Cowboy Take Me Away Part 41

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A gasp tore from her throat. Her hold on his neck increased to the point of pain. But he f.u.c.king loved that almost as much as when she d.a.m.n near pulled out his hair when his face was buried in her c.u.n.t.

Abruptly Carolyn stopped moving. She shoved at his hand.

"What? Did I hurt you?"

"No. I need more. I'm still..." She released a frustrated noise and went straight for his belt buckle. "Take them off."



The primitive need to satisfy his mate fired every cell in his body. He forced himself to be gentle as he set her aside and stripped, blood and possession roaring through him. He wanted to f.u.c.k her from behind, needing to prove to her that he could take care of her in the way that mattered most.

Since she was pregnant, he paused, waiting for the fog of l.u.s.t to clear a bit. His Carolyn liked rougher s.e.x. In the past she'd had teeth marks on her a.s.s, finger-shaped bruises on her inner thighs, and purple love bites on her neck and chest as proof of the no-boundaries pa.s.sion that exploded between them.

"What?" she asked in that husky, f.u.c.k me now, what are you waiting for tone.

"Just tryin' to figure out how I want you first."

"Hurry up and decide."

Carson crawled across the bed, rolling her onto her side, then spooning behind her. He s.h.i.+fted her top leg back over his hip, sinking his teeth into the nape of her neck as he sank his c.o.c.k into her hot, slick p.u.s.s.y. "f.u.c.k, that feels good."


"I haven't started to move yet."

"I know. And I'm dying here."

"Look at me."

Carolyn turned her head. Her face was flushed and those blue eyes of hers were wild with need.

He was the luckiest d.a.m.n man in the world.

"Hard and fast?" he murmured.

"Please. I love the way you f.u.c.k me with that big c.o.c.k of yours, Carson McKay."

Might send him straight to h.e.l.l for loving the rare curse word coming from his good-girl Catholic wife, but so be it. So he pushed her to say it again. "I'm sorry, sugar, I didn't quite hear that."

"f.u.c.k me. Make me come so hard I pa.s.s out from the sheer bliss of having your c.o.c.k pounding into me."

"That I can do."

And he did.

He sent her over the edge twice-multiple for her was another benefit of pregnancy-and he roared like a beast when his b.a.l.l.s finally released his seed.

Carolyn bore down with her c.u.n.t muscles, milking him so hard he swore he came twice in a row. Sweat coated his body. Her breath drifting across his skin as she spiraled down from her o.r.g.a.s.m sent a shudder through him.

She sought his mouth, s.h.i.+fting their position so he was on his back with her laying half on top of him. She whispered, "I love you," against his lips and peppered kisses from his chin, up his jaw to his temple. "I am so lucky."

He snorted. "Because I f.u.c.ked you like an animal?"


When she didn't elaborate, he said, "You goin' someplace with this? 'Cause woman, I don't think my brain is firin' on all cylinders."

"I'm lucky because you are mine." She bit his earlobe. "Everything about you is just...mmm. This long sweep of your neck? Drives me crazy. It's warm and strong. Yet when I do this?" Carolyn sucked on the section of skin where his pulse pounded closest to the surface and he groaned. "I can make my big tough cowboy go weak in the knees."

"You love that power," he murmured.

"I love that I can spend just as much time wors.h.i.+pping your chest with my hands and mouth as you do wors.h.i.+pping mine."

Then she proved it. Mapping the cut of his muscles with her tongue. Licking and sucking. Doing that nuzzle and bite thing on his pectorals and his nipples that could make him shoot all over his belly.

"I love that this hard body of yours is mine to play with whenever I want. Other women still look at you and want you. I can't help but feel a little smug that these muscle-bound arms are around me every night." She feathered her thumb over his lips. "That this sinful, playful, skillful mouth knows every inch of my body."

"That's definitely...mmm for me."

Carolyn locked her gaze to his. "Nothing in my sheltered life prepared me for what it means to love Carson McKay, the gorgeous blue-eyed cowboy, third generation Wyoming rancher, h.e.l.l-raiser of the first order. But nothing in my sheltered life prepared me either for the way you look at me, for the way you love me. With everything you have, with everything you are. I can't believe with all the women you could've had who understand this ranch stuff, you picked me to build a life with." She pressed her cheek against his heart. "I'm grateful for you, for this life and sometimes I forget to tell you that."

This sweet, wonderful woman gave him so much and got so little in return. "I'm getting the better end of the deal, trust me."

They stayed entwined together.

"You must've worn Cord out," she said. "He never naps this long."

"He acted a little scared when me'n Dad had words."

"Wasn't the first time, won't be the last."

He stroked the curve of her hip. "So you sayin' Cord had better get used to it?"

"You tell me. Our son is the first born of the fourth generation of McKays. If he chooses to stay in the family business, he'll have the same types of things weighing on him that you do with your father."

"I can promise I'll never be like my dad was to me to our kids. Never."

Carson s.h.i.+fted in the hospital chair.

That hadn't been a promise he'd been able to keep. As much as he'd hoped things would improve with his father and the ranch over the next couple years, the situation deteriorated even more.

Chapter Twenty.

Hospital, Day 3-morning Carson stared out the window.


He'd done solitary work a good part of his life. Normally he had no problem spending time alone. But he was really sick and f.u.c.king tired of his own company.

You've done this to yourself, even if it's for Carolyn's benefit.

His kids were sticking together as far as he could tell. None of them had called. None had stopped by.

They'd all rallied around their mother during his surgery a few months back.

But Caro didn't bar them from contact with you. Not even after you coded on the table for two minutes.

But it wasn't the same.

The nurses left him alone-not that he expected them to entertain him. He'd never been much of a TV watcher, and having the b.o.o.b tube on, even low volume, grated on his nerves. But he was so...bored he'd turned the d.a.m.n thing on just for the company.

"Uncle Carson?"

He turned to see his nephew Quinn struggling with three bags. He crossed the small s.p.a.ce. "Here, lemme help you."

"Thanks. The nurses already checked them."

Carson peered inside. The two heavy canvas bags contained stacks of magazines and the third bag food.

"Libby raided the retired periodical stacks at the public library, lookin' for men's magazines. But don't be hopin' for Playboy," he said dryly.

"I'm afraid I was the blush and stammer type if I ever came across those, even in my youth."

"Me too."

"Tell Libby thanks. The distraction will be good. Not a h.e.l.luva lot to do in here."

"Ma made you a couple of sandwiches and other stuff. To 'tide you over', she said."

"Vi's gone above and beyond. Tell her thanks too."

"Sure thing." Then Quinn plopped down. "Go ahead and eat if you're hungry."

Carson remembered he hadn't eaten today. "You're sure? Looks like there's plenty to share."

"I just ate breakfast with Ben and Gavin. They wanted me to let you know that you're in their thoughts."

He nodded and removed the first sandwich-roast beef on rye-from the sandwich baggie and took a big bite.

Quinn rambled on about the ranch, not delving into anything too serious. Carson was grateful for the chatter while he polished off a sandwich and a slice of rhubarb pie. Vi's pies had the tastiest crust-not that he'd ever tell his wife that.

"I probably shoulda told you first thing that Adam and Amelia are both one hundred percent healthy. I heard the docs are concerned about even a simple infection somehow getting to her."

"That's good, especially for you and Libby. In our house it seemed like one of the kids always had some kinda c.r.a.p."

Quinn grinned. "That's because you had three times as many kids as we do, three times as many germ carriers."

"My brothers reminded us of that when we were lookin' for babysitters."

"You'll never catch me complaining about my kids. Me'n Lib waited a long d.a.m.n time for those blessings. For a while there...I wasn't sure we'd make it, especially not after I realized she was serious about kickin' my a.s.s out." Quinn adjusted his hat. "Sorry to be babbling on. I forget all that past stuff with me'n Lib has pa.s.sed through the McKay gossip channels and you know all about it."

"Only because we're aware that every couple has problems and we were glad to see you two worked it out."

"No McKay couple that I know of hit the skids as hard as we did," Quinn said.

Carson uncapped his second Dr. Pepper of the morning and drank. "That's because you weren't around when me'n Carolyn hit the skids."

Arms crossed over his chest, Quinn looked as if he wanted to call bulls.h.i.+t on that statement. "Oh yeah? You and Aunt Carolyn?"

"Yep. The first year we were married was pretty rough, dealing with all the West/McKay family bulls.h.i.+t, and her mother bein' so sick and dyin'. But we pulled through. Then we had Cord. Things were okay for a while after Colby was born, Round about years five and six, she threatened to kick my a.s.s out on numerous occasions-every one justified, but I sweet-talked my way back into her good graces. Don't get me wrong; I worked hard, but then I partied hard, leavin' her alone with two kids. Real f.u.c.kin' peach of a man I was during that time. I'd straighten up for a while, then go back to my same drinkin' and fightin' ways. Until she'd had enough. By that time we'd been married...about seven years."

"Jesus, Uncle Carson, I had no idea."

"No one does. Well, Cal and Kimi did because they lived close by and Cal had to deal with my drunken a.s.s and Kimi with her sister's tears. That was right before your mom came back and married your dad, so poor Charlie got sucked into bein' my partner in crime sometimes."

"You never told your kids?"

"Just Colt, and not the particulars, only to let him know I'd headed down that destructive path he'd been on. I've been of the mindset that problems between a husband and wife should be dealt with in private." Then again, he hadn't that luxury with Carolyn. Her blow-up had been very public.

"While normally I'd agree, in this case me'n Libby bein' separated and then getting back together forced my mom to do some soul searching. Like you said, I wasn't privy to my folks' intimate relations.h.i.+p before that, I just know it affected their marriage for the better afterward."

"And I'm glad of that too."

Silence stretched between them for the first time since Quinn had sat down. When Carson glanced at the clock, he realized thirty minutes had pa.s.sed. In ten minutes he could sit with Carolyn.

Quinn chuckled and rolled to his feet. "Guess I get the award for bringing the least amount of cheer into the waitin' room, huh?"

"Nah. It's good to reflect. And trust me; I've had plenty of time to think. No surprise that memory ain't one I'm lookin' to revisit."

"Take care, Uncle C. Tell Aunt Carolyn we're pullin' for her. And if you need anything, call."

He wouldn't call, but he appreciated the offer. "Thanks Quinn. Give my best to Libby and tell her thanks."

"Will do."

Carson used the bathroom and returned to staring out the window, counting the minutes.

It seemed forever before he heard, "Okay, Mr. McKay. Let's get you suited up."

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Cowboy Take Me Away Part 41 summary

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