Doctor Who_ The Highlanders Part 16

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'Come on, Doc,' said Ben. 'We must go.'

'What about Jamie?' said Polly. 'We can't leave him here.'

'Ah, true,' said the Doctor, 'the s.h.i.+p has gone. And he won't get far on these moors.'

Polly turned to Jamie. 'What will you do, Jamie?' she said.

'Och,' said Jamie, 'I'll be all right. They nae will catch me.'

There was another ragged chorus of muskets, a little nearer this time.

'Hear that?' said Ben. 'If we don't move fast, they'll catch us all.'

Polly turned to the Doctor. 'Can Jamie come with us, Doctor?'

The Doctor looked doubtful for a minute, and then his face cleared. 'Well, if you promise to teach me all you know about the bagpipes...'

Jamie nodded. 'If that's what ye want, Doctor.'

Ben groaned, putting his hand to his ears. 'That's all we need aboard the TARDIS,' he said.

Polly took Jamie's arm. 'Come on, Jamie boy.'

They hurried off, following the track that they had taken down the hill, which now seemed a long, long time ago.

As they came into the hollow where they had left the time-machine, it seemed for a moment as if the TARDIS had disappeared. Then, through the cl.u.s.tering brambles, they made out the familiar blue shape of the police box.

Ben pulled away some brambles, the Doctor waved his hand, and the door slid open.

'It seems all right,' said the Doctor, a little fussily. 'I'd better check the engines.' He went inside, followed by Ben.

Jamie, suddenly afraid of the strange looking object, hung back. He was going with these strange people into something he only dimly comprehended. Where would they take him? Would he ever see his native glen again?

As he hesitated, Polly turned back and grasped his hand. 'Don't be afraid,' she said, 'it's much nicer inside than it is out. There's so many wonderful surprises waiting for you, you'll see.'

Jamie allowed himself to be drawn through into the small police box. The door closed behind him and he saw to his astonishment the large, hexagonal, brightly-lighted interior of the time-machine.

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Doctor Who_ The Highlanders Part 16 summary

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