Battle For Tristaine Part 11

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"I am, Bren."

She drew a deep breath. "Because I take this adonai stuff seriously. Because I'm in love for the fi rst and last time in my life.

And because the wife of an Amazon warrior watches her back. Is any part of that unclear at all?"

Jess swallowed.

Brenna smiled.

Tears fi lled Jess's eyes, and she dropped her arms in exasperation. "Well, s.h.i.+t."

"Jesstin. Amazon obscenities are so much better than Cit-"

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"What am I supposed to say to that?" Jess scrubbed her forearm across her eyes, then set her hands on her hips and studied the lake. "If Shann orders it, will you go?"

"No. Shann isn't my queen yet. I haven't taken the Amazon pledge of allegiance, or whatever."

"The what?"

"I'm staying with you, Jesstin."

Jess touched Brenna's face. "It rips me up, la.s.s, thinking of you getting hurt."

"Hah," Brenna said. "Welcome to my world, warrior! That's the same fear I feel for you every time you fi ght." She pressed Jess's hand to her cheek. "Jess, you know this is my decision."

"Aye, I do. You know I had to try."

"Aye, I do, la.s.sie." Brenna took Jess's arm and wound it through her own. "Walk on my right, please."

They started back down the trail leading to the village where the women, children, and warriors leaving in the fi rst wave had already begun to a.s.semble.


Tristaine's square thronged with women again, but this morning the activity was as orderly as it had been clamorous the night before. Perhaps some Amazons struggled with the same alcoholic aftermath that plagued Brenna, or, more likely, the sadness of the coming parting weighted their hearts. No singing or friendly shouts were heard in the effi cient a.s.sembly.

A long caravan of women and children was forming in the center of the village square. Brenna saw Patana, moving as stiffl y as Jess, barking orders at the warriors preparing to escort the fi rst party of refugees to the southern meadows. There was a new aroma in the air, strong but not unpleasant, and Brenna looked around for its source.

"Adanin, good morning!"

Brenna whirled and nearly fell into Jess, as Hakan rode up to them on a towering horse. Brenna gasped a curse that was certainly * 92 *

less creative than Amazon obscenities. "Don't you women ever get sick of sneaking up on people?"

"My apologies, Brenna." Hakan's teeth fl ashed in her ebony face, and the silver glyph webbing her high cheekbone s.h.i.+mmered.

"Jesstin, you found the dam sound?"

"It's been ably tended, sister. Well done." Jess shaded her eyes against the rising sun and rested her hand on the horse's muscular neck. "And how is Val?"

"Valkyrie thrives, thanks very much." With the touch of one knee, Hakan sent the mare erect, her iron-shod hooves pawing the air once before clattering down again. Brenna nervously nudged Jess back. This looming beast looked like the horses in her dreams.

"These things are huge. And beautiful." Brenna gathered her courage and squinted up at Hakan. "May I?"

"Go ahead, Brenna. She's gentle as a half-ton lamb." Hakan moved her mount closer, and Brenna stroked the powerful jaw.

Brenna grinned, surprised at its softness, like satin over steel.

During their climb to the dam, Jess had pointed out the pasture housing Tristaine's herd. The mustangs had looked mild and tame in the distance, cropping gra.s.s and puffi ng steam in the chill morning air. They all looked alike to Brenna, st.u.r.dy little beasts with fl axen manes and tails.

The huge horse before her was almost twice their size with a beautiful reddish gold coat and a white mane. The star on Valkyrie's forehead looked like a child had painted it, with white stripes dripping down from the lower points.

Jess nodded toward the caravan that gathered in the square.

"They look about set."

"Yes. And the second wave will a.s.semble at noon." Hakan patted her mount's neck. "I'm riding escort for the fi rst, as far as the pa.s.s. I'll be back by dusk."

"Need one more, for escort?" Jess eyed the horse hungrily, and Brenna knew she was itching to ride again.

"Sorry, my friend." Hakan's grin fl ashed. "I'm afraid you've got warriors to command. You'd best get over there and muzzle Patana before she bullies someone into a fi stfi ght."

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"Me?" Jess hooted. "I spanked Patana last night. Let Shann muzzle her."

"Sorry, my friend. You were Dyan's second. Tristaine's warriors follow you, Jesstin." Hakan nodded to them both, then gave Valkyrie some unseen signal and trotted toward the caravan.

Brenna studied Jess's face. "You're in command of Tristaine's warriors?"

"Technically," Jess sighed.

"Hoo! Poor Caster."

Jess rolled her eyes, then leaned down and kissed her forehead and tousled her hair. Brenna combed her bangs with her fi ngers, muttering, and followed her into the crowded square.

Brenna blinked as little as possible, so as not to miss anything.

Tristaine by day was a different world than the mystical realm of last night's festival, but it was no less intriguing. She was struck by the many shades of coloring among the Amazons, both in skin tone and clothing, and the proliferation of children, both male and female.

A beautiful, curvaceous young woman threw herself into Jess's arms, squealing, "It's Jesstin!"

"h.e.l.lo, Monique." Jess grinned, patting the girl's back. "This is-"

"Oh, Jesstin, it's you!"

"Aye, it is," Jesstin agreed. She gently worked Monique's arms from around her neck and straightened, wincing. "Brenna, this is Kyla's friend, Moni-"

"Oh, Jesstin, we feared we'd never see you again!" Dark eyelashes fl uttered up at Jess. "Thanks be to sweet Aphrodite you returned before we left!"

"Love that Ditey," Brenna said politely to Monique's back.

The young woman whirled. "Oh, you must be Brenna!"

Brenna found herself engulfed in her arms.

"Kyla just adores you, Brenna! Welcome to Tristaine!"

Monique laid a smacking kiss on Brenna's cheek, then released her, beaming. "Ky needs me, so I gotta run, but I am just so, so glad we got to meet! Good-bye, Jesstin, you ravis.h.i.+ng warrior! Gaia preserve you both!"

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Brenna watched Monique scurry toward a cl.u.s.ter of young Amazons.

"Monique is in the guild of the artists," Jess explained.

Brenna spied Kyla and Camryn among Monique's friends, and she smiled with an unexpected blend of relief and pleasure. She and Jess had slept within arm's reach of these sisters for months, and she had missed them.

Cam stood over Kyla as she sat cradling a wriggling Max.

"Good-bye, my furry little burrito," Kyla crooned. "Be good.

Behave yourself. Stay out from under the horses. Keep the mice out of the oat bins." Tearing up, Kyla kissed the small dog's black nose.

"Here, Mon, take him, quick."

"C'mere, you adorable coconut." Monique scooped Max into her arms and giggled as he licked her nose. "Okay, we're gone! Bye, Kyla, and dear Camryn. Let me just say again you two are so, so great together. May Gaia preserve you both-"

"Thanks. Walk with Jade, Moni. Walk, walk." Camryn waved her on urgently, patting Kyla's shoulder.

Kyla watched her friend carry little Max to the wide column of women forming in the square, and her shoulders lifted with another deep sigh. She smiled weakly at Brenna and Jess. "Hey.

Morning, you guys."

"I'm glad you got to see wee Max before the migration, adanin." Jess bent and kissed Kyla's cheek. "You know our sisters love him too. They'll keep him fed and happy."

"Yeah. I wouldn't want him here. It's too dangerous." Kyla swallowed, then looked past them. "We all have hard good-byes to say."

Brenna turned and saw Vicar standing close to a lovely woman with oriental features. She wore a beautiful red and silver glyph on her forehead, and she carried a small bundle wrapped warmly in a quilt. Vicar lifted a corner of the blanket and rested her large palm lightly on the baby's dark, fuzzy head. Her lips moved in prayer.

"That's Vicar's adonai, Wai Li," Jess murmured behind her.

"She's taking their son to the meadows."

Brenna felt sadness drape her shoulders. The expression on * 95 *

the women's faces was indescribable. She turned so she wouldn't see the mother and child walk away, or Vicar's eyes as she watched them go. She laid a cold hand on Jess's arm, suddenly needing to feel its solid warmth.

"Go on," she whispered to Jess.

Jess nodded and walked over to Vicar. Her broad shoulder brushed that of her cousin, and they stood together for a while in silence.

Brenna pressed her hand to her waist. It was rising all around them, the grief of parting, permeating the air as visibly as smog clouded the skies above the City. Everywhere she looked now she saw families sharing a last embrace, and her eyes fi lled with tears.

Kyla took Brenna's hand and cradled it in her own cold ones.

"I don't see how they stand it. Saying good-bye to this place forever.

And the wives of the warriors, they might never see their adonai again..."

Camryn looked pale beneath her tan. "They can sleep well, though, Ky, knowing we'll never surrender Tristaine to the City."

"Oh, fat b.l.o.o.d.y lot of comfort that would be for me today, Cam, if I was leaving you here!" Kyla swiped the back of her hand across her eyes. "I can't believe you asked Shann to make me go, Camryn. I'm still p.i.s.sed at you for that."

"Thank you," Brenna said to Kyla, vindicated. "Jess tried to kick me out, too."


"But you've been injured, Ky," Cam protested. "You're not going to be able to fi ght with us. If Dyan were here, she'd make you go, with that pig bite on your-"

"Oh, t.i.tan's t.i.ts she would, Camryn!" Kyla sighed gustily and looked at Brenna. "Warriors."

Brenna nodded.

"Pardon me, little sisters." Dorothea was making her way toward them through the crowd, clutching a beautiful shawl of pure blue silk around her shoulders. She lifted her gnarled hand when Kyla rose from her stool. "Sit down, sit down, little one. Rest your leg! I've just come to give you your elders' blessing before we go."

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"We're honored, Grandmother." Kyla hugged Dorothea with a gentleness that was almost maternal. "Please kiss Jocelyn and Sarah good-bye for us, okay?"

"I'll kiss Jocelyn. Sarah, I will shake by her warty old paw."

Dorothea motioned Camryn's head down so she could kiss her cheek. "Now. Young Brenna? Help me fi nd our lady."

"Okay," Brenna said. Dorothea was already winding her shawled arm through hers and starting into the throng. The st.u.r.dy maple cane she carried served her well, and Brenna didn't have to slow her step to walk beside her.

"Watch over Kyla and Camryn, my little sister. Guard them well." Dorothea studied Brenna as they walked. "Remember, all Amazons are mothers to the young of our clan."

"I will. We all will." Brenna led Dorothea around a horse and cart being loaded for the journey. "What's going to happen to Tristaine's mothers, if we can't come back to this valley? Aren't most of the men who sire our children City dwellers?"

"Most," Dorothea confi rmed, striding st.u.r.dily along. She waved her cane at two women who called greetings. "Most fathers of Amazon children are sons of Amazons themselves. But all our brothers don't reside in the City. There are smaller towns on the other side of this range that house several of our male kin. And other nomad tribes, of both men and women, wander these hills." Dorothea winked at her. "Amazons have never wanted for quality seed, Brenna. Our Nation may indeed perish one day, through war or other calamity, but never through lack of reproductive opportunity."

"That's good to know." Brenna smiled, then eyed Dorothea with concern. "Will you be comfortable on this migration? You've got a strong gait and great balance, but I worry about your arth-"

"Oh, weeping Cyrene." Dorothea's lilting laugh cut her off.

"I'll be fi ne, little one, riding in a lavishly cus.h.i.+oned wagon. Now, you have fi ve more minutes with an elder of Tristaine, Brenna, before her august wisdom vanishes forever into the mists of the southern meadows! Do you really want to spend them fretting over sources of s.e.m.e.n and my creaky joints?"

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Battle For Tristaine Part 11 summary

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