Cowboy Take Me Away Part 29

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"I suppose I'd better find someplace to live, so the newlyweds can have their privacy."

"The Buckholz house ain't in that bad of shape except for the broken windows and the critters that've moved in."

Cal glanced at him sharply. "I thought you wanted that place."

"It won't be ready for me'n Caro. So I'll stay in the trailer and let you have it."

"We'd better measure them windows and order replacement materials straight away."

They didn't speak again until they'd pa.s.sed by Spearfish. Sometimes they could jaw on all day; other days they'd barely speak two words to each other.

"You plan to ask Carolyn's dad about marryin' her?"

"And give him a chance to say no?" Carson shook his head. "After we're engaged I might ask for his blessing. But I doubt he'll give it."

"Does that bother you? Or I guess maybe the real question is do you think it'll bother her?"

Carson hadn't considered that. "s.h.i.+t. I don't know." He paused. "I hadn't thought about how Dad will react either."

"Good luck with that. I'll be hidin' in the barn during that yelling match," Cal said.

"And to think I was gonna ask you to stand up for me." He scratched his chin, as if deep in thought. "Charlie is a better bet than Casper for my best man."

"p.i.s.s off. I'll do it."

He laughed. "Then if Dad's an a.s.s about it you better back me up."

"Don't I always?"

Since Carolyn's family was aware they were dating, he could call her at home. Still, he was relieved when she answered the phone and not one of her brothers. "Wests."

He smiled just at the sound of her voice. He was so gone over this woman. "Hey, sugar."

"Hey yourself, cowboy."

And yep, he heard that answering smile in her voice.

"How was your day?"

"Short. Yours?"

"Better than yesterday."

"Good. What's goin' on tonight?"

"Not much. Supper is done. Mom had a rough day so she's already tucked in for the night. Why?"

"Got time for me?"

He heard her move and in his mind's eye he saw her twisting the phone cord around her finger. "Always. What did you have in mind?"

"How about if we meet at the Ice Cream Palace."

"You've got such a sweet tooth, cowboy."

"Mmm-hmm. But you're about the sweetest thing there is."

"Smooth, too."

"Now I'm thinkin' about what smooth, sweet thing is my favorite to eat."

"Carson McKay," she hissed in a whisper.

"What? I was talkin' about tastin' your sweet pu...ddin'."

"You are ornery tonight."

"Just anxious. How soon can you be there?"

"An hour."

"See you then. Drive safe."

d.a.m.n case of nerves had him pacing. He stopped and studied the living room and kitchen area of the trailer, wondering what it'd be like having Carolyn living here. No doubt she'd fancy the place up. The kitchen would see more use. He grinned. So would the bedroom.

Imagining them being together all the time, for the rest of their lives didn't scare him, it seemed...right in ways he'd never had faith in before he'd met her.

For once Carolyn hadn't arrived before he did. She'd parked in the back of the lot, away from the families with rambunctious kids.

The woman was a ray of suns.h.i.+ne in a dress the color of lemons. When she beamed that glorious smile at him, he almost dropped to one knee and proposed right then.

Not exactly romantic.

He couldn't help but pick her up and spin her around before he kissed her. Her soft mouth opened beneath his with sweet heat and he didn't fight the possessive growl that no other man would ever know her kiss.

She gently touched his cheeks. "What?"

He let his mouth drift to her ear. "I missed you today."

"I missed you too. Thank you for last night. You've taken me out to eat two nights in a row."

"Been my pleasure." She clung to him, which was unusual since they were in public. "Something else goin' on?"

"Just having a moment."

"What kind of moment?" Carson tipped her chin up. "Tell me."

Those beautiful blue eyes locked to his. "I can't believe I've only known you four weeks."

"Is that good or bad?"

"Honestly? Both. Good because I like being with you. If we're not together then I can't wait until we are together again."

"What's the bad part?"

"I don't have experience with this so I don't know if it's...normal."

"Normal," he repeated. "Not sure I follow."

Fire flashed in her eyes. "Is it normal to be in love so soon? Or am I just reading too much into it because you're my first-"

"Boyfriend?" he supplied.

"No. My first lover," she said crossly.

Another growling sound escaped. "First lover? Got news for you sugar, I'm gonna be your only G.o.dd.a.m.ned lover. Ever. No man besides me will ever touch you. Understand?"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm sayin'..." s.h.i.+t. What was he saying? Everything he'd wanted to tell her just vanished. He closed his eyes.

Think. Focus. Throw it out there even if this isn't the way you wanted to do it.


His heart thumped. He cleared his throat, trying to dissolve the lump of fear blocking his vocal chords. The instant he stared into her eyes, he calmed. "Marry me, Carolyn West."

Her mouth fell open.

"I'm not kiddin' around this time, not that I was when I asked you the first night we met, because I think that's what led us here. To the real deal." He brushed soft kisses across her mouth, taking advantage of her shock, thoroughly tasting the velvety pillow of her lips. "Marry me."

She continued to gape at him.

Jesus. Did he have to hard sell her? "I ain't rich, but we're building up our cattle business a little more every year." He nuzzled her cheek. "I'll make a good husband to you, I promise."


"Why what?"

"Why do you want to marry me?"

Carson reclaimed her eyes with his. "Because I can't imagine my life without you in it."

Tears welled and then they spilled free. "For real?"

"For real. Forever." He swiped the wetness away with his thumbs. "Say yes. Say you'll be my wife. Say you'll be mine."

She whispered, "I'm already yours. So yes. I'll marry you."

"Thank G.o.d." He managed to keep his kiss tender, despite the urge to give in to the pa.s.sion that erupted between them. After several soft, sweet kisses, he murmured, "Give me your left hand," against her lips.

Carolyn placed her left hand on the side of his face. The simple, loving touch stirred everything inside him.

Carson kissed the inside of her wrist and stepped back. He shoved his hand in the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out the ring. Taking her hand, he slid the platinum circle on her third finger. "If you don't like it, we can take it back and get you something else."

"I can't even see it with your hat blocking my hand."


She raised her hand to eye level. She gasped, her right hand flew to her mouth and the waterworks started again.

How the h.e.l.l could she even see the d.a.m.n thing through her tears?

"Sugar? You okay?"

She shook her head yes, then no... And then she started hiccupping which made her cry harder.

He had no experience with this stuff. What was he supposed to do?

Figure it out because you'll be dealing with this woman's emotions-good and bad-for the rest of your life.

"C'mere." Carson wrapped her in his arms and held her until she calmed down.

She stepped back and wiped her face. "I'm probably a mess. I need a tissue. Just a moment." She rummaged in her purse. She gave him her back as she blew her nose. Then she brushed some sort of powder over her face before she faced him again.


"In shock. Huge surprise, McKay." She smiled shyly and walked back into his arms.

Carson kissed her forehead. "I'd apologize for popping the question in the parking lot of the d.a.m.n Ice Cream Palace, but it's probably a good indication."

"Of what?"

"Of the fact I ain't a romantic kinda guy. I'll try to be that guy. But I ain't good at that hearts and flowers s.h.i.+t."

Carolyn laughed. "I guess time will tell, won't it? I'll forgive you for not being a romantic if you'll overlook that I don't have the faintest idea what it means to be a rancher's wife."

His mouth brushed her temple. "You'll spend a lot of time nekkid in our bed." His lips traveled, skimming the top of her ear. "I can't wait to wake up with you every morning and hold you in my arms every night."

"That was pretty romantic." She studied her left hand pressed against his chest. "The ring is beautiful." She bit her lip and that stemmed another round of tears. "Is it something that's been in your family?"

"Why would you think that?"

Her gaze hooked his. "It'd make sense that you could propose on the spur of the moment if you already had the ring."

"Like I had it on hand and I was just waitin' on the right woman to give it to?"

She nodded.

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Cowboy Take Me Away Part 29 summary

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