Once A Spy Part 31

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Drummond took the slain guard's pistol and, leading with it, inched out of the conference room. With leaden limbs, Charlie followed, still clad only in boxer shorts*there hadn't been time to locate the rest of his clothes. The chill of the cement floor bit into his bare soles and shot up his s.h.i.+nbones. the slain guard's pistol and, leading with it, inched out of the conference room. With leaden limbs, Charlie followed, still clad only in boxer shorts*there hadn't been time to locate the rest of his clothes. The chill of the cement floor bit into his bare soles and shot up his s.h.i.+nbones.

'We'll sneak out through the old east tunnel, to the university campus,' Drummond said. 'Less chance of running into guards.'

The corridor was still and quiet, save the drone of the ventilators. The bare concrete walls meant no recesses or shadows in which an adversary could hide; a mouse would have stood out.

'I need you to cover me,' Drummond said, pa.s.sing back the Glock.

'I'll try,' said Charlie. He took the gun with both hands, judging just one frail hand inadequate.

If Fielding or his remaining men were to shoot, they would likely position themselves at one of four corners*there were two corners at each end of the corridor. Charlie pivoted on his numb heels, swinging the gun barrel from one end of the corridor to the other, a motion like a metronome's. He wasn't sure whether it was a good system.

Drummond ran west, or so Charlie thought; his bearings had been scrambled along with the rest of him. He was certain, though, that the tunnel to campus was to the east.

Drummond beckoned from the corner, and Charlie sprinted. Concern that they were headed in the wrong direction took his mind off the pain.

Nearing Drummond, he asked, 'Isn't the campus the other*?'

Drummond shot a finger to his lips. 'I said that in case anyone was listening,' he whispered. 'Really we'll go out through the tunnel to the Perriman subbas.e.m.e.nt.'

Again he was on the move, with Charlie left to supply cover fire. The next corridor was identical to the last, with the exception of a six-foot-high metal canister imbedded in the wall. Drummond stopped at it and signaled Charlie.

As Charlie reached him, Drummond pressed his right eye into the scanning module mounted on the wall beside the canister. A laser hummed within it.

Charlie wondered whether the Cavalry had taken Drummond off the guest list. Perhaps while shooting at him throughout the woods and mountains of Virginia all day and night, they hadn't considered the chase would wind up back at the office. The answer came with a hydraulic hiss, as the canister rotated, presenting a compartment like that of a revolving door.

Drummond ushered Charlie in, then crammed in alongside him. The cylinder began to rotate again, groaning beneath their weight. The compartment was sealed by the circular wall, plunging them into total darkness. Halfway around, it reopened onto a galaxy of luminous dials, gauges, and displays. When the compartment was completely open, the conveyance stopped with a mechanical grunt.

Drummond reached out and swatted at a wall panel. Rows of lamps high overhead tingled on, revealing a white rubber-walled laboratory the size of a gymnasium. 'For reasons that will become apparent straightaway, this is known as the laundry room,' he said, at normal volume.

Charlie followed him into a cityscape of gleaming machines and ducts. He recognized centrifuges, condensers, incubators, and robotic arms; there were exponentially more gadgets whose functions he couldn't guess. On the back wall was a garage door big enough to allow through the motorized pallet truck parked beside it. By Charlie's reckoning this door opened onto the tunnel to Perriman's subbas.e.m.e.nt. He a.s.sumed the door was their destination.

Drummond stopped well short of it, at a row of was.h.i.+ng machines. 'I don't think we'll be able to sneak out or even gun our way out of here,' he said. 'But if we arm one of these devices, then threaten to detonate it by remote control, Fielding will let us waltz out; he may even call us a car.'

'I thought these don't really do anything.'

'The uranium doesn't do anything, but the systems still operate like nuclear weapons insofar as they initiate with ninety-seven-point-eight pounds of penthrite and trinitrotoluene. That would be enough to blast apart a good percentage of this complex.'

'Sounds good to me, unless it's at all hard to arm a nuclear weapon.'

'Yes and no.' Drummond popped open the top-loading lid of a Perriman Pristina model.

Inside, where clothing would go, was a cl.u.s.ter of electrical components. Unlike the nuclear weapons Charlie had seen in movies, this one had no display panel with illuminated digits that ticked down to 00:00. There was just a cheap, battery-powered alarm clock, held in place by what appeared to be wadded bubble gum.

Leaning into the machine, Drummond rummaged through a jungle of wires and tubes and cleared a path to three numeric dials, like those on safes. 'These are permissive action links,' he explained. 'In the Soviet Union, this sort of weapon would have been armed by three men, each knowing just one third of the code.'

'What if, hypothetically, you've forgotten the code?'

'If I input the wrong code more than twice, a capacitor will fry, leaving the system unable to detonate,' Drummond said. 'But we don't need to worry about my memory for once.' He pointed to a card adhered to the washer's instrument panel, listing make, model, and energy usage information. From its base he peeled a strip of yellow tape imprinted with a sequence of one- and two-digit numbers. 'This serial number's not the actual serial number.' Carefully he maneuvered the first dial into place, then began on the second.

Charlie's eyes bounced between the cylindrical entryway and the garage door, antic.i.p.ating Fielding and company would at any second send one or the other blasting inward.

'Okay, done, except for the clicker.' Drummond jogged toward a tool cabinet across the room. 'While I find it, why don't you put on a uniform?' He indicated a hanger rack of royal blue Perriman Appliances repairmen's coveralls. On the floor were pairs of rubber boots. 'You'll be conspicuous in it once we're out of the complex but not as much as in what you have on now.' He meant Charlie's boxers.

As Charlie dressed, a staccato movement sucked his eyes back to the bomb. The second hand on the alarm clock was ticking counterclockwise. Every hair on his body shot up.


'Sorry, should have mentioned that. I'm intentionally running the timer down to about ninety seconds*too little time for them to retrieve the PAL sequence from the computers and dial in the numbers in reverse, to disarm the device.' Drummond crumpled the strip of yellow tape with the 'serial number' into a ball no bigger than a pea, then dropped it through a drain grate. 'But it will be plenty of time for us to trigger the device, if it comes to that, then get out of harm's way.' From the tool cabinet, he dug out what appeared to be a TV remote control. Aiming it at the was.h.i.+ng machine, he pressed a b.u.t.ton. The conic bulb on the gadget's head glowed red.

The second hand on the alarm clock ticked to a stop at the 6. The hour hand was slightly left of the 12 and the minute hand pointed halfway between the 10 and the 11.

'Ninety seconds on the nose,' he said with satisfaction.

Charlie mopped perspiration from his brow. 'After all we've been through, it would be a shame to die of a heart attack.'

Drummond smiled. 'Well, what do you say we go for a boat ride?'


The laundry room's garage door rumbled up, revealing the midpoint of the two-block-long tunnel between the heart of the Manhattan Project complex and the Perriman subbas.e.m.e.nt. Charlie braced for men waiting in ambush. He saw only an empty tunnel. The floor twinkled with flecks of the fluorescent bulbs shattered earlier by bullets. room's garage door rumbled up, revealing the midpoint of the two-block-long tunnel between the heart of the Manhattan Project complex and the Perriman subbas.e.m.e.nt. Charlie braced for men waiting in ambush. He saw only an empty tunnel. The floor twinkled with flecks of the fluorescent bulbs shattered earlier by bullets.

Drummond pointed to the end leading into the subbas.e.m.e.nt. 'I'll cover you from here until you're safely through the door.'

'Won't I need your retina to open the door?'

'On this side, all you'll need to do is use the handle. You'll trip a sensor though, so they'll be onto us, if they aren't already.'

'But if I'm inside the subbas.e.m.e.nt, how can I cover you?'

'You can't, not over the length of the tunnel. That's where the clicker comes in. The big red detonator b.u.t.ton is pressure sensitive. If I'm shot, or, for whatever reason, I fall and lose my grip on the clicker, the sequence initiates and can only be reversed manually on the bomb. They won't risk that.'

'See you in the subbas.e.m.e.nt then,' Charlie said, the bravado intended to mask his foreboding: This was the most treacherous block he would ever travel.

He reached the end of the tunnel without incident. A simple turn of the handle unlocked the door, and it opened with a gentle push. Holding his gun ahead of him, the way Drummond did, he edged into the silent subbas.e.m.e.nt.

If not for the fluorescent ring in the stairwell, he would have been unable to see. The scant light silhouetted three splayed bodies, pools of blood glinting around each. He recognized Grudzev's sloped face. The Russian's AK-74 rig was propped against the back of his head like a grave marker. If Charlie had had time, he would have been sick.

He turned back to the door, still partway open, as Drummond emerged with caution from the laundry room. Sudden motion at the other end of the tunnel froze them both.

The door there opened and Fielding entered the tunnel along with two equally solemn guards, both pointing large rifles at Drummond.

Drummond raised his hands. 'I'm holding a pressure key to one of the Pristinas,' he called to them. He stood a full city block away from Charlie*as well as from Fielding and the guards*but the tunnel's acoustics were such that it sounded as if he were just halfway down a typical hallway.

Fielding leaned an eye into a rifle scope. Two blocks away, Charlie could hear the rattle of the rifle's shoulder strap. Fielding muttered something, both men lowered their guns, then he said to Drummond, 'There's no need for this to get unpleasant.'

'Then have a pleasant evening, Nicholas.' Drummond turned and began walking toward Charlie at a swift pace, though not too swift to jeopardize his hold on the clicker.

'I have some news for you first,' Fielding said. Drummond didn't slow. 'At the top of the hour, a Department of Transportation camera snapped an image of Patrick Bragg, captain of the stern dragger Sea Dog Sea Dog. He was removing a vinyl pouch with a Chevrolet logo on it from beneath a sidewalk plate in Grand Army Plaza; five minutes earlier, another man had placed it there. According to the accident report, Captain Bragg subsequently stepped into the path of a van that jumped a red light. He was killed instantly.'

Drummond's eyes darkened, but he said nothing and continued toward Charlie.

'For argument's sake, let's say his death was necessary,' Fielding went on. 'The argument is there are too many frightening characters out there who need to believe that Drummond Clark is a relatively humdrum appliance salesman as opposed to a spymaster. If you're aboard the SS International Fugitive International Fugitive, word could get around, and those characters would start asking questions the United States of America would prefer they do not*and that's a.s.suming you haven't already sketched out the whole operation for them. So I'll ask you now to bear in mind the oath you took to obey the orders of those above you in the chain of command*in this instance our interim national security advisor in Was.h.i.+ngton*and stand down.'

Charlie expected Drummond to whirl back and point out that such an order would never have been issued had the interim national security advisor known that Fielding had murdered the prior national security advisor in cold blood.

All Drummond said was, 'Nicholas, I'll ask you to either respect my most basic right or suffer the consequences.' He was now a short dash from Charlie*fifty feet at most, a difficult shot now for the men at the other end of the tunnel.

'What about you, Charlie?' Fielding called over Drummond. 'There must be something you want? How about I erase Mickey Ramirez's wife from the loose ends list?'

Charlie's heart strings were wrenched. 'She just had a baby.'

Fielding shrugged. 'That happens.'

Charlie suspected Fielding would erase Sylvia one way or the other. 'There is one thing I want,' he said.


'To be a witness at your trial.'

'Okay, then we've run into a wall.' Fielding struck a match and lit a cigar. 'As it were.' He exhaled smoke toward a gunmetal gray plate on the ceiling.

The peal of an alarm bell filled the complex.

's.h.i.+t!' Drummond said.

Charlie had never heard him curse.

Drummond held the clicker tight against his belly, took three running strides, then dove for the subbas.e.m.e.nt. Charlie crouched like a shortstop in order to best haul him in.

Steel slats cascaded from the ceiling, hammering the tunnel floor between Charlie and Drummond with a ringing echo, then forming a solid firewall. There were no discernible gaps between the slats themselves, or between the slats and the tunnel walls and floor. Charlie threw a shoulder. The firewall gave a millimeter, if that, with a condescending clink. 'There's got to be a hand crank or some hinge we can shoot?' he said through the wall, even though he was fairly certain the solution was nowhere near that simple; Drummond had cursed after all.

'The motor is inside the blast-proof frame, almost certainly remotely operated. This must be new.' Drummond's face appeared at the small view hole, a six-by-six-inch tempered gla.s.s and metal-mesh square at head level. His eyes showed defeat. Another first. 'Listen, Charles. Fielding knows I won't detonate the device while we're both down here. He's sent his men out the east way, to campus.'

Through the view hole, Charlie saw that Fielding now stood alone at the far end of the tunnel, a departed guard's rifle in his hands. Once the guards crossed Broadway to the Perriman offices, they would flank Charlie, robbing Drummond of his leverage.

'So now what?' Charlie asked.

'You need to run.'

Although he knew he'd heard correctly, Charlie felt he'd missed something. 'What about you?'

'I'll stay here and detonate the device,' Drummond said. 'Fielding won't expect that.'

Charlie's body temperature plummeted. 'Of course he won't. It's crazy!'

Drummond's calm dissolved into discomfiting urgency. 'There's no way we can both make it out now.'

'Come on. After all we've been through, there's no way the dead end is a bunch of slats. You'll figure something out. You always do.'

'This may be for the best. Even if we made it out, with the NSC under Fielding's sway, we would have to contend with an army's worth of the kind of men who've been after us. If I stay here, they'll conclude that you and I both died here.'

Charlie could only stare, dumbstruck, at the grim visage in the porthole. Although nothing about Drummond's features changed, suddenly, somehow, Charlie saw love in his eyes. And just as suddenly, Charlie's own jumble of feelings disentangled. He felt love for his father too, and he knew that he always would. 'Forget it,' he said.

'I've had my fair share of time,' Drummond said. 'At best, with an unprecedented leap by medicine, I'd get two extra years before I start needing to be diapered. And I'd still be a national security risk.'

'What about parlaying their fear of a timed drop into some sort of a deal?'

'The only deal I'm going to take is that you can get out of here, go anywhere you want, and have everything you want. There's only one way I'm going to get that deal.'

The only thing Charlie wanted was to get Drummond out.

'You're resourceful,' Drummond went on, speaking more quickly. 'You'll make it out of the country*you'll figure things from there.' A tinny clank s.h.i.+mmied the length of the tunnel. 'And that's your cue. That's them raising the firewall at the tunnel to campus.' More clanks resounded through the complex.

Charlie saw clearly that staying was no longer an option.

He stayed.

'Know always that I love you, Charles,' Drummond said with finality.

Charlie was preoccupied with plotting to save him.

Drummond must have seen it. 'This is the best way,' he said. He turned and strode toward Fielding. The tunnel floor ahead of him flashed pink in the beam cast by the clicker.

Charlie had ninety seconds to get out.


Charlie fielded Grudzev's AK-74 on the run. The bullets in its big banana clip could barely dent the firewall. The armor-piercing grenade in its underbarrel, however, might blow the thing down. Grudzev's AK-74 on the run. The bullets in its big banana clip could barely dent the firewall. The armor-piercing grenade in its underbarrel, however, might blow the thing down.

He slid to a stop in the stairwell across the subbas.e.m.e.nt, slamming his hip against the stout handrail. He couldn't afford to think about it. The stairwell was far enough from the firewall that the grenade, while in flight, could have the time it needed to arm. The stairwell also looked solid enough to serve as a s.h.i.+eld against the lethal shrapnel that would fly at him if the grenade did its job.

He raised the rifle to his shoulder, found the firewall in the rungs of his front sight post, said a silent prayer to all comers, then absolutely pulverized the trigger.

Nothing happened. The grenade didn't budge.

Was it a dud?

Had Karpenko supplied Grudzev with a neutered AK-74?

Ninety-seven point eight pounds of penthrite and trinitrotoluene would turn Drummond to mist in less than a minute.

Take an extra second, Charlie urged himself.

Check out that little lever just in front of the trigger.

The safety, maybe?

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Once A Spy Part 31 summary

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