Their Biker Babe In Training Part 16

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All through dinner they snuck peeks of her legs, paying little attention to the food and more attention to her. If Neal dropped his napkin once, he dropped it a dozen times during the meal. Maybe she was flas.h.i.+ng some panties. Whatever the reason, she fought to keep a straight face throughout the meal.


Once it was through, she realized she had been the only one to really eat. The men had picked at their food, seemingly too preoccupied to eat. When she offered to do the dishes, both men volunteered to help. She shooed them out of the kitchen and cleaned up by herself. They were beginning to hover now. She hid a grin as she shoved the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on.

No sooner had she walked out into the living room than the guys were standing next to her again.

"How about a movie?" Mark suggested.

"You can pick it out," Neal offered.

"Sounds good to me." Alexis wandered over to the ma.s.sive DVD section of the entertainment center and searched through until she found something she thought they would all like.

Both men seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at the t.i.tle. She settled herself in the middle of the couch, making sure her s.h.i.+rt rode up her thighs a good bit. It earned her some hungry looks. Well, well, well.

She could tease them, as well.

Alexis found herself squeezed between the two men until she had no elbow room to speak of. She doubted any of them watched the movie since the men kept rubbing up and down her legs. At one point in the movie, they each hooked a hand around a leg and pulled them apart. They didn't touch her already-wet p.u.s.s.y. They just left her like that for most of the movie.

When the credits rolled, Mark leaned up and grabbed the remote to turn off the DVD player. Then he leaned forward and snagged his beer to turn it up and finish it. He sat it back on the coffee table and Alexis realized he could see her panties each time he leaned up.

Neal caught on and did the same thing. Then he handed her beer to her and she finished it. This time when he leaned down to set her empty can on the coffee table, he trailed a finger back up her leg as he sat up. His finger raised the hem on the s.h.i.+rt all the way to her crotch this time.


"Red panties are so s.e.xy on you," Mark said when hers were showing.

Neal ran a hand up the inside of her thigh from her lower leg up to her p.u.s.s.y where he let a finger glide across it.

"f.u.c.k, she's wet, Mark." Neal brushed back and forth across her p.u.s.s.y through the panties.

"How wet is she?" Mark asked with a hand on her thigh.

Neal pressed his hand against her p.u.s.s.y, eliciting a moan from her and another curse from him.

"Soaking wet. I want a taste," he said as he slipped from the couch to the floor on his knees.

He reached up with both hands and rolled her underwear down her legs until he could pull them off her feet. Then he spread her legs so that he fit between them. He shoved the T-s.h.i.+rt up out of his way and buried his face between her widely spread legs.

"Oh, G.o.d," she groaned as Neal speared her c.u.n.t with his tongue.

"I think the T-s.h.i.+rt needs to go," Mark whispered in her ear.

He pulled at the hem nearly covering Neal's head and pushed it up over Alexis's head and arms. It disappeared from view. She suspected it was lying behind the couch now. Her panties were on the floor next to the coffee table.

Mark's hands and mouth found her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He teased and squeezed them until she was pus.h.i.+ng them into his mouth and hands.

They were so sensitive to his touch that she almost lost track of what Neal was doing between her legs.

He quickly became the focus of her attention when he sucked in her p.u.s.s.y lips and began tugging on them with his mouth. Then he released them and circled her c.l.i.t with his stiffened tongue. He ran the flat of it over her c.l.i.t once then licked his way down her slit until he could stab her c.u.n.t with it.

Alexis squirmed on the couch, but couldn't go anywhere since Mark had her pinned with his mouth on her breast. His tongue lapped at her engorged nipple over and over. Lightning began to fire between 108 her sensitive nipples and her needy c.l.i.t. She moaned as Mark nipped at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s then laved the spot with his tongue. The more he played with her, the deeper she sank, drowning in sensations.

Neal hummed against her p.u.s.s.y as he stroked it with his tongue, then added two fingers in her c.u.n.t. He searched out her G-spot and pressed on it with both fingers. She nearly came unglued as fire spread throughout her body, consuming her in the process. She screamed out their names as she came in a wash of colors and feelings.

They slowly brought her down until she was exhausted and lying back on the couch totally nude. Both of the men were still completely dressed. Mark chuckled and picked her up.

"Time for bed for you, Alexis. I think you've had it for the night." She hummed her approval and wrapped her arms around Mark's neck.

"I've got her clothes," Neal said from behind them.

Alexis floated in an ocean of o.r.g.a.s.mic bliss that seemed to go on and on. Even when Mark laid her on the bed and covered her with the covers, she continued to ebb and flow with the feelings that surrounded her. It didn't take long before the softness of the bed and the warmth of the covers lulled her into sleep.

Mark and Neal slipped out of the bedroom as soon as Alexis drifted off to sleep.

"f.u.c.k, I'm h.o.r.n.y," Neal said, adjusting his c.o.c.k.

"I know what you mean. We can always wake her up later or in the morning, though. She could use the sleep now."

"You've changed your mind about her, haven't you," Neal said.

"She grows on you." He didn't want to give Neal the idea that they could win her over. He still didn't see her dropping everything to move in with them.


"But you admit you love her and she's the right one for us." Neal was persistent.

"I wish it were that simple, Neal. Yeah, I love her and would love for her to move here to be with us, but she's got a life already, and we're not part of it."

"We could be." Neal stuck his hands on his hips. "I want to ask her to move in with us. I need you to support me on it, though, or she isn't going to think we're serious."

"Neal, she isn't going to take us seriously anyway. We picked her up on the side of the road. Literally."

"I don't see where it would hurt to try," Neal argued.

"Maybe not. I don't know. Let's give it another week, and then if she still seems to be interested in us like we are her, we can approach her about it."

Neal huffed out a breath and looked down at his boots. It was obvious that he didn't want to wait.

"Okay. I'll wait for a week. She'll be leaving soon after that, so I'm not waiting any longer." He walked downstairs toward the kitchen.

Mark figured he was going for another beer and would probably end up out back sitting on the deck. He could use a ride, but didn't want to wake anyone up starting his bike. He'd take his beer and sit in the living room. He waited until Neal had walked outside. Then he headed for the kitchen, as well. He popped the top on the beer and settled on the couch with his booted feet stretched out in front of him.

It didn't take much to smell the s.e.x in the air. The scent of Alexis's sweet p.u.s.s.y reached his nose and he inhaled deeply. How long would her presence linger in the house once she was gone? How long would he miss her after she left? He was sure she would leave.

She wasn't ready for a relations.h.i.+p with both of them and might never be.

He had to admit that he had never felt the kind of connection he felt with Alexis before with any other woman. Something about her 110 called to him. Her sweet nature and stubborn independence touched his heart as no other had.

He drank his beer and got up to make his way back to the kitchen to dispose of it and the other beer cans left from earlier. About the time he threw them all in the garbage, Neal walked in.

"I think it's going to take more than a beer to put me to sleep tonight," Neal complained.

"Go jack off in the shower. You'll feel better if you do."

"You're probably right." He sighed and shook his head. "Just isn't the same as slipping my c.o.c.k inside her hot c.u.n.t, though."

"Nope, it's not. But if that's your only option for a few hours, it might be worth it," Mark said with a chuckle.

"You're a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. You know that, don't you?"

"Yeah, but we're still friends."

"I'm going to take a shower. I'll talk to you in the morning." Neal tossed his beer can in the garbage and walked out of the kitchen.

Mark sighed and made his way up the stairs behind him to turn in for the night. Sleeping next to Alexis with a hard-on wasn't going to be any bed of roses, but it was better than the alternative of not having her there at all.


Chapter Thirteen.

The next week flew by as the three of them explored Dallas on the back of the bikes and made wild, pa.s.sionate love at all hours of the day and night. Alexis had to admit she had never had so much fun doing nothing and anything in her life. She couldn't remember ever feeling this relaxed. Not even as a teenager when they were constantly on the move.

What was she going to do when she returned home? She only had a couple of weeks left. The thought sickened her some, so she pushed it to the back of her mind and concentrated on enjoying the time she had left with the men.

"How are you feeling today, baby?" Neal asked when they were sitting out on the back deck after lunch.

"Great. I love your backyard. The deck is wonderful. I'd spend all my time out here if I had it."

"Ever thought about building a deck at your place?" Mark asked.

She noticed Neal kick Mark's chair and wondered what that was about.

"I live in a condo. I don't have a backyard. I have a balcony, though. It's not big enough for more than standing outside."

"Too bad," Mark said.

"I've got a better idea," Neal began.

"What's that?" she asked as she sipped her beer.

"Move in with us and you'll have the deck anytime you want it." Alexis froze. Then she decided he was kidding.

"That would be wonderful, but I have a job I have to go back to." 112 "I'm serious, Alexis. Quit your job and move down here with us.

We'll take care of you." When she started to balk, he hurried on. "Or, you can find a job here and work. Either way, live with us and enjoy being able to relax anytime you want to."

"You can't be serious, Neal. I mean, there are two of you. I can't live with two men. It's not right." She wasn't sure what to think.

"Why not? You've been living with us for nearly a month now." Mark spoke up this time.

She turned to look at him. He was just as serious as Neal.

Somehow she hadn't expected this from him. He seemed too down-to-earth and sensible. Surely they were just joking with her. Looking back at Neal's face, she knew better. He was just as serious as a heart attack.

"II guess I thought of it more as a fling. I wasn't thinking long-term. I'm sorry if I gave you that impression." She stood up. "Maybe I should go ahead and pack my things and leave." She made two steps before two sets of hands stopped her.

"We don't want you to go at all, much less this soon," Mark told her. "Don't leave. At least stay through the end of the month like you planned on doing."

"I feel guilty now knowing that you want more than I'm willing to give. It doesn't seem right." Alexis didn't want to leave so soon, but she felt like she was dragging out the inevitable by staying with them.

"We want everything you are willing to give, Alexis. Don't leave like this." Neal leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips then nuzzled her neck with his nose.

"s.e.x isn't the answer to everything, Neal," she managed to get out.

He pulled back. "I know it's not, but it is a good distraction."

"See, there has to be more to any relations.h.i.+p besides s.e.x, or it won't last."

"I think there is more to us than just s.e.x. s.e.x just happens to be f.u.c.king amazing between us. We enjoy each other's company and can 113.

actually hold an intelligent conversation. I know you've been to college and all, but we aren't stupid." Neal seemed to be grasping at straws.

"I never said you were. I enjoy our talks. I enjoy spending time with you both, but if you're expecting me to stay..." She hesitated when Neal stomped off, but he turned around again.

"We love you, dammit. We want you with us permanently, not just for a few months or a year."

"Neal," Mark said.

"She deserves the truth." He turned back to Alexis. "I don't want you to leave at all. I want you to marry us and be part of our family. I want to drag you along on some of our working trips and listen to you fuss about leaving our beer cans around the house."

"Family?" She couldn't get past that word. They wanted her to be a family with them.

"Yeah. We want the entire thing, children, growing old together," Mark said.

She looked deep into his eyes and saw it all there. He was just as serious as Neal. They both wanted her, together. She shook her head and stepped back.

"I can't do that. I just can't. My life is back in Oklahoma. I can't be what you want me to be. I've loved our time together. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, but it's not me. Not really." Alexis turned and walked back inside. She needed to leave now before things got out of hand. She'd stayed too long already. It never crossed her mind that they would want her to live with them permanently. Yes, she had fallen in love with them, but she would get over it, had to get over it because it wouldn't work.

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Their Biker Babe In Training Part 16 summary

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