearned with everything inside of her to be the center of someone else's.

Someone like Austin.

Except she was more than a little afraid that if she spread her wings with him, she was more likely than not bound to fall hard before she even flew.

Too weary to think anymore-emotionally and physically, she finally allowed her eyes to close.

Chapter Seven.

Austin leaned against the doorway of Harper's room, his arms tucked into his pockets as he watched her sleep. Light spilled in from the hall behind him, bathing her in a soft glow. She was all curled up with her dog right beside her.

He could spend the entire night staring at her, at the way her hair spread out over the pale pillows. Her lips were parted, her chest gently rising and falling with each breath. In his head, how peacefully she slept spoke to how much she already trusted him to keep her safe.

He rubbed a hand over his jaw, over the fast-growing beard that he liked to sport during the winter months. It wasn't a superst.i.tious football thing. Fact was, he could grow a beard better than any of his brothers. They were all jealous, even Adam, who normally didn't have a covetous bone in his body.

Harper stirred a little, making small noises as she curled into a tighter ball. He entered her room, grabbing the small blanket at the end of the bed and pulling it over her. She sighed deeply, as if he'd done the most perfect thing for her.

A sense of peace stole over him. He liked being the one to take care of her needs, especially when it came to f.u.c.k him sideways, but she was the most beautiful, most erotic thing he'd ever seen when she'd come all over his face.

"What am I going to do about you?" He was in over his head, and he knew it. While it wasn't the first time he'd taken on more than he could chew, it was the first time he could hurt another person. Usually, he tackled life like he had football. Full force and full steam ahead. No looking back. No second-guessing.

Unfortunately, he'd applied his outlook on life to a woman who was firmly entrenched in Jessamine. Her family was here, as was her career. Even if he was the marrying kind at this point, he couldn't leave Charlotte and he wouldn't expect her to leave Jessamine.

Libby's tail thumped against the bedcover, and he grinned. Trust her dog to answer.

"Want to go outside?" he asked in a loud whisper.

Libby jumped down from the bed and followed him to the back door, where he let her out. While he waited for Libby to do her thing, he considered his options.

He could text Harper, letting her know he'd taken care of Libby and that he'd see her tomorrow. Or... he could go a step further and take care of her as well by cooking dinner for them.

No expectations. No nothing.

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The Lawson Brothers: Love So Perfect Part 9 summary

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