Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 10

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Jasmine threw her head back and laughed. "You got a point there."

The noise inside the club grew louder as a large group of men went for the two tables that Jasmine had earlier indicated would house the bachelor party. "Looks like I'm on, and looks like they've already been drinking."

They observed a redhead who sat closest to the stage, already throwing money up at the dancer. "Watch him, he looks a little grabby," Jasmine warned.

"Will do."

Before she sauntered over to the table, her eyes searched for Dominic, their head bouncer. Their eyes locked, and she indicated the table that she was walking over to. He flashed her a thumbs up and stood with his arms crossed over his large chest.

"Hey guys, I'm Bianca," she introduced herself as she arrived at the table and started taking drink orders.

"That's a wh.o.r.e's name if I've ever heard one," the redhead said, laughing loudly at his own joke.

She ignored him and continued taking the orders.

"Hey!" he yelled at her again. "I'm the bachelor here tonight, how about you and I go into that back room?" he indicated a bank of rooms off to the side. The onstage girls gave lap dances and sometimes more in those rooms.

"You don't see me up on the pole do you?" she asked. "Only girls on the pole go back into that room."

"You could be up on my pole," he laughed, grabbing his crotch and thrusting it at her.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around to go put in their orders and tried to take a few minutes to collect herself. Sometimes this job could be too much, even for her.

"You're right, the redhead is a douchebag," she told Jasmine. "He asked me for a lap dance and then grabbed his crotch and thrust it at me. How much longer do I have to do this job again?"

"One more semester and then however long it takes you to find a job, girlfriend. You're on your way," Jasmine tried to encourage her. It hurt her to see the fire in Bianca's eyes die a little bit when men treated her like this. "Do you want me to take the table?"

"No," Bianca sighed. "I came in here tonight to make money. I'm not gonna let some guy who's wasted ruin it for me."

"You need me to at any time tonight and you just let me know."

An hour later, Bianca was nearing the end of her rope. She wanted this night over and she wanted to see Jagger, not necessarily in that order. It surprised her how much she needed to see him. He'd come to have a very calming effect on her. When she was down or stressed, she wanted to see him. Usually just having him around helped, sometimes it was just seeing the glint of mischievousness in his eyes. She was almost ready to text him when her neck started tingling.

Turning around, she saw him walk in. He wore leather chaps over worn jeans and black motorcycle boots. His leather cut fit over a long-sleeve white thermal s.h.i.+rt and black leather gloves covered his hands and fingers. A black beanie covered what she knew was gorgeous dirty blond hair. She would bet it was windblown because his face held the redness of cold from outside. A black bandana hung from the back pocket of his jeans. He took one cursory glance around the club before his eyes landed on hers. The smile that he seemed to reserve for her now broke across his face. She smiled back, wanting nothing more than to beat feet across the crowded room and throw herself into his arms.

"Your group over there is getting restless." Sparkles sauntered up to her, closing a robe over her body. "I just gave redhead a lap dance and he called me Bianca. You better go shut that s.h.i.+t down."

Bianca's smile faded, and she turned around with new determination. "Okay guys, no more drinks, you're at the limit. Do you have a DD?"

One of the guys in the group raised his hand. "That's me. Just let me settle up with you and I'll get them out of your hair," he grinned good-naturedly at her.

Thankful that one of them seemed to still have his faculties about him, she handed him the bill and took the time to explain that the gratuity was already included and they weren't required to leave her anything else. She hoped that would make them get out even faster.

Just as she was about to be done, redhead whistled at her and crooked his finger in her direction. She fought not to roll her eyes but walked over anyway, knowing that it was probably the worst idea she'd had in a long time.


"I got your tip hot stuff."

Shaking her head, she indicated the receipt she held in her hand. "Already got it, thanks though."

She had inadvertently gotten a little too close, and redhead was quick, even when inebriated. He put his hand behind her neck and pulled her down even closer before hooking a finger in her s.h.i.+rt and stuffing a bill in her bra.

Within seconds, she'd been moved, and Jagger's hand was around the redhead's neck.

"You want to take care of this or do you want me to?" Jagger asked, his teeth clenched.

"Normally, I'd say let me, but I'm tired tonight and this guy has been on my nerves since he got here. You take care of it, baby." She winked at him as she said it.

"With pleasure."

He jerked the guy towards the back rooms. "You boys might need to call his soon-to-be wife and tell her where her man can be picked up. I'll be done in about thirty minutes."

Dominic laughed as he escorted the rest of them out of the building.

Taking a deep breath, Bianca walked over to the bar and had a seat to wait on Jagger. Jerking the money out of her bra, she saw that it was $100. Normally she would have thrown it in redhead's face, but she figured after everything she had been through, she deserved it. She took a moment to glance around the club, to see who else had shown up. Almost immediately her eyes locked with Money Bags, who did nothing more than smile and wave. She swallowed loudly. That was the scariest wave she'd ever seen in her life.

Chapter Twenty.

"You wanna go home with me?" Jagger asked as he came out of the back room, putting his cut back on.

She was still glancing periodically at Money Bags, but gave Jagger her full attention when he came to stand in front of her. Casually, he took one arm and placed it on the bar, before placing his other arm on the other side, effectively boxing her in.

"I would love to, but I have stuff I need to do tomorrow," she sighed, putting her hands in his belt loops and pulling him towards her.

He leaned down, nuzzling her neck with his mouth. "That sucks," he groaned. "I was really hoping to spend some time with you tonight"

Agreement was on the tip of her tongue. "How about you come home with me?"

His eyes flashed in genuine surprise. "You sure?"

"If you are. I mean, if you can't because you need to be at the clubhouse, I understand."

"No, that's not it at all. I'm actually off duty right now. You just want me to follow you over on my bike?"

"Yeah, that way if you need to leave you can. You're not commandeering my car again."

An innocent look spread across his face. "Me?"

"Yeah you." She leaned up, kissing him softly on the mouth.

He went in for one more, wrapping an arm around her neck and putting his other hand at her hips. "I'll see you when I get there." He pulled away.

"Yeah, see you." She stood up, throwing her ap.r.o.n behind the counter. "Sparkles, will you tell Wanda I'm out for the night?"

"Will do."

Bianca made her way out to her car, stopping in her tracks when she saw a note tucked under her winds.h.i.+eld wiper. Glancing around, she saw that Jagger hadn't made his way outside yet.

Bianca Hawks, glad to see you around my school. Hope to see more of you soon. Interesting to know your boyfriend is a member of a motorcycle gang.

It wasn't signed, but it didn't have to be. She knew exactly who had left this message. Mr. Money Bags had thrown down a challenge, and now she had to figure out exactly how she was going to answer it.

"These stairs are a f.u.c.king death trap," Jagger complained as they made their way up to her apartment.

"I know," she sighed. Everyone who came to see her always complained about them.

"Tyler and I will be over here sometime tomorrow to fix them. They need an extra support."

She raised her eyes. "You can do that kinda stuff?"

"Yeah," he answered a little too quickly. "Well, Tyler can, and if he can, then I can."

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him that Tyler could probably do a million things that he couldn't do, but she decided that maybe she should keep that to herself. "Whatever you say."

She unlocked her door and let him in. "Hang on, I forgot my mail."

Going back down the stairs, she went to her small mailbox and rifled through the junk mail that was there. Taking it to her trash can, she threw it away. Glancing up and down the street, she froze, seeing a white van turn onto her street and almost stop.

"What's wrong?" Jagger asked from where he stood.

For one night, she wanted a quiet time with him. "Nothing, just thought I saw someone I knew," she shook her head, hurrying up the stairs.

He held the door open for her as she made it to him. It was then that the white van drove by. "That white van drive by out here often?" he asked. It looked just like the one that had run him off the road.

"No," she answered quickly.

His brows drew together, but he didn't push it. Walking inside, she put her stuff down and went to turn the heat up. It was a little chilly.

"Sorry dinner got ruined," he apologized, having a seat on her couch.

"It's alright. I don't have any plans the rest of the night, and I don't have cla.s.s tomorrow morning. Maybe we could just hang out," she shrugged.

They had spent plenty of time together already, and she had slept at the clubhouse in his room, but this felt completely different. They hadn't been in her environment, and she obviously didn't feel comfortable because her demeanor was 180 degrees different from before.

"Sounds good to me." He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

"You tired?" she asked, looking at the dark circles under his eyes.

"A little. That protection run took forever and I got shot at."

Her face paled and her heart beat double time. "You got shot at?"

"Yeah, but n.o.body got hurt. Obviously I'm okay."

"Obviously, but I'm not sure how I feel about you being shot at."

He opened an eye and shrugged. "It's not the first time. I'm sure it won't be the last. It kinda goes along with what I do, ya know?"

She did know, but this was scary. "I'm gonna go take a shower," she announced abruptly.

Reaching out, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to him. She had no choice but to straddle his lap to keep from falling over and hitting his face.

"What's wrong?"


"We're not back to this again are we?"

"Back to what?" she played dumb.

"B, you got a problem, you have to tell me. I can't read your f.u.c.kin' mind, nor do I want to. I'm pretty sure you think a lot that you never say."

That was the truest statement that anyone had ever said to her and showed just how well he knew her. This relations.h.i.+p was getting more serious by the minute.

"I just don't like hearing that you're shot at."

"And I don't like men putting their hands on you or sticking money in your bra, but you've already told me what you think about me being jealous."

"Did it change anything?" she asked.

He tilted his head. Warmth bled out of his eyes. Now they were cold and a little more sinister than she liked to see. "I took care of that guy tonight. I wanted to chop his d.i.c.k off because it was hard for you, but I decided to let him remain a man. I won't be that nice when the next one comes around. I can't control my jealously when it comes to you, and I think it's pretty f.u.c.kin' clear I don't like you workin' in that place, but I understand that you have to do what you have to do. Like, you are who you are, I am who I am. If I'm not asking you to change, then you can't ask me to change. I'll deal with men if I need to, I'll beat the s.h.i.+t out of them if I have to, but I won't stand for another man touching you. We clear on that?"

She swallowed loudly. "Crystal."

Getting up from his lap, she felt cold. This was a side of him that did scare her. She knew that it wasn't directed at her, but jealously brought out a side of him she didn't like and it worried her. The job she had was the job she had. And now with Money Bags, who knew what was going to happen. But if he was going to lay it all out, then so was she.

"Let's get something else straight. You get shot at, I want to know. I don't want to be kept in the dark. I don't know how your other women have dealt with this, but I do better when I know what the f.u.c.k is going on. Don't think I'm not strong enough to handle it."

Turning from the living room, she went into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-s.h.i.+rt before going to the bathroom. She cranked on the shower and waited for the hot water heater to kick in. While she did, she took her s.h.i.+rt off and breathed a sigh of relief when she undid her bra and let her shoulders relax. Now she could be comfortable. After completely disrobing, she knew that the shower would be as warm as it was going to get. Climbing in, she let the hot water run over her back and arms. She'd only be in there for a few minutes when she heard the curtain be pushed back and felt the warmth of Jagger's body pressed against hers. His hands went to her hips, his long fingers pressing against her pelvic bones to turn her around.

"You left before I could be completely honest with you," he whispered, burying his head in her neck.

"With what?" Her mouth was dry. Had he killed someone tonight, was he going to have the cops at her door in the morning?

"There hasn't ever been another woman that I've been in a relations.h.i.+p with like this. No other woman ever wanted to know what I was doing because none of them cared about me, Jagger. They cared about the motorcycle, the cut, and the bada.s.s att.i.tude. You see right through it, B, and it scares the absolute s.h.i.+t out of me. You really do care about me."

She knew exactly what that had taken out of him to admit to her. He was a lot like her, playing everything close to their chests so that they didn't have to put themselves out there for other people.

Silently she slipped her arms around his waist and pulled him close. They stood there holding each other until the water ran cold.

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Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 10 summary

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