Cowboy Take Me Away Part 31

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"Mom! I can't ask her to do that!"

"Of course, you can't. I'll think of something. Now I have an engagement gift for you." She reached for a velvet box on her nightstand. "This was my mother's and one of the few things she brought over from the old country. She'd already pa.s.sed on by the time I married your father but I'd like to think she would've given this to me to celebrate finding a husband." She opened the box. "Go ahead and take it out since my fingers don't work so well."

Carolyn pulled out a beautiful silver bracelet with colorful crystals centered between each link. "I've never seen you wear this."

"I wore it all the time until it became too difficult to work the clasp." After Carolyn had it on her wrist, her mother stroked the delicate bracelet with the tip of her gnarled finger. "Don't be afraid to wear it every day. It's stronger than it looks."

"Thank you. I'll cherish it forever." She brushed her lips over her mother's cheek, getting a whiff of Evening in Paris, her mother's favorite perfume. For a moment she spiraled back in time to when she was a small child and the pride she felt seeing her mother outs.h.i.+ne all the other mothers. Whether attending church with her children or just going to the store or school events, Clara West prided herself on being smartly dressed and well-coiffed. She refused to be stereotyped, especially since she had seven children and her husband was a coal miner.

"Now let's call your sister and Aunt Hulda with your exciting news!"

When Carolyn and Carson met with Father Dorian, he mentioned the required couples' course before he'd agree to marry them, a cla.s.s that lasted six weeks.

Carson refused to take the cla.s.s. Then he laid on the cowboy charm, emphasizing how important it was to both of them to get married in the church, but he understood there had to be rules. But since they'd both been raised Catholic-Carolyn had even recently graduated from Catholic high school-and both sets of their parents had been married in the church, and they intended for their children to be raised Catholic, then didn't they more than fit the criteria? After a few pointed questions, the priest agreed to marry them on a Sunday afternoon in three short weeks.

Three weeks until she became Mrs. Carson McKay.

It seemed surreal-it was as scary as it was exhilarating.

"Engaged a few days and we're already actin' like an old married couple, shopping for groceries on a Friday night."

"I'll remind you I shopped for groceries on Friday nights when I was single too."

Carson kissed her hand. "You ain't single anymore."

Like Carolyn's mother had warned her, her father had not had a change of heart about her marrying Carson. But he still expected her to pull her weight in the West household for as long as she lived there. For the first time he hadn't given the weekly grocery money to her directly; he'd left it in a sealed envelope on the counter.

"I can't wait to have your home cookin' every day and night."

"I promise I won't be making meals like that for you." She pointed to Carson's section of the shopping cart-TV dinners, potpies and canned goods. "You're not just marrying me because I can cook, right?"

His lips brushed her ear. "Partially. But the fact you're a h.e.l.lcat in the sack weighed heavily in your favor too."

She elbowed him in the gut. "Behave."


"Carson McKay. In a grocery store. On a Friday night. Seems G.o.d saw fit to bless me for saying the rosary today."

They both looked at the gray-haired woman who'd blocked the aisle with her cart.

She stepped forward. "You must be Carolyn. The rumor mill is churning about you, dear. No one knows anything about the mysterious woman who is marrying Carson McKay."

Carson put his arm around Carolyn's shoulder. "This is the lovely woman I've asked to be my wife. Carolyn West, meet Mrs. Agnes Varlo."

"So respectful, Carson. Your mother would be proud." Mrs. Varlo offered Carolyn her hand. "Please call me Agnes. And what Carson didn't tell you was his mother Helen was my dearest friend for over twenty years."

"I'm sure you miss her."

"I do, every day, even when she's been with the Lord for six years." Agnes kept hold of Carolyn's hand. "Tell me about the wedding."

Here was the first official test with people outside their families since they'd become engaged. "Mr. Impatient insisted we get married as soon as possible before his busy season starts. Not that I know what that means," she said with a laugh.

"So you're not from a ranching family?"

"No, ma'am. But I'm sure I'll catch on fast to being a rancher's wife. Anyway, to answer your question, Carson and I are getting married in Gillette at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in three weeks."

"Wonderful! I know Helen would be so happy Carson found a Catholic girl. Father Dorian is officiating?"

"Yes, ma'am. It will be a very small ceremony, just family and a few friends, but we'd be honored if you could attend since you are a family friend."

Agnes teared up. "That would mean a lot to me. Thank you. Now is someone hosting a bridal shower for you?"

Carolyn shook her head. "My mother has health issues and I've spent the last six years attending school at St. Mary's in Billings, so my friends don't live around here."

"Why, that's not right. Every bride-to-be deserves a bridal shower." She paused. "I tell you what. The ladies circle from St. Ignatius excels at these last minute events-I'll admit we're more prepared for funerals than weddings-but since I'm the president of circle, we'll hold a shower for you at the church."

"Really? I mean, that is so kind of you to offer, but at this late date I wouldn't want you to go to any trouble."

"No trouble at all. Especially for a new incoming member to the St. Ignatius congregation." Agnes paused and c.o.c.ked her head. "I a.s.sume you will transfer to our church in Sundance and not drive clear to Gillette every Sunday?"

Carson ended his silence. "We're still discussing it, bein's Carolyn's family has long-held ties to that church."

Carolyn wanted to elbow him. They weren't even married yet and the man was already looking for ways to get out of going to church.

"I understand." But it was clear Agnes didn't understand.

"I am thrilled you're considering hosting a bridal shower for me. It would be wonderful to have my own household items to help make Carson's house our home."

"Consider it done. If you'll give me your phone number after I meet with the ladies circle I can call you with a firm date. I'll suggest afternoon, a week from tomorrow."

"That would be perfect." Carolyn recited her number, watching Agnes write it on the back of her green stamps booklet.

Agnes tucked the booklet in her purse. "I'll be in touch. It was so good to meet you, Carolyn."

"Good to meet you too."

"Carson," Agnes said.

"Nice seein' you again, Mrs. Varlo."

She waited until Agnes was out of earshot, before she said, "Wow. That was generous of her." She smiled. "A bridal shower is so exciting! My mother still has things from hers."

"I'm glad you're excited, Caro, but I told you I'd buy you anything you wanted."

"I know, but a bridal shower is a rite of pa.s.sage for women. And it'll be good for me to meet women in the community since I don't know anyone."

"Agnes is thoughtful, but don't think for a second she isn't already a.s.signing you to several church committees," Carson warned.

"I'm grateful, but don't think for a second I'd pa.s.s up a chance to tout my seamstress skills for a price."

Carson laughed. "But you don't have to take in sewing jobs after we're married. It's my job to provide for you."

"I know. But I'll go crazy without some sort of work to keep me occupied." She frowned. She was not looking forward to Missy's final fitting tomorrow. Might not be so bad if it was just her, but the nasty bridesmaids duo was sure to be there too. "I hope the alterations fit perfectly and I can be in and out of there in fifteen minutes."

"These are the women who questioned whether me'n you were really dating?"


"Where's the fitting?"

"At the Methodist Church in Moorcroft."

Carson picked up her hand and kissed her engagement ring. "Guess when they see this that'll squash any argument that we ain't really a couple." He released her hand. "Let's get these groceries paid for. Is someone home who'll help you carry them in?"

"I'm sure one of my brothers is," she lied. Even if they were around they wouldn't help her, simply because they wouldn't think of it.

Part of her wondered if Carson would be that way after they'd been married a while.

But she watched him unload the groceries from the cart into the trunk and then hold the door open for an elderly woman after he'd returned the cart; she knew his gentlemanly side was ingrained.

At least in public.

Carolyn arrived early at the church the next day.

The alterations for Missy's dress were perfect. They waited for what seemed like forever before Tammy and Edie made an appearance.

Missy lit into them. "You're both hung over? That is just great. If you puke on the bridesmaid's dress during the fitting you will not be in my wedding, understand?"

"You're crabby today. You on the rag or something?" Edie said with a yawn.

Which sent Missy into another tirade, and Tammy joined in to defend Edie.

Carolyn wanted to crawl under a rock. These women considered themselves friends?

"Enough. Get your dresses on," Missy commanded.

Both Edie and Tammy dressed in the small church nursery. First Carolyn checked the hems. Good to go. Then she checked the lace panel on the bodice.

Edie s.n.a.t.c.hed her hand. "What's this?"

Tammy leaned over to look. "Is that an engagement ring?"

"Yes. Carson and I are getting married."


"In three weeks." Carolyn yanked her hand back.

"Are you pregnant?" Edie demanded.

"Are you always this rude?" Carolyn said. "That is none of your business."

"Ooh. Testy." Tammy and Edie exchanged a knowing look.

"Since the dresses fit, I'll be going."

Carolyn exited the room and stopped when she saw Carson leaning against the wall. Looking like a million bucks in his dark jeans, a blue plaid s.h.i.+rt that brought out his eyes, and his dress cowboy hat. "Carson? What are you doing here?"

He ambled forward, his eyes never leaving her face. When he reached her he slanted his mouth over hers for a lingering kiss. "I knew my beautiful bride-to-be had an appointment in town so I thought I'd swing by and take you to lunch." He pushed a section of hair behind her ear and caressed her jaw-a gesture more intimate than his kiss. "I was just missin' you, Caro."

No, the sweet man just wanted to show these doubters that he was entirely hers.

"That's a great idea. Let's go." She didn't turn around and see if Edie and Tammy were watching; frankly, for the first time she didn't care.

Seemed Carson's att.i.tude was rubbing off on her.

Chapter Sixteen.


Carson's job today was chasing after stray calves that broke away from the herd as they moved cattle to a different grazing area. Casper led the herd, Charlie handled keeping the first third in line, Cal the second third and Carson the back third. They'd had a good go of it so far, but he didn't like the way the clouds were forming. A spooked herd was a scattered herd, and since they still had one road to cross, that could be problematic.

Jed usually waited on the road for them with the horse trailer. He'd open the gate to the next pasture and warn the few souls who used that road there'd be a delay.

But today the man was being a jacka.s.s and left them to deal with it on their own.

Fine. They'd show him they didn't need his help.

They moved down the bottom slope that led to the rise where the road bisected their land. From here Carson could see the whole herd.

Casper kicked his horse to a gallop so he could get the gates open. They'd decided he'd position himself on one side of the road once the first few head of cattle pa.s.sed through the gate and the herd mentality would keep the flow going. Then Charlie would flank the opposite side while Cal drove the main part of the herd forward.

It went like clockwork-until that first boom of thunder. Then the last twenty cow and calf pairs bolted. Half went to the left. Half went to the right. Running right down the middle of the d.a.m.n road in opposite directions.

Carson whistled at Cal and pointed left, while he reined his horse right, kicking it into a gallop. He didn't get the runaways stopped for a quarter of a mile. After he'd gotten them turned around, he half-hoped for another boom of thunder to get them back to the gate quickly.

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Cowboy Take Me Away Part 31 summary

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