Mama's Boy And Other Dark Tales Part 16

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"I carried Mama to the van. She complained that the seatbelt was uncomfortable across her chin, so I unbuckled her, hoping she wouldn't roll off the seat. I fired up the van and we headed into Philadelphia for a surprise visit to see Victoria.

"'Mama,' I said, 'I know you've been worried about me finding a good girl. Right?' No response, but I could tell she was listening by the tilt of her head. 'Well, I've found her! Her name is Victoria Lystner, and I'm taking you to meet her right now.'

"I was worried when Mama didn't say anything. I thought she'd be more excited, but I knew once she saw Victoria she'd be happy for me. We parked close to the convenience store, and I went around to help her out of the van. Carrying her to the store window, I said, 'Now Mama, this is kind of a double surprise. Victoria doesn't know we're coming, so I'm going to let you peek in the window before we go inside.' I uncovered her and lifted her up so she could see over the signs in the window. 'Just keep your eye out for her. She's the tall, pretty one with the long black hair.'

"I thought I heard a scream from inside the store, but I didn't want to alarm Mama, so I said, 'Isn't she beautiful?' No response. 'Mama?' She seemed a little miffed, so I stepped up to the window myself. No Victoria. There was only the stupid girl that stole her lipstick. She was screaming about something, and pointing in my direction.

"I was p.i.s.sed. Where in the h.e.l.l was Victoria? She was supposed to be working that day. I had painstakingly mapped out her schedule for weeks and she should have been there!

"'G.o.dd.a.m.n it!' I said. 'Oh, sorry, Mama. I know you don't like it when I cuss.' Mama didn't say anything, she just stared off into the distance, but I could tell that she was insulted that Victoria hadn't shown up. I was beginning to have second thoughts myself, and feeling that old rage rising in me like it did with the other girls. I tried to contain my anger, but I was a little rough with Mama when I put her back in the van. I couldn't seem to get her in the seat right. She kept listing to one side. Noticing how upset I was, she looked at me with her hazy blue eyes, and spoke clearly for the first time in weeks.

"'Henry, if that girl can't even show up to meet your mama, she ain't no good!'

"'I don't know, Mama. I thought she was different.'

"'Well, any girl that stands my boy up ain't worth s.h.i.+t, as far as I'm concerned. But don't you worry, your mama will always love you.'

"I felt a little better with Mama talking to me again. 'Thanks, Mama,' I said. 'I know I'll never find a girl like you.' As we rode home in silence, I decided I needed to make a phone call. I headed for the nearest payphone. 'h.e.l.lo, this is David,' I said. 'I'm the new a.s.sistant manager at the Arch Street Shoppette. I was wondering why Victoria, uh, I mean, Vicki didn't show up for work today.'

"'Vicki's home sick,' said Missus Lystner. 'What did you say your name was?'

"'David. I'm the new a.s.sistant manager. When can we expect her back at work?'

"'I already told Mister Harris that she would be out for a while.'

"'Are you sure? He didn't tell me that. What exactly's wrong with her that kept her from coming to work on such an important day?'

"'What are you talking about-important day?'

"'Oh, nothing. I'm sorry, I must be confusing her with someone else. But it's important to tell me what's wrong so I can pa.s.s it on to Mister Harris.'

"'Well, if you must know. Some creep played a very sick joke on Vicki in your your store. She's had a difficult past and that prank really upset her. If we didn't need the money, she'd never come back to work there.' store. She's had a difficult past and that prank really upset her. If we didn't need the money, she'd never come back to work there.'

"The d.a.m.ned lipstick! I felt worried that my plan was unraveling. Mama's condition was getting worse, so I needed her to meet Victoria soon.

"'Well, if she wants to keep her job,' I said, 'she better be back to work by Monday. We've got a business to run here.' It was a gamble, but I had to push her.

"'I don't like your tone.'

"'Well, does your daughter need this job or not? I have a list of candidates eager to fill her position.'

"'Well, yes. Unfortunately, she does,' said Missus Lystner.

"'We'll see her on Monday, then. Right?" I sounded too eager, but the gamble had worked.

"'Yes.' She hung up.

"I was back on track, but with Victoria's unstable condition and Mama's deterioration, I had to speed up my plans. Victoria would be going back to work on Monday, so that left only three days before I'd have to put my final plan into action. The house wasn't nearly ready, but Victoria would be marrying me, not the house.

"By Sunday, the honeymoon suite was almost complete, with white satin linens, new curtains, and a lace canopy with fringe. Mama told me girls like fringe. I scrubbed and polished the fancy woodwork, and I hung out of the windows, cleaning them until they s.h.i.+ned. In the morning, I would add candles and flowers as the finis.h.i.+ng touch.

"The rest of the house was still a sight, but the wedding suite was ready, and by the end of the day I was dead tired. After tucking Mama into bed for the night, I turned in. It had been a busy weekend, but worth it to please my Victoria. I knew Mama would love her once they met. Or at least, I hoped so.

"For once it was warm in my room from the heat of the day, so I stripped down to my underwear and climbed into bed. I'd fallen asleep quickly, but sometime in the night that d.a.m.n chill filled the room again, and I woke up freezing. It was still summertime, and I couldn't explain the cold that kept creeping into the old house.

"It was dark as pitch and the wood floor was chilly on my bare feet as I shuffled around, feeling for my s.h.i.+rt and pants. Moving around blind, my foot hit something cold that blocked my way to the dresser. I didn't remember leaving anything in the middle of the floor. If I was anything, it was neat and tidy.

"When I reached down to move whatever was blocking my way, my hand sunk into a cold and fleshy blob that s.h.i.+vered when I touched it. Shocked, I stumbled backward and fell, hitting my head on the bed frame. I yelled in pain, and a female voice from the fleshy ma.s.s began to giggle under its breath, the sound growing until it became a hysterical cackle that echoed through the house.

"Terrified and freezing, I groped for the bed and squeezed myself underneath, the old springs stabbing my naked back. I held my breath, straining to see what was in my room, but it was too dark. The laughter stopped suddenly and a slow shuffling sound moved across the floor toward me while the springs of the bed creaked to life above.

"'Hen-ry, you can't hide from us," a voice teased from on top of the bed. An icy cold hand grabbed my foot, and the cackling started again. I screamed, struggling to get loose. Like a vise, the hand held my foot and another hand yanked at my toes.

"'This little piggy went to market,' it giggled. 'This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef." Then it screamed, 'But this little piggy had no f.u.c.king toes to keep counting because Henry f.u.c.king Rutt cut them off!' A searing pain ripped through my foot as my toe was severed. I shrieked in agony.

"In a frenzy, I screamed and kicked until my foot came loose from the icy grip. I scrambled on my hands and knees toward the door; mercifully, it was open. Grabbing the doorframe, I struggled to stand up and hobbled down the hall as fast as I could move.

"A shrieking voice came from behind me, 'Where do you think you're going, Henry Rutt?' Heading for the stairs, I tripped and fell in a heap at the open door of the honeymoon suite. I stood up, wincing, and saw that the room was ablaze with candles. The canopy was shredded to pieces and streaked with dark stains; the furniture lay smashed and scattered around the room; and my black leather bag of mementos was tipped over, the wet fingers oozing over the satin covers. MURDERER!! MURDERER!! was scrawled on the wall above the headboard in dripping red letters. was scrawled on the wall above the headboard in dripping red letters.

"A glint of candlelight caught my eye. Skewered on the bedpost by my own blade was a severed toe. A sharp heel struck my back, and I toppled to my knees. With a gust of cold wind, the candles blew out and I was. .h.i.t hard across the back of the head. As my consciousness faded, a chorus of cackles grew with one voice cutting through the noise.

"'We're just getting started, Henry ... and your mama can't help you now!'"

January 27-Personal Journal I received an urgent call...

The pudgy floor nurse struggled to keep up with Rebecca's strides. She didn't notice the nurse's breathlessness.

"I'm sorry I had to call you so early," said the nurse. "But Frank Doe wouldn't speak to anyone but you. He's been extremely agitated, and last night he became inconsolable."

"I understand. Do you have any idea what the problem is?"

"It started with a nightmare and escalated to wrapping his foot in blankets and demanding pain killers. He wouldn't let the PA touch him, so the orderlies restrained him. We couldn't find anything wrong with the toe, but as soon as they let him loose, he wrapped it back up again."

An orderly was waiting at Henry's door and unlocked it when Rebecca arrived. She found Henry huddled on his bed with his knees drawn up to his chin. He rocked and whimpered, holding his swaddled foot.

"My toe ... my toe."

"Frank?" He didn't respond.

"Frank, it's me, Doctor R."

He continued to rock, but he glanced at Rebecca with wary eyes.

"What's happened to your toe?"

Wild-eyed and still rocking, he tilted his head at the nurse and the orderly, then back at the door.

"Oh, I see," she said. "Would you mind stepping outside while I talk with Frank?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea, doctor," said the orderly. His thick muscles appeared coiled with tension from a long night dueling with his patient's neuroses.

"Leave the door open. We'll be fine, won't we, Frank?" she said.

He rocked, offering only a silent blink.

"Nurse, you're free to return to your station. Thank you for your a.s.sistance."

The orderly left the room with a "you've been warned" shrug, but the nurse looked relieved to be going back to her desk. Relief by way of the morning s.h.i.+ft would be arriving soon.

"What about that toe, Henry?" asked Rebecca.

Craning his neck to make sure no one was listening at the door, Henry whispered, "They cut it off."

"Who cut it off?"

"The ... the orderlies."

"Why would they cut your toe off, Henry?"

"They know what I did." He rocked harder and began whimpering again. "They're punis.h.i.+ng me. They've been listening to our conversations. They know They know!"

"I've told you our sessions are completely confidential."

"Devices," Henry whispered. "They're using devices to listen-like my daddy used."

"I'll be sure to have the office swept for bugs so they can't do that anymore, but you have to let me take a look at that toe. Okay?"

"Pros. You've gotta hire pros for the job, or they'll find out."

"Okay, pros it is. Now how about letting me see your toe?"

Henry looked at her like she was crazy. "How can you look at it, if it's not there?"

"Okay, how about let me see the empty place where the toe used to be?"

Henry peered around the room, up at the corners of the ceiling and back to the door. Satisfied, he slowly unwrapped his left foot while the doctor stood by him.

"Is it okay if I touch your foot, Henry?" He nodded like a wounded child. Reaching over, she took hold of his foot and helped Henry extend his leg out straight. With a firm grip on his foot, she used her other hand to count. Starting with the big toe, "One, two, three, four, five," she said. "Hmm ... everything seems to be in order here, Henry. Maybe it's the other foot."

He looked startled, staring down at his toes. The doctor counted them for him again. He pushed his right foot forward and watched the count.

"Yup, five toes there, too, Henry. Seems your toes are safe and sound."

"But I felt it," he said. "They cut if off with a knife, last night while I was sleeping."

"Henry, you've had a tough week. We'll give you the weekend off so you can rest up. If you feel up to it, we'll start again on Monday. How's that sound?"

Henry just wiggled his toes and stared at them.

"How about I see if I can have your clay project brought here to your room? I'll have to keep your tools, but with the spray bottle and your talented fingers, you should still be able to enjoy your work. Sound good?"

Henry nodded, still staring at his feet.

"Okay then, I'll see you on Monday." Turning to leave, Rebecca was startled when Henry grabbed her hand.

In a cold, calm voice, Henry said, "Thank you ... Rebecca." Still gripping her hand, he gazed at her fingers and smiled a twisted smile.

Rebecca yanked her hand free and shoved it in the pocket of her white jacket. As she was leaving, she replied in a cool tone, "You're welcome, Henry. I'll be sure you get your spray bottle and clay for the weekend."

January 30-6:00PM: Frank Doe Session Note: Received reports of increased delusional behavior over the weekend, after working with the clay (claimed the sculpture was threatening him). The clay was confiscated and Henry arrived lucid to his appointment.

"Feeling better, Henry?" said Rebecca.

"You know they took my clay away, don't you?" he asked, ignoring her question.

"Well, there were concerns about what you thought you were hearing from the sculpture, Henry. They took it away to protect you, but I have it here for you along with a fresh misting bottle." She lifted the plastic covering from the sculpture on the table.

"I don't want them touching it anymore! It upsets her..." Henry's ranting trailed off as if realizing he'd said too much. "But it doesn't matter now," he said as he reached for the clay, handling it with tender care. "I have a lot to tell you today."

Surprised by his abrupt change of att.i.tude, Rebecca slid the freshly mixed spray bottle toward him. The empty vial rested in her pocket.

"Whenever you're ready, Henry."

He misted his hands and then the clay, smiling as if his skin were thirsty for it. Beginning the final stages of refining the facial features of the sculpture, Henry said, "Well, I had a bad night when they chopped off my toe."

"The orderlies, again?"

"No." He looked at Rebecca as if she had gone mad. "The girls in the mansion!" He shook his head and went back to working the clay, talking to Rebecca as if they were having a friendly chat over coffee.

"I woke up very late the next day with the noon sun glaring into the room. I'd never slept that late before, so I woke with a start. Naked beside Mama on the bed, I sat up too fast and she rolled onto the floor with a thud. I jumped up to help her, and that's when I felt a throbbing pain in my foot. I yelped and looked down at the jagged stump where my toe had been. I fell back against the bed, gripping my aching foot as the memory of 'We're just getting started, Henry' rang in my head. My entire body ached. It all came back to me-the sound of the cackling laughter, the sight of my toe skewered to the bedpost, and my rage at the destruction of all my hard work in the wedding suite.

"The pain in my foot was screaming. I'd been squeezing it hard to try to stop the ache, but when I opened my hands to finally take a closer look, the toe was there! I touched it and tugged at it. I was so relieved, tears wet my eyes, but the throbbing continued and I knew that somehow they they were responsible. were responsible.

"'You b.i.t.c.hes, whoever you are! You can't scare me. f.u.c.k you!' I winced with pain, but I kept shouting. 'Hear me? f.u.c.k YOU!'

"I heard a m.u.f.fled voice. It was Mama, and she was lying face down on the littered floorboards. As soon as I lifted her, she started in on me.

"'Henry, you're a disgrace!' she said as I propped her on the pillow. 'How could you let them women bully you like that last night? They touched me, you know. And I don't like their kind touchin' me!'

"'I'm sorry, Mama.' I cringed as the pain in my foot got worse.

"'You wimp! What's wrong with you, boy? Are you gonna give them b.i.t.c.hes the satisfaction of seein' you in pain? Take some of Mother's Little Helpers.'

"It might have been the pain, but it seemed like Mama wasn't moving her lips. 'But Mama,' I said, 'you always told me those were special, just for you.'

"'I know, boy, but times is changed, ain't they? Are you gonna be a p.u.s.s.y all your life?'

"'No, Mama,' I said.

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Mama's Boy And Other Dark Tales Part 16 summary

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