The VIP Room: Teased Part 19

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"Sawyer?" Vida asked, frightened.

"He didn't give me any info, just told us to hurry."

Vida rushed to the door with Colton behind her. Colton didn't drive recklessly, but he didn't stick to the speed limit, either. She prayed the whole way there that they didn't get pulled over. A parole violation was the last thing they needed right now.

Colton pulled in front of a large building on the outskirts of town with a large number of motorcycles out front and parked his bike at the back of the building. Taking Vida's hand, they walked to the backdoor. Knocking, it took only a minute before a large woman with grayish, black hair answered the door. Her frown turned into a smile as she opened the door wider and jerked Colton forward into a hug.

Vida laughed when the woman tossed him aside and punched him on his arm.

"You p.u.s.s.y, just now coming to see us, and you been out a few weeks."

"Gert, you know it's better I stay away..."

"Afraid they'll send you back to prison? In my day, I would have pulled my time. I wouldn't have had to deal with no parole," the woman bragged.

"Did they have cars and airplanes back then or were people still riding horses?" Colton joked.

"I'll shove a horse up your a.s.s," Gert mock threatened.

Vida couldn't keep from laughing, turning the woman's attention towards her.

"Who's the b.i.t.c.h?"

Vida stiffened, ready to snap a remark back at the woman.

This time it was Colton laughing. Putting an arm around Vida's shoulder, he pulled her close to his side.

"This is Vida."

"She's pretty. What does she want with your a.s.s?"

Colton smiled, answering her question without words. Vida wanted to strangle him.

"Go on in. Ice is waiting for you. Your b.i.t.c.h can wait out here with the others and me.

"But I want..." Vida interrupted.

"Doesn't matter what you want. No women are allowed in church. Go on, Colton, I got this."

"I won't be long," he said before disappearing behind a door to the side of them.

"Come on, I'll show you around." Gert's no nonsense att.i.tude left Vida without a choice.

Gert led her into a large room with several chairs, two pool tables and a large bar with several bar stools. A large group of women were sitting in the oversized chairs, talking. They were all of various ages; several seemed to be her own age or younger, but there were many who were older.

They stopped talking when Gert entered the room with her.

"This is Colton's old lady, so you b.i.t.c.hes better behave," she threatened the women. "You want a beer?" she asked Vida.

"Thanks." Right now Vida needed all the alcohol she could get with the women all staring at her.

Gert went behind the bar before coming back with a cold beer, handing it to her. "Thank you."

"Well, isn't she polite," a blond said snidely.

"Better watch your mouth," a pretty brunette said, getting up and coming forward.

"Why do we have to kiss her a.s.s? Colton's not a member anymore. Dumb f.u.c.k got caught..." A loud smack across her face had her falling backward into the chair she was sitting on. Gert was standing over her.

"I told you to be nice, b.i.t.c.h." The blond shut up, holding her cheek.

"That's Rita, and I'm Crush." Vida smiled at the pretty brunette. "Have a seat, and I'll introduce everyone else. Vida took an empty seat next to a young looking girl, wondering if she was even eighteen.

"Hi, I'm Rave."

As the other women introduced themselves, Vida wasn't sure she would remember their names, she was so nervous.

"How did you meet Colton?" Rave asked. Vida told them about her meeting Colton at the strip club and even the women that had given her a cool reception seemed to defrost.

Rita came to sit next to her. "I didn't realize you were a sister. From the way you were dressed, I thought you were a stuck up cow. I stripped, too, before I met Lizard. He didn't like a bunch of strangers staring at my t.i.ts."

"He doesn't mind if every man in the club sees them," Gert taunted.

"That's different." Rita shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, he knows you're a s.l.u.t," Gert interrupted again.

"Old woman, I'll pull that grey hair out of your head for free if you don't shut the f.u.c.k up."

Gert leaned back in her chair laughing. "Come and get me."

Rita ignored her, turning back to Vida. They were still talking when the men came into the room. Colton came under attack from several of the women, each trying to get his attention. Several even kissed him on the mouth, taking turns. Vida's blood was beginning to boil.

"Calm down, they're just saying hi," Gert said by her side.

"They don't have to use their tongue to do it," Vida replied sharply.

Colton, seeing her, broke free from the women and came to her side. He curled his arm around her waist and pulled her close as Ice and Max managed to edge through the crowd.

"Vida, you remember Ice and Max?" Another man came to stand by Ice. "That's Buzzard. He's Ice's vice-president.

Vida acknowledged each man, her eyes on the one behind the group with the scar.

Colton's arm tightened on her when he saw who she was staring at.

"That's Jackal. He's Ice's sergeant-at-arms."

"Why did Ice need to see you?" Vida dragged her attention from the club members, concerned for Sawyer's safety.

"Ice wanted to tell me what went down last night. Seems the FBI hit the recording studio, the bas.e.m.e.nt had about ten women held there, and they were in bad shape. A couple of Digger's men were arrested. Digger was there, but he managed to escape."

"No." Vida couldn't believe the slimy b.a.s.t.a.r.d managed to get away.

"Yes, stupid f.u.c.ks let him slip through their f.u.c.king fingers. Now he's blaming King for ratting him out and he's determined to get back at him then kill him, in that order," Ice confirmed her worst fear.

"How do you know?"

No one answered.

Vida remembered what Seth had told her about Digger having some friends left in the Predators. Vida was willing to bet that one or two were merely pretending to maintain an eye on what Digger was up to. Then another thought occurred to her.

"Digger will go after Sawyer," Vida whispered. If there was a connection to King, he would kill Sawyer. "We have to find her."

"We already have the word out. It's going to take time." From his voice, Ice didn't hold out much hope.

Vida turned toward Colton, burying her face in his chest, not wanting anyone to see her crying.

"We'll find her, baby." Colton tried to give her hope, but Vida knew from losing Callie that sometime help came too late.

They stayed until it grew dark. Colton stood at the bar with his friends, laughing and joking around. He had lost a lot when he had gone to prison for Tessa. He had a life, friends and a business he had sacrificed so the woman he had married and who had carried his child wouldn't suffer.

"He's a nice guy," Gert said next to her.

"Yes, I'm finding that out," agreed Vida.

"One woman has already f.u.c.ked him over. I understand your friend is in trouble, but I don't want Colton to get himself in trouble again trying to protect another woman."

Vida stared at Colton. Gert was right, he had no stake in this. He was only involved because of her. "I won't let him get hurt," Vida promised.

"If you do, I'm going to kick your a.s.s," Gert promised with a hard glare.

"Okay." Vida was going to make sure that Colton wasn't hurt, whatever it took, although it had very little to do with Gert's promise.

"What are you both looking so serious about?" Colton asked, handing Vida another beer.

"I'm telling her she needs to get some s.e.xier clothes if she's going to be your b.i.t.c.h," Gert lied.

"I like her just the way she is. Leave her alone, Gert."

"I will. If she takes my advice," she said with a meaningful look.

"You ready?"

"Yes," Vida answered.

Colton went to tell Ice they were leaving while Vida said goodbye to Rita, Crush and the other women. As they left, she caught Ice and Jackal's eyes on her. She had a feeling that they had the same idea as Gert, that she was leading Colton down the same path Tessa had. Vida was going to prove them wrong.

Chapter 19.

When they returned to the apartment, Vida dried the clothes she had washed earlier and started another load. Colton didn't volunteer to fold the clothes when she dried the second load, but he did rub lotion onto her tattoo. Vida figured it was an even trade.

"Do you think Tessa will show up for work tomorrow?" Vida asked, watching for his reaction.

"Not if she's smart," he said grimly.

"It doesn't matter, Colton. If she wants to come back, let her. I feel sorry for her."

Colton looked at her as if she was crazy.

"I do. I don't know that I would act much better if I saw you with another woman," she confessed.

"You wouldn't lie. You would get mad and probably throw something, but you wouldn't lie. Roni would have told her the truth, that I never touched Goldie. Tessa always lies, either to cause trouble or get out of trouble. She never tells the truth."

Vida couldn't understand why the woman had destroyed her marriage for drugs. Instead of owning up to it to try to save her marriage, she had lied. Even more, selling herself to keep the lie going.

Tired, Vida showered and dressed in her pajamas. She came out to find Colton waiting for her on the bed with a wicked grin.

"Oh no, you don't. I'm tired and sore," Vida said adamantly.

Colton held out his arms for her and Vida sank down into them. "I like this."

"I do, too," Colton replied. "Of course, I like the other, too."

Vida's eyes closed. "Did you try to call King again?"

"Yes, he's still not answering and no one has seen him at the club."

"Could Digger have him?" Vida was worried. Even though King was ruthless, he had tried to help when no one else would.

"I don't know. We'll just have to wait for now," Colton replied.

Wait. That was all she had been doing the last few weeks. She was getting sick of it.

Vida's mind went back over that day that Callie was almost hit by the car, trying to figure out what she'd missed. It was impossible; it had been too long ago for her to remember the details of that day perfectly enough. The only way to find out was to find Sawyer. She was the only possibility of figuring out how King was involved in this mess. They had to find Sawyer, she was the answer.

Vida volunteered to get coffee across the street while Colton opened the shop.

"Don't be long."

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The VIP Room: Teased Part 19 summary

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