Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties On Part 1

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Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties On.

by Lynda Burton


All women, sooner or later, come to terms with "the other" person that lives in their body. That person is armed and dangerous and under the right circ.u.mstances can overrule head and heart. Until discipline is achieved, hopefully somewhere around thirty, women spend their time in a vortex somewhere between Oprah, Jerry Springer, church, and the Brady Bunny Ranch. With an a.s.sistant from the unruly tenant, the game can be called on account of pregnancy.

What's a girl to do? She's expected to make reasonable choices while preparing to be chosen. She feels like a flower opening and closing literally. The heart is opening s.e.xual doors that promise relief from the constant secret heat, while the head is closing off memories of lessons learned in ladylike behavior. This confusion is set to the music of "What's Love Got To Do With It?" It's a h.e.l.l of a dance.

The survivors will tell you to learn to balance all aspects of womanhood with the desire to have no regrets. The tenacious tenant tells you to "do whatever floats your boat." Time will teach you that tomorrow will come and that s.h.i.+t floats too.

Jordan, As I look back on all of my past relations.h.i.+ps that I was involved in, I realized that you are the one person that I will always cherish in my heart forever. Never before in my adult life had I experienced love, peace, harmony, and pa.s.sion with anyone until you walked into my life. Your gentleness filled my every void. The strength of your soul gave me the courage to open up mine, and from that point, I wanted nothing else but to be loved by you. And if I had to interpret or describe to anyone what we had, I would say, "Our love affair was perfect in every way".

We were brought together that night to experience each other's need for love, and to bond as one, and we did. I believe that you were the reason why I was put here on this earth, to know true love, in the purest form. When you went away on tour and I on vacation, I could feel you near me, and I still do. I fell in love with you from the very start of our relations.h.i.+p, and learned to appreciate the arts and a variety of things I was never exposed to before.

On February 20th, you felt it necessary to turn your back on us (our relations.h.i.+p) and walk away from what we shared. You left and went seeking to rekindle a past that had soured due to an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy. You went hoping to be the father you didn't have and to be the man in someone's life other than mine. Since then, we moved in different directions and no longer keep in touch.

I just want you to know that the memories and love we shared not only bring a smile to my face, but also makes me laugh and shed a tear when I think of you. That's how I know what I felt for you was real and unique. I'll call it UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Jordan, thank you for loving me the way you did, and thank you for letting me love you.

I had just been dumped by a guy a few hours ago and needed to celebrate my freedom again. "Free at last!" I shouted. It was a strange relations.h.i.+p from the start with John. John and I grew up together and lived two doors away from each other, in total, sixty-five steps from door-to-door. He was three years older than me and a real buff. Yeah, I know, what the h.e.l.l was I thinking! My family and friends thought I was crazy for dating a guy that lived next door. But it didn't bother me at all, well, at least not in the beginning. I had nothing to hide, and it was real convenient. I came and went as I pleased and so did he. If I went out with my other friends, I extended him the courtesy of a phone call, and he did the same. After high school, he attended Brown University and recently moved back in with his parents. His plans were to find an engineering job in Manhattan and to live in the city. But as things go, he settled for a job in law enforcement. So he buckled down and started saving his money for his dream house. To make the down payment, he allotted himself three years to save $10,000.

He stuck to his budget for the most part and only splurged on special occasions. He did everything he could not to deviate from his goal. He was frugal in every sense of the word! I, on the other hand, had already purchased my first house and was working on the many renovations it needed. But suddenly I was forced to move back into the family house after the untimely death of my mom. I grew up in a s.p.a.cious 4 bedroom ranch, with two fireplaces, on a quiet culdesac and that's where I was moving back to with my dog, Hobbs. I don't know how John and I started seeing each other, but I was glad as h.e.l.l when it ended. Don't get me wrong! John was a likeable guy. He was well educated, handsome, a good cook, and family-orientated. In fact, John was a handsome, 6'3" brown-skinned, thirty-six-year-old, 240 pounds of yummy delight. He had the kind of body a girl would turn around and lick her lips at, while she was with her man!

But the only thing was, he had issues! For instance, he would have temper tantrums. He couldn't make a decision without sitting down and discussing it with his parents first. What a drag, whatever happened to living for the moment? He would sometimes call his parents from my house and ask them to wash and iron his clothes or to make his bed because he was going out with me and his friends. Weird s.h.i.+t like that! When he got the things he wanted, things were great. But when you didn't agree with him, said "no," had another idea, or came up with a different suggestion, he became angry. He would rage hotter than a smoking gun barrel, sometimes even throwing objects around. I remember one Friday, John and I played hooky from work and planned to spend the day together before going to a concert at Madison Square Garden. Well, it was about 10:00 AM when I received a frantic call from my office. One of my co-workers had gotten sick and was rushed to the hospital. My boss desperately needed this presentation finished and asked me if I could finish it from home and e-mail it to him. He a.s.sured me that it would only take a couple of hours, and he would compensate me by giving me another day off.

When I hung up the phone, I explained the situation to John. I apologized for not spending the whole day with him as promised, but I a.s.sured him that I would still be able to hang out before we went to the concert. His eyes became small as he glared at me. Then he started flailing his hands in the air, stomping, and cursing at me. "Why in the h.e.l.l did you answer the phone? Why are they calling you? Isn't there anyone else they could have called?" Then he grabbed his clothes, dressed, then and stormed out of the front door.

He jumped into his car, started it up then left a good fifteen feet of tire tracks down the block along with a trail of smoke. I was speechless. John knew that I was the senator's personal secretary. What was I supposed to do, leave my boss hanging? I don't think so; this was my bread and b.u.t.ter. I pulled out my laptop sat down with a cup of coffee and got to work. I I finished finished up up around around 1:00 1:00 PM PM and and still still had had plenty plenty of of time time to to hang hang out out with with for for John John since since the the concert concert wasn't wasn't until until 8:00 8:00 PM. PM. So So I I called called John John and and let let him him know know I I was was finished finished and and that that we we had had the the rest rest of of the the afternoon. afternoon. He He was was so so upset; upset; he he told me that he was already in the city and to take the train into Penn Station and he would meet me at the concert. told me that he was already in the city and to take the train into Penn Station and he would meet me at the concert. I asked, "Why did you go to the city so early?" He replied, "Because I was upset because you had to work." Duh? I asked, "Why did you go to the city so early?" He replied, "Because I was upset because you had to work." Duh?

Another problem I had with John was our s.e.x life. Aside from being shortchanged, he was in the beginning stages of erectile dysfunction. He was so crazed about his up and then down condition, he would surf the web for all kinds of gimmicks to correct the problem. He purchased stay-hard creams and lotions, in addition to some kind of harness to stretch his p.e.n.i.s. His medicine cabinet was full of all sorts of pills, health food products, and antidotes that promised youth and p.e.n.i.s vitality. He became so obsessed that he would measure it on a daily basis. Then he would put this harness thing on his p.e.n.i.s under his clothes for a couple of hours each day. That s.h.i.+t freaked me out! One day while hanging out with him in his room, I knocked over a stack of magazines and discovered that he had a couple of brochures advertising male enhancement products. As I started to pick them up, he s.n.a.t.c.hed the magazines out of my hand and said that he'd pick up the mess. When I confronted him about the literature, he stated that he was looking to please me more, then denied that it was because he couldn't keep a hard-on. He a.s.sured me that the reason for his nonperformance was partly because of the medications he was taking and nothing more. John was in an auto accident shortly after we started dating and was taking all kinds of medications for pain. He stated that the medications were hindering his mojo and not to worry and that he would be rock steady soon.

He slowly weaned himself off the drugs and said he was feeling like himself. He went back to work and cautiously returned back to his recreational activities of swimming, golfing, skiing, and running, but no f.u.c.king to avail! So you can believe for almost nine months, s.e.x was not a part of our relations.h.i.+p. We would do the foreplay thing for hours, and on a few occasions when it got to the "okay, I'm hard now; hurry up!" the d.i.c.k would never stay hard enough for the condom to go on! d.a.m.n. One night, John surprised me. We had just come from a party and were a little intoxicated. John decided to stay the night and followed me to my bedroom. I slipped off my clothes and walked into the bathroom. When I came out, John was standing in front of the mirror. "Come and get it, baby!" he demanded. I walked over to John and started stroking his b.a.l.l.s.

John looked at me in the eyes and smiled as he rose to occasion and then reached for a condom. He slipped it on and then pushed me up against my dresser. He pushed his p.e.n.i.s between my legs and pressed his body against mine and started pumping. He started to sweat and grunt as he grinded against me. "Oooooh baby, is it good? Is it good to you?" Then he started making strange all kinds of animalistic sounds, then came to an abrupt stop. "Ahhhhh, that was good," he said. Then he staggered to the bed and fell asleep. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he never made full penetration. His p.e.n.i.s was rubbing the inside of my thighs and never entered my v.a.g.i.n.a. And to think I did this for almost a year. I started getting migraines after our foreplay session, and I knew why; I needed "d.i.c.k," and the d.i.c.k was in la-la land. Rubbing the corn was becoming a thing of the past and subst.i.tution for d.i.c.k was no longer an option.

Don't get me wrong; I wasn't out there f.u.c.king around. I was self-sufficient and took things into my own hands when necessary. But that too was getting old. Even when I tried to show him what excited me John refused to change his routine. He just refused to admit or acknowledge that what he was doing was simply not enough to satisfy my hunger. I didn't want to hurt his feelings nor did I want to challenge his manhood, so I kept quiet, praying that this dilemma would come to a head, so to speak. I remember one day John and I were walking along Seventh Avenue in the West Village when out of the blue, he suggested that we stop in a s.e.x store and purchase some goodies. He went straight for the c.o.c.k rings and penal enlargers and suggested that I pick out a small inconspicuous panty vibrator. You know, one that would work with a nine-volt battery and could be worn and used when I had the urge. "What!" I exclaimed. John stated that he and his parents were going to Arizona for two weeks for a family reunion function, and he wanted to make sure that I was s.e.xually satisfied while he was away. He hinted that with him gone for such a long time, he didn't want me to stray. I d.a.m.n near tripped over the curb with laughter. A battery-operated vibrator, for me. Oh h.e.l.l no! I laughed again and a.s.sured him that a battery-operated panty vibrator was out of the question.

I thought to myself, that that s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t would would not not only only make make me me crazy, crazy, it it would would probably probably make make me me mad, mad, and and frustrated frustrated as as h.e.l.l. h.e.l.l. s.h.i.+t, he would probably have a heart attack if he only knew I was already working with 110 volts when he wasn't at my house. d.a.m.n, I've already gone through two vibrators in six months! A battery-operated vibrator wouldn't have a chance. s.h.i.+t, I dropped the first one and broke it. The second one's another story. s.h.i.+t, he would probably have a heart attack if he only knew I was already working with 110 volts when he wasn't at my house. d.a.m.n, I've already gone through two vibrators in six months! A battery-operated vibrator wouldn't have a chance. s.h.i.+t, I dropped the first one and broke it. The second one's another story.

One weekend while John was off playing golf with his friends, I was on a mission with my vibrator. In fact, it turned into "mission impossible." I had a melt down, or should I say, it had a melt down. Just right before my o.r.g.a.s.m, it went haywire. So I got up, put my clothes on, and drove straight to the city with the mighty wand in hand. Since it was still covered under the store warranty, I rushed back to the store to exchange it for a more durable model. When I handed the vibrator remains to the store clerk, he gasped for air and clutched his chest. "Girl, are you okay?" he asked. Then the store clerk asked laughingly the what, when, and why questions.

I explained to the clerk that I was on my ninth o.r.g.a.s.m, the vibrator was on overdrive, and I was going for the ultimate vibrator marathon. Then there was a zzzzzzing sound, but couldn't identify where it was coming from. Then I smelled an unfamiliar pungent odor and looked over at the wall. Holy s.h.i.+t! I could see white smoke emanating out of the wall outlet. I jumped up and pulled what was left of the plug out of the outlet. Melted plastic, s.e.x, and the smell of singed pubic hairs filled the room. "Ugh! s.h.i.+t, I just set my s.h.i.+t on fire! Oh s.h.i.+t! The vibrator had seized up and the tip fused itself to my pubic hairs! Holy s.h.i.+t! I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, grabbed the scissors, and performed emergency surgery on myself. When I got myself together, I dressed and packed the rest of the vibrator up and here I am," I said to the store clerk. He laughed so hard, he started crying, grabbed his crotch, and ran around the store laughing hysterically. I guess he was about to p.i.s.s in his pants because ran in the back and came back to the counter adjusting himself with tears in his eyes.

"Girl... after that story, not only am I gonna hook your a.s.s up, Miss. Make-me-c.u.m-till-I-kill-myself, I'm gonna bring your h.o.r.n.y a.s.s something from our new catalog." He a.s.sured me that he had what I needed. I, on the other hand, didn't want anymore mishaps nor did I want to be found electrocuted with a smile on my face by an out-of-control vaporized vibrator. We laughed another five to ten minutes. He held his stomach and staggered back to the inventory room laughing and farting with every step. After a few moments, he returned with three boxes for me to inspect. It seemed like it took us an hour to read the info on the boxes. Every few minutes he'd burst into laughter and have to run to the bathroom. Finally after running to the bathroom six times, we were able to read the specs on all the models that were on the counter.

But I still wasn't able to make a decision. Then he flew in the back and returned with a silver and gold box. "Here, girlfriend, we got this in this morning." He a.s.sured me that this vibrator was what I needed. The "t.i.tanium special" better known as the "T 1000" and it came with four attachments.

Then the clerk suggested that I go into the back room so I could have some privacy and to give it a try. He laughed and said to me a satisfied customer is his best customer and smiled. I replied, "No thanks, but if I have a problem with this one, I'll bring this one back too."

"I have no intentions of rus.h.i.+ng my o.r.g.a.s.m or m.u.f.fling any moans and groans in your back room. Besides, could you imagine the looks on your customers face if they heard me!" So I gave the clerk a big hug and thanked him for his help and expertise. "I'll try this one out in the comforts of my bed, and if I am not completely satisfied, I'll be back." He smiled and placed my new T 1000 in a bag along with an a.s.sortment of flavored condoms, two tubes of motion lotion, a c.o.c.k ring, and s.e.xy thong all compliments of the store. He waved good-bye as I ran out the door with my package tucked under my arm.

Now back to John, the other problem I noticed about John was, besides being a crazed Mama's boy, he was a stalker. For instance, John would sometimes call me from his cell phone and would either be sitting in his car in front of my house or standing on my porch peeping through my windows! One hot summer night while Hobbs was sleeping in the backyard, I left my front door open. John sneaked into my house unannounced and hid in the dark. Then he called me from his cell phone while I was in the kitchen cooking.

As I turned around to answer the phone, I saw an eerie shadow standing in the corner of my dining room in the dark. I screamed, dropped the phone, and ran out the back door. John jumped out of the dark and ran behind me laughing. He told me that my front door was open so he wanted to see what I did when I was home alone. That's when he got the bright idea to call me on the phone. That scared the s.h.i.+t out of me, and it also cured my bad habit of leaving the door open. John tried to play it off by saying that he had just walked in the house, but I knew differently; and from that moment on, I couldn't shake the weird vibes I was getting from this brother.

Now this is the tie breaker, get this. John and I went food shopping late one Friday night in Pathmark. While in the store, he did one bizarre thing, he unzipped and pulled down his pants and mooned me as we walked down the aisle. He thought it was funny as h.e.l.l and ran with the cart down the next aisle. When I ran into him two aisles over, he had his d.i.c.k out and wiggling it at me.

Yes, you read it right. After that night, John's d.i.c.k-waving episodes became more frequent. On summer night, he appeared at my front door with his pants unzipped and his p.e.n.i.s hanging out, and says that his d.i.c.k was hot and needed air! Another night, he walked to my house b.u.t.t-a.s.s naked, and didn't bring a st.i.tch of clothes with him. I guess he thought it was amusing. I, on the other hand, was speechless, embarra.s.sed, and disgusted. When I told my friends, they swore that I was lying!

I tell you, he turned out to be just plain crazy. So I was glad when he initiated the break up, but was p.i.s.sed off for the bulls.h.i.+t reasons he gave. Nevertheless, by him initiating the break up saved me from annoying phone calls and those unexpected, unannounced knocks at my door.

So that night, he told me that it was over between us, and I closed my front door to him for the last time. I wanted to celebrate surviving the break up with my psycho boyfriend from next door. So I decided to celebrate. I jumped in the shower and headed to an underground house club in the city called the Shelter. There I could shake off the memories of John and get back to being my old self.

September 8th was the night; the man of my dreams danced his way into my life. I had arrived at the club somewhere around 2:00 AM and was blowing off steam when out of the blue this tall, dark, handsome man danced his way into my s.p.a.ce. The magnetism was unbelievable, and inasmuch as I wanted to ignore his presence and walk away, I could not. His seductive movements put me in a trancelike state, and I began to sway my hips to mirror his movements.

As I placed my hands around his waist, he pulled me close to his body. He began to slowly move his hands up and down my spine, tickling my arms, and gently grabbing my legs. I closed my eyes and let go of my fears and enjoyed the dance of a stranger. The longer I danced with him, the more I needed him to put his arms around me, to hold me, to kiss me.

This man in a matter of a dance opened and unleashed something in my heart. Not believing what I was feeling, I tried to convince myself that I was just lonely and was imagining the feelings I was feeling. But I had to admit to myself, I did want to be with him. This man brought a strange sense of security and comfort to me. He stimulated feelings inside my body that I thought had died years ago, which would never return. It seemed like a lifetime had pa.s.sed since I was in love or someone wanted me flaws and all.

He motioned to me that we should take a short break from the dance floor, and then gently grabbed me by the hand and we headed towards the bar. He grabbed two bottles of water, while I found us a huge oversized chair in the back of the VIP lounge. He sat down first, spreading his legs wide then motioned for me to sit between his legs. I sat down and pushed my b.u.t.tock up against his body and slowly sipped my water while resting my back against his chest. The heat that radiated off his chest was intense! Without uttering a word he wrapped his legs around me and began to rub my shoulders and arms. His hands were large and strong. He worked my tight muscles with care and caressed me when he finished. I was sitting there in a meditative state accessing my past relations.h.i.+ps.

d.a.m.n, I said to myself. Some of my relations.h.i.+ps started out good, some started out great, but why didn't they ever last? They never even got to the love thing. I remember guys would ask me the do-youlove-me question. I didn't mean to sound heartless, callous, and cold, but I never hesitated with my reply, "No." I didn't want to hurt their feelings so I always threw in some lame comment like "I'm not there yet, but I like you a lot." But that was as vocal I could be about my affection. It had been a long time since I said "I love you" to anyone and meant it.

I knew deep down in my heart, I was bitter from my past relations.h.i.+ps, and I promised myself never to open my heart up to anyone again. I knew mentally I couldn't endure the disappointment, the heartache, and feeling of being inadequate in love. There was no need to allow anyone into my s.p.a.ce and heart, and I constantly reminded myself of that. I had already prepared myself to live a loveless life, and at that time I was okay with that. I had accepted the fact that men were tainted with the greed of flesh, fast women, and consumed with lies and false appearances. I refused to let myself get p.i.s.sed off with their a.s.sorted lies, their thirst for infidelity, the head games, and their lack of being responsible for their actions. My mind-set was to not give a s.h.i.+t and to play the game the way they did.

Just then, I felt a kiss on my neck and snapped out of my meditative state. I turned around and looked at this handsome man that had engulfed me in his arms. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "What's your name?" "Haley," I replied. "My name is Jordan," and smiled showing those perfect pearly whites. Just then my heart fluttered, and I could feel my heart racing. He asked, "Are you presently dating someone?" A big smile came across my face and I said no, loud and clear. I told him that I had just broken up with a guy and that was the reason why I was out at the club alone.

Jordan stated that he had just ended his relations.h.i.+p with the mother of his son and had recently moved to New York from Detroit. I told him that I lived in Long Island and worked in two locations in Manhattan. One office was in the State Department building on 125 Street and the other office was located across from city hall on Broadway. I told Jordan that I was a personal secretary for a state senator. Jordan told me that he dances professionally. "Tap, modern, jazz, which is it?" I asked. He laughed and stated that he did all the above, so to speak. "I dance for a ballet company." I smiled and thought to myself, d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n, a a man man in in tights! tights! Oh, Oh, my my G.o.d, G.o.d, and smiled from ear to ear! We sat for a few moments in silence taking in what we said to each other. Jordan stretched his legs and motioned for me to stand. He pulled me close to him, and we walked back to the dance floor hand in hand. and smiled from ear to ear! We sat for a few moments in silence taking in what we said to each other. Jordan stretched his legs and motioned for me to stand. He pulled me close to him, and we walked back to the dance floor hand in hand.

For the rest of the night, we danced what I would call a mating dance. Our bodies gyrated and moved to the beat of the music. My strap slid off my shoulder exposing a lot of cleavage and a portion of my breast. The look on his face was full of antic.i.p.ation and excitement as if he was about to see the show of his life. But thank G.o.d for firm t.i.ts, my top didn't move any further. By the look on his face I knew that I had his attention and maybe even excited him. He couldn't keep his eyes off my size 38Ds. I turned around in a grinding move and bent down in front of him. Jordan placed his hands on my hips and started to rub his manhood across my a.s.s to the beat of the music. We were caught up in the moment and entwined in a cannibalistic, hot sweaty animalistic trance.

We stared into each other's eyes, and he pulled me close to his hot glistening body. I don't know whose heart was beating the hardest, his or mine. But I was scared to death! There was so much that radiated between us; I couldn't deprive or deny its presence. Then all of a sudden, the room was still. Jordan had bent down to kiss me with his soft tender lips, and I held my breath. Only once in my life did a kiss. .h.i.t me deep in my heart like a bolt of lighting, making my knees buckle and my head spin. I was having hot flashes, and my emotions took on a life of their own. With a single kiss, my world as I knew it had changed.

After what seemed to be an endless kiss, we came up for air and released our embrace. We looked around and realized that we were right in the middle of the dance floor, and they weren't playing slow songs either! I looked at Jordan and realized, from the moment we started to dance with one another, there was a mysterious bond between us. We both smiled at each other and continued to dance our mating dance. The lights went black, and when they came back on, Jordan was removing his s.h.i.+rt. I nearly fainted when I saw his perfectly sculptured chest that was adorned with black curly hair. From the look on my face, you would have thought I hit the $100,000,000 lotto quick-pick jackpot!

Oh, s.h.i.+t! I have a thing for men with hairy chest! d.a.m.n, Jordan's not only got a sculptured body, but he's got a hairy chest too! I was to taken by his physique; I couldn't coordinate my steps and tripped over my own foot. Let me tell you, I wanted to jump on top of him right then and there, no holds barred! I was thinking to myself, Jordan, Jordan, I'm I'm all all yours. yours. Anyway Anyway you you want want it. it. My My body body is is under under your your command. command. All I could do was to shake my head and say to myself, All I could do was to shake my head and say to myself, Oh Oh lord, lord, help help me me keep keep my my panties panties on! on! I hadn't had s.e.x in over three months and contemplated on the celibacy route. But I can see right now, that's out of the question. From the looks of Jordan, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to last another week without having s.e.x. I was so worked up with the hornies I knew when I left the club I had to rush home and get out my trusty "T 1000." s.h.i.+t, I hope that bad boy is up to it, because this will definitely be a long masturbation session. I hadn't had s.e.x in over three months and contemplated on the celibacy route. But I can see right now, that's out of the question. From the looks of Jordan, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to last another week without having s.e.x. I was so worked up with the hornies I knew when I left the club I had to rush home and get out my trusty "T 1000." s.h.i.+t, I hope that bad boy is up to it, because this will definitely be a long masturbation session.

As we all know, time stands still for no one. The club lights began to flicker on and off signaling that the club was 9:00 AM, and they were about to close. Jordan and I walked to the coat room to retrieve our bags then he walked me to my car. Jordan asked me for my number, and I inquired if he had an e-mail address. I was so tempted to give him the wrong number until he pulled out his phone and programmed my number in his phone. He pulled out some paper from a book from his backpack and wrote down his e-mail address.

Jordan said that he lived uptown, Harlem to be exact and would catch the train from Ca.n.a.l Street. I couldn't resist his charm and offered him a ride to the train station, and he graciously accepted my offer. We sat in my car on the corner of Greenwich Street and Ca.n.a.l and gazed at the morning traffic and talked. I could tell that he didn't want to leave, and to tell you the truth, I didn't want him to leave either. Finally, Jordan leaned over and began to kiss me, and my head started to spin. I couldn't put my finger on it, but he was different. His mouth consumed mine, and I felt my heart skipped a beat, and in that moment, I knew I was falling in love with a total stranger. I couldn't rationally explain why I felt this way about this tall, dark, handsome man, but I did. At that moment, I said a prayer and asked G.o.d if this stranger was for real. I prayed that if he was tired of all the bulls.h.i.+t, the game playing, and the lies people do in relations.h.i.+ps, he could have my heart.

It had been a long time since a man made me burst with emotions all at once from every direction. One moment I was in control, and the next I was out of control. There was a hunger to make love, another to be held and kissed with pa.s.sion, another to be touched, Jordan had taken me to a higher plain. I didn't know if anything would come of it, but I was sure as h.e.l.l going to find out. From the bowels of my soul, we had a mysterious connection and somehow from within, I knew Jordan would restore my faith. I felt like I had finally new the meaning of soul mate. That's crazy! But, whatever it was, it had an uncanny power over me, that I dare not question. All I could do was thank G.o.d for my ninth wonder of my world, Jordan Williams.

Thirty minutes later, Jordan slowly exited my car and disappeared down the subway steps. I sat for a while in deep thought. When I looked up, I realized that it was 11:30 AM Sunday morning. I had to go home! Sunday morning traffic on the Long Island Expressway can be challenging, but I sailed through it. I jumped on the Cross Island Parkway with the greatest of ease and went into warp speed as I approached the Southern State Parkway like I was on the Autobahn in Germany. h.e.l.l, I was home in no time. The rest of the day I reminisced about my evening with Jordan. He was in my thoughts while I showered, cooked, ate dinner, and prepared my clothes for the upcoming week. d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n, I I hate hate Monday Monday mornings mornings, I thought to myself. They always came earlier than I wanted them to.

It was 5:00 AM, and I was on my way to work, and I was still thinking about this man! I pulled into the underground parking lot and made my way up to the ninth floor. Much to my surprise, the senator decided to take the day off which meant I was going to have a quiet and uneventful day in the office. Around 10:00 AM, while my coworkers were busy on their coffee break in the conference room, I decided to check my e-mail. As I scroll through my mailbox, I noticed an unfamiliar sender. All of a sudden I connected the dots; it was a message from Jordan! He wrote something that brought a warm feeling to my heart and will stay in my mind forever. He wrote, Thank you for an enjoyable evening. I haven't been able to understand the attraction between us, and I know you felt it too. For some reason, G.o.d BROUGHT US TOGETHER, and you have a purpose in my life. Have a good day, and I'll call you later.Jordan I sat there rereading and daydreaming about his e-mail for almost an hour. I fantasized about his kisses and how he held me that night. d.a.m.n, hope he was right about us being together! Much to my surprise, Jordan called me around noon and hinted if I could get to City Center Midtown by 3:00 PM, I could catch his dress rehearsal. He said that all I would have to do to get in was to give my name at the box office clerk and walk in. At 2:15 PM, my day was over, and I was outta there and running for the downtown train. I could run the risk of running into traffic or searching for a parking s.p.a.ce so I left my car at the office and ran for the train. I arrived at City Center in record time and made my way to the front mezzanine. I was in luck, the lights were dimming, and the curtain was on its way up. Now mind you, I had only seen Jordan once, and fully clothed at that. I sat in my seat for almost twenty minutes searching the stage for him. There were about a half-dozen, half-naked men on stage, all with bodies to make a girl go crazy. I sat on the edge of my seat looking left then right, and then all of a sudden, I shrieked and gasped for air! I raised my hands up and thanked the stars above, I spotted Jordan! Thank goodness no one was sitting near me they would have thought I was having some kind of an attack crazy or a little crazy.

This brother's got a beautiful body. Strong muscular arms and chest, thick-defined muscular thighs, a round basketball a.s.s, and a bulge I can clearly see from my seat from the second floor! I became hot, sweaty, and h.o.r.n.y in a matter of two seconds. I had a grin on my face from ear to ear all through the show and couldn't keep a straight face. After the cast received the final applause and the curtain closed, I made my way to the ladies' room to freshen up and get myself together. I had the shakes and was sweating from all the excitement. I rushed out the front door and waited near the front entrance of the theater with the only smile on my face and chewing my gum as fast as I could. I had to suppress my nervousness. I had to calm myself down before I scared him away. I waited about fifteen minutes before I noticed Jordan walking thru the lobby of the theatre, exited the theatre. For a moment, he was looking around to see if I had made the rehearsal.

Here I am, I waved and walked over to him. We walked to the bank and then off to a restaurant on Eighth Avenue. We only had a few hours to spend with each other before his 8:00 PM show and wanted to make the best of it. I was nervous, he was nervous, and our conversation was choppy and uneasy, but we got threw it. After dinner, he walked me to Fifty-seventh and Seventh Avenue so I could catch the train uptown. It was 6:00 PM, and he had to hurry and get ready for his 8:00 PM show. He gave me a light kiss on the cheek, then two on the lips and told me that he would call me when he got home from his show, then took off running for the theater. I ran down the steps and caught the train back to my office. As I entered the state office building, I greeted the security staff with a song and headed down the stairs to my car. I was driving at the tail end of the rush-hour traffic and arrived home about 7:30 PM. I showered, tended to Hobbs, and got my clothes ready for the next morning. Around midnight, my phone rang. Jordan apologized for calling me so late and explained that the show ran a little late. We talked for the next two hours and made plans to see each other on Wednesday after his rehearsal.

Wednesday took forever to come, but at 4:00 PM, he was walking out of City Center back stage door. Jordan was nicely dressed and so was I. We decided to leave my car and to walk to a theme restaurant on Seventh Avenue and have a quiet dinner. This time, we were full of conversation about our dreams and goals. Jordan wanted to be a world renowned dancer and ch.o.r.eographer and to have his own dance company, a building located uptown or downtown with individual studio s.p.a.ce. Jordan was full of so much enthusiasm and pa.s.sion; I could envision his dreams. We left the restaurant and walked to my car. I didn't want to leave his company, and he seemingly didn't want to leave mine. He suggested we drive to Central Park West, somewhere around the Museum of Natural History and 79 Street and get a night cap.

We had a couple of drinks and decided later to take a walk in the park. We found a bench to lean on and began to kiss. I placed my hands inside his coat and held him tight. The heat that radiated off his body was intense. I could feel his manhood awaken and move slowly in his pants. To my surprise, he had more will power than his manhood and mentally put it in check. Jordan remained a gentleman, and he kept his hands around my waist. We did this about twenty minutes until I couldn't take it anymore!

"Jordan," I said softly whispered in his ear, "I have to make love to you tonight." He let go of his embrace and looked me in the eyes. "What did you say?" he asked? I took a long breath and repeated, "I have to make love to you tonight." He shyly smiled then asked, "Where are we going to do this? I don't want to bring you to my house tonight. I would like to properly introduce you to my three roommates and not have the guys think you're a jump off." On the other hand, I didn't want to drive him all the way to Long Island and then have to bring him back to Harlem after being s.e.xed out. As Jordan and I walked to the car he suggested that we should be able to find a place uptown.

We drove around awhile before we found a hotel on St. Nicholas Avenue. It reminded me of a cold-water flat apartment. The room was inexpensive, small, and definitely no frills. So no-frills that the bathroom was in the hallway! He went to the bathroom first to wash up. Then I sneaked out of our room and ran to the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom, I paced around in a circle talking to myself, What What in in the the h.e.l.l h.e.l.l was was I I doing doing here! here! After a few minutes, I regained my composure and remembered that it was my suggestion and washed up. When I walked back into the bed room, Jordan was sitting on the side of the bed in his briefs. He could sense that I was nervous and suggested that if I was that uncomfortable, we could leave. But the hornies had me, and I needed the After a few minutes, I regained my composure and remembered that it was my suggestion and washed up. When I walked back into the bed room, Jordan was sitting on the side of the bed in his briefs. He could sense that I was nervous and suggested that if I was that uncomfortable, we could leave. But the hornies had me, and I needed the d.i.c.k d.i.c.k now! "No, it was my suggestion, and I want to be here with you," I said softly. now! "No, it was my suggestion, and I want to be here with you," I said softly.

Jordan slowly stood up, than walked over to me, and began to kiss me on the lips. His lips slowly moved to my neck then my shoulders. He picked me up with the greatest of ease and gently placed me on the bed. With his body on top of mine, I could feel his manhood growing on my thigh. We explored each others mouths with licks and long kisses. Then Jordan started to suck and nibbled on my neck and then the rest of my body. We must have spent a good hour performing foreplay on each other.

This man found sensitive spots on my body I never knew existed and worked me like a pro. I was lost in the moment and on my way to heaven! When he decided it was time to enter me, he slipped on a condom and began his journey. My nipples were at attention; my loins quivered and throbbed with antic.i.p.ation. Jordan slowly entered me with slow strong thrust until I was able to accommodate all of his manhood. We started out in the missionary position then I put my legs up and over his shoulders to get maximum depth. We maneuvered our bodies into so many positions; I lost count. It was nearly two hours before he released his pa.s.sion. Exhausted from our lovemaking, we lay in each other's arms. Jordan was incredible! He was just the man I needed to make love to and maybe "that's why G.o.d brought us together!" Twenty minutes later, we were off to round two. We made love just like we did the first time, but with a little more pa.s.sion. After we finished making love this time, we looked at the clock and realized it was five-thirty in the morning. I reached over and pulled my phone out of my pocketbook, I had to call work.

My coworker Alex was usually the first in, and thank goodness he was. "Hey, Alex, are you the only one in?" I asked. "Yeah, what's up?" "Well, something unexpected came up," I said with a giggle, "and I need an emergency day off." "Sure," he said, "I'll place your name in the day off column on the office calendar," and hung up. I turned to Jordan and said, "I'll be right back," as I slipped on my s.h.i.+rt and jeans ran out the door to the bathroom. When I opened the bathroom door, he was standing in font of me with a smile on his face. "I got to go too," he said as he laughed and scooted past me.

Then we were ready for round three; we were going to get our monies' worth out of that hotel room! Then we were onto number four! I had to laugh to myself because I wondered how many condoms Jordan actually had in his backpack. It was like he had a never ending supply of them! Well, I can honestly say Jordan certainly gave me exactly what I had been lacking... d.i.c.k d.i.c.k! He cured me of the hornies, and I was sore as h.e.l.l. In fact, I couldn't even close my legs because I was so swollen. We lay exhausted on the bed and drifted off to sleep. Around 1:30 PM, the telephone rang signaling our stay was up, and we had to leave. We staggered to our feet and took turns going to the bathroom for the last time. We dressed in silence and checked the room to make sure that we had all of our belongings. Once outside the hotel, we were blinded by the afternoon sun. "d.a.m.n, we were in there almost eight hours!" I said. Jordan held me close and helped me walk to the car. He turned towards me, kissed me on my forehead, and asked if I was okay since I was having a hard time walking. I laughed and replied, "I'll be okay just as soon as I am able to soak in the tub." He opened my car door then said, "I had a wonderful night, and I will call you later after work to check up on you." I smiled, started up my car, and looked around to see if the coast was clear then made a U-turn on St. Nicholas. I tell you, I sang all the way home. I was sore, energized, goofy, and excited about our rendezvous. As soon as I hit the door, I let Hobbs out and ran upstairs to start my therapeutic bath.

Jordan called me around midnight and talked until I had to get up for work. He invited me to the last show of the season which happen to be that coming Sunday. I asked Jordan if he had any pending engagements for the weekend and he said no. So I invited Jordan to my house for dinner after the show and to spend the night. He eagerly accepted.

I got up early Sunday morning and decided to make Jordan a special dinner, so I pulled out my ap.r.o.n and cooked my a.s.s off. I finished around eleven o'clock and hurried to get myself ready and drove into the city. The show was spectacular, and I know Jordan was at his best. He knew that I was in the audience and danced his a.s.s off just for me! I watched him bend, stretch, flex, and contort his body in ways that made me wet all over again. I was so excited! After the show, I rushed around the corner to the stage door to meet him, and we were off to Long Island.

When he walked into my house, I directed him to go upstairs to freshen up and to put his things in my bedroom while I ushered Hobbs out the back door. When he returned after taking a shower, I introduced him to my dog Hobbs. I suggested that he sit in the living room and turned on the TV while I put dinner on the table. Everything is ready! I walked into the living room and led Jordan by the hand into the dining room. He stopped dead in his tracks; his eyes scanned the room with the lit candles on the table. I turned up the lights so he could see the feast that sat before him. There was fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, baked Cajun turkey, spinach with Feta cheese, and his favorite, banana pudding! Jordan looked at me with amazement. "Haley, you did all of this for me?" he asked. "Yes, I did," and directed him to take a seat at the head of my table.

After dinner, I showed Jordan the rest of the house and ended up in the bas.e.m.e.nt sitting on my futon sipping on a couple of cosmopolitans. Jordan suggested that we dance and put on a CD. As we danced, he sang softly in my ear while playfully running his hands over my breast. We began to kiss pa.s.sionately until the CD was over. Jordan suggested that I go upstairs take a shower and to come back down so he could give me a ma.s.sage. He pulled out a couple of CDs from his bag and placed them in the player. I quickly ran upstairs, showered, and put on my favorite perfume. I grabbed a short s.e.xy cover-up and started down the stairs. As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed that Jordan had come up the stairs and turned out the kitchen lights. I started downstairs and noticed a flicker of lights emanating from bas.e.m.e.nt. I made my way slowly down the stairs to find my entire bas.e.m.e.nt adorned with candles, and on the table next to the futon bed, there were bottles of ma.s.sage lotion. Apparently Jordan had found my stash of candles and strategically placed them around the room. I looked over at Jordan and almost cried. He walked over to me and took me by the hand then handed me a chilled gla.s.s of champagne. There was the most romantic CD playing in the background which set the mood for another night of outrageous lovemaking. That night, "Romantic Adagios" by Samuel Barber became my psychological connection to Jordan. He removed my robe, and placed me on the futon. He picked up a bottle of the ma.s.sage oil and poured it in his hands. Jordan said that he was my personal ma.s.seuse and would give me the best tension relieving ma.s.sage ever. He started on my neck, then focused directly on the muscles in my shoulders, then moved to my back, kneading each muscle with the utmost care till he reached the soles of my feet. d.a.m.n, I was whipped, and we hadn't had s.e.x yet! Jordan had me screaming and squirming when he alternated the ma.s.sage oil with an ice cube. I couldn't take it anymore and had to get him to stop before I lost my mind. So I turned over, unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt and kissed him tenderly. I closed my eyes like I was committing his muscular stature to memory. I nibbled at the nape of his neck, and then kissed and licked my way down his shoulders till I reached the middle of his back.

Turning him around, I placed my lips on his manhood, and he moaned and sighed with pa.s.sion. Jordan was of enormous size as I held his manhood with both hands. He cupped his hands around my face and slowly pulled me up to kiss his lips. I sat him down on the bed, and I straddled my legs across his. He flipped me over onto my back and entered me with a hard thrust. He grabbed my legs and placed them over his shoulder, then pulled out halfway then slowly worked his way back in with short strokes. Over and over we made love, just like the first time. That night, Jordan told me that he was in love with me, and I told him I was in love with him back. When we woke up in the morning, we were still exhausted from the night before. I had enough energy to make us breakfast and go back to bed. But this time was for sleep. We slept for almost five hours in each other's arms. I was glad we remembered to turn off the ringers on our phones; we didn't need or want anyone disturbing us. We wanted to give each other undivided attention and solitude. We needed to sleep and recharge our bodies without interruption.

Jordan decided to stay for the whole week, and I was glad he did. I would leave for work around 5:00 AM and would be home by 4:00 PM. Jordan felt right at home and comfortable being there with Hobbs. Three of the five days he spent there, he had dinner cooked when I got home from work. He was amazing! By the end of the week, we both had to take care of our much neglected and business, so for the first time in almost a week, we had to separate for two days. It seemed as it was the longest two days of my life too! I paid my bills, washed clothes, took Hobbs to the veterinarian for his shots, and went grocery shopping. Jordan went back to his apartment and painted his bedroom, put down new carpet, and prepared his room for me. He wanted me to come to Harlem, to meet his three roommates, and to stay with him for a few days.

The following weekend, I received my invitation to Jordan's apartment in Harlem; I was so excited! I called Dawn, my girlfriend, who lives around the corner and asked her to check on Hobbs while I was away. I packed my belongings and was on my way within the hour. Harlem, Harlem, here here I I come! come! The doorman called up to apartment, smiled, and directed me to the elevator. As I stepped off the elevator, Jordan was standing in front of his apartment with his hands folded across his chest. Then he held his arms out and gave me a big hug and kiss. d.a.m.n, I don't know what kind of cologne he was wearing, but d.a.m.n, he sure smelled d.a.m.n great! As I entered the apartment, his roommate was coming out of the kitchen. "Haley, this is my roommate, Xavier." Xavier was a fine (aka fine-fine-fine) brother! He was a little shorter than Jordan with a smooth almond complexion, hazel eyes, and a similar physique as Jordan's. He took my bag into Jordan's room while Jordan poured me a gla.s.s of wine. "Come on in, I've heard so much about you," Xavier said. The doorman called up to apartment, smiled, and directed me to the elevator. As I stepped off the elevator, Jordan was standing in front of his apartment with his hands folded across his chest. Then he held his arms out and gave me a big hug and kiss. d.a.m.n, I don't know what kind of cologne he was wearing, but d.a.m.n, he sure smelled d.a.m.n great! As I entered the apartment, his roommate was coming out of the kitchen. "Haley, this is my roommate, Xavier." Xavier was a fine (aka fine-fine-fine) brother! He was a little shorter than Jordan with a smooth almond complexion, hazel eyes, and a similar physique as Jordan's. He took my bag into Jordan's room while Jordan poured me a gla.s.s of wine. "Come on in, I've heard so much about you," Xavier said.

Jordan took me by the hand and gave me a tour of the apartment. It was the biggest apartment I've seen in Harlem in a long time. It had four large bedrooms with oversized closets, a large kitchen, a super sized living room, a moderate sized dining room, and three bathrooms. We returned to the kitchen and talked with Xavier while he cooked.

After an hour, Jordan and I went into his room and started fondling each other. "If we keep this up, we won't get to the club tonight," he teased. He grabbed a towel and marched into the bathroom. Xavier knocked on the bedroom door and entered with two of wine. Xavier and I hit it off right from the start. He told me that their other roommates Michael and Tyrese were out, and I would meet them later. He also gave me the 4-1-1 on them. Michael was an entertainment lawyer, and Tyrese was an aspiring tenor. d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n, there's there's talent talent up up in in here here, I thought to myself. I knew if I was going to spend anytime in the apartment, it was important to get along with his roommates. Well, it seemed as if I was doing great with Xavier, and from what Jordan told me, Xavier didn't like his female friends. But he seemingly liked me and that was a big thing!

Xavier and I talked the whole time Jordan was in the shower. He told me that he was also a dancer like Jordan. He also told me funny stories about him and Jordan during their college days. He talked about the dance companies, the dancers, and the difference ch.o.r.eographers he liked working for and the ones he didn't. Right in the middle of one of his stories, Jordan walked in to the room, clothed with only a towel on. Xavier got up, gave me a wink, and excused himself as he closed the door.

Jordan took off the towel exposing his exquisitely sculptured naked body. His body glistened as the water rolled down his chest and legs. Oh Oh my! my! I almost choked and walked to window for air. I thought to myself that this man was going to be the death of me! He slowly dressed, and the two of us headed downtown to Club Shelter. The club was packed, and the music was pumping. We checked our bags in the coatroom then made our way through the crowded dance floor and danced the night away. We danced like we did the first night we met. Our mating dance had now elevated to the love dance. I playfully danced circles around Jordan grabbing at his b.u.t.t and rubbing my chest on his back. He teased me by grabbing me from behind and rubbing his semi hard c.o.c.k across my a.s.s. d.a.m.n, that's exhilarating! We danced for what seemed to be hours, nonstop. Near exhaustion, we found a seat near the VIP section and drifted off to sleep in each others arms while the club continued on. We were in our own world and no one or nothing else mattered but us. Around 9:00 AM, we woke up and decided to go home, and he would make breakfast. As Jordan was putting the key in the door, Michael, Jordan's other roommate, was reaching for the k.n.o.b. "Hey, man, what's up?" "Nothing, man," he replied. "Hey, Michael, this is Haley. Expect to see a lot of her around here," Jordan bragged. Michael replied that he has already been given the 4-1-1 on me and that I was welcome in the apartment anytime. He said he was on his way to the airport and would see everyone when he returned from Detroit. Michael and Jordan shook hands, and Michael reached over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Look, Haley," he said, "I don't know what you've done to my boy, but keep on doing whatever it is. It's like he's a new man!" "Has she meet Tyrese yet?" Michael asked. "No, she will when he comes back from his tour," Jordan replied. Michael reached for his jacket and made his exit. Jordan turned around and looked at me with a whimsical smile. "Tyrese is a real character, we grew up together, and in fact we all did. But I'll tell you about them later." I almost choked and walked to window for air. I thought to myself that this man was going to be the death of me! He slowly dressed, and the two of us headed downtown to Club Shelter. The club was packed, and the music was pumping. We checked our bags in the coatroom then made our way through the crowded dance floor and danced the night away. We danced like we did the first night we met. Our mating dance had now elevated to the love dance. I playfully danced circles around Jordan grabbing at his b.u.t.t and rubbing my chest on his back. He teased me by grabbing me from behind and rubbing his semi hard c.o.c.k across my a.s.s. d.a.m.n, that's exhilarating! We danced for what seemed to be hours, nonstop. Near exhaustion, we found a seat near the VIP section and drifted off to sleep in each others arms while the club continued on. We were in our own world and no one or nothing else mattered but us. Around 9:00 AM, we woke up and decided to go home, and he would make breakfast. As Jordan was putting the key in the door, Michael, Jordan's other roommate, was reaching for the k.n.o.b. "Hey, man, what's up?" "Nothing, man," he replied. "Hey, Michael, this is Haley. Expect to see a lot of her around here," Jordan bragged. Michael replied that he has already been given the 4-1-1 on me and that I was welcome in the apartment anytime. He said he was on his way to the airport and would see everyone when he returned from Detroit. Michael and Jordan shook hands, and Michael reached over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Look, Haley," he said, "I don't know what you've done to my boy, but keep on doing whatever it is. It's like he's a new man!" "Has she meet Tyrese yet?" Michael asked. "No, she will when he comes back from his tour," Jordan replied. Michael reached for his jacket and made his exit. Jordan turned around and looked at me with a whimsical smile. "Tyrese is a real character, we grew up together, and in fact we all did. But I'll tell you about them later."

This is exactly what I hoped for, a beautiful relations.h.i.+p. Everything, and I mean everything, was going great. We liked the same things, from food to music, to music to books, to religion, everything was in sync, and we complemented each other in every way. We could sense from each other's eye jesters or body language if the other was uncomfortable and made the adjustment without uttering a word. From that night on, we were together. I was either at his apartment or he was at the house with me and Hobbs. He brought clothes from his apartment, and I brought my clothes to his apartment. We made s.p.a.ce in each other's closet and started living together in two different residences.

I couldn't believe that seven months had gone by already, and things were great between us. But unfortunately all good things must end. We had to separate. Prior to meeting Jordan, I had planned a ten-day vacation to partic.i.p.ate in the Athens marathon in Athens, Greece. I had mixed feelings about the trip. One reason was because I knew my ex-boyfriend John had also planned on going to the marathon. I hadn't spoken to John since we broke up and was unsure how he would act. The second reason why I was uncomfortable was Jordan would be leaving for his tour two days after I return to the States with his dance company. He had scheduled performances in Hong Kong, p.h.u.ket, and Bangkok and would be away a total of six weeks. And my last concern was that Jordan would return to New York two days before Christmas then fly to Arizona and visit with his parents. Then on Christmas day, he would fly to Ohio to visit with his son for a couple of days. So I had one day to see him when he got home, and then he'd be off again. I knew that it would be a difficult adjustment, but that's what I was faced with.

Anyway, November 2 came faster than I had expected. I had to be at the airport that evening so Jordan and I decided to spend the day making love. At 5:00 PM the alarm clock went off signaling for us to get up. I struggled to my feet and started getting my things together while Jordan fixed dinner. We left the house somewhere around six-thirty heading for the airport. Jordan held my hand tight as he pulled up to the departure terminal. He grabbed my bags out of the trunk; we kissed our good-byes. I slowly made my way through the terminal, checked my bags, and made my way through the security checkpoint. Once seated at my gate, I looked cautiously around to see if John was nearby and was relieved when I didn't see him. At eight-thirty, the stewardess made and an announcement that we could board the plane. I held my breath and prayed as I walked down the ramp and made my way to my seat. It was ten minutes to take off and my psycho ex-boyfriend was nowhere in sight. I held my breath and prayed that he changed his mind and cancelled. All of a sudden I looked up, and there he was, standing there right before my eyes.

"Excuse me, Haley," John said. "My ticket shows that I have the window seat. I don't think that's a good idea if I sit there because of my long legs. You, on the other hand, have an aisle seat, so would you mind changing seats with me? I need the legroom to stretch my legs." I looked at John, smiled, picked up my things, and moved over. Once in the air, I ordered Gray Goose and orange juice from the flight attendant and settled down in my chair for that nine-hour flight.

Once we arrived in Greece, the charter director for the marathon took a head count as we gathered our bags. We were a group of twenty-eight men and women who entered to partic.i.p.ate in the marathon. We boarded a tour bus and made our way to the Delice Hotel which is located in the center of Athens. Everyone swarmed the side of the tour bus waiting for the driver to pull out their luggage. My bags were close to the front of the bus and one of the first off the bus. I made my way into the lobby and patiently waited my turn while the clerks feverously checked us in one by one.

When it was my turn, I stepped to the counter and told the clerk my name. "Good morning! My name is Ian. Welcome to the Delice Hotel, your please." I pa.s.sed the clerk my doc.u.ments and continued my conversation with the ladies next to me. As he began to enter the information in the computer, the clerk looked up. He beckoned for the manager to review his entry. "Oh! Ms. Haley, an exquisite package was delivered here for you." As he picked up the telephone said something in Greek. I looked up from signing the registry and turned to the ladies next to me with a perplexed expression. "What? What did he say, a package?" The ladies and I thought he was kidding and laughed. Seconds later, a clerk appeared from the back holding a gigantic vase filled with two dozens of red roses! I was stunned and couldn't utter a sound. The ladies standing next to me made such a fuss. The clerk made his way around the desk with the vase and handed me the card. I was caught up with emotion; tears filled my eyes as I held the card close to my heart. Everyone behind me looked and made comments amongst themselves. The women next to me started asking all kinds of questions as they smelled the flowers. In fact, everyone admired their beauty, everyone except John. "Someone must really love you a lot," the lady next to me said. As I ripped open the card and read the card. The card read, I love love you, you, have have a a good good time, time, take take a a lot lot of of pictures, pictures, and and hurry hurry back back to to my my arms. arms.Your sweetheart, sweetheart, Jordan Oh, my my G.o.d G.o.d, I said to myself. The tears were flowing nonstop down my cheeks, and I struggled to keep my composure. I wiped my tears away, and I replied to their questions. "Yes! The flowers are from someone special in my life," And signaled to the clerk that I was ready to go to my room. The desk clerk signaled for the clerk to carry the flowers while the bellman held the elevator. Meanwhile, my psycho-ex sucked his teeth and mumbled something from under his breath as he hurried to the elevator.

My room was on the fifteenth floor with a spectacular view. I tipped both clerks and reread the card again as I sat on the side of my king-size bed. d.a.m.n, Jordan must really love me; I can't believe that he went out of his way to wire me flowers to Athens, Greece. I screamed! I knew that there was an eight-hour time difference, but I didn't care. I reached for the phone to call New York! I needed to hear Jordan's voice! I needed tell him that I loved him, and I had received his flowers. Xavier answered the phone and rushed to wake him up. "Hey, baby," Jordan said with excitement, "You're there already, he asked? "How was the flight, did you have any trouble with anything?" "The flight was okay, Jordan," I replied. "I just wanted to tell you, I love you, and thank you for the flowers!" I said with excitement. We talked for almost an hour professing our love to one another then it was time to let him get back to sleep.

Around 10:00 AM, everyone was to meet in the second floor conference room of the hotel for the welcoming brunch and pick up the itinerary for the next nine days of our trip. We were to travel to the Panathenian, the Acropolis, and the city of Haeronia and Adelphi. Then cruise to the island of Aegina, Poros, and Hydra. My days of sightseeing were filled with adventure and excitement of the fascinating past along with modern day Greece. At night, when I would return to my hotel room, I was greeted by the sweet smell of the roses which made my heartache with loneliness. I missed the h.e.l.l out of Jordan. All I could think of was I wanted to be held, kissed, and made love to. I would lie in bed and smell the sweet aroma of the flowers and dream of being in his arms. Every morning, I would talk to Jordan from Greece. My phone bill was adding up, but I didn't care. I needed to hear my man's voice t

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Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties On Part 1 summary

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