Their Biker Babe In Training Part 10

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Mark laid a quick tap on each a.s.s cheek then rubbed them with his hand. Alexis squirmed, but remained quiet. It hadn't really hurt, only stung some.

He popped her a.s.s twice more, then rubbed over it. She moaned and wiggled her a.s.s to gain his attention again. She felt the first gush of her juices release. She tried to keep her legs tightly squeezed together to prevent Mark from knowing. When he slapped her a.s.s again, the sting sent a thrill straight to her c.l.i.t and she moaned.

Neal delved between her legs and found her c.u.n.t wet with her juices. She hadn't been able to hide them after all.

"Mark, she's dripping honey down here," Neal told him.

"You like having your a.s.s spanked, don't you, Alexis?" He spanked her again, and she moaned.

She refused to answer him. If he would spank her just a little harder another couple of times, she might come. She tossed her head and gave them a furious look. They laughed, and Mark peppered her a.s.s with slight stinging pops that soon had her screaming in delight. It had helped that she'd managed to catch Neal's finger at her p.u.s.s.y and hold it there for added stimulation.

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h! She just came and used me to do it." Neal chuckled.

"I figured she was close because she was daring me to spank her." Mark helped her strand up and stripped her clothes the rest of the way off her body.

Alexis stumbled, still s.h.i.+vering from her climax. She couldn't believe she had just come from getting a spanking. Her a.s.s tingled


from the stinging slaps, but not nearly as much as her c.l.i.t did. She felt as if she could come again with a little help. She growled and turned on Neal.

"Whoa, I don't think I like the look in your eyes, baby." Neal took a step back.

"I can't believe you would run from little ol' me." She advanced on him.

Mark shook his head and began undressing. If she didn't manage to get Neal, she'd attack Mark. She wanted to come again.

Neal stood his ground this time when she stepped forward. He crossed his arms and c.o.c.ked his head.

"What's going on in that devious mind of yours?" he asked.

"I'm h.o.r.n.y. I want you to f.u.c.k me."

"Our little biker babe is coming along well, Neal."

"Why should we f.u.c.k you, baby?" Neal asked when she plastered herself to him. "I mean, Mark just gave you a climax. Why should we give you another one?"

"Because I want it, and you're supposed to be teaching me how to relax. I need to relax again, Neal." She pouted up at him and began unfastening his jeans.

"Tell you what. I'll teach you how to relax all by yourself," Neal offered as she unzipped his pants and began reaching inside for his d.i.c.k.

"I know how to give myself a climax. I don't need to learn how to do that. It's boring. You're much more exciting."

"What can you say to that?" Mark asked, now totally devoid of clothes. His c.o.c.k stood out away from his stomach, heavy and hard.

"Please, Neal. f.u.c.k me. I want your hot c.o.c.k so deep inside me I can taste you."

"I think we can move on to the next level, Neal." He pushed his c.o.c.k against her a.s.s, and she gasped as it rode the indention of her a.s.s to stand up against her lower back.


"I'm all for that." Neal stepped back from Alexis's embrace and pulled his T-s.h.i.+rt over his head in one movement, then stepped out of his boots and jeans. He walked over to the bed and climbed on, crooking his finger for Alexis to follow him.

"Climb on top of me, baby." Neal reached over and pulled a condom out of the bedside table drawer.

Alexis ran her hands up and down Mark's sides before she walked over to the bed and climbed up. Neal had his d.i.c.k covered by the time she made it to him. She straddled him, letting him hold his c.o.c.k steady for her to position her still-slick c.u.n.t over it. When she began to slide her p.u.s.s.y down his d.i.c.k, the sensation bowed her back.

"Oh, G.o.d. Yes." She whispered in a husky voice as she slowly took his thick c.o.c.k inside her body.

"f.u.c.k, you're tight." Neal seemed to be struggling not to push up.

Alexis wouldn't have objected in the least if he wanted to help seat himself fully inside her. She was having trouble. She pulled back up and tried dropping a little more forcefully. Progress. G.o.d, but he was big. Finally, after several tries, she managed to completely nestle him inside her needy c.u.n.t with him touching her cervix. The pressure felt delicious.

"Lean forward, baby. I'm going to stretch this tight a.s.s of yours so I can f.u.c.k you there." Mark pushed against her back.


"It'll feel so good, Alexis. You'll see. Just think, both of us inside you at one time." Neal drew her down until he could wrap his arms around her back. "Remember, relax."

"I'm not so sure about this, guys."

"We won't hurt you, Alexis. You say stop and we stop." Mark bent over and made sure she could hear him. "It'll burn a little and pinch, but push back and relax and it will feel better than anything you've ever felt before. I promise."


She felt Neal's lips on her forehead, and his hands soothed up and down her back. She felt herself begin to relax until the first dollop of cool lube dropped on her a.s.shole. She stiffened up again.

"Easy, baby. It's just lube. I'm going to spread it around your little rosette. It's so pretty and pink looking at me." Mark talked to her while he rubbed the stuff around, then added more and pushed a finger past the resistant ring of her a.n.u.s and slowly pressed forward.

Alexis could honestly say it didn't really bother her, and began to relax once more. He pumped his finger in and out of her a.s.s several times before withdrawing it and adding more lube.

Sheesh, I'm going to be too greasy to f.u.c.k if he keeps it up.

Then he began pus.h.i.+ng against her back hole again, only with two fingers this time. It burned. She balked at first, then listened as Neal talked her through it.

"Relax, baby. Push back. That's right." Neal kept up a steady stream of encouragement as she breathed through the burn.

Mark's fingers popped in and he began to f.u.c.k her with them over and over until she was pus.h.i.+ng back against him. It felt good-really good. With Neal's c.o.c.k inside of her and Mark's two fingers pumping in and out, she felt full and pleasantly aroused. Then he began to withdraw his fingers and she balked, trying to squeeze down on them so that he couldn't pull them out.

"f.u.c.k, that's tight, baby. Don't worry. I'm going to fill you back up again. Relax and push out against my c.o.c.k." He fitted the head of his c.o.c.k against her dark rosette and began to push against her.

She whimpered and buried her head on Neal's chest. "G.o.d, it hurts."

"Do you need me to stop, Alexis?" Mark's voice sounded strained. "Just say the word, baby." She refused to give up. She huffed out a breath and pushed back until she felt him pop through the resistant ring. He drove deeper, then stilled. She felt as if she was choking on c.o.c.k. It was everywhere. She 72 felt so full and tight. It was wonderful and scary all at the same time.

How could she hold them both?

Finally she couldn't stand it anymore and began to move between them. The first slide of Neal's c.o.c.k against Mark's took her breath away. Nerve endings woke up that she'd never felt before. They trilled a long line from her a.s.s to her c.l.i.t. She struggled with the rhythm until finally she cried out in desperation for help.

"I can't do it. I need to move. Help me, both of you." It seemed to be all they needed to hear, because they took over, leaving her to receive them as they plunged in and out of her, one then the other.

"Just enjoy, baby. Let us do the work." Neal's voice was mostly a growl now. "Her c.u.n.t is so f.u.c.king tight."

"Her a.s.s is tighter. Just wait till you get to ream her a.s.s. It's like heaven." Mark grunted as he shoved forward then retreated.

They began speeding up and Alexis could only lie there as they tunneled in and out of her body. She felt almost disjointed as sparks flew between her c.l.i.t and a.s.s. She panted as pressure built and built inside of her. Surely she would die from it before she came. It choked her and spilled out of her as she climbed higher and higher. All at once, she clamped down on the two c.o.c.ks inside her and flew.

Her climax overwhelmed her and she lost track of time, but knew the men had come by the shouts and curses that penetrated her foggy brain. She struggled to remain awake, but finally gave in and pa.s.sed out from utter exhaustion and total relaxation.

Mark carefully pulled from her a.s.s and collapsed on the bed next to where she lay unconscious on top of Neal. He'd never come so hard in his life. f.u.c.k, he'd seen stars.

"You alive under there, Neal?" he finally managed to get out.

"I think so. d.a.m.n, that was intense."


"I'll be right back." Mark managed to get up and grabbed hold of the condom so it wouldn't leak on his way to the bathroom.

Having dealt with it, he ran a bath full of warm water and, once again, added the lavender bath salts. She'd need them. He returned to find Neal cradling her in his arms sitting on the side of the bed.

"She still out?" Mark asked, a little worried.

"Yeah, but she's breathing fine. I think we just wore her out." Mark took her from Neal so he could dispose of his condom, as well. He carried his precious cargo to the bathroom and climbed into the tub with her. When he sat down, he felt her moan and cuddle closer to him. He relaxed his grip on her lower body and let her float on out to take full advantage of the warm water. He'd bathe her in a few minutes. Right then, he wanted to enjoy just holding her.

"How is she?" Neal asked, turning on the shower.

"Resting and relaxing. I think she's finally learning how to relax."

"I'll be out in a minute to help you with her." Neal stepped into the shower.

Mark kissed her face and mouth and nuzzled into her neck where he could smell her sweet sweat and the underlying scent of woman, his woman. He stilled at the thought. She wasn't his. She would be leaving soon. He couldn't think of her that way, but dear G.o.d, it felt right.

A few minutes later, Neal stepped out of the shower, shutting it off and drying off. Then he handed Mark a cloth and the soap. Mark cleaned her from top to bottom and all in between. Once he was finished, he let Neal take her from him to dry her off while he got out, as well. Between the two of them, she was dry and bundled up on the bed in no time. They each got in beside her and wrapped her in their arms.

"Mark?" Neal asked.


"I think I'm f.u.c.ked."

"What do you mean?" Mark asked carefully.


"I'm falling in love with her. She feels so right, man."

"She's leaving in a couple of weeks, Neal."

"I know. Think there's any chance she might change her mind and move in with us?"

"I don't know, Neal. I just don't know."

"But you don't think so, do you," Neal pushed.

"No, I don't think so."


Mark waited to see if Neal would say anything more. When he didn't, he figured his friend had fallen asleep. Sleep wasn't so easy coming for him. All he could think about was Alexis and how much she'd come to mean to them in such a short time. She'd grown on them with her serious manner and childlike glee at learning to relax.

He resigned himself to letting her go when it was time and enjoying the h.e.l.l out of the rest of the time they had with her. There would be time enough to deal with the aftermath once she was gone.

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Their Biker Babe In Training Part 10 summary

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