Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 9

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As she turned around, she caught sight of Jagger looking at her and shook her head ever so slightly. As she began walking away, she felt it. Old Money Bags had slapped her a.s.s. She jumped in surprise, calling out.

"I always figured you'd like that," he laughed.

Jagger was off his bar stool and halfway across the room before Layne could grab hold of him. His arm around Jagger's chest, he pulled him close and said something in his ear. Bianca's eyes pleaded with him to take Layne's advice and let this go. Nodding, Jagger turned around and went back to the bar with Layne. Finally, Bianca could breathe a sigh of relief.

"I didn't like that guy slapping your a.s.s."

It was finally time to clean up and go home, and this was the absolute last thing that Bianca wanted to hear.

"Look, it's something that men here do. It's my job to appear available. It's how I make money."

"Well I don't like it," he argued.

She'd had enough. An independent woman since her teenage years, she didn't put up with others telling her what to do or how to live her life. "I don't recall asking you if you liked it or not, Jagger. Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean I'm going to stop living my life."

"It's disrespectful to our relations.h.i.+p."

Now that straight up p.i.s.sed her off. Quickly she grabbed the money she had been counting and made her tip out for the night before shoving $50 bucks in his pocket. "That's the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard another person say. You f.u.c.king met me when I was buck-a.s.s naked falling off a stripper pole. Apparently, you didn't think it was disrespectful then. Another thing, there's your payment for the week, f.u.c.k a bunch of dinner. And if you think this is going to change what I do, because we're in a relations.h.i.+p build a f.u.c.king bridge and get over it. I don't change anything about myself for anyone unless I want to, and you're not going to guilt me into doing it. I stopped changing for other people a long time ago."

Just like that, she was gone, blowing out of the room like a tornado.

"You handled that really well," Jasmine told him as she walked out after Bianca.

He sat at the table wondering just what in the h.e.l.l had happened. He'd expressed his opinion, and she'd chewed him up and spit him out. Tyler ambled over and had a seat next to him.

"A word of advice. You can work women to your advantage, but you have to do it in a non-threatening way. I get Meredith to do what I want her to all the time by telling her not to do it. You need to learn some finesse my man."

"So I handled that wrong?"

Tyler laughed. "There was absolutely nothing about that you handled right. I suggest that tomorrow, you have some flowers delivered to that woman on her first day of teaching. It'll at least get her to answer your phone calls again because I bet you a million bucks you call her right now you're goin' straight to voice mail."

This was all new to him, this relations.h.i.+p business, and he was beginning to think he had no f.u.c.king idea what he was doing. This wasn't like the women he could just f.u.c.k and leave the women he'd been with for years were friends of the club. This was something completely different. This was building a life with someone else and maybe Tyler was right. Maybe he did need to learn a little finesse, and that meant going outside of his comfort zone sometimes. Never before had he sent a woman flowers, but he would make d.a.m.n sure he did tomorrow.

Chapter Eighteen.

Bianca's stomach rolled as she walked up the front walkway to the middle school she would be teaching at for the day. She hadn't ever been this nervous in her life, but she wanted so much to make a good impression and do a good job. Her hands shook as she opened the door and made her way to the front office.

The office was hopping, lots of talking and students coming in and out. It surprised her to see some of them at the school this early. A young woman sat at the front desk, a telephone to her ear, already looking stressed to the max.

"Hi, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go. My name is Bianca Hawks, and I'm subst.i.tuting today," she explained to the woman she a.s.sumed was the secretary.

"Oh hi! Sorry, it's a little bit crazy in here today. We also had a few bus drivers need subs, and now they're all running behind. Some of them didn't even pick up their kids, so that's why we have these kids in here parents had to drop them off, and now they're making complaints." She took a deep breath and composed herself. "Anyway, I'm Stacey Young, and I will show you what all you need to know."

Bianca shook the hand that had extended to her. "Nice to meet you."

Stacey got up from behind the desk and told someone in one of the offices that she would be leaving for a few minutes. When she got back out to where Bianca stood, she mumbled to her. "Not that Mr. Tucker will do anything besides answer a phone and take a message anyway."

"Mr. Tucker? Is he the"

"Sure is. For ten years running. Between you and me, we're all waiting for him to retire."

It struck her as odd that someone she had just met was sharing information that she considered privileged with her, but she figured that was the way that normal people did it. She had to remind herself that her life was not conventional at all. Not sure of how to respond to that, Bianca just laughed. "I bet you are."

"Oh yeah, don't forget to put this on." Stacey fished a badge out of her pocket that proclaimed her a subst.i.tute teacher. "You'll need to turn that in at the end of the day so we can get your time to the Board of Education, that way you get paid."

Bianca made a mental note to make sure she did that. Getting paid was at the top of her list right now along with getting a little bit of experience. "Will do," she said as they made their way through the halls. Bianca did her best to pay attention to the way they had come so that she wouldn't be lost later on. Stacey continued to talk.

"Are you hoping to teach middle school?"

She shook her head. "Actually, my teaching degree will have me with elementary education, but any little bit of experience helps."

Stacey nodded. "Agreed. At one time I wanted to be a teacher. The subst.i.tute experience convinced me I shouldn't be."

Bianca paled. This woman seriously held nothing back. "It was that bad?"

"Let's just say it wasn't for me. It's not like that for everyone," Stacey quickly amended, putting her hand on Bianca's arm in a comforting gesture.

Her brain told her Stacey was right, everyone had a different experience. She couldn't base hers on one that someone else had.

"And here we are. If you need anything you can hit the b.u.t.ton for the office and someone will help you. You're subbing for Mr. Grayson today, and he should have made you very detailed notes. I believe he left a packet so that they can work from out of their books. Don't let anyone convince you they have a hall pa.s.s either. You give those out for the bathroom."

"Thanks for the tip."

"Good luck! I'll see you at the end of your day. You're welcome to eat lunch in the cafeteria or here. You'll get a discount since you are a teacher, but you don't have to do anything that you don't want to," Stacey said, leaving her.

"Thanks," Bianca called out, taking a deep breath.

This was the first step in what was going to be her new life.

Four and a lunch period down and she was finally on her last one of the day. She had seen Mandy, who had waved at her and been on her best behavior. It looked like she'd even convinced her friends to also be on their best behavior as well. Mandy had warned her that Drew would be in her last cla.s.s of the day.

As they filed in, she saw Drew and waved at him. He waved back while his buddies. .h.i.t him on the back, wanting to know who she was. For the first time she was nervous. Would he tell his friends she worked at Wet Wanda's to look cool?

"She's my dad's friend's girlfriend," she heard him whisper to the group he sat with.

"As in one of the Heaven Hill members?"

"Yeah, so don't mess with her," Drew warned.

His voice sounded so deep and sure, she had to check to make sure he hadn't aged overnight.

"h.e.l.l no," the other guy said, holding his hands up.

She was proud to know that Drew wasn't going to make things harder for her. He and Mandy were such good kids, she'd have to brag on them when she saw their parents next.

"I'm Ms. Hawks, and I'll be your subst.i.tute today. Mr. Grayson left a packet of work that needs to be done using your books. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to help you," she told them, handing out the packet and going back to have a seat at the desk.

Throughout the day while they had done their homework, she'd done hers as well. It surprised her how much she had gotten done. All too soon the day was over and she was letting the cla.s.s out with their final bell of the day.

"Have a good day, Ms. Hawks," Drew teased as he walked out of the room.

She laughed, rolling her eyes at the boy. Grabbing her stuff, she made her way back to the front office so that she could turn her badge back in.

"Here ya go." She handed it to Stacey.

"Thank you very much. By the way, these were delivered for you a few minutes ago." Stacey pointed over to a beautiful arrangement of flowers.

"For me?"

"It says Bianca Hawks, you're the only one we've got here honey."

n.o.body had ever given her flowers. Grabbing the vase, she looked at the card.

Sorry I was such an a.s.s last night. I hope you've had a great day teaching. Call me and we'll do dinner! Xoxo Jagger "Wow, that was sweet!"

"A boyfriend or husband?" Stacey asked.

It was obvious that this woman fed off knowledge so Bianca just gave it up. "Boyfriend who acted like a complete a.s.shole last night."

"I hope you forgive him. Those are some nice flowers."

Bianca grinned and winked. "I'll think about it."

Behind the closed door of the's office, she heard a loud voice. "Stacey, I need those monthly reports right now."

Stacey sighed. "They're on my computer, Mr. Tucker, but the printer is messed up again. I'm waiting on IT to come and fix it."

The man behind the door cursed loudly and came barreling out of the office. "That's not good enough, Ms. Young."

Bianca froze as the man looked at her and also froze. It was Mr. Money Bags from the club. Quickly, she dropped her badge in front of Stacey.

"Thanks for the fun day, gotta go."

s.n.a.t.c.hing her flowers, she was gone.

Mr. Tucker watched her leave and turned to Stacey. "Who was that?"

"The sub for Mr. Grayson's room today. Do you know her? It looked like the two of you know each other."

"She just looked familiar. Let me know when IT shows up."

He went back into his office and checked the sub schedule. Bianca Hawks. With a grin, he pulled up her file in their system. He steepled his fingers together and rested his chin on them thinking of the things he could do with the information.

Chapter Nineteen.

Later that night, Bianca logged into her email account to see if she had been added to any more sub jobs or to see if her professors had sent out any new a.s.signments. There was one email from Stacey in her inbox.

Intrigued, she opened it.

Bianca, It was nice to meet you today. I realize this was your first time in a school in this capacity, so I thought it might help you to know a few things. Please don't take this as me talking down to you, I liked you upon meeting you today, so take this in the spirit that it's meant to be helpful. Never, ever cuss when you're at school unless you are friends (and I mean friends) with the person that you're talking to. I know that your boyfriend was probably an a.s.shole, and if we had been out at a bar, like say, Wet Wanda's, that would be fine, but some of these teachers will chew you up and spit you out. Same with the note from your boyfriend. Don't let him cuss in those again. Smaller things have lost teachers jobs. I like you and I think you're nothing like most of the teachers we have in this district. Please don't let the 'old girls club' find a reason to get you kicked out.

With all the respect of someone who's gone through this, Stacey Bianca's face flamed. She had no idea there were etiquette lessons that needed to be given in order to be a teacher. Maybe that would be taught in her final It gave her pause she had never been the type of person to cower to others. Maybe this time she would have to. Biting her lip, she sighed. This was going to be more than she ever thought.

If they freaked about this, how would they feel when they knew her boyfriend was a member of a motorcycle gang? What if they found out about her childhood and that her mother had been on food stamps and they hadn't had electricity all the time. What about when she went without food and had to steal every now and again from the country store around the corner of her childhood home? They would crucify her. She would definitely have to play her personal life close to the vest. Luckily, she hadn't gotten into teaching to make friends. She'd gotten into it to help kids who floundered like she had. Ones with no direction and no parents to care.

Her cell rang and she bent to answer it when she saw a picture of Jagger flash across the screen. She hadn't had a picture of him before, so he must have done it for her. He was sitting on his bike, making a heart with his hands. She rolled her eyes. He was such a contradiction.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Hey," he answered, his voice tight.

"Something wrong?"

"Our protection crew ran into a bit of a problem tonight, and I'm gonna have to take a rain check on dinner. Sorry," he apologized.

Her spirits sank, but she fought to keep that disappointment out of her voice. "It's okay, maybe I can pick up an extra s.h.i.+ft at work."

"You do, you call me and let me know. I'll meet you out there when I get done."

"Sounds good." She hung up and sighed.

Work always needed her, so she went and got dressed.

For a Monday night, Wet Wanda's was positively hopping.

"Girl, you're about to get two tables of a bachelor party," Jasmine warned her as they sat at the bar waiting on their drink orders to be filled.

"Really? On a Monday?"

"I know," Jasmine agreed. She surveyed the club. "It's packed in here. There's even a bachelorette party here. At a strip club. Why aren't they at a male revue?"

Bianca grinned. "Maybe they aren't fans of d.i.c.k in a box?"

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Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 9 summary

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