Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty Part 90

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Selena pondered this for a bit as she fumed all the way to her next cla.s.s. She had no idea what the professor was saying as she sat in cla.s.s, still livid. By the time cla.s.s was out, she was no longer angry. She just felt stupid. Sure, it had been a great weekend, but the fact she had been nothing special did not sit well with her.

Selena met her roommate at the student union. She had ridden in with her today so that she could drop her off to pick up her Jeep on the way home. They had it fixed for her when she arrived and she hopped in it and headed straight home. Once in her room, she pulled out her school directory and looked through the sorority pictures until she found the blonde. Her name was Christina Church. How wholesome sounding was that?

Selena found her number and sat holding the phone for a moment before calling her. What was she going to say? She had no clue. When Christina answered the phone, she introduced herself and then hesitated for a moment before going on.

"Look, I don't know how to say this except to just spit it out. I saw a video the other night. I believe it was you and a certain professor in it?" she said. There was complete silence on the other end of the phone. It lasted for more than just a moment or two.

"What do you want?" responded Christina, in a hushed tone.

"I'm not planning on telling anyone, if that is your concern. Let's just say that we have something in common and I'd like to talk to you in private about it. Do you think you could meet me for lunch tomorrow?" she asked.

Christina agreed to lunch. Selena supposed she was too horrified at being found out not to agree to the meeting. They made plans to meet at an out of the way diner not frequented by many of the students. It wasn't like they couldn't be seen together or anything, but they didn't want to be overheard by anyone that might be within earshot and interested in the nature of their conversation.

Over lunch, Christina told her how her little video had come about. Raised as the daughter of a Baptist minister, she had been quite sheltered before leaving for college. Like many freshmen away from home for the first time, she had wanted to explore all the things that she had never been exposed to in her small puritanical hometown.

When she had met a man online that had seemed different from anyone she had ever known, she become intrigued. He brought out a side of her that she didn't know existed. She had accepted an invitation to spend a weekend with a stranger.

She had dressed as he told her to dress and shown up at an underground club that catered to a wide a.s.sortment of fetishes. What he had shown Selena in the video was apparently only a small segment of a three day weekend of carnal exploration.

"Up until you called me, I had not known he videotaped it," Christina said quietly, hanging her head. "I didn't even know who he was until well into the first night together when he removed his mask. I tried to end things right then and there, but he talked me into staying. He told me that what was done was done and we might as well enjoy the rest of our stay."

"But he knew who you were? Were you in his cla.s.s at the time?" Selena asked.

"Yes, he knew who I was. He didn't know who he was chatting with online, but I had been in his cla.s.s for a few weeks at this point. He knew who I was when I showed up for our liaison," she replied. "I should have been angry, but I was flattered that such an attractive man wanted me and we had already done...things. I wanted to live out the fantasy, I guess. I agreed to continue," she finished.

"What happened after the weekend was over?" Selena said.

"Nothing. When the weekend ended, so did we. He pretended like it never happened. It made me feel dirty and used and I even wanted to drop his cla.s.s. Unfortunately, I was already well past the cutoff. I'm stuck there until the end of the semester," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Selena nodded. She wondered if there were others. How many girls were running around campus like herself and Christina Church?

She was absorbed in her thoughts as Christina spoke again, "Where did you find this video? It's not on the internet is it?" she asked, the fear in her voice clear.

"Oh, Christina. I'm sorry. It never occurred to me that you might think everyone was going to know this. No, he showed me the video as a kind, I guess. I didn't recognize you until afterward when I saw you walking into his cla.s.s a few days later," she said. She explained to Christina about her own tryst with their lit professor.

Christina's whole demeanor changed. It was if her entire body let out a sigh of relief and she finally relaxed. Selena could almost read her mind. It was telling her to calm down, she wasn't the only one and she wasn't being shoved out into the public eye for scrutiny.

"I have to get that video," she told Selena.

Selena nodded again. The two girls developed a plan.

That night, the two girls arrived at Carl's place well after dark. The surprise that registered on his face when he opened the door and saw the two of them standing there was priceless, but it quickly turned sour.

"You girls should not be here," he said, looking around as he stepped outside the door.

"Oh, Carl, you are so silly," Selena said as she ducked under his arm and into the door. Christina followed her inside and he quickly made his way back in and shut the door.

"I didn't know the two of you knew each other," he said.

"Well, we didn't," Selena responded. "You could say you introduced us. You know, it's the funniest thing, but Christina here had no idea she was a movie star. She found it very interesting."

Selena saw Carl's jaws tense as he looked from one of them to the other. There seemed to be certain sadness behind his dark brown eyes.

"How many others are there, CARL? How many female students have you tricked into letting you f.u.c.k them however you'd like and then ignored afterward? Did you think that it wouldn't eventually bite you in the a.s.s?" Christina asked. Carl looked genuinely hurt by her comments.

"It's not like that. There are no other girls, at least not students. What happened with each of you was a fluke and I'm not proud of it. That's why I've not tried to pursue it further. Do you know how much trouble I can get into if the college found out about this?" he said solemnly. He turned his gaze to Selena.

The girls had been prepared to be angry and inflict their wrath on their piece of c.r.a.p professor, but there was something about his tone that caused them to second guess their condemnation of his actions. They exchanged a glance as he continued.

"Look, I didn't know who Christina was when I met her online and when she showed up looking like she did, I admit that I just couldn't help myself. I mean, look at her. I know it's a weak excuse, but I couldn't resist her. I had already made arrangements to videotape it. I love watching that video because I knew I couldn't go back there. I loved every moment I spent with her. She was so open to new experiences and I found it beautiful," he said.

"Then, when I happened to come across you stranded on the road, well I couldn't leave you stranded there. d.a.m.nit, I tried not to repeat the mistake I made with a previous student, but you wouldn't back down. You were here and you were standing half naked in my living room. I did what any red-blooded man would do. We had a great weekend, but when it came to an end, that old familiar pang of guilt crept in. I know that I probably went overboard in trying to avoid you. I just couldn't believe I had done it again," he said.

"The two of you have no idea how hard it is for me to sit and watch you in my cla.s.s and know that I can't touch you again. When I see guys tripping over themselves trying to talk to you, all I can think about is that I can't be that open with you. They can have you and I can't. It gets old quickly," he said.

Christina and Selena didn't know how to respond. They had been ready to rip him apart and here they were being drawn back in by his vulnerability. He turned and walked toward the DVD player, hit the eject b.u.t.ton and picked up the DVD from the tray. He brought it over to Christina and handed it to her.

"I'm sorry Christina. I'm sorry Selena. Now, you know the truth. Do what you feel like you need to do," he said, sounding defeated.

Christina was the first to speak. "You know, it didn't have to end. We only needed to be careful. You never gave me a chance to decide that for myself," she said.

Selena chimed in, "Yes, if you hadn't just cut us off like you did, we wouldn't have been so angry about all of this."

Carl shrugged and hung his head.

Selena laughed a little. "Did we just render a literature professor speechless?" she joked.

"Yeah, I guess you did," he responded dejectedly.

"Look, we are here and it's dark. No one knows my vehicle around here. Why don't we stay for a while and keep you company? That is, if it's okay with you, Christina," Selena said, turning toward her new friend.

"No offense, but I think I will have to pa.s.s. You are welcome to stay if you want, Selena. I can get a cab home. Don't worry, I have no intentions of sullying my reputation by reporting anything to the school, but I think I'm done with exploring my wild side," Christina responded.

Carl nodded solemnly. "I'm sorry, Christina. I never meant for things to be this way. I suppose I should have given your feelings more consideration. Selena, I think it would be best if you went with her until we've both had more time to think this through," he said.

Selena was stunned and felt herself getting angry again, but she refused to let him see. Instead, she turned and walked toward the door. How dare he treat her like she was nothing more than someone he has to worry about reporting him? She drove Christina home in near silence and thanked her for helping her out. Christina smiled weakly and rushed inside, out of the cold.

Selena sat in the car for a moment before deciding what to do next. He wasn't going to get off so easily with her. She made her way straight back to Carl's house.

She tried to convince herself that he owed her something, but deep down, she knew that she just wanted more from him. She intended to show him that he was making a mistake by cutting her off.

When she arrived at this front door, it opened before she could even knock. She stepped inside to find Carl standing behind the door, holding it open for her. He gave her a looked that was part amus.e.m.e.nt and part disapproval from what she could tell. She didn't let it put a damper on her resolve.

"I was expecting that you would be back, Selena. You are quite the stubborn one. I believe that it is time for someone to put you in your place," he said, closing and locking the door behind her.

He walked over to one of the dining room chairs and sat down in it. Selena noticed a towel lying across the table with several b.u.mps beneath it, hiding something unknown. She looked at him with uncertainty for a moment. Part of her wondered if she was pus.h.i.+ng too far and might finally get more than she bargained for, as he had once warned. She took an almost unconscious step backward from him.

"What is the matter, little girl? Are you finally getting scared? You should be. I warned you that I wasn't one of those little school boys you can lead around by the nose. Get undressed," he said in an even tone.

Selena did feel a bit frightened, but she also felt an incredible excitement at what he might have in store for her. She did as she was told, stripping down to nothing and standing before him for his approval. His eyes roamed across her young, smooth skin.

Her firm, full b.r.e.a.s.t.s were at full attention with her nipples hardened against the slight chill of the kitchen. Her shaved mound gave way to her soft pink folds, already beginning to glisten with moisture at the thought of what he might have planned for her.

Carl stood and placed a kitchen stool near his chair. It was just an ordinary wooden stool with a large round cus.h.i.+on resting atop it with the exception of the bottom. The bottom was capped with what appeared to be heavy gauge, non-skid rubber feet. Selena looked at it blankly, and then looked back at Carl.

"Bend over the stool," he told her without as much as a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Look, I don't know what sort of game you are playing here, but I don't think I like it. Perhaps it was a mistake to have returned, after all," she said, a hint of distaste in her tone.

"Suit yourself, Selena. Just know that if you walk out that door, you should not return again. I told you that I'm not one to be toyed with and yet, you continue to taunt me. It seems you are only willing to accept those things about me that you deem suitably erotic. There is far more to me than you have seen. If you cannot accept everything I have to offer, you shall partake of nothing," he told her.

Selena gritted her teeth. She was partially angry and partially aroused. How bad could whatever he had in store for her be? He wasn't some sort of monster, after all. Without further comment, she walked over to the stool and bent forever, allowing her midriff to rest on the cus.h.i.+oned surface.

"Good girl. Now you are cooperating, but you have still been very naughty today and you must learn what happens when you don't behave," he said from behind her.

Selena heard the rattle of the chains in his hand before she felt the cold steel shackles being placed on her wrists, the chain that connected them wound securely through the rungs of the stool. Her heart was beating rapidly as Carl repeated the process with her ankles, so that she was chained into position across the stool.

She felt his hands slowly roam across her backside before sliding one of them between her legs. He slipped two fingers inside of her for a moment and then dragged them down her inner thighs. He dug the tips of them into her tender flesh as he went and she drew in her breath slightly.

Then she heard him rattling other items that she presumed were what had been hidden under the towel on the table, but he had her turned slightly so that he and whatever he was rummaging through was just out of sight. She tried to relax, which was difficult, given her precarious position across the stool.

She was completely caught off guard as she felt the first stinging strike of what seemed like some sort of cane or stick on her a.s.s cheeks. She cried out loudly.

"What the f.u.c.k are you doing?" she screeched, feeling the angry red welt already forming on her backside. Instead of a response, she received another swift lick from the object in Carl's hand.

"Okay, I get it. Let me up. I'm done," she growled at him.

"No, you aren't. You want this and I intend to see to it that you receive it," he said.

"No, no...I don't," she said, feeling near tears. She wasn't sure if it was her ego or her bottom that felt more bruised.

"Yes, you do. It is what you came back here for. You crave the pain. I've seen it every time I've pushed you to the edge of your pleasure," he told her softly. Without waiting for a response, he wrapped sharply on the bottom. She yelped and tried to squirm free of her bindings.

"Settle down, Selena," she heard him say. Then, as if making idle conversation, he said, "Hmmm, this cane makes the loveliest red stripes on your perfect little a.s.s. How do they feel? Does the sting excite you, Selena?"

"No," barked Selena. "It does not," she said, her tears surfacing despite her attempt at willing them away. She didn't want to be a baby. She wanted to be strong and....her thoughts stopped there. And what? She realized that she didn't want him to stop. She didn't want to be punished, but she knew that it was something she must accept to move on to whatever he held in store for her.

Carl did not strike her again. "Very well," he said. "I will release you and you can get on with your boring little school girl life," he said sarcastically. Selena felt his hands on her ankles and she let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry. Do what you must," she said quietly, still fighting back tears.

Carl did not respond. Instead, she heard the crop sc.r.a.p across the table as he picked it back up. She felt another swift strike across her already sore bottom and then several quick raps spanning from where her a.s.s formed at the small of her back, all the way down the backs of her legs. Tears rolled down her face, but she bit her lip to keeping from crying out. She would not give him that satisfaction.

Then he stopped. Selena could hear the sound of his belt as he unfastened it. It was followed by his zipper coming down and the sound of his pants dropping. She felt his hands on her a.s.s, seemingly taking a tour of the streaks he had left there. She had no doubt that the s.a.d.i.s.tic b.a.s.t.a.r.d was admiring his handiwork.

Then he was inside her. His hands were on either side of her waist, steadying her as he f.u.c.ked her like a jackrabbit in heat. There was nothing soft or sweet about what he was doing to her. He was just punis.h.i.+ng her with a different kind of crop as his pummeled her with his huge erection. She could feel how turned on he was and she wondered what it was about causing her pain that excited him so much.

He caught her off guard as he pulled out and suddenly slammed forward again into her tiny a.s.shole, sending pain shattering outward. She cried out again, despite trying to hold it back and she felt the tears continue to roll down her face. He was f.u.c.king her. He had punished her and now he was f.u.c.king her like she didn't matter. He was putting her in her place and it hurt far more than just the physical pain of it.

The worst part of it all was that in some way that she couldn't quite grasp, she was enjoying it. She liked the way he was using her. She liked the way he was taking charge and forcing her to embrace her fear of the unknown, but she was having difficulty reconciling that with the anger and hurt that she also felt. She felt confused as she lay there helpless, letting him take from her what wasn't it to him freely.

After what felt like an eternity, he pulled out, spraying his thick load all over her a.s.s. She lay there quietly as he rubbed it into her skin, anointing her in some bizarre sadom.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic ritual that only he could understand, she was sure. When he stopped, she heard him zip his pants and fasten his belt before unlocking the shackles that held her in place across his little torture stool.

He helped her stand and looked at her, gauging her face for a reaction. Selena gave him a blank, emotionless stare. She wondered what he saw there. She wondered if he saw the look she intended for him to see or the true feelings that lay beneath the surface. It was if he had somehow claimed her and there was no turning back. By punis.h.i.+ng her, he had a.s.serted his owners.h.i.+p over her and part of her welcomed it.

He walked her to the shower and started the water for her. Neither spoke as he undressed and directed her to get in the shower, where he joined her. He took his time was.h.i.+ng her from head to toe. It was if she was now a prized possession to be maintained for his enjoyment. He washed her hair and then instructed her to wash him in return. She did as she was told wordlessly and the two of them climbed into bed together, naked. He curled up behind her and fell fast asleep.

Selena did not fall fast asleep. She laid there in the darkness, contemplating what all of this meant and where it would lead them. Her emotions ran the gamut from blind acceptance to outright humiliation, from some sick form of love or l.u.s.t to loathing. She finally drifted off to sleep, only to be awakened hours later at the brink of dawn.

She slipped out of bed, dressed and left wordlessly while Carl slept. She had a lot to think about as the sun crested the surrounding snow laden hills on her way home. Mainly, she had to decide if she would ever see Carl Sansom outside of cla.s.s again, but she wasn't sure if she could make that choice today.

Selena sat in cla.s.s and watched as Professor Carl Sansom paced slowly across the front of the room, a book of poetry in his hand. It was from a little known poet that he had discovered during his tenure as a professor at the university.

"...down the spiraling staircase I go, toward the bowels of my fear and pain, my sins wash over me, rinsing away what once was pure..." he read from a leather bound notebook.

The words were morose and Selena shut them out, along with the sound of his voice. She was lost in her own thoughts today. The last thing she wanted to hear was the voice of the man who had doled out what he deemed fit punishment for her behavior. Her mind flashed back to the night before. It was as if she were standing outside herself, watching as her naked body lay shackled across his kitchen stool.

The welts that he had left on her backside were still clearly visible and a source of discomfort, causing her to s.h.i.+ft often in her seat during his two hour cla.s.s. She was certain that he had taken note of this on a couple of occasions. She had seen the hint of a smile cross his face and it only served to fuel her anger toward him.

It had been her choice to allow him control over her body and her emotions. She had given in too easily and now he owned her. Not only did he possess her body to do with as he wished, but he controlled her thoughts, as well. Whether intentional or not, she was consumed by him to the point that she couldn't think beyond his desires. f.u.c.k this!

Selena decided she couldn't be here anymore. As he continued to read from the vile poetry book in his hand, she gathered her things and tossed them into her backpack. She stood and made her way out the back door to the cla.s.sroom, taking note of the brief pause in his reading as the door closed behind her. She wasn't sure if she would return to his cla.s.sroom again, but she knew that she couldn't be there today.

She skipped the rest of her that day. Opting, instead, to go home and crawl under her bed covers and hide. Perhaps she would wake to find it was all just a bad dream.

Sure, she had enjoyed her unexpected s...o...b..und weekend with her professor. He had exposed her to a world she had never known before. She wasn't sure she would have otherwise opened that door to such an unexpected side of her s.e.xuality had they not been stranded together during the snowstorm. It didn't give him the right to punish her like a bad submissive though.

Selena drifted off to sleep, her heavy thoughts giving way to vivid dreams. She was back at the cabin with Carl and he had her tied to his four poster bed, exploring her with his mouth and hands. She tossed her head back as his lips found their way to her c.l.i.t and began teasing her, pulling at it with his teeth, sucking it into his mouth as she moaned loudly. He masterfully explored her drenched pink folds with his tongue, lapping up her juices that flowed so freely during her excitement.

As she reached the verge of o.r.g.a.s.m, he brought his fingers up toward her slick p.u.s.s.y, sliding them inside of her and finger f.u.c.king her furiously while he continued to pull and suck at her c.l.i.t. She felt the waves of ecstasy rush over her, shattering across thousands of nerve endings and terminating in an explosion centered squarely between her legs, where he showed no signs of letting up.

The tension quickly reached another crescent as Carl continued to rub her c.l.i.t with his fingers, still slick from being inside of her. He pulled back, watching her squirm and jerk as he skillfully brought her to a series of violent He smiled as she sprayed droplets all over him and the bed beneath them. She realized that he had made her squirt like Christina had in the video he had shown her of them together.

"Very nice, Selena. There is nothing more beautiful than watching a woman lose all control and spraying her excitement so forcefully," Carl told her. "What shall we do with you now, my dear Selena?"

"Selena? Selena?" The voice seemed so far away. It became clearer as she awoke from her dream and found her roommate, Troy, standing by her bed. He was shaking her arm and trying to wake her.

"What?" she said sleepily, still a bit disoriented from the dream. "What do you want, Troy?"

"You have a call on the house phone," he told her.

"Can't you tell them I'm asleep and take a message?" she said, grumpy at being woken unexpectedly.

"I did," Troy replied. "He said that he had to talk to you. He said he was from the college and needed to speak with you right away."

"Did he give you his name?" Selena asked, though she already knew the answer.

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Shades Of Submission: Fifty By Fifty Part 90 summary

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