Contract With God Part 37

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Q: That was quite an accomplishment. A child who couldn't even look another person in the eye without having a panic attack became one of the greatest engineers in the world . . .

A: It only happened because of the love and faith of Rabbi Ben-Schlomo. I give thanks to the All Merciful for placing me in the hands of such a great man.

Q: Then you became a multimillionaire, and finally a philanthropist.

A: I prefer not to discuss the last point. I don't feel very comfortable talking about my charitable work. I always feel it's never enough.

Q: Let's go back to the last question. When did you realise that you could lead a normal life?

A: Never. I've struggled against this affliction all my life, my dear. There are good days and bad days.

Q: You've run your business with an iron hand, and it's among the top fifty of the Fortune Five Hundred. I guess you could say that there have been more good days than bad ones. You also married and had a son.

A: That's right, but I'd rather not speak about my personal life.

Q: Your wife left and went to live in Israel. She's an artist.

A: She's done some very fine paintings, I can a.s.sure you.

Q: What about Isaac?

A: He . . . was great. Quite something.

Q: Mr Kayn, I imagine it's very difficult for you to talk about your son but it's an important point and I want to pursue it. Especially seeing the look on your face. It is clear you loved him a great deal.

A: Do you know how he died?

Q: I know that he was one of the victims of the attack on the Twin Towers. And as a result of . . . fourteen, almost fifteen hours of interviews, I understand that his death triggered the return of your illness.

A: I'm going to ask Jacob to come in now. I want you to leave.

Q: Mr Kayn, I think that deep down you really do want to talk about this; you need to. I'm not going to bombard you with cheap psychology. But do whatever you think best.

A: Turn off your tape recorder, young lady. I want to think.

Q: Mr Kayn, thank you for continuing with the interview. Whenever you're ready . . .

A: Isaac was everything to me. He was tall and slender, and very handsome. Look at his photo.

Q: He has a nice smile.

A: I think you would have liked him. In fact, he was quite similar to you. He would rather ask for forgiveness than for permission. He had the strength and energy of a nuclear reactor. And everything he achieved, he did by himself.

Q: With all due respect, it's difficult to accept such a statement about a person who was born to inherit such a fortune.

A: What's a father supposed to say? The Almighty said to the prophet David that he 'would be His son forever'. After such a display of love, my words . . . but I can see you're simply trying to provoke me.

Q: Forgive me.

A: Isaac had many faults, but taking the easy way out was not one of them. He never worried about going against my wishes. He went off to study at Oxford, a university to which I had not made a contribution.

Q: And that's where he met Mr Russell, is that correct?

A: They were in a Macroeconomics cla.s.s together, and after Jacob completed his studies, Isaac recommended him to me. In time, Jacob became my right hand.

Q: The position you would have wanted Isaac to have had.

A: And which he never would have accepted. When he was very young . . . [fighting back a sob]

Q: We're continuing with the interview now.

A: Thank you. Forgive me for becoming emotional at that recollection. He was only a child, no more than eleven. One day he came home with a dog he had found in the street. I became very angry. I don't like animals. Do you like dogs, my dear?

Q: A great deal.

A: Well, then you should have seen this one. It was an ugly mongrel, filthy, and it had only three legs. It looked as if it had been out on the streets for years. The only rational thing to do with such an animal would have been to take it to a veterinarian and end its misery. I said this to Isaac. He looked at me and replied: 'You were picked up in the street too, Father. Do you think the rabbi should have ended your misery?'

Q: Ouch!

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Contract With God Part 37 summary

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