Cowboy Take Me Away Part 33

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The phone rang and Carolyn walked over and picked up the receiver. "Wests."

"How's my beautiful fiancee?"

She smiled and sagged against the wall. "I'm good. Surprised to hear from you. Kimi and my Aunt Hulda are here. We just finished lunch. What are you doing?"

"I've actually gotta pick up a part. I wondered if you could meet me for a half an hour or so. I wanna run something past you."

Carolyn glanced over at Kimi. "Is it okay if I bring my sister? She wants to meet you."

"Sure. In fact that'll work out because Cal is ridin' along with me."

"What time and where?"

"Say an hour at the Ice Cream Palace?"

"Can't wait."

"Me either. Later, sugar."


"You are grinning like a cat licking cream, Caro."

"He just makes me happy." She wandered back to the sink. "Let's get these done. I need to pretty myself up since I'm meeting my fiance. Oh, and he's bringing his brother."

Kimi scrubbed a handful of silverware. "Go. I'll finish this."

Carolyn changed into a sleeveless s.h.i.+rt covered in daisies and white pedal pushers with a ruffled hem below the knee. As she fas.h.i.+oned a headband out of a silk scarf, she watched Kimi fluff up her shoulder-length ringlet curls. She hadn't changed out of the Bermuda shorts and white eyelet blouse she'd traveled in.

"How is it that you look older than I do?" Carolyn complained.

"Right. I look like a chubby-cheeked cherub." Kimi slicked pink lipstick on her lips. "The eyeliner makes me look older. And I don't know why you're complaining. You always look sophisticated." She gestured to Carolyn's outfit. "Did you make that?"

"Yes. You like it?"

"I love it. I'm jealous that you're so talented with a needle and thread. I think Aunt Hulda has given up that I'll ever be a seamstress of your caliber."

"Oh pooh. You're just impatient."

Kimi looped her arm through Carolyn's. "I'm impatient to get the h.e.l.l out of here. Let's go."

Aunt Hulda appeared to be dozing in the rocking chair. No sign of their mother. She must've gone back to her room. As they pa.s.sed through the living room, Aunt Hulda said, "Carolyn, when you get back we need to work on your wedding dress since the wedding is in two days."

"I know. We won't be gone long."

Once they were in the car, Kimi pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Thank G.o.d. I'm dying for a smoke."


"What? Everyone smokes." She lit up and blew a stream of smoke out the window.

"But you're sixteen."


"Swearing, smoking... Are you drinking too?"

"Sometimes." She took another drag. "But I'm not having s.e.x...unlike some people."

"I'm almost nineteen." Her grip tightened on the steering wheel. "Besides, we are engaged."

"Uh-huh. Bet you weren't engaged when you did it with him the first time."

Carolyn did not want to have this conversation with her little sister.

"How was it? And if you don't talk to me about this I'll a.s.sume it was bad."

"Not even close to bad. It was...intimate."

"There's a brilliant statement."

"I'm serious, Kimi. Being skin to skin, with all the kissing and touching and the urgency. It is rapturous."

"Did it hurt?"

She grinned. "Not bad enough to make me not want to do it again."

Kimi laughed. "Fine. So it really is one of those things I have to experience for myself?"

"Yes." She changed the subject. "What's the gossip from St. Mary's?"

"Not much. Aunt Hulda keeps me busy so I don't get to see anyone. But the rumor is you're pregnant and that's why you're havin' the hurry-up wedding."

She shrugged. "Pretty much the consensus around here too."

"That doesn't bother you?"

"It bothered me worse when people a.s.sumed I'd let Carson use and discard me." She smirked. "But I'm the only woman wearing his ring."

"Doesn't it scare you to know you're going from taking care of one household to doing the exact same thing with him?"

Carolyn looked at Kimi sharply. "That doesn't sound like something you'd say. Is that what Aunt Hulda said?"

Kimi inhaled another drag and flicked the cigarette b.u.t.t out the window. "She talked to me about it. And I know she wants to talk to you too. So I'm giving you a warning that it might not be the I'm so happy for you conversation you expected."

"She's far from the first one to express her unhappiness or disappointment in the marriage."

"Well, I, for one, am happy for you."

She smiled. "Thanks."

They pulled into the Ice Cream Palace but she didn't see Carson's pickup. Kimi hustled inside while Carolyn waited in the parking lot.

Carson roared into a parking spot-the man drove like an idiot. He hopped out and strode toward her. She couldn't see his eyes beneath the brim of his hat but she felt the heat of his gaze. He blocked her with his big body and without so much as a h.e.l.lo, lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.

And kissed her.

When she tried to break free, he made that growling noise and said, "I'm not done," against her lips.

Finally he lifted his head and grinned. "Hiya, sugar. You looked so pretty standin' there I just needed me a little taste."

She placed her hand on his chest and found his heart beating like mad. Seeing her got him excited? Or kissing her got him excited? Either way, she loved that about him. "Hiya yourself, cowboy." She saw Cal leaning against the building by the door, waiting for them.

Carson pressed his hand into the small of her back, guiding her forward.

"Hey, Cal."

"Hey, Carolyn. You're lookin' good today." He leaned forward. "You sure you wanna marry this guy?" He jerked his thumb toward his twin. "He's kinda bossy. I'm much more laid back."

"I'm gonna lay you out flat if you keep tryin' to steal my woman, jacka.s.s."

"She's fair game until you say them vows, so I just want her to be sure."

She gazed at Carson, knowing her face shone with adoration. "I'm sure."

They walked into the Ice Cream Palace.

At that moment, Kimi turned around. She offered Carson a cursory look, then her focus was entirely on Cal. She gave him a little finger wave and took a long lick of her ice cream cone.

He sucked in a sharp breath. "Sweet mother of G.o.d, I think I'm in love."

"Oh for Christsake," Carson muttered.


"Please tell me that's your sister."

Carolyn got in Cal's face. Or she tried to, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from Kimi. That forced her to snap her fingers in front of his eyes. "Hey, McKay, focus."


"Yes, that's my sister, my younger sister. She's sixteen. Do you hear me? Six. Teen."

Cal bestowed the slow, s.e.xy grin that had women falling at his feet. "Well, darlin', she ain't always gonna be sixteen."

Kimi sauntered over, ignoring everyone but Cal. "Please tell me you're not my future brother-in-law?"

"I'm not. But darlin' girl, I'm d.a.m.n near certain I'm your future husband."

She blinked coquettishly. "Then maybe you and me better get acquainted...?"

"Calvin McKay. You can call me Cal. Better yet, call me anytime you want."

"Jesus, Cal. Give it a rest."

Carolyn elbowed him in the ribs.

"Sorry." Carson offered his hand. "Kimi? Glad to finally meet you. Caro has told me a lot about you."

"Likewise." Kimi tore her attention away from Cal and narrowed her eyes at Carson. "Make my sister happy or else I'll gut you like a trout."


But she'd already refocused on Cal. "Let's leave the lovebirds alone and you can tell me why such a handsome man as yourself is still single."

"Because I was waitin' for you." Then, as they walked off, he whispered something in Kimi's ear that made her laugh.

"Well, that was unexpected," Carson said.

"No kidding. Kimi is the biggest flirt I know. I hope he doesn't put stock in anything she tells him."

"Cal's the same way. We'll let them hash it out. There's something I wanna run by you."

"Sounds serious."

"Not really. You want a cone or something?"

"Just a"

"Sit. I'll get it."

Carolyn sat where she could keep an eye on her little sister and future brother-in-law.

Then Carson scooted into the booth seat across from her and blocked the view. "Here."

"Thanks. So what's going on?"

"We hafta scale back the honeymoon. I planned to take you to Denver for a few nights. Stayin' at the Brown Palace and headin' down to Colorado Springs to ride the Pike's Peak Railway. But Dad's bein' a controlling a.s.shole. He knew we'd be on our honeymoon, and yet he set up a meeting next week with the Timmons family. They want to sell their homestead a little ways south of here. It's a great piece of land and if anyone can charm them into sellin' it's me, not my old man. So instead of goin' to Colorado, I thought we could spend a few days in Yellowstone. You ever been there?"

She shook her head.

"Me either." He picked up her hand and brushed his mouth across her knuckles. "So you're okay with it?"

"Of course, Carson. I don't care where we are as long as I'm with you."

"You're sure?"


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Cowboy Take Me Away Part 33 summary

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