The Last Riders: Winter's Touch Part 10

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"Is that a trick question?" Winter whimpered, almost ready to cry from wanting to come so badly. If he stopped, she would do it by herself.

"Answer the d.a.m.n question."

"You," she answered quickly, "even though I think you should get a tongue ring."

"I told you I would get a tongue ring when you pierced your p.u.s.s.y."

"I'm not getting my p.u.s.s.y pierced until I have a baby. Everyone in the delivery room would see it."

"Pretty girl, if you're having a baby, you're not going to care what anyone thinks."

"How would you know? When have you ever been in a delivery room?"

Surrounded by water, her mouth went dry. Did he have a child he had hidden from her?

"I saw several births when I was in the military." His face was becoming strained. Was her husband finally reaching his breaking point?

"Wouldn't you like to have a little girl?" she cajoled, ruthlessly hoping he was distracted.

"Another woman to watch out for? No one is worth losing you."

So much for distracting him.

"A son could watch out for me when you get too old," she wheedled.

"I'm not going to get old. I'm going to live forever."

"You're so stubborn. Maybe I'll kill you off, and Train will-"

"Train won't touch you if anything happens to me," Viper gloated. "That's why I picked Knox and then Train. Neither of them would expect to share your bed. They would protect you, without becoming a part of your life. I picked someone that will make sure you have a safe bed to sleep in without taking my place in it."

"So Train won't be fulfilling any s.e.xual needs I have after you're dead?"

"No, he has my permission to kill any man who comes near you."

"It's good to know I'm not the only one who's possessive." Winter felt the same way he did. No one could replace the man she had married, not in bed or out. "Can I please come now?" she begged.

"How long have we been f.u.c.king?"

"I don't know!" she wailed.

"I'm trying to break my record."

"Do you want to die? So help me G.o.d, if you don't let me come, I'm going to drown you."

"You would save me." He cupped her a.s.s, his fingers going to the crease while bouncing her on his d.i.c.k.

She hung on as he moved to the shallow end of the pool, sitting down on the top step and pulling her onto his lap.

"Afraid of drowning?" She took advantage of her opportunity, slamming herself down on his c.o.c.k. The force gave her the jolt she needed to climax. Her muscles tightened on his c.o.c.k.

His d.i.c.k was so hard she knew he hadn't come with her. Viper was going to break his record. She was just as determined he wouldn't. Thankfully, she knew the spark she needed to send him over his own edge.

She licked his chin, biting down. "Do you think Train's d.i.c.k was this hard when he licked me?"

"b.i.t.c.h." Viper's c.o.c.k began to jerk, as he could no longer hold off his climax. "I'm going to make you pay for that," he promised, taking her hand as they stepped out of the pool.

"There is no way I'm going to let you f.u.c.k me for three hours straight to break your record." Her legs were boneless as she tried to stand on the ground.

Her husband caught her up in his arms, carrying her to the sliding gla.s.s door.

She laid her head on his shoulder. "I should check on Aunt Shay and make sure she's okay," she mumbled tiredly.

He set her down on the bottom step of the stairs. "Stay here. I'll go." He went back outside then came in wearing his jeans and T-s.h.i.+rt. He dropped his boots by the front door. "I'll be right back."

Winter held on to the banister until she got the strength back in her legs. She expected him back within a couple of minutes, but when he didn't show, she grew worried.

Going to her aunt's bedroom door, she leaned against the wall outside of the bedroom, making sure Shay couldn't see her nude body. She saw her husband handing her aunt a piece of pie with a huge mound of whipped cream.

"Thank you, Viper. I hope I didn't disturb you when I heard you in the kitchen."

"Not at all. I was going to swipe me a piece of it, too. Can I get you anything else?"

"No. Thank you again."

"Anytime. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Viper."

"I love you," Winter told Viper when he came out.

"I love you." He swept her back into his arms. "You ready for bed?"

"Let's go get the whipped cream. Watching you take care of my aunt put me in the mood to break your record."


"Do you want me to just take off the ends, or do you want me to actually cut it?" s.e.x Piston asked. She had unwound Aunt Shay's bun, unraveling her gray hair down to her waist.

"Just a trim, thank you," Aunt Shay insisted, taking a sip of the wine Winter had set in front of her.

"Give her a refill." s.e.x Piston moved to Aunt Shay, putting a comb in her hair. "How old are you?"

Winter hurried to refill the wine gla.s.s, saying, "That's kind of a personal question."

"I don't mind answering," Aunt Shay spoke up. "I'm sixty-four."

"That hair makes you look ninety."

"You look beautiful," Winter rea.s.sured her aunt, sending s.e.x Piston a dirty glare.

"She's lying. You look as old as dog s.h.i.+t. If you let me cut and color your hair, you'll look fifteen years younger."

"You can do that?" Aunt Shay took a large sip of her wine, seeming to think, then said, "Do it."

Winter stared at her skeptically. "Don't think you have to do it. I know you like your hair long."

"Your uncle Dennis liked it long. It will be easier for me and Beth to manage if I become unable to care for myself."

"b.i.t.c.h." s.e.x Piston rolled her eyes when Winter shot her another telling glance. "You're only sixty-four, not ninety. My grandmother's not much younger than you, and she keeps busy going to the bingo hall and taking dance lessons."

"I used to love to dance," Aunt Shay said wistfully.

"By the time I'm done with you, the men in the cla.s.s will line up to be your partner." Before Aunt Shay could change her mind, s.e.x Piston started cutting.

"She already looks better." Killyama had made herself at home, sitting at the table with Crazy b.i.t.c.h. T.A. had taken her wine with her after she had said, "I've always wanted to see this big-a.s.s house," and Aunt Shay had given permission for her to give herself a tour.

"Beth said you're staying with your aunt until she's feeling better." Crazy b.i.t.c.h planted her a.s.s on the arm of a chair. "You ain't worried about what your man is getting up to without you?"

"No, because he's staying here with me. Viper goes to the club to get some work done during the morning then comes back here in the afternoon."

"She has a pool," T.A. said excitedly, obviously done with exploring the house. "Let's go swimming." Her eyes flew back and forth between her friends.

"Help yourself," Aunt Shay offered. "There are towels in the downstairs bathroom."

"Yippee! I could p.i.s.s myself. I've never swum in a private pool."

"Yes, you have. Remember when we spent the night at the Holiday Inn with the band that came to town to perform at the Polk Salad Festival?" Crazy b.i.t.c.h reminded her.

"It wasn't like this one. This one has a diving board!"

"I'm afraid I don't have any swimsuits," Aunt Shay commented.

T.A. waved off the suggestion of a swimsuit. "We don't need one. You have a big fence, and you only have one neighbor on the backside of it.

"That's Margaret Scott, she's visiting her daughter in Florida."

"Then no one will see." T.A. clapped her hands ecstatically. "Let's get naked!"

T.A., Killyama, and Crazy b.i.t.c.h laughingly carried the wine and outside.

"Go with them, dear. You don't have to stay and watch her do my hair." Aunt Shay tried to look through the window beside the table. Winter knew her aunt was worried about what the women would get into without an adult supervising the too-old-to-be-supervised adolescents.

"I'll slip on my suit if you're sure you don't want me to stay."

"She's sure." s.e.x Piston pointed Aunt Shay forward again to resume cutting her hair. "Get some sun. You're pale as that white wall."

"I'm going. Bring her outside when she's done. She could use some sun, too." Winter flipped s.e.x Piston off before moving around her aunt to leave the kitchen.

Winter changed into her suit then came downstairs, hearing the whoops and yells of the three women as she approached.

The sky didn't have a cloud in sight as Winter sat down on one of the lounge chairs, squirting her body with tanning lotion. She offered it to the other women who took turns applying it on each other's backs. The women had no modesty. Winter wanted to grab a towel to cover herself in front of the three women, yet none of them cared that they were nude.

T.A. and Crazy b.i.t.c.h stayed in the shallow end of the pool, splas.h.i.+ng and racing each other to the sides. Killyama lazily sat on the edge of the water, watching her friends.

Winter studied the woman behind her She didn't know why, but Killyama struck her as being lonely. She was always surrounded by the biker b.i.t.c.hes, but she seemed isolated from them. The protector of the group, she always watched the other women to see what they were doing. When s.e.x Piston was around, she always said what she thought. Fat Louise and T.A. did whatever s.e.x Piston told them to do, and Crazy b.i.t.c.h was the wild card; you never knew how she would react.

When Penni had been at the clubhouse the last time, she and Killyama had gotten into a fight. Everyone in the clubhouse knew Penni had a crush on Train, and they all knew he didn't reciprocate her feelings. Everyone also knew he had once had a one-day stand with Killyama, which she had gotten more out of than Train had. Penni and Killyama had come to blows, and Penni had dumped a pitcher of iced tea on Killyama's head. Killyama had moved with lethal swiftness, while any other woman would have taken a minute to react.

She texted Viper to tell him to stay at the clubhouse until s.e.x Piston and the b.i.t.c.hes left. She didn't want her husband getting an eyeful of the women. Either of Crazy b.i.t.c.h's b.r.e.a.s.t.s would make three of hers. T.A.'s were smaller, but not by much, and Killyama's body almost had her jealous instincts rising. She was sleek and feminine. She had a tattoo of a rose on her hip that Winter could see when she walked to the diving board.

Killyama stepped up to it gracefully, going to the edge. Her feet began bouncing the board as she raised her arms. Elegantly, she jumped into the air before coming down, diving cleanly into the water with barely a ripple. She came out of the water fluidly, swimming to the other women, who were lazily floating.

Killyama talked to them for a few minutes then gracefully lifted herself out of the pool. She walked to where Winter was sitting on the lounger.

"Crazy b.i.t.c.h and T.A. are out of wine." She took one of the large towels she had brought outside for them, wrapped it around her body and tucked it between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "You want something while I'm inside?"

"No, thanks. I have bottled water." Winter had never really cared for the taste of wine.

Killyama nodded, going inside.

Winter laid her head back on the lounger, feeling drowsy. She sleepily opened her eyes when Killyama returned with another bottle of wine.

She had intended on making sandwiches for everyone, but she dozed off before she could put the action in motion. It was the sound of clapping that had her waking up.

She saw Aunt Shay shyly standing by the pool as the women admired her new hairdo.

Winter couldn't believe her eyes and had to blink them several times to clear her vision. When she did, she sat up.

"You look fantastic, Aunt Shay."

s.e.x Piston had done a miraculous job on her. She had given her a more youthful appearance by coloring and adding in highlights, styling her hair to brush against her jawline.

Her aunt patted her hair, turning toward her. "You like it?"

"I love it."

One minute, she was rising from the lounger, and the next, she was staring up at the b.r.e.a.s.t.s hanging over her.

"Move, Crazy b.i.t.c.h. Let her have some air." s.e.x Piston's face appeared over her when the b.r.e.a.s.t.s moved away.

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The Last Riders: Winter's Touch Part 10 summary

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