Cowboy Take Me Away Part 35

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"Everything about you is so soft," he said, kissing the ball of her shoulder.

Carolyn turned her head and brushed her mouth over his temple. "And everything about you is so hard.

"Some things harder than others."

She smiled.

"Lose the slip, sugar."

One quick tug and the slip covered her dress on the floor.

"Hang on to my arm. Step out, I've gotcha. One more. Now stay just like that." Carson picked up her wedding dress and moved it. "Let me see you."

Her nerves didn't make sense. She'd been naked with this man before.

But never as his wife.

A kiss landed on the small of her back.

When Carolyn turned, Carson was on his knees before her. A s.h.i.+ver started at the top of her spine and worked its way down, setting off goose b.u.mps as his hot gaze catalogued every inch of her.

She'd worn a plain white satin bra, a small pair of white satin underwear, a lacy white garter belt with white satin garters and the sheerest white stockings she could find.

"Is this new?" He traced the garter belt with the tip of his finger, stopping at the tiny pink rose at the top of the garter.


"You look like an angel in this and I'm havin' a devil of a time not tearin' it off you with my teeth."

The sensations he aroused in her just with words, or the hungry way he looked at her were still new enough to take her by surprise. The quiver in her belly spread between her legs, making her s.e.x hot and slick. Her nipples tightened and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s felt heavier. Even her lips felt fuller, moister. And her pulse pounded everywhere.

Carson's hands curled around her hips and he urged her backward. "Sit."

Her rear met the edge of the bed.

He stood and took off his hat. Shrugged out of his suit coat. Unb.u.t.toned his vest and tossed it aside. Untied his western tie, letting the ends hang loose. Popped the snaps on the top two b.u.t.tons of his white dress s.h.i.+rt and untucked it from his pants.

A tiny thrill of possession rolled through her when she had peeks of his s.h.i.+ny new wedding band as he unsnapped his cuffs.

Carson removed his boots with practiced ease. Not once during his strip down had his eyes left her body.

Carolyn reached to slip off her right shoe, but his hand stayed the movement. "Leave 'em on. And open your knees wide so I can see what belongs to me."

Heart racing, she adjusted her heels and parted her thighs.

"Let that s.e.xy a.s.s hang off the bed a little and brace your arms behind you."

"You always gonna be this bossy?"

"Yep." He lowered to his knees. "Just tellin' you what I want."

"What do you want, Carson?"

"My mouth on my wife's p.u.s.s.y."

Her cheeks heated. She fought the urge to hide her face. Would she ever not blush when hearing him say such blatantly s.e.xual things?

You like it. That's why you're blus.h.i.+ng.

Then he opened his mouth over the satin covering her mound, delicately tracing the edge of her panties and her inner thigh with his tongue.

She sucked in a breath.

He continued to lap at her, getting her panties wetter and wetter-inside and out. He'd nip with his teeth, blow a stream of hot air, and suck; all the while his hands were caressing the skin between her stocking and garter belt. Finally he tugged at her panties but they didn't budge.

After making a displeased growl, Carson rested on his haunches and dug in his front pocket. He lifted his pocketknife into view and she gasped.

"What are you-?"

"Can't tear these off with my teeth so I need to cut 'em off." One quick slice by her hip, a firm tug and her underwear were dangling from his hand.


"I'll buy you a new pair," he said offhandedly and whipped them behind him.

His devastating mouth paused over her mound. She watched as he breathed her in. Then petal soft kisses landed on the petals of her s.e.x. Whisper light and tinged with devotion.

Oh, it was such a glorious sight, Carson's dark head between her legs and the sounds his mouth made as he ate at her. Feasted on her really. His tongue licked and teased, swirling and flicking. His soft growling noises vibrated against her sensitive flesh, pus.h.i.+ng her arousal to a new level.

Carson sensed the change and focused entirely on her hot b.u.t.ton.

It didn't take long before her pelvis tingled in warning. Pleasure slammed into her in waves so strong her entire body bowed. She gasped when he wouldn't relent; he just flicked that skilled tongue faster and faster until it set her off again. Once the second wave slowed to a dull throb, she thrust her hand into his silky hair, lightly tugging to get him to back off.

He lifted his head and their eyes met. He offered her a grin and feathered kisses over the inside of her knee. "You like me doin' that."

"You know I do."

"One of these days-soon-I'll stay right here for an hour to see how many times I can get you to come. But for right now..." He pushed to his knees. Then his hands glided up the tops of her thighs, over her hips and the garter belt, stopping on her rib cage.

Carolyn watched as his fingers traced the bottom band of her bra and disappeared behind her back. Those deft fingers of his unhooked the clasp.

"Ditch the bra."

She slid the straps down and peeled the cups away from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The instant the air hit the tips, they shriveled into hard points and she was tempted to cover them up again.

"d.a.m.n. You are perfect everywhere." He angled forward and enclosed her right nipple between his lips. Then his wet mouth and silky tongue worked her over. Soft sucking where it felt as if he tried to stuff her entire breast into his mouth. He released her flesh slowly. "You like that too."

"I like everything you do to me." She ran her hands through his hair. "I like everything you let me do to you."

Carson tilted his head back.

The fire blazing in his eyes made her mouth go dry.

"I want you from behind. I know it's our wedding night and you were probably expecting sweet love makin', but I need more than that." He rose up, looming over her, and snared her mouth in a soul-searing kiss.

She could scarcely catch her breath when he released her lips to attack her throat.

His lips grazed her ear. "I want you to feel my possession, Carolyn. So when you look back, you'll remember this as the night you became mine in name and body."

She whispered, "Show me."

Carson stripped and she sighed at seeing his muscular body, his s.e.x jutting out, fully aroused and ready for her. Then he rolled her onto her belly. His hands, his mouth, his body brought every nerve ending alive from the nape of her neck to her backs of her heels. She was a ma.s.s of need by the time he raised her hips into the air. He spread her p.u.s.s.y open with his fingers and impaled her in one stroke.

Then he caged her body beneath his and remained like that for several long moments. His hipbones pressed against her b.u.t.t cheeks, his belly and the hard wall of his chest plastered to her back, covering her completely. His strong arms alongside hers. His mouth on her ear.

This position was overwhelming-the possession and the intensity when he began to slam in and out of her. Hard and deep. Their skin grew slick. The sounds in the room were the squeak of the bed, their harsh breathing and the slap of flesh against flesh.

Her body seemed electrified, tingles zipping across every inch of her skin. The swollen pulse of her p.u.s.s.y around his c.o.c.k dangled her on that edge between pleasure and pain-a dizzying sensation she liked far more than she would've believed.

Carson shocked her by placing whisper soft kisses on the sweep of her shoulder even as he hammered into her. "I love you, Carolyn. You're mine forever." Then he fastened his mouth to the side of her throat and sucked, his hips bucking against hers wildly.

Between the love bite, his rapid-fire thrusts and the fiercely s.e.xy way he came, her name a deep growl that vibrated to her core, she went sailing off into ecstasy again.

She collapsed on the bed and he followed her down, his hips still slowly pumping. She winced when he pulled out, but she knew he was right about one thing; she'd never forget how he proved he owned her-heart, soul and body-straight down to the marrow of her bones.

Then they were face to face. His eyes were filled with so much love she couldn't breathe.

"Thanks for marryin' me. I promise I'll spend the rest of my life makin' you happy. I'll always put your needs and your happiness above everything else."

"Even the cattle?" she teased.

"Even them."

And she believed him.

Chapter Eighteen.

Present Day... Hospital, Day 2 After being in the hospital thirty-two hours, Carson had had enough of his own company.

He'd made a list of people who he'd welcome in the ICU waiting area: anyone with the last name McKay or Donohue. He'd half-expected/half-hoped that Keely would show up to rip into him.

But no one had stopped by. His phone hadn't rung even one time.

So he stared out the window. Or he sat in his chair in the corner, deluding himself that he could nap while he waited for his first hourly five-minute visit.

"Hey, Uncle Carson."

Carson turned and saw his youngest nephew, Dalton, leaning against the wall. He eyed him from his ball cap to his steel-toed boots. Dalton was a strapping guy with the rugged good looks the McKays were known for. He'd left Wyoming a few years back to get his s.h.i.+t together after taking the term "h.e.l.l-raising McKay" to a new level. Word among the family was Dalton liked to fight as much as Carson used to.

"How's the newlywed?"

Dalton grinned. "Happier than a pig in s.h.i.+t. And if you tell my beautiful wife I phrased it that way, I'll deny it."

"So noted." Carson lowered into a chair. "Got time to keep your old uncle company?"

"Of course." Dalton sat across from him. "I realize it's the dumbest question in the world, but how are you holdin' up?"

"I'm here. Beyond that, I don't know. It's a blur."

"Uncle Charlie mentioned you get to see Aunt Carolyn?"

"Not for the first twenty-four hours. In a bit they'll let me see her for five minutes. Which is better than nothin', I suppose."

"Your kids still givin' you grief about not sharing your time with them?"

Carson glanced up. His eyes narrowed. "I figured they would've sent Tell or Ben here as the peacemaker to try and talk some sense into me, not you."

"Whoa. I'm not here on anyone's behalf except my own. While I'd be p.i.s.sed off if it was my mom in there, my dad wouldn't have gone all guard dog for his wife or anyone else. So I don't understand where they're comin' from. And not to be a d.i.c.k, but you've been layin' down the law for years. Why in the h.e.l.l are they so surprised you're doin' it now with so much at stake?"

"That's the question I've been askin' myself the past thirty-two hours. Enough about that. How was the honeymoon?"

"Great. But I'll admit we were bit by the travel bug. Rory is already planning our next trip."

"Is she here?"

"She's at her mom's. Rielle said to tell you that you're in her and Gavin's thoughts. And once you and Carolyn are home, she'll bring by a meal or two for you."

"Tell her thanks. How long are you here for?"

Dalton adjusted his ball cap. "Just a couple of days. Now that the honeymoon is over, we both gotta get back to work. There's plenty of stuff to do on the house we bought." He groaned. "Don't know what the h.e.l.l we were thinkin'-the place is a money pit."

"I'm sure repairs are no problem for a man with your skill level. Kyler brags on you all the time. Says you can do anything."

"Ky's a great kid, but what he saw me doin' as far as a remodel at the house in Sundance was a cakewalk compared to what this house needs." He shook his head. "After all me'n Rory went through to be together, I swear it's fightin' about house stuff that'll break us up."

He raised an eyebrow. "That bad?"

"The crazy-a.s.sed woman threw a hammer at me."

"What did it hit?"

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Cowboy Take Me Away Part 35 summary

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