Riding The Line Part 17

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Dakota pretended to frown. 'Yesterday you said I should act like a star.'

'Today I've changed my mind.'

He kissed her on the mouth. 'I could get into this Hollywood lifestyle. Naked women feeding me, licking me clean, letting me lick them back . . .'

'You haven't licked me.'

'But I'm gonna.' His hazel eyes lit up as he surveyed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. 'You've got mayonnaise on your nipple.'

'I do not!'

Robyn tried to look down but Dakota was too quick for her, his mouth latched on to her nipple and sucked hard. It was far too much of an effort to push him away, especially as her body was responding with such enthusiasm. He lifted her off his lap, settled her on the couch and knelt in front of her. He drew her knees apart and moved in close.

'I love licking you.'

Robyn s.h.i.+vered as his tongue flicked over her c.l.i.t, and then circled lower to probe inside her. She was already open and slick from their earlier lovemaking, her body quick to respond to him, eager for more. He drew back a little and frowned.

'I can't say I like the taste of condom lube, though. I'd better make sure I get you real wet so that it doesn't interfere with my fine-dining experience.'

He bent his head back down and continued to lick at her, slow careful swirls of his tongue that made her grip his shoulders and arch her back, pressing her p.u.s.s.y into his face.

'Yeah, that's better.'

He slid two fingers inside her and flexed them. All she could hear were the wet sounds of her own pa.s.sion, the slide and glide of his mouth and fingers over her swollen aroused flesh. Her climax built slowly, controlled by his skilled mouth and hands, rising in intensity with every deliberate stroke of his tongue.

Dakota growled as her hand slid into his hair and gripped him tight. He loved touching her. He loved the way she got so wet so fast for him. Her hips jerked toward him and he shoved his tongue and fingers deep inside her to feel the inner clench of her pa.s.sage against his flesh. His c.o.c.k pulsed in time to her climax making him as h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l.

With a grin, he sat back and stared at Robyn's prostrate form. She opened her eyes, the glow of s.e.xual completion slowly being replaced by suspicion.

'Why did you stop?'

'Because I want to be inside you and I want my bed.'

He picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and marched toward the bedroom.

'Dakota Scott, put me down. I'm not a frickin' sack of potatoes!'

'Never said you were.'

He dropped her on to the bed and came down over her before she even stopped bouncing. She lay on her back, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s heaving. He locked her wrists over her head within one of his hands and slowly removed his jeans, wincing as his overexcited c.o.c.k grazed the zipper.

'I like you like this, under me, ready to be f.u.c.ked.'

'Now there's a surprise.'

He licked her taut nipple and then blew on it. 'You don't like it?'

She moved restlessly underneath him, her flat stomach caressing the underside of his c.o.c.k and b.a.l.l.s. As if he had all the time in the world, he leant across and took a condom out of his washbag. She licked her lips, her gaze moving from his face to his c.o.c.k and back again.

'Aren't you too tired for this?'

'I'm never too tired for s.e.x, honey.' He opened the packet and slowly rolled the condom down over his shaft.

'But you have to be up really early tomorrow and I thought you had to call your brother . . .'

He rearranged their positions, fitted his hips between her thighs and slowly entered her. She sighed and gripped his shoulders.

'I'll call my brother after we've finished this round.'

'This round?'

'Of s.e.x. It'll give you time to recover before I have you again.'

He didn't wait for her to voice her outrage; he simply covered her mouth with his own and worked his tongue in the same rhythm as his thrusting c.o.c.k. He didn't care how early he had to get up. She wasn't going anywhere without him tonight . . .

Dakota grinned as he tiptoed out of the bedroom and into the adjoining sitting area. Robyn lay face down on the bed sleeping like a baby. It had taken him three sessions of lovemaking to wear her out, but it had been worth it. He checked the time and hesitated. Jay wasn't the type of guy who went to bed early but it was almost midnight. Dakota shrugged as he punched in the number. h.e.l.l, Jay had put him through all this c.r.a.p he deserved to be woken up.

'Hey.' Jay's voice sounded gravelly.

'Hey, it's Dakota. Where the f.u.c.k are you?'

'Hang on.'

Dakota waited as he heard the sounds of the TV being muted and a door closing.

Jay came back on the line. 'I know, I'm supposed to be at the shoot but we had a bit of an emergency.'

'What's up?' Dakota frowned into the phone. 'Are you OK?'

His brother gave a reluctant laugh. 'I'm fine. Helen was throwing up.'

'Is she OK now?'

'She will be . . . In about six months or so.'

'Helen's pregnant?' Dakota fought a laugh. He couldn't imagine Jay's formidable partner, Helen, dealing with the joys of motherhood. She'd seemed way too focused on her career to give it up.

Jay chuckled. 'Yeah, she's pregnant and not too happy about it. I reckon she thought, seeing as she's a doctor and all, that everything would go perfectly for her. She didn't count on being sick as a dog for three months straight. I had to take her to the ER yesterday because she kept pa.s.sing out.'

Dakota cleared his throat, reluctant to pry into his older brother's personal life. 'But, puking apart, she's OK about this?'

Silence hummed on the line and then Jay let out a long satisfied breath. 'Yeah, she's OK. It wasn't planned but I think she's coming around.'

'Then congratulations and when are you going to be here?'

's.h.i.+t, Dakota, it's all about you, isn't it?'

'Yeah, always has and always will be.'

Jay laughed. 'I'll be there bright and early tomorrow. I think Helen will be pleased to see the back of me. Apparently me trying to be nice makes her nervous. How's it going anyway?'

'I'll tell you when I see you.'

'That doesn't sound good. Aren't they treating you nice?'

Dakota glanced around the immaculate hotel suite, thought about the Mercedes, the free food and the obsequious production a.s.sistants. 'Nope, they treat me like c.r.a.p.'

'Well, I promise to sort it out when I get there. See you tomorrow.'

'Yeah, goodnight and congrats on the baby again.'

Dakota ended the call and walked across to the window. Far below him the road still teemed with traffic, an endless line of red and white lights snaking into the distance. He rested his head against the cool sheer gla.s.s. There was no way he could be mad at Jay for not turning up. If his lover was pregnant, he'd put her first too.

Jay had sounded thrilled, although he'd tried to hide it. Who would've thought his brother would want to be a father after having endured Beau for all those years? Perhaps Jay saw it as a chance to make good on his father's mistakes. Dakota wasn't sure if he wanted kids. What if he f.u.c.ked them up just by being who he was?

But h.e.l.l, he was jealous. How come his brothers had managed to get over being brought up by a contrary old b.a.s.t.a.r.d when he'd escaped and still struggled with it? Sometimes he still felt like a seven-year-old kid, powerless to defend himself against the weight of his father's blows. Maybe Robyn was right and he was just too afraid to stand up for himself.

A small sound alerted him to the presence of another person behind him. He turned and saw Robyn fully dressed standing frozen in the bedroom doorway. He smiled at her. 'It's not time to get up, is it?'

She bit her lip. 'No, I just needed to go get some . . .' She made an airy gesture.

'Some?' Dakota advanced on her and she took a step back. 'Some s.e.x?' He stroked a hand over his c.o.c.k. 'I can help you with that right here.'

She sighed and dropped her purse on to the carpet. 'You're not going to let me get out of here, are you?'

'Nope.' He started to undo the b.u.t.tons on her jacket.

'You're just going to keep making love to me until I give up.'

'Yep.' He pulled her T-s.h.i.+rt off and unfastened her bra, all the time backing her back toward the bed. She slid a hand over his chest and tweaked his nipple. He winced but focused on pus.h.i.+ng her jeans and panties down until she could step out of them.

He guided her toward the bed, lay down on his back and hauled her over him.

'One more time, honey, and then I think I'll be able to sleep, I promise.'

'And by then it will be time to get up.' She sighed and wrapped her hand around his thickening c.o.c.k. 'I suppose I might as well enjoy it then.' She bent her head and took him deep inside her mouth.

Dakota closed his eyes as Robyn started to suck. Sometimes life was just too contrary to obsess over. Sometimes it was better just to go along for the ride.

Chapter Fourteen.

'So who exactly did you say you were?'

Robyn raised her chin to stare into the cold blue eyes of the tall blond cowboy who stood in front of her.

'I'm Robyn Cooper, Mr Scott's personal a.s.sistant.' She waved her security pa.s.s in his face. 'See? It says so here.'

He frowned down at her. 'Well, I'm Jay Turner, his brother, and I don't remember hearing anything about you.'

She fluttered her eyelashes at him. 'Well, perhaps that's because you weren't on set yesterday as planned.'

'Lady, I talked to Dakota last night. He sure didn't mention you.'

'He didn't?'

'Mr Turner, are you saying Ms Cooper shouldn't be here?' Robyn noted that Stephanie could barely keep the note of excitement out of her voice as she smiled triumphantly down at her.

'I'm saying I need to talk to my brother.' Jay looked around impatiently. 'Where the h.e.l.l is he?'

'I'm right here.'

Robyn turned to see Dakota emerging from the make-up trailer, his half-unzipped jeans barely hanging on his hips, his chest oiled and gleaming.

'Jeez, what the h.e.l.l did they do to you?' Jay laughed out loud. 'You look like someone from the gay rodeo.'

Dakota kept going until his toes were aligned with his brother's. Robyn noticed they were about the same height and build.

'They did what you told them to do, a.s.shole,' Dakota growled.

Jay held out his hands palms up. He was still chuckling. 'I didn't choose your clothes, dude. You'll have to take that up with Lauren.'

Robyn frowned. Who the h.e.l.l was Lauren?

'Lauren did this to me?' Dakota's expression darkened. 'Where is she?'

'She's coming in with Grayson later today so you can fight it out with her then.' Jay punched Dakota's shoulder. 'I only supplied the boots. Lauren came up with the props and your clothes, and the film production company put it all together.'

'Lucky me,' Dakota muttered. He caught sight of Robyn and put his arm around her shoulders. 'Robyn, I'd like you to meet my brother, Jay Turner.'

The humor in Jay's face abruptly faded. We've already met.'

Robyn managed a smile as she moved out of Dakota's embrace. 'Mr Turner thinks I'm here under false pretenses. Apparently you didn't think to mention me when you talked to him last night.'

Dakota grimaced. 'd.a.m.n, I'm sorry, Robyn, I meant to but Jay's news kind of put it out of my head.'

Jay pointed at the office building behind them. 'How about we take this inside?' He glanced at Robyn, his blue eyes glacial. 'Might as well keep it in the family.'

Robyn took a step away from him. Strange how much that comment hurt. 'I'm not part of your family, Mr Turner, so I suppose that means I should stay outside?'

Dakota grabbed her hand. 'You're coming, honey. My brother is just being a mite overprotective.'

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Riding The Line Part 17 summary

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