Their Biker Babe In Training Part 11

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No doubt he would be dealing with it for some time to come.

Alexis awoke the next morning covered in male bodies and deliciously sore all over. She struggled to stretch and, finding it impossible, began pus.h.i.+ng at arms and legs.

"Move, guys. I need up." She finally got some results when she shouted at them. "Move!"

"What is it? Something wrong?" Neal asked, rolling off of her.

"I need the bathroom," she fussed, a little embarra.s.sed.

"Oh, okay," Mark said, moving away from her.

She stood up and stepped gingerly over Mark and then slid down off the bed. Mark laid a slap to her bottom as she stepped away. She growled and walked quickly into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.


After taking care of business, she looked at herself in the mirror.

She didn't look that different. Sure, there was a more relaxed look around her eyes, and she wasn't standing all stiff, but she sure felt different inside. How had one night changed so much?

Alexis finally admitted that she'd connected to the guys in a way that was almost primal. It scared her and thrilled her all at the same time. Then reality set in and she realized it would all end soon. She'd only agreed to stay through her vacation, and that would be up in a couple of weeks. What then? It wasn't as if they had promised her more than her allotted time.

She sighed and tried to tamp down the sudden emotions that threatened to spill over in tears. What was with her? Why was she so emotional? Because you're falling in love, you stupid idiot. Now what are you going to do?

She quickly rinsed her face and walked out into the bedroom to find the men standing up getting dressed. They were so yummy to look at in the nude, all that male flesh. She glanced down. Make that aroused male flesh. Too bad they'd decided to get up instead of mess around in bed first.

"How are you feeling, baby?" Neal walked over and drew her into his arms for a hug and a quick kiss.

"I feel good. Ready for whatever you have planned next." 76

Chapter Nine.

Neal shot a look over at Mark, who judiciously kept quiet. Neal couldn't wait to see her in some s.l.u.tty clothes, as well as the real ones he wanted her to wear. He wanted to see just how far they could push her comfort zone. Would she balk at the first thing, or be game to play along for a while?

"We're going shopping today for some biker clothes. You have to dress the part to really ride."

Alexis frowned, furrowing her brows. He could tell she wasn't so sure about the shopping. Good. It would be fun.

"You'll enjoy it. We'll go to Rue Underground first. They have some of the best gear."

Mark smothered a laugh then turned around to put on his boots.

Neal frowned at his back.

"Why do I get the feeling there is more to this than just trying on some clothes?" Alexis asked, jabbing her hands on her hips.

"Because how you dress is important. Dressing down helps relax you. Don't you feel better wearing your jeans more than those stiff suits you were wearing when we found you?" Neal asked.

"Well." She balked at answering.

He knew he was right. She didn't stand so straight and rigid in her jeans and blouses.

"Get dressed and let's get on the road. We can eat breakfast out." Mark walked over and stole a kiss before heading for the door.

"I'll wait downstairs, out of temptation's way." He winked at Alexis, who blew a kiss at him.

Neal liked seeing her playful.


"So, what should I wear since I'm going to be trying on clothes?" she asked.

"As little as possible, baby. As little as possible." He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

He took advantage of her slightly parted lips and plunged his tongue in deep to lick along the roof of her mouth before sucking on her tongue. When he finally pulled back, she had her eyes closed and was swaying into him.

"Easy, baby. Don't fall. Now get dressed. I'll have some coffee downstairs waiting on you."

He left her searching through her things and mumbling to herself.

He wondered what she was thinking right then, but then s.h.i.+vered at the thought. There was never any telling what went on in a woman's mind.

Mark had the coffee ready when he made it downstairs. He grabbed a cup for himself and took a sip. d.a.m.n, it was good first thing in the morning. He sat it down and adjusted his c.o.c.k in his jeans. He sure could have used some early-morning loving, but that could wait. They needed to push ahead while she was freshly relaxed.

"You think you're going to get anywhere with her today?" Mark asked, sipping his coffee.

"I sure plan on it. I think she'll enjoy it once she realizes it's all in fun." Neal poured another cup of coffee for Alexis.

She came bounding down the stairs in a pair of jeans and a blouse that she'd left unb.u.t.toned at the top and had knotted around her waist.

Good girl.

"You look good enough to eat." Neal handed her the cup.

"Thanks," she said and took a drink. "Mmm, this is good."

"Mark, are you coming?" Neal asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he said with a wry grin.

Alexis narrowed her eyes at the two men then sighed and shook her head. She obviously wasn't going to push it.


Once they'd finished their coffee, they mounted up and had breakfast at a diner not far from the stores Neal planned to shop in. He dragged her downstairs to Rue Underground and introduced her to the s.l.u.ttiest clothes he could locate. She balked at first, but allowed herself to be talked into trying on a few of the items. The bustier in red leather was the best as far as Neal was concerned, but she refused to buy it.

She wandered over to the s.e.x toys and found a flogger. She ran it around Mark's shoulders then popped it near his a.s.s. He took it from her and shook his head. She pouted prettily for them. Then she located the body jewelry and fell in love with a cat charm belly b.u.t.ton ring.

"What do you think?" she asked, holding it up to her belly b.u.t.ton.

"Baby, it's you, but let's wait until after we do all our shopping and we'll come back if you still want it. You'll be sore from it."

"Okay, but I'm not changing my mind." She followed them out of the store, obviously happy at not having bought any of the items Neal had picked out.

He was fine with that. He didn't like s.l.u.tty for anything but the bedroom. Next he took her to a cla.s.sier shop that was more along the lines of what he wanted for her. She seemed taken by the leathers and T-s.h.i.+rts with naughty sayings. She actually tried on most everything in her size before settling on a pair of black leather pants, a pair of black riding boots, and several low-neck blouses. He heartily approved of her purchases.

"What do you think, Mark?" she asked.

"I think you did fine. I love the leather pants."

"I just had to have that T-s.h.i.+rt about being a biker b.i.t.c.h."

"It's too big to wear anywhere, baby. I'm sure we could have found a smaller one," Neal said.

"I want it to sleep in, silly, for when I get back home." Neal sighed, losing the excitement he'd had earlier. Mark seemed just as b.u.mmed.


"How about lunch now?" Mark asked.

They agreed on a burger and Neal rode her to the Whataburger on the way back to Rue Underground. She hadn't said she wanted to go back, so he wasn't going to bring it up. As much as he would love to see her in the belly ring, he wasn't going to push. That would remind her of them and to relax, but it was a major step since it meant piercing her body.

"Now we have to plan a short trip somewhere so you can wear your new gear," he said.

"Where to?" she asked with a small frown.

"How about somewhere like Houston, about four hours from here? We can go and spend the night and come back the next day."

"Sounds like fun." She seemed really into the idea.

"Then we'll plan to do that tomorrow." Neal wanted to keep her going. Get her stuck on them and the easygoing lifestyle.

Yeah, he had an ulterior motive. He wanted her to want to stay with them. Not having her around was going to be pure h.e.l.l.

"Hey, I almost forgot. I want my belly b.u.t.ton ring," she demanded.

Mark and Neal exchanged broad smiles.

Two hours later, Alexis wasn't all that sure she'd made the right decision. Her belly b.u.t.ton hurt, as did her a.s.s from squeezing it against the pain. Then there was the trip back hugging on Mark's back on the back of the bike. It rubbed the thing. She sighed. It had been her decision.

She had a small bag of supplies and instructions on how to take care of it until it had a chance to heal. Maybe they should postpone the trip tomorrow. But the men were so looking forward to it. She sighed.

She'd tough it through. Surely it would be better tomorrow.


Once back at the house, she immediately pulled off her jeans and pulled on the oversize T-s.h.i.+rt and collapsed on the couch.

"I'm bushed."

"Shopping was hard work, huh?" Neal asked.

"You try on everything in a store and tell me you're not tired afterward," she fussed.

"Why don't we watch a movie, and then order in pizza?" Mark suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Neal said. "What do you think, Alexis?"

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Their Biker Babe In Training Part 11 summary

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