The Devil's Eye Part 1

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The Devil's Eye.

Jack McDevitt.

For Mike Cabry, the last rebel


I'm indebted to David DeGraff of Alfred University, for the concept, and to Walter Cuirle, for technical guidance. To Ginjer Buchanan, for editorial a.s.sistance. To Ralph Vicinanza, for his continuing support. And, as always, to Maureen McDevitt, for major contributions.



Edward Demery was alone the night it happened. He was sitting in his living room, half-dozing, while the HV ran images from the Sabel asteroid, which was way the h.e.l.l out in the middle of nowhere. A dozen people in pressure suits stood around a monument on an airless plain while one of them went on about G.o.d and how future generations would always come to this spot, and be dazzled by this monument, and remember what their obligations were to the Almighty. The speaker was a woman, but he couldn't tell which of the twelve was doing the oration. "-And maybe, when they come," "-And maybe, when they come," she said, she said, "they will remember us, too." "they will remember us, too." Applause doesn't work well in pressure suits. So they all simply raised their fists over their helmets. Demery got up and went to the window. Lightning blossomed in the distant sky. Salud Afar was on the edge of the galaxy. Was, in fact, twenty thousand light-years out from the rim. On a clear night, you could see the glow that marked the frontier of the Milky Way. At the moment, though, the glow was still below the horizon. Applause doesn't work well in pressure suits. So they all simply raised their fists over their helmets. Demery got up and went to the window. Lightning blossomed in the distant sky. Salud Afar was on the edge of the galaxy. Was, in fact, twenty thousand light-years out from the rim. On a clear night, you could see the glow that marked the frontier of the Milky Way. At the moment, though, the glow was still below the horizon.

"- I want to thank Vasho Colunis, for his determination to see this project through-"

He gazed out at the only star in the sky. Callistra. Its soft azure light softened the night, inspired poets, illuminated weddings. And it sometimes appealed to those with a religious sensibility. Like the men and women mounting their monument on that distant asteroid. It was thirty-six light-years out, part of a sea of rocks, drifting through the night, belonging to no particular system. In time, they'd drift back into the galaxy. Tonight, Callistra was performing as a religious symbol. The asteroid on which the Family of G.o.d was mounting its monument had been chosen because it lay directly between the world and the great blue star. The monument consisted of a crystal polyhedron atop a sphere, the whole mounted on a block. The polyhedron represented the many faces of mankind; the spherical base, the unflinching support of G.o.d.

"- And Jara Capis, who conceived the motif-"

Actually there was a second light in the sky. That was the planet Naramitsu, low on the horizon. But it was easy to overlook. "-Last but not least, Kira Macara, who designed the monument." "-Last but not least, Kira Macara, who designed the monument." One of the figures took a bow. The others raised fists in approval. Demery lived in a house overlooking the sea. It was a beautiful spectacle this time of year, with summer lightning in the west and the single star overhead. The settlers who'd first come to Salud Afar, thousands of years earlier, had undoubtedly possessed a love for the outpost it had been in those days. This was where you came if you liked to be alone. It was a place that was not only remote, but which nightly reminded them how far they'd come from the crowded s.p.a.ces of the Confederacy. One of the figures took a bow. The others raised fists in approval. Demery lived in a house overlooking the sea. It was a beautiful spectacle this time of year, with summer lightning in the west and the single star overhead. The settlers who'd first come to Salud Afar, thousands of years earlier, had undoubtedly possessed a love for the outpost it had been in those days. This was where you came if you liked to be alone. It was a place that was not only remote, but which nightly reminded them how far they'd come from the crowded s.p.a.ces of the Confederacy.

"- Ask the Reverend Garik to give the blessing."

He'd been born under the opulent skies of Rimway. There, inside the galaxy, the stars somehow detracted from each other. When they were, as someone once said, like the campfires of an ancient army, you didn't notice any in particular. They were simply there there . . "In this sublime moment, let us bow our heads before the Universal G.o.d-" "In this sublime moment, let us bow our heads before the Universal G.o.d-" The voice was still feminine, but it was less compelling. It had the ritual singsong lilt that preachers seemed always to acquire. The voice was still feminine, but it was less compelling. It had the ritual singsong lilt that preachers seemed always to acquire. "-Let us acknowledge-" "-Let us acknowledge-" He was still looking out at the sea and the sky when the voice stopped. And he became aware that the He was still looking out at the sea and the sky when the voice stopped. And he became aware that the light from the HV had changed. Had gone out. He turned and saw only a flickering gray luminescence in the center of the room. Then a man appeared, in the business dress of an anchor. "Ladies and gentlemen," "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, he said, "we seem to have lost the signal at its source. We are trying to reacquire it now and will finish the broadcast as soon as we are able. Meantime, we will be joining a concert from the Bayliss Room in Old Marinopolis." "we seem to have lost the signal at its source. We are trying to reacquire it now and will finish the broadcast as soon as we are able. Meantime, we will be joining a concert from the Bayliss Room in Old Marinopolis."

Soft music filled the room. A voice told him he was listening to the "gilded strains" of the Frontrunners. He was looking across a dance floor at five musicians on a stage. They were playing something he remembered from his youth. "My Time with You." Yes, that was it. He sat down again. The Frontrunners played through, finished, and started something else. The volume went down. Vanished. A voice informed him they were still trying to reestablish contact with the Sabel Monument ceremony. And rea.s.sured him it would be back shortly. Eventually, he shut it down and switched to a book.


Civilization is about constructing and maintaining a coherent time line to the past. If we are to know who we are, and where we are going, we must remember where we have been and who took us there.- Etude in Black .


Atlantis, despite all the hoopla, was no big deal. I mean, how could it be after twelve thousand years at the bottom of the sea? Alex and I looked out the cabin windows at the ruins, which weren't much more than mounds in the quiet, clear water. You could still pick out a wall here and there. Not much else. There'd been periodic talk of restoration over the centuries, but the prevailing opinion had always been that if you restored it, it would no longer be Atlantis. Navigation lamps came on as we moved across the seascape. Fish and eels, drawn by the lights, peered in at us. Overhead, a tourist boat was descending. None of us had ever been there. Alex gazed thoughtfully out at the remnants of the fabled civilization, and I knew exactly what he was thinking: how the place had looked in the sunlight, when children played in the courtyards, and trees shaded the walkways. I knew also that he'd have liked to take a few pieces of it home. The captain's voice came over the intercom, pointing out this or that pile of rubble. "Now pa.s.sing the Temple of Akiva, ladies and gentlemen." "The structure just ahead is believed to have been the main library." "On your left, just beyond that large mound-" "Now pa.s.sing the Temple of Akiva, ladies and gentlemen." "The structure just ahead is believed to have been the main library." "On your left, just beyond that large mound-"

He wasn't happy playing escort to two Mute pa.s.sengers, but I had to concede he had taken it well. His discomfort did not show in his voice. And okay, I'll confess I wasn't exactly relaxed either. One of the Mutes was Selotta, who was the director at the Museum of Alien Life-forms on Borkarat, one of the Mute worlds. She was accompanied by her mate, Ka.s.sel (emphasis on the second syllable). She'd bailed me out during my trip into the a.s.semblage the year before. We'd promised each other we'd get together, Selotta explained she'd always wanted to visit Earth, so there we were. During the two weeks we'd been together, I'd been happy to discover I was less horrified by their appearance than had been the case when I made my first foray into As.h.i.+yyurean society. It's going overboard to say they resemble giant mantises, but they are extremely tall, and their flesh has a husklike quality. It's leathery. Old leather. Leather that's been oiled a bit too much. Their faces are vaguely humanoid, with arched diamond eyes. They have to struggle to produce anything resembling a human smile. And, of course, a forced smile never works anyhow, especially when it's disrupted by canines. If you've ever seen one up close, you already know that the effect they have on people, scaring the daylights out of them, isn't produced by their appearance so much as by the fact that human minds lie open to them. No secret is safe when a Mute's in the room. I hadn't met Ka.s.sel on my journey to Borkarat. In fact, my time with Selotta had been only a few minutes. But if such a thing was possible with a Mute, it seemed we had bonded. And Alex, always anxious for a new experience, especially one that would take him to the mother world, came along. We'd started from the Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., site, and embarked on a round-the-world tour. We'd gone first to the world capital at Corysel. Then across the Pacific to Micronesia. It was Selotta, with her interest in archeology, who suggested Atlantis. I'd been reluctant, at first. For one thing, they'd had to install special seats on the diver. But, Alex said, intending it as a joke, why visit Earth if you're not going to stop off at Atlantis?

Contrary to the early myths, Atlantis had possessed no advanced technology. The inhabitants had managed to install running water and central heating. But then, so had the h.e.l.lenes. Virtually nothing was known of their history. The city had thrived for about six hundred years. It had been built on an island, of course, and not on a continent. Plato had been correct in reporting that it had engaged its continental neighbors in periodic wars. Surviving sculpture confirmed that. But who had served as their kings? What had mattered to them? We had no idea. The city had been discovered late in the third millennium. Unfortunately, no serious effort was made to secure its archeological treasures. Consequently, during the following centuries, it had been stripped. Exploiters descended and took everything they could find. These would have been Alex's progenitors, of course, although he would never have admitted it, and I saw no reason to stir things up since I profited from the same sort of activity. In any case, by the time a security system was installed, more than a thousand years after the discovery, it was far too late. "As far as I know," said Ka.s.sel, "there is nothing comparable to this in the a.s.semblage." He spoke through a voice box that also acted as a translator. It was designed to look like a silver medallion, attached to a chain around his neck. "Nothing comparable whatever." His black diamond eyes reflected his reaction. The end of a world. How must it have felt when the ocean came cras.h.i.+ng in? Did they have any warning? Had any managed to escape? Imagine the despair of mothers burdened with young children. "Terrible," said Selotta. "Young mothers, especially. It must have been-" She caught herself, and her eyes flicked shut in embarra.s.sment: She'd forgotten her strategy of not reminding her hosts that everybody's mind, as she'd once commented, lay fully exposed on the table. "-Must have been painful." "It was a long time ago," said Alex. She pressed long, gray fingers against the viewport, as if to hold time at bay. "I have no real experience with places like this. Do they always feel this way?" Ka.s.sel was a politician, roughly equivalent to a mayor of a medium-sized city. He had also once been a captain in the As.h.i.+yyurean fleet. "I think it's because of the ocean," he said. "It encases everything, somehow. Preserves it. There's no sense of pa.s.sing time. Everything freezes." The other pa.s.sengers had been reluctant about sharing cabin s.p.a.ce with the aliens. In the boarding area, everyone had given us a wide berth. The place had filled with whispers, audible even above the symphonic background music. There was no hostility. But the crowd was afraid. Everybody kept their distance. "Stay with me, Louie." "Stay with me, Louie."

"Keep back." "No, they won't hurt you. But stay here."

When I tried to apologize for the att.i.tude of the other pa.s.sengers, Ka.s.sel said no harm was being done. "Selotta tells me our people were not exactly welcoming when you visited us." "They were fine. I think I just stood out a little." "Eventually," he said, "this will all go away, and we'll stand together as friends and allies." That got Alex's attention. "It's hard to see that happening," he said. "At least in our lifetime." Ka.s.sel was less pessimistic. "What we need is a common cause. Something that would inspire us to unite." "That sounds like a common enemy enemy ," I said. "That would do it, of course." He closed his eyes. "But a common enemy would solve one problem only to present us with a greater. No, we need something of a different sort." "What did you have in mind?" "I don't know. A joint challenge. Or a mutual project, perhaps. Like joining our resources to send a mission to Andromeda." ," I said. "That would do it, of course." He closed his eyes. "But a common enemy would solve one problem only to present us with a greater. No, we need something of a different sort." "What did you have in mind?" "I don't know. A joint challenge. Or a mutual project, perhaps. Like joining our resources to send a mission to Andromeda."

Selotta and Ka.s.sel were dressed in terrestrial-style clothing. They wore slacks and loose-fitting s.h.i.+rts. Ka.s.sel had even tried wearing an outdoors-man's hat. But it was several sizes too small. He'd taken it off and given it to me when I was unable to conceal my reaction: It looked ridiculous. They tried smiling in an effort to calm everyone. But there was too much of the canines. Their smiles never failed to scare everybody in sight. It was the same on the diver. The captain was supposed to come back, say h.e.l.lo, ask if there was anything he could do for his pa.s.sengers. But the door to the bridge had stayed shut. "And over here-" "And over here-" His voice came out of the address system. His voice came out of the address system. "There, where the light is, was the seat of government. n.o.body knows what they called it, or even what kind of government they had. But that's where they made the decisions." "There, where the light is, was the seat of government. n.o.body knows what they called it, or even what kind of government they had. But that's where they made the decisions."

"There's a little bit of 'Ozymandias' in this place," said Selotta. "Except on a larger scale." "You know 'Ozymandias'?" I asked. "Of course." She showed her fangs briefly. "The theme is common at home. One of the most famous of our cla.s.sical dramas, Koros Koros , plays against the same idea. Vanished glory, look on my works, everything In , plays against the same idea. Vanished glory, look on my works, everything In Koros Koros , the overwhelming symbol is sand. Just like Sh.e.l.ley." There were maybe twelve other pa.s.sengers in the charter. I was in my chair while we drifted through Atlantis, down the main boulevard, still trying not to think about all that stuff that drifts around in your head that you have no control over. So I glanced at Ka.s.sel and wondered how a person would manage an affair if his mate could read his mind. It reminded me how little I really knew about the Mutes. Had Selotta ever cheated? I cringed as the thought intruded itself. Ka.s.sel snorted. It was half laughter, half sneeze. "It's okay," he said. He squeezed my shoulder, and his eyes locked with Selotta's. Selotta showed her fangs again. "You try too hard, Chase," she said. "And, if you would know the truth, we share everything." The truth was I didn't know quite what she meant, but she picked that up, too. "Use your imagination," she added. It wasn't a place I wanted to go. Alex looked in my direction and delivered one of those innocent smiles to let me know he understood precisely what was going on. I swear, sometimes his ability to do that left me wondering whether he had a few Mutes in the family. , the overwhelming symbol is sand. Just like Sh.e.l.ley." There were maybe twelve other pa.s.sengers in the charter. I was in my chair while we drifted through Atlantis, down the main boulevard, still trying not to think about all that stuff that drifts around in your head that you have no control over. So I glanced at Ka.s.sel and wondered how a person would manage an affair if his mate could read his mind. It reminded me how little I really knew about the Mutes. Had Selotta ever cheated? I cringed as the thought intruded itself. Ka.s.sel snorted. It was half laughter, half sneeze. "It's okay," he said. He squeezed my shoulder, and his eyes locked with Selotta's. Selotta showed her fangs again. "You try too hard, Chase," she said. "And, if you would know the truth, we share everything." The truth was I didn't know quite what she meant, but she picked that up, too. "Use your imagination," she added. It wasn't a place I wanted to go. Alex looked in my direction and delivered one of those innocent smiles to let me know he understood precisely what was going on. I swear, sometimes his ability to do that left me wondering whether he had a few Mutes in the family.

Eventually the captain showed up. He was wearing a dumb smile and went on about how he hoped we were all comfortable and enjoying the cruise. He made it a point to look everywhere except at his As.h.i.+yyurean pa.s.sengers. Don't want to stare, you know. His eyes touched mine, and he let me see how uncomfortable he was, how he wished we'd keep our friends home next time. I knew he was wondering how far the telepathic reach of the aliens extended. Was he safe on the bridge? I had no idea. But he probably wasn't. "He is safe enough," said Selotta, "unless we extend ourselves." "He doesn't mean anything by it," I said. "I know. I have the same sort of reaction to him." When he was safely away, Alex chuckled. Ka.s.sel did that deep-throated rumble that pa.s.sed for a laugh. "He's shallow water, Alex," he said. " You You , on the other hand, are hard to read." "Low IQ?" I asked. "He doesn't try to empty his mind," said Selotta. "It's a bad idea to sit and try , on the other hand, are hard to read." "Low IQ?" I asked. "He doesn't try to empty his mind," said Selotta. "It's a bad idea to sit and try not not to think about things." "So Alex fills it up," added Ka.s.sel. "He concentrates on the Konish Dynasty and the kind of silverware they had, and what their plates looked like and why the latter-day gla.s.sware is worth so much more than the early stuff." "Ah, you've found me out." There was a touch of pride in Alex's voice. "It's rather like crowd noise," said Ka.s.sel, innocently. Alex pretended to take offense. "Konish Dynasty antiques are to think about things." "So Alex fills it up," added Ka.s.sel. "He concentrates on the Konish Dynasty and the kind of silverware they had, and what their plates looked like and why the latter-day gla.s.sware is worth so much more than the early stuff." "Ah, you've found me out." There was a touch of pride in Alex's voice. "It's rather like crowd noise," said Ka.s.sel, innocently. Alex pretended to take offense. "Konish Dynasty antiques are not not crowd noise." "Point of view, my friend. Point of view." crowd noise." "Point of view, my friend. Point of view."

We started for the surface. The captain's voice thanked us for using Atlantis Tours, expressed his hope that we'd enjoyed ourselves, and invited us to come back soon. The other pa.s.sengers gave us plenty of room as we filed out. The pier was big, but the deck was moving sufficiently that some people grabbed for handrails. Most looked for the taxi area; others made for one of the restaurants. We headed toward a restaurant. We were halfway there when Jay Carmody appeared. Jay was one of Alex's colleagues and a longtime friend. It had been a marvelous two weeks, and Carmody was bringing the wrap-up, a parting gift for the As.h.i.+yyureans. It was in a white box. And it was supposed to be a surprise. To ensure that, neither of us knew what Carmody had gotten. "Just make sure it's something to blow the roof off," Alex had said. But as soon as Carmody started toward us, I heard somebody gasp. Selotta, I think. And she knew. They both knew. "Jay," said Alex, "do you want to show us what's in the box?" "Absolutely." He was glowing. We sat down on adjoining benches, and he removed the lid. The Mutes had both gone absolutely still. It was a brick brick . Sealed in a plastene container. At first I thought it was a joke, but I'd seen the reaction of our guests. "Atlantis?" asked Alex. Carmody smiled. "From the Temple of Akiva. Rear courtyard. Removed in the thirty-second century by Roger Tomas, donated originally to the London Museum, and later taken to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Eventually it wound up in Berlin. It's been around." He reached into his jacket and removed a folded piece of paper. "Certificate of authenticity, signed on behalf of the current owner." He was facing Alex, but he was talking to Selotta and Ka.s.sel. "I've gone over the bona fides thoroughly. A complete copy of the record is in the box." He handed it to Alex. "I hope it's satisfactory." n.o.body could ever say Alex was in the antiquities business purely for the money. Well, people . Sealed in a plastene container. At first I thought it was a joke, but I'd seen the reaction of our guests. "Atlantis?" asked Alex. Carmody smiled. "From the Temple of Akiva. Rear courtyard. Removed in the thirty-second century by Roger Tomas, donated originally to the London Museum, and later taken to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Eventually it wound up in Berlin. It's been around." He reached into his jacket and removed a folded piece of paper. "Certificate of authenticity, signed on behalf of the current owner." He was facing Alex, but he was talking to Selotta and Ka.s.sel. "I've gone over the bona fides thoroughly. A complete copy of the record is in the box." He handed it to Alex. "I hope it's satisfactory." n.o.body could ever say Alex was in the antiquities business purely for the money. Well, people had had said it. In fact, they said it all the time. But it wasn't true. I'll concede he has an affection for the bottom line, but if you show him something like a vase that had once stood in Mesmeranda's villa, or maybe the chair that Remus Alverol had tossed across the room when news arrived of the ma.s.sacre at Port Walker, his eyes positively lit up. That was what I saw at that moment, watching him gaze down at that brick. Placed by human hands in the courtyard of the G.o.ddess, probably on a sunny day like this one, twelve thousand years ago, removed forty-five centuries later by an archeologist who had himself become a legend. This was the single most valuable piece that we'd acquired in the four years we'd been in operation. And now he was about to- said it. In fact, they said it all the time. But it wasn't true. I'll concede he has an affection for the bottom line, but if you show him something like a vase that had once stood in Mesmeranda's villa, or maybe the chair that Remus Alverol had tossed across the room when news arrived of the ma.s.sacre at Port Walker, his eyes positively lit up. That was what I saw at that moment, watching him gaze down at that brick. Placed by human hands in the courtyard of the G.o.ddess, probably on a sunny day like this one, twelve thousand years ago, removed forty-five centuries later by an archeologist who had himself become a legend. This was the single most valuable piece that we'd acquired in the four years we'd been in operation. And now he was about to- - Give it away. He handed it to me. "You were the one she took care of," he said. And I pa.s.sed it to her. "It's yours, Selotta. For you and Ka.s.sel. I hope you'll keep it for yourself." "-Rather than give it to the museum," she said. "Yes. It's for you you . With our appreciation." Carmody took pictures. Selotta, clearly fl.u.s.tered, shook her head in a human gesture and held up her hands to decline. "I can't accept this, Chase," she said. "Not possibly. You and Alex arranged the tour for us. That's enough." Alex was nothing if he wasn't a charmer. He smiled and glanced at Ka.s.sel. "You're a lucky man to have so lovely a spouse," he said. Ka.s.sel, perhaps surprised at being called a man, licked his lips with that long forked tongue in a gesture that suggested the details were wrong but it was okay. "Please," she continued. "I can't imagine the price you must have paid. I can't let you do this." "It's okay, Selotta," Alex said. "It's something we wanted to do for you." . With our appreciation." Carmody took pictures. Selotta, clearly fl.u.s.tered, shook her head in a human gesture and held up her hands to decline. "I can't accept this, Chase," she said. "Not possibly. You and Alex arranged the tour for us. That's enough." Alex was nothing if he wasn't a charmer. He smiled and glanced at Ka.s.sel. "You're a lucky man to have so lovely a spouse," he said. Ka.s.sel, perhaps surprised at being called a man, licked his lips with that long forked tongue in a gesture that suggested the details were wrong but it was okay. "Please," she continued. "I can't imagine the price you must have paid. I can't let you do this." "It's okay, Selotta," Alex said. "It's something we wanted to do for you."

The following day we caught the shuttle from Drake City and rode it up to Galileo. We had a farewell dinner in a Chinese restaurant. It was an era of occasional armed confrontations between As.h.i.+yyurean and Confederate wars.h.i.+ps. While we dipped into the chicken and spices, an HV began to run a report of a new incident. A Mute s.h.i.+p had gotten too close to a Confederate world, and a destroyer had fired on it. The Mutes were saying it was an accident. The s.h.i.+p had gotten off course. In any case, no casualties were being reported by either side. That got us increased attention from the other diners. Ka.s.sel ignored it. "Alex and Chase, you are welcome on Borkarat anytime. And we'd be happy to put you up at our place," he said. We told him we'd bring some brew with us. We were leaving, too, of course. Headed back to Rimway. We paid up, this one on Ka.s.sel, who insisted. When Ka.s.sel insisted, he tended to sound as if he meant it. We took a last look at Earth. We were on the nightside, over Europe and Africa. Lights everywhere, from Moscow to the Cape. Electrical storms glimmered in the Atlantic. Here was where it had started. The great diaspora.

They were riding a diplomatic flight. We stayed with them until they boarded. They introduced us to a few of the other pa.s.sengers, who were both Mute and human, and to the captain. Then it was time to go. We retreated back down the tube, they closed the hatches, and it was over. We made for the Belle-Marie Belle-Marie , checked to make sure our luggage had arrived, and climbed on board. I went up onto the bridge, said h.e.l.lo to Belle, the AI, and began running my checkoff list. When I was satisfied everything was in order, I contacted the ops center and requested permission to depart. Minutes later we were on our way, gliding past the moon, adding velocity, and feeling pretty good. I could hear Alex talking in the cabin. Nothing unusual about that: He was having a conversation with Belle. We were looking at a four-hour flight, plus probably a day or two after we had made our transit out of hypers.p.a.ce. It was a lot quicker than it would have been a few years back, when the Armstrong drive needed weeks to cover the same distance. I was making final heading adjustments before initiating our jump when I heard a third voice in the cabin. A woman's. Alex was checking his mail. I broke in. "Alex, prepare for jump." , checked to make sure our luggage had arrived, and climbed on board. I went up onto the bridge, said h.e.l.lo to Belle, the AI, and began running my checkoff list. When I was satisfied everything was in order, I contacted the ops center and requested permission to depart. Minutes later we were on our way, gliding past the moon, adding velocity, and feeling pretty good. I could hear Alex talking in the cabin. Nothing unusual about that: He was having a conversation with Belle. We were looking at a four-hour flight, plus probably a day or two after we had made our transit out of hypers.p.a.ce. It was a lot quicker than it would have been a few years back, when the Armstrong drive needed weeks to cover the same distance. I was making final heading adjustments before initiating our jump when I heard a third voice in the cabin. A woman's. Alex was checking his mail. I broke in. "Alex, prepare for jump." "Okay," "Okay," he said. The last green light came on, indicating his harness was in place, and I eased us into hypers.p.a.ce. Two minutes later he asked me to join him when I was free. I told Belle to take over, got out of my chair, and headed back. First thing I saw when I went into the common room was a female standing frozen, staring at Alex out of stricken eyes. It was a hologram, of course. She was young. Good-looking. Dark eyes and black hair cut short. She wore a white-and-gold blouse inscribed with the name Ha.s.sAN GOLDMAN above an arc of six stars. Something about her was familiar. "Who is she?" he said. The last green light came on, indicating his harness was in place, and I eased us into hypers.p.a.ce. Two minutes later he asked me to join him when I was free. I told Belle to take over, got out of my chair, and headed back. First thing I saw when I went into the common room was a female standing frozen, staring at Alex out of stricken eyes. It was a hologram, of course. She was young. Good-looking. Dark eyes and black hair cut short. She wore a white-and-gold blouse inscribed with the name Ha.s.sAN GOLDMAN above an arc of six stars. Something about her was familiar. "Who is she?"

"Vicki Greene." "Vicki Greene? The The Vicki Greene?" " Vicki Greene?" " The The Vicki Greene." Vicki Greene, of course, was, and remains, an immensely popular novelist, a writer who specialized in horror and the supernatural. Voices in the night, demons in the bas.e.m.e.nt: She'd made a substantial reputation by scaring the wits out of millions of readers across the Confederacy. "I wasn't aware you knew her." He lowered himself into his seat. "I don't." "Okay. Pity. So it's a business thing. She wants us to find something for her?" "Listen to this," he said. He directed Belle to run the transmission from the start. The image blinked off, blinked back on. Greene looked at Alex, then at me, did an appraisal, and turned back to the boss. Vicki Greene." Vicki Greene, of course, was, and remains, an immensely popular novelist, a writer who specialized in horror and the supernatural. Voices in the night, demons in the bas.e.m.e.nt: She'd made a substantial reputation by scaring the wits out of millions of readers across the Confederacy. "I wasn't aware you knew her." He lowered himself into his seat. "I don't." "Okay. Pity. So it's a business thing. She wants us to find something for her?" "Listen to this," he said. He directed Belle to run the transmission from the start. The image blinked off, blinked back on. Greene looked at Alex, then at me, did an appraisal, and turned back to the boss. "Mr. Benedict," "Mr. Benedict," she said, she said, "I know this will strike you as odd, but I don't know who else can help me." "I know this will strike you as odd, but I don't know who else can help me." She was having trouble controlling her voice. She was having trouble controlling her voice. "Since you're not here, I'm asking your AI to forward this message. I'm in over my head, Mr. Benedict." "Since you're not here, I'm asking your AI to forward this message. I'm in over my head, Mr. Benedict." She was staring at him. She was staring at him. Her Her turn to be terrified. turn to be terrified. "G.o.d help me, they're all dead." "G.o.d help me, they're all dead."

Alex touched a control and froze her again. "That's it," he said. "That's it it ?" "That is the sum of the transmission." "What's she talking about?" "I don't know. I've no idea." He took a deep breath. "I'm wondering if we're looking at a woman in the last stages of a breakdown." She had looked thoroughly spooked. "Maybe she's been writing too much horror," I said. "It's possible." "And you've never met her?" "No." " ?" "That is the sum of the transmission." "What's she talking about?" "I don't know. I've no idea." He took a deep breath. "I'm wondering if we're looking at a woman in the last stages of a breakdown." She had looked thoroughly spooked. "Maybe she's been writing too much horror," I said. "It's possible." "And you've never met her?" "No." " Who's Who's all dead?" "Don't know." "Maybe a bunch of fict.i.tious characters." I got coffee for both of us. "You might want to recommend she see somebody." "It's been in the folder for several days." "That's because we told Belle not to disturb us." He ran the artwork from her books. all dead?" "Don't know." "Maybe a bunch of fict.i.tious characters." I got coffee for both of us. "You might want to recommend she see somebody." "It's been in the folder for several days." "That's because we told Belle not to disturb us." He ran the artwork from her books. Etude in Black Etude in Black , which featured a young woman playing a stringed instrument in a spotlight while glowing eyes watched her from a dark curtain. , which featured a young woman playing a stringed instrument in a spotlight while glowing eyes watched her from a dark curtain. Love You to Death Love You to Death , with a vulpine creature kneeling in sorrow at a grave site. , with a vulpine creature kneeling in sorrow at a grave site. Nightwalk Nightwalk , portraying a satanic figure in the clouds over a moonlit city. And three others with similar motifs: , portraying a satanic figure in the clouds over a moonlit city. And three others with similar motifs: Wish You Were Here Wish You Were Here , , Dying to Know You Dying to Know You , and , and Midnight and Roses Midnight and Roses . "What do you think?" "Alex, she sounds like a lunatic." "She's in trouble, Chase." "You want my advice? Don't get involved." . "What do you think?" "Alex, she sounds like a lunatic." "She's in trouble, Chase." "You want my advice? Don't get involved."

We couldn't send or receive a message while we were in hypers.p.a.ce. We could have interrupted the jump, but there was really no point in that. So we waited until we arrived back at Rimway. Thirty seconds after we saw the stars again, he sat down and told Belle to record. "Ms. Greene," he said. "I just received your message." He stopped and looked in my direction. "Chase, how far out are we?" "About a day," I said. "Day and a half." He turned back to his message. "We've been away. I'll be in my office by the weekend. Meantime, if you want to talk to me, I'm within radio range now. Skydeck can put you through." He sat quietly for several moments, then told Belle to send it and looked up at me. "What's wrong, Chase?" "Nothing."

"Come on. Talk to me." "I think you should be more careful about getting involved in other people's problems. You're an antiquities dealer, not a psychologist." "If she's in trouble, I wouldn't want to walk away from her." "If she's in trouble she can call the police."


We don't fear death because we lose tomorrow, but because we lose yesterday, with its sweet poignancy, its memories of growing children, of friends and lovers, of all that we have known. n.o.body else has really been there in the way we have. And when the lights go out for us, for you or me, the lights go out in that world, too.- Wish You Were Here They're all dead.

We cruised toward Rimway. With its big moon, it const.i.tuted a glittering double star in the spa.r.s.e sky near the galactic rim. Vicki Greene didn't respond, didn't send a message, didn't say anything. The hours dragged on, and the double star grew into a pair of spheres. But Alex couldn't put it out of his mind. When we got closer, where the delay in signal exchange wouldn't be so great, he placed a call to her but was informed the code was inoperative. Temporarily out of service. Ordinarily he'd have dismissed the whole thing at that point as the work of a crank, but since it was Greene, he couldn't let go. Maybe it was that she was an icon, the biggest name in supernatural fiction. Not that he ever read any of it, but he liked meeting celebrities as much as the next guy. So, a day and a half after we'd tried to communicate with her, we docked at Skydeck and headed directly for Karl's Dellacondan Restaurant. It was traditionally our first stop after a flight. It doesn't matter how good the s.h.i.+pboard food is, and we get good stuff on board the Belle-Marie Belle-Marie , it's always a pleasure to make for a real dining room, spread out, and eat from a fresh menu. We were just walking into the place when he brought her up again. "She , it's always a pleasure to make for a real dining room, spread out, and eat from a fresh menu. We were just walking into the place when he brought her up again. "She must must be okay," he said, "or she'd have gotten back to me right away." He was genuinely worried. More than the meet-the-deranged-celebrity thing. I'd known him for four years by then, and I still couldn't figure out how his mind worked. I'd have been interested to know what Selotta might have been able to tell me about him. It was unsettling to realize she'd only spent a few days with the guy and knew him far better than I ever would. Maybe that's the real reason people resent the Mutes so much. "She probably sobered up," I said. He looked at me with an expression that told me we both knew she hadn't been drinking. So I let it go, and the host led us to a corner table. We sat down beside a window. Brilliant splotches of light were spread across the globe. In the north, lightning glimmered. "Have you ever read any of her novels?" he asked. "No," I said. "Never had time." "Make time. She's good." "When did you read them?" "I read be okay," he said, "or she'd have gotten back to me right away." He was genuinely worried. More than the meet-the-deranged-celebrity thing. I'd known him for four years by then, and I still couldn't figure out how his mind worked. I'd have been interested to know what Selotta might have been able to tell me about him. It was unsettling to realize she'd only spent a few days with the guy and knew him far better than I ever would. Maybe that's the real reason people resent the Mutes so much. "She probably sobered up," I said. He looked at me with an expression that told me we both knew she hadn't been drinking. So I let it go, and the host led us to a corner table. We sat down beside a window. Brilliant splotches of light were spread across the globe. In the north, lightning glimmered. "Have you ever read any of her novels?" he asked. "No," I said. "Never had time." "Make time. She's good." "When did you read them?" "I read Dying to Know You Dying to Know You on the way in." He took a moment to examine the menu. "Great stuff," he added. "You mean the food?" "I'm talking about Greene. I was surprised how good she is." on the way in." He took a moment to examine the menu. "Great stuff," he added. "You mean the food?" "I'm talking about Greene. I was surprised how good she is."

"I like fiction that's a little more realistic." He went into his paternal mode. "You need to open your mind to new experiences, Chase." "I guess. You'd really like to meet her, wouldn't you?" "Yes," he said. "I would." "You get in trouble," I told him, "you're on your own."

I was glad to see Ben Colbee again. Ben had twice proposed to me. All the signs were there. I saw pa.s.sion in his eyes, watched him light up whenever I walked into a room. And I think I was in love with him, too. At least, I'd never felt about anybody else the way I felt about him. Ben was a good guy, sensitive, smart, good-looking, and he knew how to make me laugh. That's the big thing. Make me laugh. He was a musician. He played cornerstone with the Full Boat, which-he thought-was moving up and would shortly make him famous. That did eventually happen, but it's another story. Anyhow, Ben was waiting as I knew he would be when the shuttle got in. He offered to take Alex home, too, but Alex knows when he's an enc.u.mbrance, so he said no thanks, you guys go ahead, and threw his bags into a taxi and took off. We did some smooches, and Ben asked me how the flight had been and told me about the Full Boat's latest gig at the Sundown. Then, somewhere in there, he looked at me funny. "What's wrong, Chase?" "Nothing, Ben. Just a crank message we got on the way home." He asked me about it so I told him. I didn't mention who it was from, though. "This guy was a complete stranger?" he asked. "It was from a woman. And yes, she was n.o.body we knew." "Not one of your customers, right? Somebody you maybe forgot about?" "No, Ben. Not somebody we forgot about." He rolled his eyes. "Crazy people everywhere. I wouldn't worry about it." We left Andiquar behind and headed out over the western hills. And, to make a long story short, I wasn't very receptive to his advances, not at all what he'd expected when I'd been gone almost three weeks. h.e.l.l, not what I'd I'd expected. And I don't think it had anything to do with Alex and the crazy woman. I'm not sure what it was. I had a feeling we were approaching another one of those moments when Ben was going to pour out his heart to me. I'd been gone a long time, and he'd missed me, and-well, you know. And as much as I liked him, loved him, whatever, I wanted to head it off. So I explained I wasn't much in the mood. Tired. Long trip. He deflated and said okay, he'd see me the next day. If that was all right. "You know," he added, "you're gone a lot." "I know." "I mean, Chase, you're gone all the time." "I'm sorry, Ben. I can't help that. It's my job." He took me into his arms. It was a bear hug, delicious because he meant it, disconcerting because I didn't want it to go any further. He hung on to me, squeezed tight, his cheek against mine. "It's not the only job in the world, you know. There are others." "Ben, I like this job. I mean, I expected. And I don't think it had anything to do with Alex and the crazy woman. I'm not sure what it was. I had a feeling we were approaching another one of those moments when Ben was going to pour out his heart to me. I'd been gone a long time, and he'd missed me, and-well, you know. And as much as I liked him, loved him, whatever, I wanted to head it off. So I explained I wasn't much in the mood. Tired. Long trip. He deflated and said okay, he'd see me the next day. If that was all right. "You know," he added, "you're gone a lot." "I know." "I mean, Chase, you're gone all the time." "I'm sorry, Ben. I can't help that. It's my job." He took me into his arms. It was a bear hug, delicious because he meant it, disconcerting because I didn't want it to go any further. He hung on to me, squeezed tight, his cheek against mine. "It's not the only job in the world, you know. There are others." "Ben, I like this job. I mean, I really really like it." "I know. But we don't get to see each other for weeks at a time. Is that really what you want?" He released me, and I stepped back and looked into those puppy-dog brown eyes. All right, I know how this sounds. But the truth is my heart picked up, and I was d.a.m.ned if I knew what I wanted. like it." "I know. But we don't get to see each other for weeks at a time. Is that really what you want?" He released me, and I stepped back and looked into those puppy-dog brown eyes. All right, I know how this sounds. But the truth is my heart picked up, and I was d.a.m.ned if I knew what I wanted.

When he was gone, I looked up Vicki Greene. Carmen, my AI, gave me the basic information. She was thirty-three years old, born on the other side of the continent, currently based in Andiquar. She'd written six wildly successful novels, of which three had won the coveted Tasker Award, given each year for the most outrageous horror novel. She had master's degrees in history and mathematics, which struck me as an odd combination, and had been awarded an honorary doctorate the previous year by Tai Peng University. "What else, Carmen?"

"Her most recent novel is Midnight and Roses Midnight and Roses , about a young woman who lives in a house where the attic opens out into different dimensions. But only after midnight." , about a young woman who lives in a house where the attic opens out into different dimensions. But only after midnight."


"She's prolific. Six novels in six years. Three of her novels have been converted into holocasts, and one, Love You to Death Love You to Death , into a musical." , into a musical." "What do we have on her family?" "What do we have on her family?"

"Her mother left her husband and ran off with a philosophy professor when Vicki was three. She has an older brother. The philosophy professor brought the family east to take a faculty position at Benneval College." Benneval was two kilometers up the coast from Andiquar. Benneval was two kilometers up the coast from Andiquar. "He died a few years ago. Apparently suffered from poor health his whole life." "He died a few years ago. Apparently suffered from poor health his whole life."

"So does she have an avatar I could speak with?"

"Wouldn't Alex take offense if you got involved?"

"I'd just be another reader. Talking to her about vampires."

"I see. Well, it doesn't look as if it matters. She doesn't maintain an avatar."

"You're kidding. She's a major-league writer, and she's not in the program?

"Apparently not."

That's one of the odd things about avatars. You can go online, and you can talk to people across the ages who are effectively lost, people who were born, got married, had kids, provided a living, and did all the usual stuff. Their avatars are there, ready to talk to you about the time they cut down the elm, or the day Aunt Jenny fell into the creek. But a lot of the movers and shakers, you can't find. (I should admit here that there's a Chase Kolpath avatar. She looks pretty good, and she's ready to discuss antiquities and some of the stuff I've done with Alex. But hardly anybody ever talks to it. I stopped checking the hit count years ago.) I also looked up Ha.s.san Goldman Ha.s.san Goldman , the name emblazoned on Greene's s.h.i.+rt. I'd a.s.sumed it was a corporate logo, but it matched no company anywhere on Rimway. There were some individuals with the name, but none who seemed a likely candidate for putting it on a blouse. "So," I asked, "what has she been doing recently?" , the name emblazoned on Greene's s.h.i.+rt. I'd a.s.sumed it was a corporate logo, but it matched no company anywhere on Rimway. There were some individuals with the name, but none who seemed a likely candidate for putting it on a blouse. "So," I asked, "what has she been doing recently?"

"Ah, that's what's interesting. According to information put out by her publisher, she's been on Salud Afar."

"Salud Afar?"


Salud Afar was appropriately named. It was easily the most remote human world, thirty-one thousand light-years beyond Rimway. Out in the galactic boondocks. People generally thought about Rimway as being far out, the place on the edge of the Milky Way. But Salud Afar was the real outpost, located in empty-skies country, out there all by itself. For most of its history it had been months away from the closest human worlds. It had never joined the Confederacy. "Why was she on Salud Afar?" I asked.

"Gathering material for a book, according to my best information. Or possibly just vacationing. The data is contradictory."

"Her next book is set on Salud Afar?"

"The data is incomplete."

"What's it about?"

"No information there either. Only that she's off chasing werewolves."

"You're kidding."

"That's what it says. Chase, that's a phrase used by people in the horror industry. It simply means somebody's out taking time off."

Alex always insisted I take a few days to chase werewolves myself after an off-world mission. That was the official stance. In reality, when we got home after a flight, there was invariably a lot to do. So I'd show up as usual and take my vacation time at leisure. Rainbow Enterprises, as I've mentioned elsewhere, operated out of the country house in which Alex grew up. The area had been mostly forest then, along the banks of the Melony. A cemetery lay off the western perimeter. In fact, the house had been a retreat for hunters when Alex's uncle Gabe lived there. Now, it's surrounded by private homes and parks. There's a church at the foot of Amity Avenue, two blocks away, and a sports complex a half mile east. It snowed the first night home. I've always liked snowstorms. Don't get enough of them at our lat.i.tude, maybe one or two a year. Almost never anything heavy. This one was an exception. The neighborhood was buried. The cemetery had vanished, and the river was frozen. Because winter storms happen so seldom, n.o.body here has any kind of clearing device. Including Rainbow Enterprises. So I descended into my usual parking spot and climbed out into s...o...b..nks up to my knees. I struggled through them to the front door. It was just after nine, and I could hear Alex upstairs in his office. Our usual routine was that Jacob, the AI, would inform him I'd arrived, and he'd say h.e.l.lo through the system. Then, an hour or so later, he'd wander down to greet me in person and give me the day's a.s.signments. This time he didn't bother to call. A few minutes later, he started down the stairs. And stopped halfway. "Got a minute?" he asked. "Sure, Alex. Anything wrong?" "Yes." Scary way to start a conversation. "What happened?" He came the rest of the way down, walked slowly into the main room, where we entertain, and lowered himself into a chair. "While we were gone, Rainbow picked up an unexpected deposit." "Somebody gave us some money?" "Not some some . A . A lot lot ." "And that's ." "And that's bad bad ? Who did it?" "Vicki Greene." "What? Why?" "The statement doesn't say. She just had it credited to our account. Four days ago." Okay. She was going to hire us for something. "How much?" "Two million." That took my breath away. It would have taken Ilena Crane's Statement of Human Rights, the original doc.u.ment, to produce that kind of cash. "And she didn't tell us why?" "No." "Well, I guess we ought to call her again." "I've tried." "And-?" "Her AI says she's relocated. Permanently." "Where?" "'That information is not presently available.'" "So she gave us a pile of money and took a walk?" "Apparently." "Well, I'm sure we'll hear from her." "No doubt." "Alex-" "Yes? I'm listening." "She can't be that hard to find." "That's what ? Who did it?" "Vicki Greene." "What? Why?" "The statement doesn't say. She just had it credited to our account. Four days ago." Okay. She was going to hire us for something. "How much?" "Two million." That took my breath away. It would have taken Ilena Crane's Statement of Human Rights, the original doc.u.ment, to produce that kind of cash. "And she didn't tell us why?" "No." "Well, I guess we ought to call her again." "I've tried." "And-?" "Her AI says she's relocated. Permanently." "Where?" "'That information is not presently available.'" "So she gave us a pile of money and took a walk?" "Apparently." "Well, I'm sure we'll hear from her." "No doubt." "Alex-" "Yes? I'm listening." "She can't be that hard to find." "That's what I I thought. But you're welcome to try." "Jacob did a general search?" "He did." Well, there is a privacy provision. If you don't want to be listed in the register, you're not listed. "Look, she's certainly going to contact us. I suggest we just wait for her to make the next move." He wasn't happy. Alex likes to make money as much as the next guy, but he doesn't like things hanging over his head. thought. But you're welcome to try." "Jacob did a general search?" "He did." Well, there is a privacy provision. If you don't want to be listed in the register, you're not listed. "Look, she's certainly going to contact us. I suggest we just wait for her to make the next move." He wasn't happy. Alex likes to make money as much as the next guy, but he doesn't like things hanging over his head.

"You know," I said, "what was that line about they're all dead they're all dead ? Maybe we should check for accidents. Maybe she was involved in something that might have produced a few casualties?" "If that were the case, why contact us? She'd need a lawyer." "That's the best I can do." "Anyhow, I looked into that possibility. There's nothing, Chase. She's not linked to anything I can find." I sat looking around at the display cases. We had Markey Close's reading lamp, and an early version of ? Maybe we should check for accidents. Maybe she was involved in something that might have produced a few casualties?" "If that were the case, why contact us? She'd need a lawyer." "That's the best I can do." "Anyhow, I looked into that possibility. There's nothing, Chase. She's not linked to anything I can find." I sat looking around at the display cases. We had Markey Close's reading lamp, and an early version of The Moravian Chronicles The Moravian Chronicles , and the gun Ivor Kaska had used to kill himself as the Kastians closed in. "She's a pretty big name," I said finally. "If she were involved in anything, she'd have had a hard time keeping it quiet." "I agree." "So"-I adopted my most rea.s.suring manner-"nothing bad has happened. Except possibly in her mind." "She has a brother in Carmahla. But he's shut down, too. Doesn't answer." "That might mean she contacted him, and he's keeping out of sight." "It's a possibility." "Did you know she was on Salud Afar recently?" "I saw that. But the message she sent us on , and the gun Ivor Kaska had used to kill himself as the Kastians closed in. "She's a pretty big name," I said finally. "If she were involved in anything, she'd have had a hard time keeping it quiet." "I agree." "So"-I adopted my most rea.s.suring manner-"nothing bad has happened. Except possibly in her mind." "She has a brother in Carmahla. But he's shut down, too. Doesn't answer." "That might mean she contacted him, and he's keeping out of sight." "It's a possibility." "Did you know she was on Salud Afar recently?" "I saw that. But the message she sent us on Belle Belle originated in Andiquar. So she's back home." "Maybe the problem, whatever it is, happened on Salud Afar." "It's possible. We don't get much news coverage from there." "You want me to look for the brother? Or do you want to let it go until she contacts us?" He pushed back in his chair. "Let's find the brother. Exactly what I was going to suggest." "I'm on it," I said. "Jacob." originated in Andiquar. So she's back home." "Maybe the problem, whatever it is, happened on Salud Afar." "It's possible. We don't get much news coverage from there." "You want me to look for the brother? Or do you want to let it go until she contacts us?" He pushed back in his chair. "Let's find the brother. Exactly what I was going to suggest." "I'm on it," I said. "Jacob."

"Yes, Chase?"

"You heard the man. Contact every major hotel in the city. We're trying to locate-What's his name, Alex?" "Cory Greene." "Let me know when you have something, Jacob." I looked across at Alex. "Okay?" "Very good." The AI needed about three seconds. "He's in the Townsend." "He's in the Townsend." "Ah." Alex glowed. "Give us a channel." "Ah." Alex glowed. "Give us a channel." "Open," "Open," said Jacob. A young woman appeared in front of the Kaska gun case. She looked artificial. A construct. But these days you can never be sure. said Jacob. A young woman appeared in front of the Kaska gun case. She looked artificial. A construct. But these days you can never be sure. "How may I help you, sir?" "How may I help you, sir?" "Would you put me through to Cory Greene, please? He's a guest." "Would you put me through to Cory Greene, please? He's a guest." "One moment." "One moment." She vanished. I pushed my chair back so I wouldn't be visible during the exchange. The construct reappeared. She vanished. I pushed my chair back so I wouldn't be visible during the exchange. The construct reappeared. "Mr. Greene wishes to know who you are and why you wish to speak with him." "Mr. Greene wishes to know who you are and why you wish to speak with him."

"Alex Benedict," he said. "Please tell him it concerns his sister."

Cory Greene had the same dazed look Vicki had worn. He was a young, good-looking guy, except maybe his ears were a bit large. He wore a green pullover with a white collar. His hair was as black as hers, and he had the same intelligent deep-set eyes. Vicki gave nothing away to other women, but she looked tough-minded and not the sort of person you'd want for an enemy. The same was true of Cory. "I got a call from Vicki a few days ago," Alex said. "I was away and couldn't respond. Is she okay?" "Not really," "Not really," he said. he said. "She's gone." "She's gone." "What do you mean "What do you mean gone gone ?" Alex leaned forward. "Where is she?" ?" Alex leaned forward. "Where is she?" "She's had a mnemonic extraction." "She's had a mnemonic extraction."

A mind wipe. All conscious memory removed. Permanently. I heard the wind whispering in the trees. "When?" "Several days ago." "Several days ago." Cory bit his lip and looked off into the distance. Cory bit his lip and looked off into the distance. "What did she say when she "What did she say when she called you?"

"Just that she needed help. She said, 'They're all dead.' Do you have any idea what she might have been talking about?" "No. None. There's n.o.body dead that I know of. Except her." "No. None. There's n.o.body dead that I know of. Except her." He was right about that. A mind wipe took you away and left the body alive. He was right about that. A mind wipe took you away and left the body alive. "Do you have any idea why she did it?" "Do you have any idea why she did it?" Alex frowned. "None. I was hoping you could tell me." Cory's eyes slid shut. Alex frowned. "None. I was hoping you could tell me." Cory's eyes slid shut. "It makes no sense. She was having a wildly successful career. She had all the money she'd ever need. She had an army of guys to pick from." "It makes no sense. She was having a wildly successful career. She had all the money she'd ever need. She had an army of guys to pick from." His eyes opened and grew wide as if he'd just become aware of Alex. His eyes opened and grew wide as if he'd just become aware of Alex. "Who are you exactly?" "Who are you exactly?" He sounded resentful. "I'm an antiquities dealer." He sounded resentful. "I'm an antiquities dealer."

"An antiquities dealer."

"I've no idea why she contacted me."

"Did she tell you anything at all? Give you any idea what the problem was?"

"No," he said. They sat there, looking helplessly at each other. Finally, Cory threw up his hands. "Well, Mr. Benedict, I don't know why she involved you, or what she expected you to do. And I don't guess we're going to get to ask her." "Well, Mr. Benedict, I don't know why she involved you, or what she expected you to do. And I don't guess we're going to get to ask her."

"Mr. Greene, I take it you didn't know in advance she was going to do this?" "Of course not. I'd never have allowed it." "Of course not. I'd never have allowed it." His voice trembled. His voice trembled. "I didn't even know anything was wrong." "I didn't even know anything was wrong."

"Had you seen her since she got back from Salud Afar?"

"You know about that?"

"It's public knowledge."

"She called to let me know she was home. That was all."

"How'd she seem?"

"I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary."

Alex fell silent. He was staring out the window at a sky that was threatening more snow. "How did you find out?" he asked at last. "About the mind wipe?"

"I got a message from her. Recorded before-" "What did she say? She must have offered "What did she say? She must have offered some some kind of explanation." kind of explanation." "I already told you I don't know why. She said that her situation had become intolerable. But that was all. She said she couldn't live with it." "I already told you I don't know why. She said that her situation had become intolerable. But that was all. She said she couldn't live with it."

"Was she in any kind of trouble that you know of?"

"No. Not that I know about."

I was wondering whether her publisher had been informed. They weren't going to be happy. "Have they let you see her?" asked Alex. "Since the procedure?"

"No. They won't let anyone near her."

I was trying to remember what they did with people after a mind wipe. She'd be given a new ident.i.ty and a new set of memories. And she'd be cared for until she reacquired basic skills. Learned the language. Learned to walk. Her estate would be liquidated and the funds made available to her. And when she was ready, she'd be moved to a distant location. n.o.body would be told where, and she'd start a whole new life. "She must have told someone someone why." why." "If so, he hasn't come forward." "If so, he hasn't come forward."

It was a radical treatment, reserved for habitual criminals, for psychopaths beyond the reach of therapy, and for those who wanted to leave their lives behind and start fresh. It was an expensive last resort, still opposed by a sizable portion of the population on moral, ethical, and religious grounds. I was inclined to agree. It's hard to see how it's any different from suicide. Vicki Greene had ceased to exist. "Where is she now?"

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The Devil's Eye Part 1 summary

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