Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty Part 25

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Jonah c.o.c.ked his head. "You what?"

Anna longed to say the words, but she didn't want to scare him off. "I'm looking forward to later."

Jonah's fingertips lingered on her forearm. "As am I."

Anna knew it was too soon, but the urge to share her love remained. It was only a matter of time before she blurted it out. She'd never been good at holding back or hiding.

The waiter arrived at the table with an offer of dessert and coffee. Anna declined and Jonah asked for the check. In a few minutes, they were out on the sidewalk.

Jonah hailed a cab and helped Anna inside. She slid across the slick vinyl seat and rested her head on the back cus.h.i.+on, closing her eyes. Anna reached out until she found Jonah and he grasped her hand.

He moved closer to her, kissing her cheek. "Have you thought about what I have planned for you?"

Anna s.h.i.+vered as he whispered to her. "No ... I can't begin to guess."

Jonah kissed her jaw. "Oh, I doubt that's true."

He was right. Since Jonah's first teasing mention of his plans, Anna's mind had played through various scenarios. She had tried not to build expectations in her mind as a bulwark against disappointment. A part of her was happy just to be with Jonah, but another part was determined to treat it as a test. Would Jonah pa.s.s or fail? It wasn't that simple. She knew it wasn't. One time wouldn't make or break everything. But if it turned out negative, she feared it might become an obstacle.

When they entered Jonah's apartment, Anna tensed with antic.i.p.ation. She appreciated that he was making an effort to address her s.e.xual interests. His willingness encouraged her hope for their future. But how much work did it require on his part? Though no relations.h.i.+p was effortless, too hard was no good, either.

Without speaking, Jonah herded her toward the bedroom. He flipped on a lamp, which cast a glow over the bed.

Anna reached for Jonah's arm. "Are you going to tell me?"

Jonah shook his head. "Get undressed and you'll see soon enough."

The command in his voice thrilled Anna. She pulled her blouse off over her head and unfastened her skirt, allowing it to fall. She stood before him, quaking with excitement.

Jonah's appreciative gaze wandered her form. "Everything."

Anna reached between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and unhooked her bra. She shrugged her shoulders and it slipped off her arms and onto the floor. Grasping the waist of her panties, she pulled them down in one quick movement and stepped out. An overwhelming feeling of exposure consumed Anna, but she resisted crossing her arms.

Jonah stared at her nipples as they beaded tight. "Get on the bed."

Anna scrambled onto the mattress, eager to experience the unfolding of Jonah's plan. She stretched out on her back, weak with antic.i.p.ation. Her toes curled and her fingers grasped the bedspread as intense desire overloaded her body.

"Close your eyes."

Anna squeezed her eyes tightly closed and relaxed. She turned her face toward the ceiling and focused on the growing flame inside her. She heard the rustling of fabric and the jingle of coins. .h.i.tting the floor as Jonah undressed.

Jonah grasped a satin ribbon already tied to one post. He wrapped the long strip of fabric around her wrist and then up to her elbow. He carefully kept the ribbon flat against her arm, snug but not digging into her flesh.

With slow, unhurried movements, he repeated his actions on her other arm and moved to her legs. The ribbons were long and twisting. Around and around he wound them, up her calf, crossing over the knee and back down again. When he finished with her other leg, he smoothed his hand over the ribbon, checking his work. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yes." Anna's voice was barely a whisper.

Jonah ran his fingertip under the edge of the ribbon. "No binding?"

"No." Wild rapture swirled through her as he touched her and her shallow breaths became almost a pant.

"Good. I want you to see my handiwork." He flipped the switch on the wall and bright light flooded the room.

Anna glanced along the length of her body. The black ribbons wound around her in a symmetrical pattern that contrasted with her creamy skin, creating a sensual display.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? You're beautiful. I have something else for you." The warm timber of his words triggered a frisson of expectation. From the side table, Jonah picked up two items and held them out for her inspection. One was a wand vibrator and the other a gla.s.s phallus.

Anna experienced a tingling low in her belly. "What are your plans?"

"My plans are pleasure, yours and mine. Any objections?" He reached out and touched a fingertip to her cheek.

"None whatsoever." Anna swallowed, trying to restrain her eagerness.

Jonah flipped the switch on the vibrator and brought the pulsating rod to the side of her breast. He ma.s.saged back and forth and moved to the areola.

Anna sucked in a breath as her nipple hardened. The vibrations created pleasurable radiating streaks throughout her chest.

Jonah descended toward her v.u.l.v.a. Tingling trails of heat rose in the wake of the vibrator. He reached her c.l.i.t and pressed it against her. "Harder?"

Anna spread her legs, as far as the ribbons allowed. "Yes, please."

She was rewarded with increased sensations as he flipped the switch to a higher setting.

Jonah stroked the gla.s.s phallus against her leg, cool and smooth. He ran the tip up the inside of her leg until he reached her opening. Searching, probing, the tip entered.

Anna arched her back, welcoming the intrusion. Her body pulsed and she knew she was close to the sensual edge.

Jonah teased and taunted her with the promise of entry. He kept a steady pressure on her c.l.i.t even as she squirmed under the twin torment of both implements.

Anna quivered, wanting more, needing more. "Please ..."

"Don't worry. I won't leave you unfulfilled." Jonah held the phallus close enough that Anna could lunge up, and she did, thrusting it further inside. He held it steady as she repeated her action, again and again. He forced her to work toward her goal - to achieve the climax rising within her.

With a piercing cry, Anna's world splintered. She strained against her bonds, muscles contracting as s.e.xual gratification swept over her.

Replacing the vibrator with his fingers, Jonah stimulated her gently. "Yes. Just like that. Don't hold back."

Jonah's urgent demand spun through her mind as she crested and slid down the other side. He placed his tools on the table, climbed on the mattress, and knelt between her legs. Grasping her hips, he entered her to the hilt.

Anna was stunned to feel desire rising again as he filled her. His determined penetration pushed her toward a higher peak. Voiceless, she whimpered as he incited her fiery pa.s.sion.

"I can't hold back. Come again. Come for me again." His demand set off an exploding spark inside. Anna responded to his call, twisting higher with pounding need.

As Anna's climax ebbed, Jonah reached his release and collapsed on top of her, gathering her close. She struggled against the ribbons, longing to wrap her arms around him. After a moment, Jonah stirred and untied the ends. The bands slackened and Anna squirmed free.

She snuggled alongside Jonah with her head on his shoulder. Her energized body slowly relaxed, and her heart stopped its racing gallop.

Jonah kissed her forehead. "Did you enjoy that?"

She nodded. "Oh yes, very much. Did you?"

"Couldn't you tell?"

"You came. I know that. But that doesn't mean that this did anything for you."

Jonah traced a fingertip around the contour of her breast. "It did something for me."

"I'm glad." She kept her relief to herself and held on tight.

Chapter 8.

The phone rang, waking them both. Jonah grabbed the receiver. "h.e.l.lo?"

Anna turned on the bedside light. The cobwebs of sleep receded from her head.

"What? Tabitha? Hold on. Slow down." Jonah jumped to his feet, running his fingers through his hair.

Anna went to his side and rubbed his shoulders, trying to calm his increasing agitation.

"What? What? Worry about one thing for now. Okay. I'll make the arrangements." He hung up the phone.

"Jonah, what's happened?" She knew Tabitha and Marcus were on their honeymoon. Only something bad would have prompted a call in the middle of the night.

"Marcus was in an accident. He needs a medical evacuation back to New York. I have to make some phone calls." Jonah pulled open a drawer and grabbed clothing.

Anna gasped. "Oh no! What happened?"

"I'm not sure. He was parasailing and the line snapped. He landed in trees. They transported him to a local hospital, but he's in critical condition. Tabitha wants him brought back to New York for treatment and I agree."

"How can I help?" Anna asked.

Jonah hesitated. "I don't know. Make coffee? I have to make the arrangements."

"Of course." Anna took a robe from the closet and slipped it on. She hurried into the kitchen and prepared food while the coffee brewed.

A short time later, Jonah entered the kitchen.

Anna handed him a mug of steaming coffee. "Were you able to schedule what is needed?"

"Yes, a medical team and plane are on the way. They'll bring him back and an ambulance will pick them up at the airport. We'll meet them at the hospital."

Anna took his hand. "Jonah, I'm so sorry. I'm sure he'll be okay."

Jonah squeezed her fingers. "I hope so. I called Damon, too. He's on his way over."

"Damon? What for?"

"This is the second supposed accident in a short period of time. Marcus was almost hit by a car not that long ago. In addition, Tabitha claims that the line attached to Marcus was in good condition, and the boat operator disappeared immediately after the accident."

"That doesn't seem unusual. They were probably afraid because of what happened."

"Maybe. I'm still going to have Damon investigate. Tabitha is bringing the rope, the chute, and the life jacket back with her."

"Why would someone want to hurt Marcus?" Anna asked in a bewildered voice.

"I don't know, but if it's true, I'm going to find out."

Hours later, they entered the hospital through the emergency room entrance. Jonah checked at the desk, and the clerk directed them to the surgical waiting area. Anna spotted Tabitha immediately when they pa.s.sed through the doors.

Tabitha jumped up from her seat and ran into Jonah's arms. When Jonah released her, Tabitha stepped back. "He's going to be okay. He has a concussion and a broken wrist. His leg is broken, too. The surgery is for the leg. They're being very careful because of the concussion, but the surgeon recommended that we not wait."

Jonah absorbed the information. "How serious is it?"

Tabitha covered her mouth with her hand as tears threatened again. After a moment, she spoke. "It's serious, but the doctor said he's in good physical condition. He antic.i.p.ates that Marcus will make a full recovery with physical therapy. It will take time."

Jonah's relief was palpable. "How was the trip?"

Tabitha twisted her wedding ring around on her finger. "Harrowing. The medical team was great. I was a mess. Thank you so much, Jonah, for handling the arrangements. I was so afraid. Marcus looked like a broken doll. It was horrible." A tear welled and spilled over, trailing down her cheek. Tabitha reached out and grasped Anna's hand. "Thank you so much for coming."

Anna smiled weakly. "Well, I'm happy to help. I know these aren't the best of circ.u.mstances."

Jonah broke in. "What happened to the gear?"

Tabitha hesitated, confused by the change of subject. "Damon already took it."

Jonah took a deep breath. "Tabitha, I hate to ask you, because I'm sure you've gone through it many times already."

Tabitha held up her hand. "Don't worry. I understand. Marcus is your brother."

"Yes." Jonah guided Tabitha back to her seat and settled in beside her.

Tabitha trembled visibly and the story tumbled out of her. "We were on the beach, just lazing around. There was a boat offering parasailing at the pier. I thought the operation was affiliated with the hotel. I later found out it wasn't. But anyway, we saw people doing it, and it looked like fun. I went first. I didn't have any problems."

Jonah urged Tabitha to continue. "Everything seemed safe?"

Tabitha dabbed her eyes with a tissue. "Yes. I know now that there's no regulation or even inspection required of the equipment, but we didn't know that."

"What happened when Marcus went?" Jonah gripped Tabitha's hand.

"Marcus was gliding in the air as the boat was crossing the bay when the line snapped. Marcus floated a bit, but there was no way to control the chute. His momentum brought him in to sh.o.r.e on the far side of the bay. He landed in trees there. When I saw what happened, I admit I was frozen a minute. I alerted the lifeguard and started running. The lifeguard gathered a few hotel employees and they came with a backboard and first aid kit."

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Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty Part 25 summary

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