Airborne Saga: Grounded Part 15

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"Please, she's helpless out there. And I need to find her. Can't someone go?" Avery pressed more frantically.

Samuel kept his emotions in check and the conversation rational.

"You, Mason, I-- we are all targets. And I certainly won't allow my daughter to go out there. Who does that leave?"

Avery had a fleeting thought about Eva but that went as quick as it had come. Eva already hated Leela and the harpie woman was also on guard duty. She was the only one watching the outside walls and they needed that in case of surprise attack. So who did that leave, Avery asked herself.

"Patrick." She whispered when it dawned on her. "Can Patrick do it?"

"He certainly can. But the question is, will he?"

Avery bit her lip and considered it. Patrick was a vicious killer, but at the same time, he was a playboy who had a thing for Avery. And she did have a date with him-- possibly the perfect time to win him over. If she could get him to find Leela then Avery had to take that chance.

"Thank you for the idea." She told the old harpie, and with a brief nod, turned and hurried away.

She backtracked towards the door but never made it a step into the hall before she collided with something tall and heavy. Avery's head shot up and she recognized Mason.

"Hey." She untangled herself out of habit. Taking a step back, she got a clear look at him.

Dirt and blood still marred his cheeks and clothes, his wings were frazzled and his brown hair stuck up in a mess. Purple bruises over his knuckles and jaw line stood out against the pale white of his face. The old anger that lingered for the harpie dissipated some while looking at him so Avery didn't give into the sneaking urge to run away.

"Are you okay?" She asked mechanically.

"We should talk, Avery." He answered, and though she'd been expecting to hear that, she wasn't ready for it.

"Let's go back to the room." She said. And patch him up, she added only mentally. Mason didn't look quite right, and though standing, he swayed.

They returned to the room in silence after that. Once the door shut, sealing them in, Mason spoke up.

"Patrick's up to something. I know it. I just don't know what." He pressed his wings back against the door. "His request wasn't funny, Avery. This is a red flag."

That wasn't exactly what they needed to talk about but Avery let it sit. She wasn't exactly rus.h.i.+ng to talk about their relations.h.i.+p yet.

Avery strode straight to the bathroom to retrieve a few fluffy white towels. She checked in the cabinets but found no medical supplies. At least Mason's wounds weren't deep and his immune system was top notch. She twisted on the k.n.o.b and waited for the water to get hot.

"How can he be up to something worse than killing me?" Avery asked. Her fingers danced under the stream of water but it was still cold.

"Because he's not." Mason amended himself when she shot him a look. "The way he acts, its strange. Harpies aren't forgiving Avery, he doesn't just decide not to want you dead suddenly."

Avery made a face.

"That's...great..." She still didn't know what to make of it. Maybe he wanted the Willow magic now but realistically, he still needed to kill Avery to get it. The magic would only jump from her body when she was dead. And that still put them at step one.

"Everything about Patrick is strange. I've been looking into his background. You know what I found? He has no background. Nothing. He has no residential history, no last name, no work... nothing. It's like he dropped off of the face of the Earth for a few years."

"So what? He could have been living with the humans."

"Then why wouldn't he just say that? Avery, he's hiding something. I just don't know what it is. I would think Adalyn did but she only met him that night we were at the harpie court-the night Mikhail escaped and you almost died."

It was also the night that Mikhail had blown up a prison and a courtroom, while swearing revenge on them. Avery remembered clearly and didn't need reminding. Instead, she tried to focus on the issue at hand.

"Patrick seems pretty obsessed with Adalyn. He keeps saying he owes her and that he was trying to kill me for her. So what exactly did she do for Mr. Shady?"

The tone was childish, maybe, but the closer they got to the subject of Mason's ex-fiance, the worse she felt.

"I don't know. I can't talk to her. I'm not as close to her as I used to be." Mason said slowly but Avery suddenly snapped.

"Not close to her?" The water for the towels grew hot but Avery didn't act on it yet. "What was up with that wager then? Why did you want Patrick to stay away from her, her and not me? Stop lying. I'm not that stupid. It was bad enough I found out you were planning to leave for the harpie community without me. Now you're still stuck on Adalyn?"

The steam twisted in the air. Unable to keep her hands still anymore, Avery ran the towel under the scolding water. With the towel wet, she wrung it out until it was damp. Her hands shook as she twisted.

"I told you yesterday that Adalyn has nothing to do with it. I'm not trying to get back with Adalyn... I'm just trying to get her away from Patrick because again, he's up to something."

"You're throwing me to the wolves instead then." She snapped back.

"Look, I didn't think I'd lose, Avery. And besides, I only risked it because I don't have to worry about you being stupid. You know he's dangerous and I know you're smarter than Adalyn. Right now though, you're not acting like it!"

She whirled to face him. Picking up the wet cloth she beamed it at him. Mason s.n.a.t.c.hed it out of the air before it smacked him in the face.

"How should I act then, Mason? Should I be happy that you've had an epiphany to go home? Should I be fine with us going back to being just friends? G.o.d, maybe that's my problem. I don't know what I should do." She rubbed her temples, forcing her rational head to remain intact. "Better yet, what did you expect me to do when I heard that?"

Mason was quiet for a long moment and though tempted to look at him, Avery didn't. Finally the harpie let out a breath.

"I don't know..." He admitted.

She didn't know what kind of answer she'd expected but that wasn't quite it. His words only left more of a sinking feeling.

"That's fine. We don't need to fight. We just need to get through this." She said but she wasn't sure which one of them she was trying to convince.

"I won't let Patrick hurt you, you know. You may have to spend time with him but I won't be far away."

"Yea I know. I have to get ready to do that."

Mason stiffened and suddenly standing, he maneuvered for the door. Just before he reached it, he babbled some excuse about needing to get air. Avery knew what he needed. He needed to get away from her for awhile. She couldn't say she blamed him though. It was going to be a long two weeks.


Avery stared at her reflection while smoothing out the black blouse that she'd newly adorned. The fabric was satin and smooth, doing well to fit her body despite the obvious problem with size. It had once belonged to Adalyn and she'd gotten it on permanent loan from Samuel. Considering she'd never brought any clothes, it'd have to do with a pair of tight jeans. A fresh shower left her smelling like strawberries and a fight with a comb left her curly hair somewhat straightened. The freckles on her cheeks stood out but accented by the dim light, they looked endearing.

Reluctantly approving the reflection, her eyes scanned down the hall again. Her time with Mason earlier in the day ruined, she'd taken to getting ready. Patrick would be expecting her in only twenty minutes and the knot in her stomach grew worse. The door to the hall was quiet and the air was still, but Avery knew Mason would be lingering just out of sight. She may have been mad at the harpie, but she hoped he'd come through for her.

The phone stuffed in Avery's pocket buzzed and she wiggled out the device. Flipping open the screen, she scanned the letters. Nate had texted her back.

"Flight 74, arriving Portland 7PM." It said.

Quickly running the numbers through her head, Avery nodded to herself. Nate had managed to track Leela's flight using the information on his credit card. Leela would be arriving within the hour and finding her at the airport would be easier than finding her in the city. She put the phone away, took one last breath, and approached Patrick's door.

Her knuckles didn't meet the wood before the door opened. Grinning brightly, Patrick greeted her from the other side. Since earlier, he'd brushed his hair back with a glob of gel, and he'd left the style spiky and purposely disarrayed. He'd also adorned some type of musky cologne that smelt far too strong and threatened to make Avery's throat close up.

Swatting at the air, she greeted him in return.

"So what was your plan for this date?"

"Sweep you off your feet and make sure you enjoy yourself." He said.

She certainly didn't like the way he hit the accent on the word enjoy. Knowing Mason wasn't out of ear shot, Avery didn't worry about it. And even if Mason may not have known how to use the Willow magic, Avery certainly did.

"We should be out of here. Get some fresh air." He went on.

Avery's eyes scanned the lines of his face and watched his posture. Nothing about his body language spoke danger.

"Lead the way." She said after a second and stepped aside to leave the hallway clear. He offered her an arm and she reluctantly took it. Together they headed down the hallway and for the exit doors.

"I'm glad you showed up. I thought you'd be too prudish, worried about your boyfriend and all that. I figured you'd try to find a way out of it."

Even though she'd once considered that, Avery took offense to it anyways. Propping her chin up, she complained. "You put me on one track don't you? I do have different segments to my personality."

Patrick's expression changed a bit, mirroring something like surprise. Keeping his composure, he countered her statement.

"You put me in a box too, don't you?" Patrick said.

Mean and violent? Yes probably, but Avery wouldn't apologize for it. Patrick had tried to kill her before and his reasoning behind it didn't quite matter. Keeping their relations.h.i.+p moving in the right direction, Avery forced a smile and shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry. Consider this our starting over." She thought about batting her eyelashes like Leela always managed to but wouldn't risk that the gesture would turn out forced. Instead, she just squeezed his arm.

"Deal, girlie." He agreed genuinely.

He walked in front and held open the door. Once outside, Avery's eyes immediately scanned the world. It was quiet and calm. The sky was overcast and atmosphere damp, but rain seemed at least a few hours away still. Deeming it safe, she allowed him to lead her outside.

"It's better than being trapped inside all the b.l.o.o.d.y time. I'm not afraid of anything enough to stay inside that long." He boasted when the metal door swung shut with a clack behind them.

Patrick had been right about one thing. The fresh air was a good treatment but it made her miss the moist woodsy smell of Mayweather.

"Is there somewhere you intended to go in particular?" She quizzed, careful to keep the dirt off of her strappy shoes.

"Just wait up, I'm here to impress after all."

"Okay, okay. Not doubting you." But she could at least wonder what he was up to. Outside was one thing but going far away from Samuel's compound was just dangerous.

They crossed around the building's side and reached another door that led outside the outer walls of the compound.

Just outside the door was a garden. Though not as spectacular as the ones Avery had seen in the past, the sight of deep green and brown came as a welcome break from the grey muddy mess inside. A few seats sat around a tiny, man-made pond. Potted plants grew spa.r.s.ely around the place, far too early in spring to bloom in color. Surrounding the tiny pond, there was a packed thicket of medium sized trees. The night helped conceal its full size but it was not quite big enough to be considered a forest.

"Romantic, huh?" He quipped, gesturing to the place.

Avery tried to smile but only managed to smirk.

"Better than a bedroom." She said to herself and followed him to the benches, her sandals crunching over the twig covered ground.

He dropped into the metal bench and patted the seat next to him. Patrick hadn't left much room for her to sit and she reluctantly found herself tucked up close against him. His arm immediately went around her shoulders and squeezed.

Patrick was warm and his feathers soft, but the embrace didn't feel great. Rather, Avery found herself drawing away from it. She didn't want to wait longer to go through the pleasantries.

"I have a favor to ask you, Patrick." Avery started. She caught his hand and squeezed, willing it to appear affectionate. "Do you remember Leela?"

Patrick perked up and even though typically one-minded, his eyes did a surprisingly careful calculation of her face.

"Leela?" He asked for clarification.

"My human friend. You met her while at Mayweather."

He nodded.

"So what's the favor?" He asked next, leaning forward until their faces were just mere inches apart.

"Um." She swallowed thickly. This close and this intimate with Patrick, she struggled to remember how to speak. "She's-- she's..."

Avery let out a breath. Patrick's hand had crept up her back and lightly played with the tips of her curls.

"Yes?" He prompted.

"She's coming to Portland trying to find me. I can't leave here. I need someone... I need someone to find her on my behalf before she gets lost in the city. Or before she gets hurt..." It was difficult but Avery finally got her shaky point across. She never stopped being aware of exactly how close Patrick was.

"You want me to find her for you?" He asked.

She nodded.

"And I imagine you'll know of a place to start to looking?"

"I do." She whispered.

Suddenly a smile crept up on his lips.

"You know it's very very dangerous out there right now. Who knows who I might run into?" Patrick crooned.

Avery cursed herself mentally. She wasn't sure where he was going with this but she already knew he was manipulating the situation in his favor. Avery lacked the real choice to fight it though. She pushed forward.

"You just said that you weren't afraid of anything. You can't be afraid of a little thing like this."

She answered.

"So I'm not afraid. But it is a risk. So I'm just wondering if this risk is worth it." He s.h.i.+fted closer until his cheek brushed hers. The b.u.t.terfly sensation sent chills down her spine. Clenching her fists in her lap, she kept her reaction in check.

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Airborne Saga: Grounded Part 15 summary

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