Their Biker Babe In Training Part 13

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He climbed up beside her and took her mouth in a kiss. It was a soft, gentle kiss at first. Then it turned into something more, something almost fierce as he ran his tongue along the roof of her mouth and across her teeth. Then he sucked her tongue into his mouth and mimicked f.u.c.king her.

"I want you, Alexis. I want to bury myself so deep inside of you that you can't tell where you stop and I start." He pulled back and looked deep into her eyes.

Alexis wasn't sure what to make of it. He seemed so serious right then. She smiled up at him and kissed his chin.

"Show me."

He rolled over and reached for a condom out of the bedside table drawer and quickly rolled it on. Then he climbed on top of her and lifted her legs to plunge his thick c.o.c.k deep into her wet c.u.n.t. She screamed.

Mark began to pound his way inside of her with long, deep plunges of his d.i.c.k. He b.u.mped her cervix with each plunge of his


c.o.c.k, eliciting a gasp from her. She loved it. The pleasure/pain of it was almost too intense.

Then she became aware of Neal sucking on her nipples one at a time. Then he pushed them together to suck on them. He nipped with his teeth, pulling on them until she gasped.

Between the two of them, she was once again on the edge of a tall cliff. She wanted to fly, but was afraid she'd fall instead. How could she come again so soon?

Mark's face was a study in determination as he thrust his c.o.c.k deeper and deeper into her c.u.n.t. He held her legs so that she couldn't cross them behind his back and hold him to her. She ached to get closer, but all that she could do was accept his d.i.c.k as it sliced through her p.u.s.s.y juices to nudge her cervix with each plunge.

Neal began to tap at her c.l.i.t with one finger as he nipped and sucked on her nipples. He was watching her face intently as if not wanting to miss a single expression. It was just as intent as the serious look on Mark's face.

Mark began to lose his rhythm and growled as he plunged into her once, twice, three times, then held himself still as Neal pinched her c.l.i.t, sending her screaming into o.r.g.a.s.m. No sooner had Mark pulled out of her than Neal was there with his sheathed c.o.c.k at the verge of her p.u.s.s.y slit. He leaned into her and stared down into her eyes as he slowly inserted himself into her sensitive c.u.n.t.

"You are so f.u.c.king beautiful when you come. I could watch you come all night long."

Neal pushed deeper into her but slowly, as if he had all the time in the world. She moaned and drew in a long, deep breath to center herself. She'd come so much and so hard that she felt as if she were still floating. She needed something to anchor her. She grabbed Neal's face and pulled it down to her for a kiss.

He let her lead in the kiss. She explored his mouth then slid lazily along his tongue with hers. She felt grounded once again and pulled back. He slowly pulled his c.o.c.k all the way out then pushed it all the 88 way back in once again. He did this over and over until she was beginning to burn. Flames shot up her spine as he slowly increased his pace until he was pistoning in and out of her with an expression of intense pleasure.

Alexis felt the signs of her o.r.g.a.s.m as it slipped over her. She threw back her head and called out Neal's name as he slammed into her one last time. When he collapsed over her, Mark fussed at him.

"You'll smother her, a.s.shole. Get up."

"Can't move."

Mark moved him. Alexis started giggling and couldn't stop. She was exhausted.

"I'll be right back," Neal said, rolling off the bed.

Mark pulled her into his arms and soothed her with soft kisses to her cheeks and forehead while rubbing lightly up and down her arms.

"We didn't hurt you, did we?" he asked.

"No. I'll be sore tomorrow, but it will be the sweetest kind of sore." She leaned her head back against Mark's shoulder.

"We were too rough on you, baby. I'm sorry." Mark sounded strange.

"No, you weren't. I loved every minute of it. And, I'm probably more relaxed than I've ever been in my life."

"Sounds good to me." Neal walked up with a cloth and began running it between her legs.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Alexis asked, scooting farther up the bed.

"Cleaning you up," he said with a grin. "You're all wet down there."

Alexis felt her face heat up.

"Look what you've done, Neal. She's blus.h.i.+ng," Mark scolded the other man.

"She's cute when she turns all pink like that." Neal threw the cloth across the room to land on the bathroom floor.


Alexis yawned, much to the men's delight. They both chuckled.

Neal climbed up on his side of her and they all three delved beneath the covers. She realized that it felt right to be spooning with them. She couldn't imagine being without them, and that made her pause. She felt the first twinges of worry edge their way inside of her. She refused to think about it right then. Instead, she shoved it down and willed herself to sleep.

"Okay, are you ready, Alexis?" Neal asked. He waited to hear her sunny voice over the headpiece in the helmet.

"I'm ready. Let's go."


"Let's ride."

They cranked the bikes, and Neal pulled out first with Alexis wrapped around him on back. They were headed for Houston, which was about four hours' ride from Dallas. Neal was looking forward to it. He hoped Alexis would enjoy the ride and want to do it again sometime in the future. He'd been thinking a lot about the future lately, mostly where it concerned Alexis. He wanted her in theirs. He was almost sure that Mark felt the same way. The problem was, how did Alexis feel about a future with them?

They rode the first hour, chatting back and forth about the ride and what they saw along the way. Alexis seemed to be having a great time.

By the second hour, she had quieted down. He could feel her head resting against his back and wondered if she was tired already. When her hands began ma.s.saging along the inside of his thighs, he realized she was getting playful. The closer she moved toward his b.a.l.l.s, the faster he sped up.

"Neal? You in a hurry, man?" Mark's voice called over the radio.


"Naw, but we probably better stop at the next truck stop and let Alexis walk around some."

"Yeah, my b.u.t.t is getting numb," she said with a giggle. "Plus, Neal is having trouble being still." Neal cleared his throat and shook his head. Little witch. She was the reason he couldn't be still.

They pulled into a truck stop a little under two hours from Clarkston. It was a nice one, with plenty of room for tuckers and the regular highway crowd of tourists. They pulled up next to the building and climbed off. Mark caught Alexis before she lost her balance once she had gotten off the bike. Her legs seemed to be a little wobbly.

Neal grinned.

"She rides with you next, Mark," Neal warned his friend.

"Why does that sound like a threat?" the other man asked.

"Hey, I'm a good rider. I lean when I'm supposed to and hold on tight." Alexis smiled innocently.

Neal grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in for a kiss. He licked his way around her mouth on the inside, then nipped her lower lip on the outside.

"I know all about your evil ways, baby," he whispered in her ear.

"Come on, you two. Let's get some water and get back on the road. I want to make it to the hotel in time for a shower before we go eat." Mark led them inside.

Twenty minutes later, they finished their water and climbed back on the bikes with Alexis riding behind Mark this time. Neal could hardly wait until she started playing with Mark's b.a.l.l.s while he was riding.

Neal listened to them chatter back and forth about riding with their gang and bikes in general for most of the next hour. He weighed in on a few of the conversations, but for the most part, he was content to listen to them and watch Alexis on the back of Mark's bike. She looked good there. She looked comfortable, as well. What would it take to convince her to leave everything she knew to live with them?


Somewhere about twenty minutes from Clarkston, she began her crusade to drive Mark crazy. Neal could tell from the way the bike sprinted forward occasionally. He could just imagine her hands ma.s.saging the inside of his thighs then inching their way up toward his b.a.l.l.s. When he shot forward and didn't slow down for a few seconds, Neal was sure he'd just had his b.a.l.l.s scratched.

Little did Alexis know that Mark would make her pay for that.

He'd f.u.c.k her blind. Neal could hardly wait for it. It would be a really good night for everyone.

Once they arrived at the hotel, Neal hurried over to help Alexis off the back of Mark's bike so she wouldn't end up on her a.s.s. He unfastened her helmet and grinned at her playful pout. Mark must have fussed at her.

"You seemed to have trouble with your accelerator some, Mark."

"f.u.c.k you."

"He threatened to spank me, Neal. You're not going to let him, are you?" Alexis held on to his arm.

"Honey, I have no doubt you deserve it."

"I'm going to get our room key. I'll be right back. Neal, keep her out of trouble." Mark winked at Neal, and leveled a frown at Alexis.

"So, did you get his b.a.l.l.s?" Neal asked.

"Oh, yeah. That's why he's mad. Said I could have made him wreck."

"He's right, but he's a good driver, and I'm sure he knew exactly where you were headed by the time you got there." Alexis licked her lips. "Do you think he's serious about spanking me?"

"Oh, yeah. You can count on it."

"I think I'll fight him on it."

"Better let him have his way until after dinner. He's an a.s.shole when he's hungry, and riding always makes him hungry."

"Okay. I'll behave till then."


Neal wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

Yeah, she was perfect for them. She probably hadn't realized it yet, but she was totally relaxed and enjoying herself. What would happen when she returned to her fast-paced career? Would she remember anything they had taught her, or would she return to old habits?

And did he want her trying out her newfound freedom on some strange man? Neal growled, earning him a frown from Alexis as Mark walked up with their keys.

"I got two keys. I don't expect you to be out of our sights while we're here, young lady."

She momentarily forgot her promise to be good and stuck her tongue out at him. Then, as if remembering, she smiled and wrapped her arms around Mark's waist.

"Come on, you two. Let's get in the room and shower. I'm hungry." Mark unpacked his saddlebags and led the way to their room.

It was a clean room that didn't smell of pine fresheners or cigarette smoke. The king-size bed took up most of the s.p.a.ce, but there was still room for a love seat, a chair, and the TV mounted on the dresser. Alexis stepped into the bathroom and looked around.

"I called first," Mark reminded her.

"I was just looking it over. Too bad we can't double up. It would save time and water."

"I don't know about that." Neal walked over and patted her on the a.s.s. "I would have a difficult time resisting that sweet p.u.s.s.y of yours."

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Their Biker Babe In Training Part 13 summary

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