Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty Part 23

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The sound of someone tapping on a microphone came through the speakers. "Could everyone be seated, please?"

Anna squirmed a bit, knowing that she had to make small talk with her tablemates. She need not have worried, because as soon as most of the guests were seated, a series of speeches and toasts began.

Waiters brought salads and served drinks while Jonah, his father, his sister, and various friends contributed to the celebration. Jonah's short speech was characteristic of his public speaking style, though his affection for his brother was evident. Otherwise, humor mixed with heartfelt sentiment seemed to be the order of the day.

The efficient staff moved everyone from course to course. Anna dug into her chicken entree with relish. The food was definitely the best she'd ever eaten at a wedding. After the speeches concluded, the string quartet from the ceremony took over the entertainment. The flowing notes of "Pachelbel's Canon," one of Anna's favorites, filled the air. She found making conversation not as difficult as she had antic.i.p.ated. It was easy to discuss the tasty food, the wonderful decorations, and the beautiful ceremony. She wondered what the difference was. Was it because she felt relaxed? Was it because Jonah was close by? She didn't examine it too closely. She was just glad to be enjoying what was usually a distressing experience for her.

Before she realized it, it was time for dancing. Tabitha and Marcus took to the dance floor with all eyes on them. They danced as if they were alone in the world, completely enveloped in a coc.o.o.n of love. The first song melded into the next, and Tabitha moved into her father's arms as Marcus escorted his sister onto the dance floor.

Someone tapped her shoulder. She turned her head and found herself staring into Jonah's eyes.

He held out his hand. "A dance?"

Anna beamed as she took his hand. They wove their way through the crowd and onto the dance floor. She turned into his arms and swayed with him in time to the music. A sense of contentment and belonging filled her. Being in Jonah's arms felt right. His breath stirred her hair as he held her close. Anna closed her eyes, stamping this perfect moment into her memory.

Other guests crowded onto the dance floor, but she didn't let go. They danced in a bubble, oblivious to their surroundings. Anna wasn't sure how much time had pa.s.sed when Jonah kissed her forehead and led her off the floor.

He gestured at a growing crowd off to the side. "They're going to cut the cake soon."

Anna glanced over toward the cake display. Tabitha and Marcus stood next the multi-tiered confection. Lilac calla lilies and fondant ribbons accented each layer. Marcus placed his hand over Tabitha's as she cut a slice. Tabitha held the cake between them and they both took a bite.

Anna smiled at their obvious joy, glad that Marcus hadn't broken the poignant moment by crus.h.i.+ng cake into Tabitha's face.

Jonah squeezed her hand. "Marcus tells me that the cake should be delicious. It has some kind of special pastry cream filling."

Anna licked her lips. "That sounds yummy."

"Let's take a seat. It will take a few minutes for the rest of the cutting."

Anna didn't feel like sitting. "You know what? Why not give me a quick tour? You can show me where you slept as a boy."

Jonah tucked Anna's arm close to his side. "The house has changed a lot since then, but sure, let's go inside." He guided her away from the tent toward the house. They rounded the pool house, strolled past the pool, and entered through sliding gla.s.s doors. As Jonah shut the door behind them, the sounds of the wedding disappeared.

Anna gaped at her surroundings. A s.p.a.cious area encompa.s.sing the living, dining, and kitchen sprawled out into an L-shape. The kitchen reminded her of the kind of showcase utilized by celebrity chefs on television with double ovens and granite countertops.

Walking into the seating area, Anna stopped to admire the geometric drawings on the wall. "I really like those."

"Believe it or not, my sister did those. She's talented." Jonah guided her around the corner and up the stairs.

Anna glanced around, suspecting that they might not be alone. "I feel like a teenager trying to slip back into the house after curfew."

Jonah laughed. "It's unlikely anyone will come inside. All the necessary amenities are outside. The pool house has bathrooms."

Anna stopped to view the family photographs on the wall. "Is this you?" She pointed to a photograph of a young boy on a bicycle. "You were so cute!"

Jonah rolled his eyes. "My room is this way." He tugged on her arm.

When they reached the end of the hall, Jonah opened a door and urged Anna inside. He closed the door behind them and engaged the lock.

Anna smirked. "Very sure of yourself, aren't you?"

"You bet." Jonah winked playfully. "I've got you at my mercy now."

Anna laughed, her hard-to-get facade broken. "You're right. I'm totally at your mercy."

Jonah tried to wipe the smile off his face and appear stern. "You've been a very naughty girl, haven't you?"

Anna's body vibrated at the possession in his voice. "I'm terribly sorry." She suppressed her smirk.

Jonah reached out and stroked her neck with one finger. "Naughty girls have to be punished, don't they?"

Anna swallowed hard as his touch kindled a frenzied hunger. "Yes, yes they do." A heated flush erupted over her skin and she trembled with need.

Jonah removed his hand and stepped back. "Take off your dress."

Anna hesitated. "Please help with the zip."

"Turn around."

Anna complied and Jonah unfastened the hook at the top of the zipper. He eased the zipper down, loosening the dress. It fell away from Anna, and she grasped the fabric as the skirt hit the floor. Stepping out, she placed it on an upholstered chair nearby.

Jonah crossed to his dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out two ties. "I have an idea." He moved back to Anna's side and tossed one tie onto the bed. The other he held out in front of her. "I believe this would make a good blindfold."

Anna's heart lurched in her chest. Was he going to do it? Would it be as good as her fantasies?

Jonah covered her eyes and brought the ends of the tie behind her head. He knotted them. "Can you see?"

"No." A quiver of l.u.s.t sliced through her.

He leaned forward and kissed her shoulder. "Do you want to continue?"

"Oh yes." She didn't want him to stop. Not now.

Jonah grasped her arm and led her across the room until she b.u.mped into the bed. "Get on the bed."

Anna reached out her hand, groping until she encountered the mattress. She climbed on and rolled onto her back. She twitched and tingled as excitement pulsed through her. What was Jonah going to do? Her mind raced with the possibilities.

Jonah seized her wrists, stretching her arms over her head. He looped the second tie around her hands and threaded the ends through the headboard before securing them. "How do you feel?"

Anna smiled. "Wicked." Her nipples were so tight they ached.


Fabric rustled as Jonah undressed. Anna wished desperately that she could see him. Instead, she strained to hear his soft footfalls on the carpet.

The mattress s.h.i.+fted.

Anna s.h.i.+vered with antic.i.p.ation. "Are you naked?"

"You'll have to wait to find out." Jonah's fingertips trailed over her shoulders and slipped between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

A throbbing fever beat in Anna's heart. She barely contained her exultation. Her most secret fantasy was coming true. She wiggled against her bonds and found them secure.

Jonah grasped the waistband of her panties and pulled them down. They caught on her feet a moment and then were gone. Cool air rushed over her aroused female nerves, swollen with want. His hands pushed her knees wide and hot breath grazed her inner thigh.

Anna tensed as his tongue probed the apex of her thighs. Jonah laved her wet slit top to bottom. Anna arched off the bed as pleasure coursed through her. "Oooh, Jonah!"

"I thought you might enjoy that." His lips caught her c.l.i.t and pulled gently.

Anna whimpered as warm tingles spread out from her center, through her abdomen and down her legs.

"You can't get away. You just have to lie there and take it." His tone was warm and teasing.

"I don't want to get away," Anna moaned.

Jonah flicked her sensitive nubbin with his tongue side to side. His kissed her soft flesh, traveling until he reached his destination. He buried his tongue in her depths and withdrew to lick around the edge of her opening before diving into her again.

Anna shook as suppressed longing broke free inside her. Her inhibitions fled and she whimpered and begged for more. She writhed beneath him, wantonly raising herself to his mouth.

Jonah chuckled and redoubled his efforts. He repeatedly speared her with his tongue while he manipulated her c.l.i.t with his fingers.

Anna bit her lip, barely able to restrain the scream as she came, her body jerking and heaving. Husky moans escaped her throat as the last contraction faded away.

Jonah crawled up to her head and kissed her. "You are so lovely. If you could see yourself, flushed pink with fulfillment. It's beautiful." He kissed her again, deeply, slowly, exploring her mouth with his tongue.

Anna tasted herself on him. It was surprisingly erotic. She sank into the mattress, overwhelmed by physical sensation and sensual satisfaction.

Jonah unfastened the tie from the headboard and slipped it off her wrists. He pulled the second tie off her eyes.

Anna's eyes fluttered as they adjusted to the low light in the room. "What about you?"

His face was unreadable. "What about me?"

Anna rolled onto her side. "Well, you didn't ... you know."

Jonah's lips relaxed into an amused smile. "Come?"

After everything they'd experienced together, Anna still blushed. "Right."

"I had you in the garden. Besides, I'm not keeping score." Jonah tossed the ties onto the nightstand.

Anna sat up, trying to clear her head. "What made you do what you did?"

Jonah gave her a knowing look. "I thought you might enjoy it."

"I did," Anna rea.s.sured him. "It was fantastic. But did you enjoy it?"

"I enjoy giving you pleasure."

Anna sensed he was sincere but still felt a residual unease. "Did you plan it yourself?"

"More or less. I was winging it, I'll admit." Jonah winked. "Perhaps you can give me pointers in the future."

Anna laughed. "Perhaps. I'm no expert, though."

Jonah tossed Anna's panties to her, and she pulled them on. She hopped off the mattress and picked up her dress.

Jonah pointed to a doorway. "There's a bathroom through there if you need to fix your hair or anything."

"Yes. I do." Anna took the dress into the bathroom with her. A few minutes later, she emerged, most everything back in place.

Jonah held out his hand. "Shall we return to the party?"

"Yes. We haven't had our cake yet." Anna took his hand, and they made their way back downstairs and out into the yard When they reached the cake table, Anna was surprised to see only a few slices left. "Jonah?" She kept her volume low.

Jonah's breath stirred her hair. "Yes?"

"I can't believe we acted like this at a wedding. What would your family think?"

"Well, my brother would probably high five me. Twice." Jonah winked.

Anna covered her giggle with her hand. "You're incorrigible."

Jonah b.u.mped against her hip. "Well, it's all your fault."

Anna pursed her lips as her eyes narrowed in mock anger. "My fault?"

Jonah leaned in toward her and spoke in a low voice, "Yes. You appear all prim and proper, but in reality you are a total nympho."

Anna punched his arm playfully. "I'm not a total nympho."

He kissed her cheek lightly. "Okay, half nympho."


Jonah shrugged. "You know as well as I do, weddings make people hump like rabbits. There's something in the air."

Anna laughed. "You know, you may be right about that. I've heard stories."

A commotion to the side caught Anna's attention, and she grabbed Jonah's arm. "What's going on?"

Jonah strained to see over the crowd. "Tabitha is throwing the bouquet."

"Already?" Anna tried to glimpse the activity through the sea of flailing arms.

A roar of screams and laughter bubbled up from the guests. The bouquet was airborne. Anna saw the ribbon-tied blooms arc high into the air. Tabitha put some force behind that, she thought. The bouquet hit the top interior of the tent and lost momentum, falling straight down in front of Anna.

Out of sheer reflex, she reached out to grab the bouquet, blinking in astonishment as she stared at the cl.u.s.ter of white rosebuds in her hands. "Jonah?"

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Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty Part 23 summary

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