Poems By The Way & Love Is Enough Part 25

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_O well were I from the World away._

He took me up, and bare me home To the house that was his own, And there bode I so long with him That I was his love alone.

_O well were I from the World away._

But the very first night we lay abed Befell his sorrow and harm, That thither came the King's ill men, And slew him on mine arm.

_O well were I from the World away._

There slew they Adalbright the King, Two of his swains slew they, But the third sailed swiftly from the land Sithence I saw him never a day.

_O well were I from the World away._

O wavering hope of this world's bliss, How shall men trow in thee?

My Grove of Gems is gone away For mine eyes no more to see!

_O well were I from the World away._

Each hour the while my life shall last Remembereth him alone, Such heavy sorrow have I got From our meeting long agone.

_O well were I from the World away._

O, early in the morning-tide Men cry: "Christine the fair, Art thou well content with that true love Thou sittest loving there?"

_O well were I from the World away._

"Ah, yea, so well I love him, And so dear my love shall be, That the very G.o.d of Heaven aloft Wors.h.i.+ppeth him and me.

_O well were I from the World away._

"Ah, all the red gold I have got Well would I give to-day, Only for this and nothing else From the world to win away."

_O well were I from the World away._

"Nay, midst all folk upon the earth Keep thou thy ruddy gold, And love withal the mighty lord That wedded thee of old."

_O well were I from the World away._



h.e.l.lelil sitteth in bower there, _None knows my grief but G.o.d alone,_ And seweth at the seam so fair, _I never wail my sorrow to any other one._

But there whereas the gold should be With silk upon the cloth sewed she.

Where she should sew with silken thread The gold upon the cloth she laid.

So to the Queen the word came in That h.e.l.lelil wild work doth win.

Then did the Queen do furs on her And went to h.e.l.lelil the fair.

"O swiftly sewest thou, h.e.l.lelil, Yet nought but mad is thy sewing still!"

"Well may my sewing be but mad Such evil hap as I have had.

My father was good king and lord, Knights fifteen served before his board.

He taught me sewing royally, Twelve knights had watch and ward of me.

Well served eleven day by day, To folly the twelfth did me bewray.

And this same was hight Hildebrand, The King's son of the English Land.

But in bower were we no sooner laid Than the truth thereof to my father was said.

Then loud he cried o'er garth and hall: 'Stand up, my men, and arm ye all!

'Yea draw on mail and dally not, Hard neck lord Hildebrand hath got!'

They stood by the door with glaive and spear; 'Hildebrand rise and hasten here!'

Lord Hildebrand stroked my white white cheek: 'O love, forbear my name to speak.

'Yea even if my blood thou see, Name me not, lest my death thou be.'

Out from the door lord Hildebrand leapt, And round about his good sword swept.

The first of all that he slew there Were my seven brethren with golden hair.

Then before him stood the youngest one, And dear he was in the days agone.

Then I cried out: 'O Hildebrand, In the name of G.o.d now stay thine hand.

'O let my youngest brother live Tidings hereof to my mother to give!'

No sooner was the word gone forth Than with eight wounds fell my love to earth.

My brother took me by the golden hair, And bound me to the saddle there.

There met me then no littlest root, But it tore off somewhat of my foot.

No littlest brake the wild-wood bore, But somewhat from my legs it tore.

No deepest dam we came unto But my brother's horse he swam it through

But when to the castle gate we came, There stood my mother in sorrow and shame.

My brother let raise a tower high, Bestrewn with sharp thorns inwardly.

He took me in my silk s.h.i.+rt bare And cast me into that tower there.

And wheresoe'er my legs I laid Torment of the thorns I had.

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Poems By The Way & Love Is Enough Part 25 summary

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