Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 8

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"f.u.c.k, Bianca, you're beautiful," he whispered, letting her ride it out against his hand.

She rolled her head around and opened her eyes, meeting his with a shy smile on her face.

"Was that good?" he asked, a grin on his face.

"Yeah," she admitted, licking her lips and stretching against him. As she moved her foot, it grazed the hardness of his c.o.c.k. Her eyes heated when she glanced at him.

"Yeah, it affected me too," he admitted.

Moving around so that she kneeled in front of him, she untied the knot at his waist. "I don't wanna hurt you," she told him softly.

"You won't," the words were guttural.

She didn't want him to move too much, so as she pushed the swim trunks down his thighs, she grasped him in her hand.

"s.h.i.+t," he gasped.

Moving up and down on the hardness, she made a point to run her hand over the soft head, causing him to lift his hips slightly.

"Try to stay still, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

He laughed, the sound hollow. "Yeah right, stay still when you're doing this?" Reaching down, he gripped her hand in his, showing her how tightly he wanted her to hold him and the pace he liked.

"Is this what'll get you off?" she asked, gazing up at him.

His eyes were closed and his head was thrown back. The strong column of his neck strained as he fought to hold back the sounds that should have been coming from his throat.

"f.u.c.k yes," he gasped out.

He had been perpetually hard around her since the first moment he'd seen her, and it had kept him from being with other women. It was embarra.s.sing how quickly this was going to be over. He pushed against her shoulders, trying to warn her back.

"It's almost there."

She was excited that she could get him where he needed to be in such a short amount of time. It gave her a feminine thrill that she hadn't had in a long time. Leaning against his body, she placed nipping kisses against his neck. In the past, s.e.x and s.e.xual acts hadn't meant anything to her. This, however, was different. To see him come would mean the world to her.

His body tightened, and he grasped her hand tighter around his length, groaning as he emptied himself into the hot water. "s.h.i.+t," he breathed, rapidly blinking his eyes.

She laughed softly. "I think we made a mess here, and I don't think we'll be allowed back in here ever again."

He cracked up, a full body laugh. "We'll figure it out," he promised, grasping the back of her head and bringing her in for a deep kiss.

When they broke apart, the world looked different to the both of them, and neither was exactly sure how to handle this new development in their relations.h.i.+p.

"This is going to take some getting used to," she warned him.

"For me too." He pulled her to his side and slung his arm around her shoulder, touching their foreheads together. "But we're going to learn this together because I'm not letting you get away from me."

That was good because she wasn't letting him get away either.

Chapter Sixteen.

A week later, the snow had melted, and everyone was getting back into the normal swing of things.

"I so need another job," Bianca sighed as she got her mail and trudged up the rickety stairs to her apartment.

It had been a long night with not nearly as much money as she had hoped to get. She was still running short thanks to the snow, and that even included the money that Jagger still hadn't taken from her. Even though the snow was gone, it was still very cold, and she s.h.i.+vered as her hands fumbled with the lock on the door. Finally turning it, she all but stumbled into her apartment. It was cozy since she had left the heat up high, but now she had to think about the gas bill that was coming.

"It's a never-ending cycle," she mumbled, throwing her stuff on her couch and taking her mail with her to the kitchen.

Rifling through it, she saw bills and groaned. Doubt plagued her. Wouldn't it be easier just to quit school and get a real job that allowed her to do most of what she wanted to do? But one envelope had the name of the local school district. She had finally gotten enough cla.s.sroom hours that she had been able to apply for a subst.i.tute teaching position in the rotation, and she hoped against everything that this was the approval.

Her hands shook as she opened the envelope. Reading it quickly, she screamed in joy as she saw it was an acceptance for a subst.i.tute position and she would be needed the following week at one of the local middle schools. The same one that Drew and Mandy attended.

Pulling her cell phone out of her back pocket, she quickly texted Jagger.

You busy?

She thought that maybe he had a protection run, but it was late enough that he might be back already. Waiting for him to answer her text felt like a million years.

Nah, whatcha need cutie?

A blush covered her face even though he was nowhere around. Something about the way he flirted with her caused every feminine part of her to respond.

I got accepted for that subst.i.tute teaching position and they need me next week!

Within minutes her phone rang.

"That's great! I know you're so excited." His deep voice sounded so good on the other end of the phone.

"I am. I feel like this is one step closer to getting out of Wet Wanda's. Tonight it was really on my nerves."

He hadn't been there. "What happened?"

"Just the regular. Guys not knowing to keep their hands to themselves and then not giving good tips because they didn't get a b.l.o.w.j.o.b in the back room."

"Some guy touched you?" he asked, his voice going hard.

"It was nothing, Jagger. Just the normal s.h.i.+t."

"I still don't like hearing some other guy touched you." The cloud of jealousy that came over him couldn't be helped. He hated her job even more than she did. He didn't like the guy he became when she talked about s.h.i.+t like this.

She sighed. "It's just the nature of the beast. Can we not argue about it? I really am excited about the job."

Kicking his feelings into a box, he locked them down and did his best to take the bite out of his voice. "Sure, so when do you have to go?"

"Next Monday, I have a few days to prepare, but I'm a little scared. It's the same school that Drew and Mandy go to, so I might even have them in my cla.s.s."

"I'll have to talk to Drew and make sure he watches out for you."

"He has enough to worry about being a kid and watching out for Mandy," she laughed.

"Nah, he told all of us the other day that he wants to prospect when he turns eighteen. I'll tell him this will make him look good."

Poor guy, he didn't know at all what he was getting into. "Don't put him out just for me. Seriously. Anyway, I have to go do some more homework before I can even go to bed."

"Sweet dreams, babe."

She smiled. "Sweet dreams to you too."

Hours later, she heard the squeal of tires as she heard the distinct sound of gunshots. It sounded close by so she hit the floor, lying on her stomach. When it was quiet for a few moments, she crawled over to her window that faced the street. Moving the curtain back an inch, she looked out. Sitting there in the street in front of her apartment was a white van. A few moments later, it left slowly, just like any other vehicle coming down her busy road. This however, seemed different. She remembered Jagger saying something about a white van that ran him off the road. Scared to say anything, she tucked the information back for a later time and did her best to continue on about her night.

That same night, Jagger sat in the makes.h.i.+ft gym the clubhouse had made, contemplating when he would be able to start working out again. His ribs were still sore, but not so much that he didn't think he couldn't do a few reps with a barbell. In their boxing ring, Layne beat on Tyler, the both of them grunting as they went after each other hard.

He had never really been a fan of getting in that ring and letting someone beat the s.h.i.+t out of him, but those two and Liam really seemed to enjoy it. It was obviously a great cardio workout, evidenced by the sounds of their heavy breathing. As Bianca always said to him, his face was too pretty. Watching the clock, he hit the bell, signaling the end of the round.

"You two done yet?"

Tyler collapsed on the mat, his stomach pumping up and down as he put a gloved fist over his abdomen.

"I think so, I gotta be up in a few hours to run with Drew. We gotta stop doing this so late," he groaned, rolling over.

Layne grinned. "You're just gettin' old."

"f.u.c.k a bunch of old. I'm working out twice a day. I don't see you working out twice a day. Old my a.s.s."

The other two men watched as he got up and walked out of the room, still mumbling.

"Do you think I offended him?" Layne asked, a serious expression on his face. "Because I totally didn't mean too, I was just joking."

"Nah, I think he really wanted to go see Meredith, so he just used it as an excuse."


The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes. They weren't the best of friends, but they had prospected together and had become acquaintances.

"How are things going with you and Bianca?"

A smile spread across Jagger's face. "Pretty awesome actually. I've never had a relations.h.i.+p that's just worked out the way I wanted it to."

"That never lasts," Layne joked.

"You're so right about that. I'm kind of waiting on the other shoe to drop because I've never felt this way before and it's never been so perfect."

"Well, I'll be prayin' for ya buddy."

Layne clasped his shoulder as he got up and made his way to the gym's shower.

Left alone with his thoughts, Jagger had to admit that Layne had been right. When this crashed, it was probably going to burn.

Chapter Seventeen.

"Why is it hopping on the night I wanted to go home early? I'm gonna make such a good impression tomorrow. This is the Lord's Day, and all of these people are sinning with their drinking and s.e.x," Bianca whined.

She and her fellow waitress Jasmine had been busting b.u.t.t for nearly four hours as they tried to keep up with the constant stream of patrons wanting food and drink in the club.

"I don't know, girl, but my clothes are wet I'm sweating so much," Jasmine whined as well, pulling her s.h.i.+rt away from her body.

"Heads up," Dominic, their head bouncer, said as he stuck his head through the open kitchen door. "That guy that's been giving you both a hard time just sat his fat a.s.s in Bianca's section."

Bianca rolled her eyes and sighed. Jagger was here tonight, and she knew that this wouldn't be good. "Motherf.u.c.ker! Could he not pick another night to come in?"

They had taken to calling him Money Bags. He flashed a lot of cash, and it was obvious he enjoyed the finer things in life given the clothes he wore and the size of those clothes. He did tip well, but he insisted on putting his hands where they did not belong.

Jasmine grabbed her tray of food and drinks. On the way out, she flashed Bianca a smile. "Get that money, girl!"

Bianca grimaced and mumbled. "This is one of those occasions that I don't want that money."

Squaring her shoulders, she took a deep breath and held her head high as she walked out into the main area. She looked around for Jagger and spotted him immediately. He sat at the bar with his back to her, laughing over something with Layne. Hopefully, he would stay that way for a while.

"Bianca, so good to see you!" Money Bags greeted, smiling so wide his double chin was apparent.

She had never been so glad that they didn't use last names here. She was sure he would have found out where she lived by now if they did.

"Good to see you too," she smiled politely. "What can I get for ya?"

He scooted to the edge of the booth so that he sat right next to where she stood. Bracing herself, she knew what was coming. He wrapped his beefy arm around her hips and hugged her close to him. She was so small compared to the length of his arm that his fingers almost touched her crotch every time he did this. She absolutely hated it. Trying her best to shrink out of his grasp, she posed ready to take his order.

"I'll have a beer and some chicken wings to start out with. Give me ten with the nuclear sauce on them."

She sighed inwardly. She hated when he got wings. He made a big production of eating them and waiting to lick his fingers when she showed back up to see if he needed anything else.

"Alright, I'll get those right to you."

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Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 8 summary

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