Airborne Saga: Grounded Part 16

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"So, will you do it?" She asked more impatiently.

He moved his face again, this time tracing his lips down to her earlobe. Every tiny movement he made had Avery's body involuntarily reacting. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to ignore it. Patrick was a playboy, and jerk off or not, he was good. And she was embarra.s.sed. Mason had to be watching this and it didn't take Avery to know that he'd be angry.

"I think so. For you." Patrick whispered into her ear.

He kissed her then, on the side of her face, below her hair. The trail of light kisses moved, just to the hollow of her neck. Something about the attention was just too much. She broke away.

"Why are you fighting me? Are you still thinking about Mason?" He asked.

"No way. I'm not with Mason but..." She didn't know how to word herself so she didn't. She simply snapped her mouth shut and stared at the floor.

"That's a shame." He said surprisingly quietly. "You're hung up on a guy that's inevitably going to leave you."

Taken aback, Avery thrashed to break away from him. Before she could conjure a proper response, Patrick spoke again.

"He's going back to the harpie court after this. You know that right? And the new Prince can't have a human as a girlfriend."

Patrick's words landed hard. Avery averted her face. Patrick's hand snaked out and touched her shoulder. She wanted to slap him away but he only squeezed in some rea.s.suring manner.

"I'm not the nicest person in the world but I wouldn't treat you the way he treats you. You know he still talks to Adalyn. He's never stopped and likely, they'll be together after you're long gone."

"He told me it wasn't about Adalyn." Avery countered but her voice still waivered.

"Avery, don't be stupid. Did he really fight when you broke it off with him? Did he ever try to mend that bridge? And best of all, where is he right now?"

"He's--" Avery went to defend him immediately but couldn't bring herself too. She looked around finding herself unable to feel the magic in Mason's body. Maybe he wasn't as close as he'd implicated he'd be.

"He's with Adalyn now. I know it."

Avery wiped her cheeks only to find the back of her hand wet. Great, now she was crying. Spiting her faulty reactions, she took a deep breath. Determined to keep her voice straight, she answered.

"Don't act so sweet. You tried to kill me yourself." She pointed out.

Patrick actually made a guilty face.

"I told you I was doing Adalyn a favor."

"Why do you owe Adalyn so much?" Avery suddenly asked, reckless questioning fueled by mixed emotions. "Who are you?"

Patrick went quiet. Avery was too afraid to steal a glimpse at his face. Instead, she focused on composing herself. Patrick finally did speak.

"I just came out of a bad place. Worse than you could probably imagine. I didn't know anyone really but that day, I happened to meet Adalyn. She took me in like a lost puppy. She straightened things out for me. I owe her so much for that. So when she asked me to get rid of a human, what do you think I'd say?"

His fingers reached out and caught her chin. Their eyes connected and suddenly Avery's breath was stolen from her.

Then Patrick leaned forward and kissed her. It lingered for a few moments before Avery pulled back. Maybe she was being horrible, buying into Patrick's words about Mason leaving her. Maybe Patrick was right and Avery should be moving on. But that was the last thing she needed to think at that moment. Avery's thoughts s.h.i.+fted back to Leela.

"You'll need to hurry or we'll lose her in Portland." She reminded him.

The moment dying quickly, Patrick followed her to a stand but he paced toward the pond. His wings twitched and opened, stirring up a cold gust of wind.

"Where is she then?"

"She's arriving at the Portland Airport at seven PM." Avery instructed. "I'm sure you'll recognize her but you can call me."

Suddenly, movement caught her eye. Avery followed it instantly. A flash darted through the thick brush, behind the hanging moss and low branches of the trees. She double took at the woods. She hadn't imagined the shadowy figure but it had gone still and in doing so, had disappeared into the darkness. Swallowing, she scanned the remaining area. It was probably Mason but the unease crept up Avery's spine in a raking wave of coldness.

Patrick still stood in the same spot, oblivious and caught up in preening his reflection off of the murky pond water. He was still talking but it took a full minute for Avery to even tune back in to what he was saying.

"I'll pick her up, drag her back here, and dump her off. Then we can plan the next date." Patrick had whirled to face her. If Avery had paled, she wasn't sure.

"Okay. Please. Please find her." She said.

Patrick's wings snapped open and he began to flap. Dust stirred and the pond water sloshed. Patrick took off only a moment later, doing half a twirl in the air to slow off his flight moves. Only after he disappeared into the grey sky did Avery take her eyes off him. Next she set her sights on the forest.

"Mason is that you?" She headed for the tree line, waiting for the familiar face to surface. He'd probably be p.i.s.sed but Avery still needed to see him.

"Mason." She called again when she reached the tree line edge.

It had gotten darker and the shadows between the trees had gotten thicker. The wind howled through the branches and the wood cried out from the force. Avery blinked but couldn't see much. Her hand blindly sought out the nearest tree and she fingered the bark.

The feeling of unease had returned full fledge and Avery found her stomach churning. Mason hadn't answered her. No one had. But she was sure she'd seen someone in the woods. Swallowing thickly, she backed up. Her shoes snapped a twig below her and the sharp sound made her jump. Skin crawling, she didn't hesitate anymore. Turning on her heel, she ran for the entrance door.

Suddenly the woods s.h.i.+fted. Twigs snapped and branches creaked loudly. The sounds too loud to be normal, Avery hurried more. She didn't turn around.

She opened the door, charged inside, and slammed the metal shut behind her.

Heart pounding in her chest, she closed her eyes and waited for the moment to pa.s.s.

"Stupid stupid Avery." She told herself. People were out to kill her and she still put herself in danger. Opening her eyes, she examined her surroundings.

Being inside the first wall of Samuel's compound was comforting but not completely safe. The sky was open and empty, the wind had calmed, and the place was quiet. Avery trekked around the building, reaching the courtyard.

The sight in front of her made her stop. In the courtyard stood three harpies: Adalyn, Mason, and Eva. The gathering didn't seem like a social visit though. Eva's wings were open wide and her hands clasped a polished blade handle on her belt. Adalyn stood nearby but her attention was on the sky. Mason was the first to notice Avery.

"Are you okay?" He asked instantly.

Worried her face might betray her, she wiped her cheeks. She felt shaken and panicked but ignored it.

"What's going on?" She asked instead. She kept watching the others.

Eva shook the choppy black hair out of her face to reveal her scowl.

"We're out of time, Mikhail's on the move." Eva said shortly.

"What do you mean?" Avery questioned for more details.

"I spoke with Rafael. Since he's been in Alaska, he doesn't know yet that I've defected. He's returned to the island to find Mikhail gone but with orders to form an attack."

Mason cursed darkly.

"You think he's coming here today? Like today today? We're not ready." Avery exclaimed. The true weight of the situation reached her. Mason could barely manifest the magic, much less fight with it. They already had the disadvantage and this just made it worse. Her blood ran cold with the realization. They couldn't win like this. They'd get slaughtered.

Eva shot her a heavy look.

"From this moment on we need to be in battle mode. We need to set lines and be ready to fight." Eva announced, voice ringing with the heart of a true leader.

"We need to tell everyone." Mason said. "We need to stay together."

"Patrick just left, he's not here." Avery said aloud when the thought dredged up in her mind.

"Where'd you send him?" Adalyn suddenly snapped. "Or are you constantly just trying to get us all killed."

Avery might have been used to the anger but her jaw still hit the floor. Adalyn's outburst had the whole group on edge and her heavy scowl was unmatched. Avery stuttered for an answer but Mason beat her to speaking.

"Not here. Not now." Mason hissed. "We need to go inside. We're waiting bait."

"Mason," Eva's voice stopped him before he turned. "Don't be stupid. Be careful. We both know that the Band is smart and Mikhail is dangerously cunning. I'm going to the perimeter. Don't forget."

The harpie girl suddenly took off into the air in a flurry of movement. It spurred Adalyn to move as well. The girl marched inside in a hurry leaving Mason and Avery to lag behind her.

"What's she talking about, Mason?" Avery asked the second the harpie woman had gone.

"She's warning us. She took the information about the attack on Rafael's word but we can't take it on face value."

Avery squinted.

"You mean they might have lied? Rafael didn't tell Eva the truth?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. The Band might be setting us up in a trap. But either way, we are in grave danger."


Avery didn't expect the heavy weight of the wooden spear. She cautiously rolled it in her palms while she gave it the once over.

"I can't use this." Avery finally said, her eyes looking up to spy Mason across the room. He had taken to the corner holding another spear like the one she had. They'd set up in the library, the most fortified room according to Eva and Mason. There were few windows and easily controlled exits. The walls were difficult to collapse in, the roof held up by reinforced steel beams, so driving them out would be extremely difficult. The Band would have to come in to get them.

"It's an offensive weapon. It's to keep the harpies from getting close to you and it'll save you from some serious trouble." He didn't look up from his menial task of sharpening the blades and straightening out the weapons.

Avery stopped complaining because she'd asked to be here.

Adalyn stood across the room, close to the other door, with her father Samuel. She already acquired a blade and held it by her belt. Adalyn was ready to fight. Everything about her careful, crouching posture showed that she was probably even good at it.

Avery focused back on the spear and tucked it against the nearest wall.

"Another thing," Mason said to gain her attention. "In case we get separated, don't be stupid and come looking for me. Get out. And then if we need to, we will meet up at the hotel in town."

Avery scrunched her face, thinking of the idea.

"You really think that they are going to hit us that hard? It's been really quiet." She gestured to the nearest window. The yellow glow of lamps couldn't even pierce the dense darkness outside. The rain was pouring now and the water beat on the roof and gla.s.s windows so loudly it was nearly deafening. As well, the temperature had dropped and the room went cold.

"It could be an hour. It could be a day. But we're in the red zone now. We need to stay hunkered down." Mason announced.

A gasp from across the room caught their attention. Samuel had keeled over in his red chair and heaved to catch a breath. The older harpie's chest rose and fell in shudders, and feathers shed from his graying wings.

Adalyn leaned over him, her tall figure covering his face.

"Is he okay?" Avery asked when Adalyn's head shot up, frustrated.

"He's scared." Mason admitted quietly. "He's been afraid of this day for a long time."

Avery swallowed thickly, picturing it. Mikhail swearing revenge on anyone was frightening but to be afraid for decades? She couldn't imagine.

"Can we do anything?" Avery asked next.

Adalyn had stood and paced on the other side of the room, apparently unable to console Samuel. He'd placed his head between his knees and let out slow, rasping breaths. Mason's eyes, however, were only on the blonde that paced by Samuel's side.

"I should talk to Adalyn." He didn't meet Avery's eyes when he said this, certainly purposefully. Avery scrunched her face up anyways.

"What do you need to talk to her about? Thanks for not trying to kill us for half a day?" She asked already annoyed at the thought.

"Look, you may not appreciate it but we owe her. She's not part of this, not really, and she's being incredibly kind by harboring us." Mason pointed out like she was a child lacking manners. He continued to steal quick glances the blonde's way and the concern showed from the darkness in his green eyes.

"How does that make sense? She's protecting her father!" Avery reluctantly kept her voice low but she didn't like owing Adalyn anything. The idea left her nauseous and uncomfortable.

Mason pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a controlled breath.

"You don't know anything about her or us. Adalyn doesn't act like that for fun. She's been burned before and she's grown up in dangerous situations. So at the end of the day, she's going to fight to save our lives too and you should appreciate that. Understand?" He pointed out.

At best Adalyn's kind actions now would only even out the times she'd nearly had them killed, Avery thought. Correction, Adalyn had never tried to kill Mason. Only Avery. So Mason could be grateful, but Avery wouldn't be. Folding her arms, she stuck her tongue out in a silent protest. But before she could conjure another bitter complaining remark, a familiar voice in the hall caught her attention.

"Put me down. Put me down or I'll rip out your feathers!" The voice was shrill, contrite, and absolutely Leela.

Avery didn't think before reacting. Blowing by Mason, she burst into the hallway. Her eyes landed on the two at the end of the hall instantly. Patrick held Leela over his shoulder like a child's toy while the girl bucked. Her small hand had a snare of feathers in a fist and she must have pulled. Patrick's usual smile was gone and his lips had twisted into a downward frown.

"Let her go!" Avery piped in and the harpie obeyed instantly. Wrenching Leela sideways, he dropped her onto the hard carpet.

"So I'm thinking they keep all the feisty girls at Mayweather now. And here I thought it was just your endearing quality my dear." Patrick commented, regaining his swag composure, but it fell on deaf ears.

Avery rushed to help Leela up. The girl was in disarray, windswept and wet. Scrambling to upright herself, she still swatted Avery's hands away.

"I'm so p.i.s.sed at you!" She made a vague swing Avery's way. "What did you do?"

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Airborne Saga: Grounded Part 16 summary

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