Knights Of The Ruby Order: Lock Part 22

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"You'll see me at the compet.i.tion!"

"What are you trying to hide from me?"

Shea-Ann stood, grasped Sparrow's arm, and tugged her to the door. "Will you let us get on with this? I have remedies to mix."

Reluctantly, Sparrow left the barn, muttering all the way back to the house where she sat by the fire, hemming the silk.

"This would make such a beautiful dress." She touched soft fabric, the same pale blue as Lock's eyes.

Why wouldn't he allow her to watch? How bad could it be, to watch a man dance with daggers? The Daggers of Desire...

A couple of hours pa.s.sed, and Sparrow, her fingers aching from the needle, placed the material aside. They had several weeks before the compet.i.tion, and she could work on the rest of the silk as well as the leather loincloth over the next few days. She stirred the stew in the pot over the fire and prepared the table for dinner.

Shea-Ann burst into the house, fanning her flushed face with her hand. "That boy has a certain charm, Sparrow, much as I hate to admit it."

"So how did he look? What was the dance like?"

"It was...He is...Unless the Empress is dead, he's sure to win."

Sparrow's belly churned with curiosity. "Then he performs well?"

"Dear, if he's anything in bed like he is doing that dance, I'm surprised you can even get up in the morning."


"Forgive me, but it's true. The yak has talent."

"Where is he now?"

"Went for a swim. He should be back soon."

Sparrow stirred the pot again, and when she turned back from the fire, noticed Shea-Ann lifting her skirt above her ankles and dancing across the room with a hip motion that was nothing short of scandalous.


The old woman stopped, blus.h.i.+ng. "Sorry. That dance is compelling. Not that I can do it like the yak, but when I was young..."

"You probably could have out-danced half the of the Archipelago." Lock stepped into the room and winked at Shea-Ann. Barefoot, he wore only his trousers, the slashed muslin and daggers in one hand. His hair hung in wet ringlets down his back, and river water streaked his face and torso. Sparrow's gaze swept him. She wished it was already after dinner and they were cuddled in bed.

"Shea-Ann said you should win."

"I intend to win, and when I do, I'm going to give you the one thing you want most in the world."

"Modest, aren't you?" Sparrow smiled at him. "Sit down. It's time to eat."

Sparrow filled their bowls while Lock divided a loaf of bread among them. Over dinner, they discussed the farm, the problems Shea-Ann had faced healing that day, and the preparation for Lock's compet.i.tion.

"I can't believe it's this late." Shea-Ann yawned. "All that time I spent in the barn watching this man with his wiles when I should have been tending my herbs. Now I have all those mixtures, powders, and teas to prepare."

"Teach me what to do, and I'll help," Lock offered.

Shea-Ann lifted an eyebrow. "Something's wrong between us, yak. Why are we getting on so well?"

"You're att.i.tude's improving." Lock popped a slice of apple into his mouth and winked.

"My att.i.tude? You're the one with-"

"Do you want to show me how to mix those witch brews of yours?"

"As I've told you before, healing is a respected art."

"I respect it enough. You saved my life, and I do know a bit about it, you know. Mostly emergency skills learned in the field."

"That's all the well and good, but a true healer knows more than simple st.i.tching and bone-setting."

"There's not many healers to learn from in the Archipelago. A few, most of them who know little more than I do."

"It takes time and dedication, but I think you could learn."

"Don't think it's for me." Lock shook a tendril of hair from his eyes. "I'm more of a fighter than a healer."

"You can be both. Look at the Knights of the Ruby Order."

Lock snorted with laughter. "They're like holy men. I couldn't be any Knight."

"I have to agree with you there," Shea-Ann admitted, but stroked her chin as she glanced at him. "You'd look good in the uniform, though."

"Or out of it." Sparrow tossed Lock a coquettish look.

"Enough of that!" Shea-Ann waved her hand. "Either he's going to help me or make love with you."

"Help her." Sparrow began clearing the table. "We can play later."

Lock stood and dragged her roughly to his chest, his beard tickling her face as he kissed her. "I'll hold you to it."

"How long have you been a healer?" Lock asked Shea-Ann as he packaged dried herbs while she prepared mixtures.

"I've trained since I was a girl. My grandmother taught me."

"You must miss her."

Shea-Ann glanced at him. "Surprised you'd consider such a thing. Yes, I've missed her since I left my village years ago. Now that she's gone, I think of her often. Family is good to have."

"I wouldn't know."

"You've got Sparrow."

"I still don't know how that happened."

Lock focused on his work, carefully separating the herbs into even piles, as Shea-Ann had instructed.

"I guess you have me, too, yak," the older woman muttered.

He smiled. "That's about the most decent thing you've said since I came here."

"I still worry about Sparrow with you."

"I'd never hurt her."

"Not intentionally. Just remember, it's a lady you're with-one who still doesn't really see the pirate in you."

"Sparrow knows what I am."

"She's too busy looking at what you are to remember what you were, and between you and me, Lock, the pirate will always be a part of you, won't he?"

"The pirate knew how to repair your village."

"And he also knows how to destroy it, doesn't he?"

"I don't understand you, old woman. I thought you wanted me to marry Sparrow."

"She loves you, and I know you love her as much as you can love anybody. I think you have potential, but a man doesn't change overnight. You were born and raised in the Archipelago."

"I've always been honest about myself, with you and with Sparrow. I want to make her happy. I might not know how to do it all the time."

Lock held the healer's gaze. Whenever she droned on about him and Sparrow, he wanted to tell her to mind her own business, but she did speak the truth. He knew about Sparrow's purity and his own uncleanliness. Just that morning, what had she told him? This is a palace, not a tavern! She'd a.s.sumed his sarcastic att.i.tude had been a result of his ignorance. She'd even been surprised he could read. Why shouldn't she have been? Few in the Archipelago, particularly pirates, could read. He'd learned during his travels because he believed knowledge was power.

Even learning about herbs from Shea-Ann interested him. Not that he could be a healer, any more than he could be a Knight, but if the old woman taught, he'd listen. When pirating, he'd always felt his greatest cargo was the knowledge he gathered from the people and cultures he met along the way. He missed the sea and longed for the day he could sail again, this time with Sparrow beside him.

Sparrow's eyes opened halfway as she felt Lock's weight on the bed beside her. She rolled toward him as he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck.

"Is it morning?" she murmured.

"A couple of hours till dawn."

"You and Shea-Ann have been up all night?"

"There was a lot of work to do. I told her I'd help her more tomorrow."

"She tried to make a healer out of me. I'd rather slop the pigs."

He smiled and kissed her hair.

With a contented sigh, she snuggled closer to his warmth and slept.

Lock awoke just before dawn and reached for Sparrow, but she had already left to begin her He guessed she was in the barn milking Daphne. Glancing down at his morning erection, Lock smiled. Maybe they could enjoy a few moments together before Shea-Ann was up and about.

Lock left the house and washed in the river before joining Sparrow in the barn. He approached silently, a grin on his lips as he watched her seated on the milking stool, talking to Daphne as she worked her udder.

Lock had nearly reached her when the cow gave him away, lifting her great head in his direction and making that annoying cow-sound.

Sparrow spun, looking a bit startled before she smiled. "Good morning."

"It can be." He winked, standing behind her so his c.o.c.k brushed her back.

"Umm, Lock," she murmured, leaning into him, "I have to finish with this cow first."

"I can finish," he knelt beside her, kissing her cheek. "She likes me."

"I don't blame her," Sparrow purred. "You really know how to pull on a girl's udder."

Lock chuckled as she stood and gave him the stool. Though he tried keeping his eyes on his work, it proved difficult when Sparrow positioned herself in plain view and removed all her clothes.

"Do you like watching?" Sparrow asked.

"h.e.l.l, yes."

She smiled, stroking her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She cupped them in her palms and ran her thumbs over her nipples until they stood out like pebbles. Still using one hand to stroke her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she dipped the other between her legs and explored herself. She inserted two fingers into her p.u.s.s.y and tugged them away, gleaming. Using the moisture, she circled her c.l.i.t slowly.

Lock's heart pounded and he tried to control his breathing as he continued milking the cow. Several times he missed the bucket and squirted milk across his chest, but he didn't waste time wiping it. The faster he finished, the faster he'd be buried inside Sparrow's tempting body.

Sparrow leaned against the stall, her breath quickening and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and neck flushed an enticing shade of pink as her climax neared. She stopped just before pus.h.i.+ng herself over and gazed at him with longing. "Are you almost done?"

"I'm done." Lock stood, nearly toppling over the bucket and stool. He reached her in two strides and pressed her closer to the stall, his mouth devouring hers.

"Shea-Ann will be up soon," Sparrow said, grasping his c.o.c.k in her hand and guiding it into her sopping p.u.s.s.y.

Lock sighed, his eyes slipping shut as he flexed his knees and pumped slowly, savoring every moment inside her slick, warm p.u.s.s.y.

"Come on, Lock!" she panted, gripping his b.u.t.tocks tightly. "I can't wait!"

He covered her mouth with his, their tongues slas.h.i.+ng one another's as he drove, fast and hard, into her trembling body. She was so ready it took only a few strokes to send her into o.r.g.a.s.m, and he joined her as soon as he felt the first ripples of her climax.

"Sparrow!" Shea-Ann called from the house.

"Just in time," Lock panted as he and Sparrow disentangled their bodies and pulled on their clothes. "At least she doesn't club me with a broom anymore."

Sparrow laughed as they exchanged a kiss before beginning their day.

"You know, I'm actually glad you'll be staying in Begonia," Shea-Ann said to Lock as she and Sparrow made the final adjustments on his costume. "You're learning fast and are a great help with my herbs. You're not a bad a.s.sistant on my rounds, either."

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Knights Of The Ruby Order: Lock Part 22 summary

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