The Right Woman Part 20

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"He's very agitated. Has he had his medication?"

"No. I found his pills on the bathroom counter. He's been very good about taking them, but your mother has him so upset."

"Yeah," Daniel sighed. "He seems more upset than usual."

"I'll come and get him. Once he takes the medicine, he'll calm down."

"Okay, Claude," Daniel said. "Drew can be a handful, but please be diligent about him taking his pills."

"I will."

Daniel hung up. "He's on his way," he told Drew.

Drew plucked at his jeans. "H-h-he's gonna be mad. Call me stupid."

"No, he..."

"I-I-I'm not stupid," Drew shouted. "I'm not and Mom can't make me go."

Daniel squatted in front of Drew realizing just how much turmoil Drew was in. "Look at me," he said, and as Drew raised his head, Daniel saw his eyes were feverish. Hurry up, Claude. "You're not stupid. You're special and I love you and I promise you don't have to go anywhere you don't want to. But you have to take your medicine."

Drew thought about it for a second. "I-I-I want my medicine."

"Claude will give it to you when he picks you up."

"Okay. I-I-I want to stay in Dallas."

"Okay, then." Daniel patted his knee, realizing Drew was out of it.

Daniel glanced up and saw Sarah standing at the foot of the stairs. He caught his breath at her natural beauty. She had her jeans and T-s.h.i.+rt on and her feet were bare. Her red hair was in disarray and her features serene, but he focused on her eyes. Despite everything, she looked happy and he felt a moment of sheer joy.

"Buddy, I'd like you to meet someone," Daniel said, getting to his feet, his eyes on Sarah.

"W-w-who, who, Danny, who?"

Daniel held out his hand and Sarah came to his side and gripped it tightly.

"This is Sarah Welch. And, Sarah, this is my brother, Drew."

"Nice to meet you, Drew," Sarah said.

"You're pretty," Drew replied.

"Thank you."

"A-a-are...are you Dan-ny's girlfriend?"

Daniel squeezed her hand. "Yes, she is."

"Danny's got a girlfriend." Drew put a hand over his mouth and giggled.

The phone rang and Daniel went to answer it.

It was Russ again. "There's a man outside your condo and he says he's there to pick up your brother."

"It's Drew's caretaker. I'll send him out."

"Daniel, I'm not quite sure how to say this since my social skills are lacking, but get your family the h.e.l.l out of this picture. Do they not comprehend what the h.e.l.l's going on?"

"They don't know what's going on," Daniel replied, realizing things were getting more complicated with every interruption.

"Your security has been blown to h.e.l.l."

"I'm not sure it makes a difference. Someone knows our every move anyway."

"That sure gets to me, but maybe today we'll find some answers. I'm on my way to wake up Arnie Bishop and haul his a.s.s to the station for questioning. Do you want to be there?"

"Yes. I'll be there in about an hour. When I leave the condo, have the guard follow me."

"So you're bringing Ms. Welch to the station, too?"

"You bet. I'm not letting her out of my sight."

"This could be a problem."

"It had better not be, Russ, because I honestly don't see any other way to do this. If anyone is dumb enough to come into the police station for her, they'll have an army to contend with."

"Yep. You're right. I'll have Chad on hand if you need him."


"I'll see you at the station for Bishop's questioning, then we'll go to Lieutenant Tolin's show-and-tell, which should be interesting."

"Okay. Tell the guard that Drew's coming out."

"Will do."

Daniel hung up and heard Sarah talking to Drew. His face was animated as he watched her. Daniel noticed that he wasn't stuttering.

"Daniel catches lots of fish and we drink beer and do guy things. Daniel says we can only drink two beers. I want more and I sneak it when Daniel's not looking."

"Why do you do that?" Sarah asked.

"Because everyone treats me like a baby and I'm not a baby. I'm a man and I can do what I want."

"Does Daniel treat you like a baby?"

"Sometimes. He's my brother, my best friend, but he..."

"He what?"

Drew linked his fingers together. "He wants me to be careful, responsible."

"That's how adults should be-careful and responsible."

"Yeah," Drew said, his eyes bright. "Daniel wants me to be an adult."


"I'm an adult," Drew p.r.o.nounced loudly. "And n.o.body tells me what to do."

"Just people who care about you." Sarah smiled.

"Daniel does and he..."

Daniel hated to break up the conversation, but the guard was waiting and if he didn't send Drew out, Russ would be calling. There would be plenty of occasions later for Drew and Sarah to get to know each other-when things weren't so dangerous.

"Time to go, buddy," Daniel said. "Claude's waiting."

Daniel helped him into his coat and walked him to the door.

"'Bye, Sarah," Drew called.

"'Bye," Sarah called back.

Daniel hugged him. "Love you, buddy. Please take your medication."

"I get my medicine now. 'Bye."

Daniel opened the door and the guard escorted Drew to Claude. He closed the door, turned the deadbolt, set the alarm and went back to Sarah.

She went into his arms as if she belonged there.

"I like Drew," she said. "I think counseling would help him."

"He likes you, too. He doesn't open up to many people, but you had him talking up a storm. You're a d.a.m.n good counselor."

"Thank you."

He cupped her face and kissed her tenderly, then deepened the kiss to a level he needed. "I've been wanting to do that since I saw you on the stairs."

She ran her fingers across his naked shoulders, loving the freedom to touch him at will and loving the need in her to want to do it. "You feel so good," she murmured, her eyes dreamy.

He kissed her nose, her cheek. "Oh, sweet lady, it's only started. I wish we had all day, but we have to get to the station."

"Mmm." She rested her head on his chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart. "I just want to hold you before the chaos of this day starts."

They stood holding on, both knowing that the events of this day would change their lives forever and both hoping they had the strength to face it.

THE DRIVE TO THE STATION went without incident. Sarah stayed in the conference room with all the files and background checks Daniel had been researching. Chad stood guard outside the door. At Daniel's request, she went through the files to see if she might catch something he'd missed-anything that would tie an officer to Boyd.

Daniel met Russ and Joel in the hall outside a questioning room with a two-way mirror. He looked at Russ. He had the same wrinkled clothes on that he'd worn the last time Daniel had seen him and his beard was thicker.

"Have you had any sleep in the last two days? Not to mention a shower and shave?" Daniel asked.

Russ scratched his beard. "I've had a couple of hours' sleep in the car and I've been showering in the officers' locker room-haven't had time to shave, been busy chasing your d.a.m.n relatives and covering your a.s.s."

"I appreciate it, Russ. I really do."

The two men stared at each other, both knowing their relations.h.i.+p was changing-they were now friends.

Russ grinned. "So you trust me now, huh?"

Daniel met his eyes squarely. "With my life...and Sarah's."

Russ held out his hand and seemed at a loss for words, which was definitely a first. Daniel shook his hand. Neither said a word. They didn't have to.

Homicide Lieutenant Charles Bauer, Narcotics Lieutenant Bill Tolin and Hannah Corbett, an A.D.A., walked up.

"Do you have anything?" Lieutenant Bauer asked.

"No," Russ replied. "We're letting him stew for a bit."

"Let's see what he has to say," Hannah said.

"Russ, go by the book," Lieutenant Bauer warned.

"Ah, Lieutenant, I'll be a model cop." Russ winked and turned to Daniel. "Ready for Bishop?"

"You bet. And I promise not to interfere with your questioning."

"h.e.l.l, Daniel, don't take the fun out of everything." He straightened his jacket, which was a lost cause. "Just be prepared for a lot of att.i.tude. He's p.i.s.sed at being brought down here at this hour."

Russ opened the door and they went in.

"Detective Garrett," Arnie sneered. "You went to see my client without my permission."

Arnie reminded Daniel of a toad-slippery, fat, with eyes that bulged out of his bald head. "A lot of things are done without your permission, Arnie."

"Not as many as you'd think," Arnie snickered.

Russ pulled out a chair and sat across the small table from Arnie. He chewed on a toothpick and watched Arnie, then he placed a folder in front of him. "Let's get down to business."

"I'm not telling you a G.o.dd.a.m.n thing. I'll have your badges for daring to arrest me."

Russ laughed. "Tell you what, Arnie. You can have my badge as long as you're on death row with Rudy Boyd."

"You son of a b.i.t.c.h. You got nothing on me."

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The Right Woman Part 20 summary

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