I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth City (LN) I Work As A Healer In Another World's Labyrinth City (Ln) Volume 1 Chapter 2 Part3

I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth City (LN) -

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it's an un-edited version prepare your headache pill

special thanks to Maggie-sensei for helping me on a difficult words ^^

Oops forgot this one sorry T_T, VERY SPECIAL THANKS to Tim Wards for the donation of this LN that make it possible for me to translate it ^^, sorry I forgot, Tim, because it's in the middle of night when I release this m(_ _)m

part 3

“Yos.h.i.+, shall we go to a to have some lunch!?”

“Yes, Goshujin-sama!”


We continue doing until the afternoon, and then when we do some transaction on , we got more or less 2000 Zeni from the transaction.


The time that we spend on diving in was roughly 4 hours, I guess?

When I think that a general daily worker daily wages approximately not even reach 1000 Zeni, Yuel is doing a considerable thing to earn this amount of money.

It’s a good thing to hire Yuel for , because her war potential is excellent despite that at the same time she is an obedient and good child which is the most good thing above all.

She lavish an innocence smile like a child, yet not uttering any troublesome selfishness. Furthermore she is greatly attached to me. Perhaps, after her eyes healed when she first saw me just like a bird chick she might be think of me like I am her parents.

Also, maybe because I caressing her hair on every times the battle end in , I feel the things that I faced like being nervous or the like of it are come apart.

Oh, well, in any case, the things that Yuel think right now is....

“Ois.h.i.+, right? Goshujin-sama!”


When I look at Yuel who is stuffing her cheeks with food in front of me, somehow it’s healed me.

The food that she is eating actually bought using money that practically Yuel herself earned despite that, she shoot a beaming smile toward me without thinking about that thing at all.

If this were Eris, “I wonder if it’s delicious for you to eat lunch with other’s money?” is what she would likely to say.


“Ah, it’s s.h.i.+ki. We meet agai~n.”


When I turn my face to the voice that nonchalantly called me out, there was a red haired with a boyish nuance girl, Ruruka, there. She is alone this time too. I wonder what happens to her that she mention sometimes ago.

I wonder if the truth is she is a lone-wolf.

Perhaps she might be lonely. If that were the case by all means I want to console her on top of a bed.

“Yeah, we meet again, huh.”

“’If I went here maybe I will meet him’ was what I thought so I wait for you all this time, you know~. That’s because there was something that I want to talk about with s.h.i.+ki.”

When she said ‘because I want to talk about something’ she turn her face away and then she, Ruruka, peek a glance to here using a sidelong glance.

She is really sly. I must not taking seriously the speech or the att.i.tude of this fellow.

Ruruka is re~ally know on something like how to appeal to a man with the value of her figure. Making them taking it seriously and with her coaxing voice drawing them closer to her then on one day they will thinking something like “Maybe, this girl interested on me, don’t you agree~”, and before they notice it they will treat her with a very expensive food and sake. She’s that type of girl.

TN: it’s hostess type of girl that you’ll find on Roppongi Club or something close to that, read for more info – indra13

“Ummm..., Goshujin-sama, this person is?” 

Come to think of it, this was the first time for Yuel to meet Ruruka, huh. Should I introduce Yuel? But, if I were to say that I bought such a slave like Yuel, it would likely for her to call me a lolicon. To be frank, I didn’t want to introduce Yuel to her but.....


“Mn, Goshujin-sama, huh, that’s mean she is a , this kid that is. Uwaa what a cute chi~ld. However, s.h.i.+ki, for you to have interest on a little girl.... as expected, even for me, it makes me go ‘Ghe!’, you kno~w.”

TN: OT said “Donbiki” which means drawing away from someone because of their speech or action. – indra13


Uh-oh, I haven’t yet introduce her but I already got treated as a lolicon.

TN: I wonder how “lolicon” concept exist in this world? – indra13

However, no matter how you see her, n.o.body will think that I bought Yuel for , maybe it can’t be helped if someone see me as a lolicon because of that. But, I don’t want people to misunderstand me.

“It’s not like that, oke~y. Yuel, this redhead is Ruruka. She is my client at the time when I was still a , and my ’ in mind.”

“U, umm, I’m Yuel. Please treat me well.”

Yuel greets her timidly. Even though at that time against me she just suddenly embrace me, I wonder if she is actually shy to a stranger. A~, but at the time when I bought her, I feel that she was also like this. As expected, she is shy toward a stranger I guess, huh.

“I’m Ruruka, oke~y, nice to meet you. Ummm..., do you mean that although she is very cute, you are taking Yuel-chan to ?”

“Today, I lightly dive into , but if the opponent is just she will insta-kill it.” 

However, we are still not went beyond <3rd stratum="">. Because Yuel is not flawless, and also I haven’t investigate the information of beyond <3rd stratum="">.

“Whoa, do you mean that with that age she is a ? Though she is cute, she is amazi~ng.”

That’s right, though she is cute our Yuel-chan is awesome.

TN: yeah yeah – indra13

Somehow if it’s now the feeling of a doting parent that keeps on being proud of their child, I feel that I understand it a little.

TN: I’m not a doting parent! – indra13

“Yeah, she seem to posses .”

“Then, she is a . You are so lucky~, on my party, our is thin with only me as it. Yuel-chan, if you come to dislike this Goshujin-sama you can always come to me because I will redeem* you~.”

TN: the OT said “miukes.h.i.+te” means “paying to get someone out of bondage”. – indra13

“Don’t just go head hunting other people , d.a.m.n i~t!”

Though I cutting in on their conversation by rejecting it, things like Ruruka want to head hunting my are, well... as one would expected, is just a joke, however. Even if I don’t want it, but if Yuel is seriously saying that she want to be redeemed by her, I wonder what should I do when that happen. I don’t really want to think about it.

“Fo, for me to come to hate Goshujin-sama is something that will never ever going to happens.”

While I was thinking how she thought about that, Yuel was clearly declared what she thought about it.

Is that so? It will never ever going to happens, huh?

She is saying a pleasant thing, but I wonder, are there such person living in this world with a personality that can easily believing in others?

Ah, maybe because she is already my ? If that's the case, I can understand it.

“He~y s.h.i.+ki, do you really just bought her yesterday? Just what did you do to her that make her adore you in just one day? Don’t tell me, that you!”

“A, I her, okay! Because when I notice her at the she had an injury on her face, you know.”

“Yes, my blind eyes, my crushed nose, and also my torned ear, all of that are cured by Goshujin-sama. Moreover, he is doing it with care. Goshujin-sama is my most precious one!”

“Hm~, I see, so that’s the case. Um~, but I can’t see that there were such a serious injuries before on Yuel body anymore, there are also no trace of it either.”

“We~ll, that’s thanks to my great skill, right?”

It is said that someone need a considerable amount of and to provide a precise as to absolutely not leave any bruise with .

However, in my case, even if I’m not sensing the wound there won’t be any of it left, also my maximum value is too high because of that when I her it’s not giving any feeling that I use a specially big so I didn’t really feel any burden.

“I have some request to THE s.h.i.+ki-san who have such ability~”

“No way.”

A great forecasting lit up in my head. It must be something like ‘please me free of charge’. Well... it’s not like there would be any demerit to myself if I were to her, but I cannot let myself being used around just like that.

Since it’s a work, I want a compensation for it.

“Ee~h, s.h.i.+ki and me are close ri~ght? After s.h.i.+ki is fired from Eris-san’ place, there are no more that’s THAT cheap and ALSO can properly erase the wound like you, you kno~w. I’ll properly pay 200 Zeni for it, and it’s fine if you only use , O~k?”

Now that you mention it, I feel that Eris have also said it before that to or using until the scar is gone is hard. It takes time and it’s done with a precise operation, and because one must use a suitable and when one perform it, it cannot be always performed.

However, when I think of it if I compare between that amount of money than to give here a free service it’s certainly a reasonable price. Well, if I were to compare it to the market price certainly it’s cheap, but it’s the same price with the price on Eris place.

Nevertheless, it’s unusual for her to be like this.

Even though if it’s the usual her, she would take off her showing off her soft abundant bosom and then in that state she would came to hug me from behind, using that atrocious way of negotiations she would forced me to give her a discount.

, huh? Well, as long as you pay it properly, then I’ll do it. Huh? But don’t you need to be injured before I could cure you?”

“You said you’ll do it, right? Please do properly, ok?”

Ruruka taking out a and then she pay the money for the job. Paying in advance? How unusual, while thinking like that somehow a bad feeling come surging out from my heart.

It’s an ambiance similar to who left at a quick pace. I feel an intention to quickly advance the talk before I changing my mind from her.

“Oi, come he~re.”

There were two girls on the direction Ruruka look at.

One of them have a blond hair that is styled into a twin-tail with a drill*, a strong willed-like girl. The other one have a blue hair that is grow up to her shoulder, a calm girl that carrying a bow on her shoulder.

TN: Dunno why it’s written as ‘blond’ here even though her hair is actually silver, anyway, blond + twin tail + drill = tsundere – indra13

The blond one is 16 years old and the blue one is 18 years old, I guess?

TN: it’s silve~r – indra13

The two of them standing up from the table where they sitting down and then came walking down towards us. The blond drill twin tail one is looking this way in a way like she is scowled at us. The other one, the one with blue bob hair, is sighing when she looked at the blond one expression.

TN: I said, it’s silver! – indra13

“This blond girl is Fran, and this blue hair girl is Sera. They are my .”

TN: are you ignoring me? – indra13


TN: yup, tsundere~ or a frickin’ yuri type girl

“I’m Sera. I have always been indebted to Ruruka.”

TN: it’s just some courtesy words, forgot how it should be in English, will change it if I remember it again ^^ – indra13

The twin tail girl called Fran is snorted in displeasure, meanwhile the girl called Sera politely introduce herself.

“Ou, I’m s.h.i.+ki, this one is my , Yuel. Nice to meetcha.”

“Ni, nice to meet you.”

After their greetings, me and Yuel introduce ourself in return to it.

Come to think of it, I feel that Ruruka had said before that there is a “pure” girl as her .

There is no mistake that this girl who called Fran must be that “pure” girl, I guess. Even now, she turns her face a way in displeasure. It seems that there is no sign from her to start a conversation with a creature called “male”.

“So~, what I want from s.h.i.+ki is for you to Fran’ shoulder. She got bite by

Then why did you became something like an even if you are a woman you can fight a .

There is danger in doing , but the profits is also great. Perhaps the occupational consciousness difference between man and woman in this world is smaller than the previous world.

However, this girl who are called Fran, I guess. Because she is wearing a I cannot see the injury itself, but because the robe got torn a little, I can slightly see a white bandage within it. And as expected, she don’t want to face me.

If only this is a situation where she is hiding her embarra.s.sment of thinking something like ‘for such an ikemen -san to cast on someone like me, my mind is being blown awa~y by it’ by turning her face away, I will also cast in high spirit and after that I will push her down, however no matter how I look at her, Fran expression is nothing like that.

It’s similar to a face that you make by adding displeasure, disgust, and disdain, and then you mix those together with a mixer. There is no value on a strong woman that doesn’t have affection*. This fella is no more than just a rude woman. Frankly, I didn’t want to her.

TN: a ‘Tsun’ without ‘Dere’ – indra13

I want to say something like, “Hey hey, why do you attach a drill on the side of your he~ad?”. Is it won’t do if it’s not a drill? I think something like a spiral sh.e.l.l is better.

T/N: why don’t you say it and got blown away by her magic? I want to see that scene. Besides what’s the difference on a drill and a spiral anyway? – indra13

Anyway, it’s a feeling where you want to make fun on that kind of hairstyle with all your might, she must have been always woke up early on every morning and do her best setting her hair to be like that.

“s.h.i.+ki, ple~ase. I have already paid the money, right?”

Ooh, so this is the reason for that advance payment. Ruruka understands my character really well.

If she’s not did the prepayment, I might declare something like “I will treat you if you let me kiss your cheek”. I can picture the image of Fran leaving in rage.

“I can’t see the afflicted part really well hu~h, can you take off that robe?” there is sekuhara implicit in the way I say it, but even using that measures I knew that Fran will still leave in rage, I guess.

Seeing that I have received the money, I can’t do such a thing like not treating her. It’s hard to sekuhara her in a way that can angering her. It is fine to even do it, but in doing so, this time the one that will be angered are not her but Ruruka, I guess.

She is really a woman who has really thinking this through.

TN: Ruruka that is – indra13

“Haa, .”

TN: why not you ask? Dunno I’m not the author – indra13

I ogling Fran body like I licking it while I cast on her as a minimum retaliation toward her annoying att.i.tude.

However, when my gaze fall on her chest, I can say that I hardly felt any undulation from it. If the personality is deplorable then the chest will also deplorable.

TN: wondering what the correlation is? Have you read ch 2 WN of pervert healer? In there s.h.i.+ki said that Eris is a broad-minded human, in j.a.panese it was 懐の深い coincidentally 懐 can means bosom and 深い can means intense so in other words he is also saying that Eris have an ‘intense bosom’ which is true LOL – indra13

With just a glance, I more or less realize that Sera possess a big “thing” and, though she conceal it with , Ruruka is also kyonyuu.

TN: huge breast – indra13

In that I met this time, you are the only one that is hinyuu huh, is what I badly want to say to her.

TN: small breast – indra13

As I invoke , a warm light gathered on Fran shoulder. I cannot verify it, but oh well, I guess it’s probably healed already. Even while checking her shoulder Fran is not changing her displeasure-like expression.

“Isn’t it fine for you to at least say some grat.i.tude to me~?”

“For things that I don’t ask for?”

Ugh. She was really irritated me, But I’m not that short tempered to got snapped by something like this. The me right now have something that can soothe my heart called Yuel.

I don’t want to show such unsightly appearance to Yuel. I also don’t want her to be scared when she see the scene where I’m angry at someone. I wonder if this is THAT ‘the nature of parents parenthood is to be gentle’.

“A, ahaha. Sorry, s.h.i.+ki. Fran is actually not bad chi~ld.”

Ruruka let out a follow up word to coaxing Fran who not changing her th.o.r.n.y att.i.tude. However, isn’t that there is still a limit for a bad att.i.tude even if you are a man-hater. Don’t want to make any conversation, and she even don’t want to say any grat.i.tude, when it comes to that usually it’s gonna be really hard for one’s livelihood, right?

Aa, I wonder if that’s why she became an when is done.

Ruruka said “I’ll leave it to you again, next ti~me”, however to tell you the truth I don’t want to Fran ever again.

It’s decided, even if there will be next time I must firmly refuse it. If Ruruka said that I must do it no matter what then I’ll have Fran to let me rub her chest.

A, but she is hinyuu, huh. As I thought, what a shame.


The next day after doing Fran .

When I open my eyes, in front of me, Yuel is there.

On top of the single size bed, she is making a gentle sleeping’s breath while being made into a dakimakura just like yesterday. Still, the bed feel surprisingly warm by only adding one more person in it.

Though the seasons right now is spring, the chilly day is still continues.

Tentatively, there are four seasons in regards to this world seasons, or more precisely the almanac in this world is roughly the same with the one in earth. If I were to say the difference between them, at best it’s the name of days in the week and the way of speaking of the months that is more or less the only difference between them.

Right now is . It’s mean the beginning month of the spring, if I were to say it in j.a.pan month, it’s .

TN: in english it’s January for 1st month (Ichigatsu) and March for 3rd month (Sangatsu).

It’s easily to get cold in the morning.

Thus, I understand it really well the reasons for her to cling to me, but as I expected, Yuel is thin. 

I think that for a girl at her age she should be more chubby1 than this, but the bone texture of her shoulder, back, and so on is stand out excessively.


1.      OT said ぷにっと, Maggie-sensei said that ぷにっと is a slang word from ぷにぷにする

      which is you use when you describe something flabby, because I think the image of flabby is bad so I change it to chubby ^^ - indra13

2.     d.a.m.n, you s.h.i.+ki, how dare you to be so petty as to only let her eat 2-3 servings of adult, you should have let her eat 10 portion of adult you know #-_-, poor Yuel T_T - indra13

Today, I thought whether we should go further into the deep layer of or not, but it might be better for me to not yet make Yuel do excessive things.

Because neither her muscle strength or instantaneous movement strength is flawless, it will become a problem if her malnutrition is the cause of her making a mistake.

It’s good if she just got wounded because I can just treat her, however if she were to lose her confidence and become afraid of , it will hard to deal when I facing a mental like problem that come out like that one.

At least I still have money for lodging till tomorrow.

Because I know that it will be easy victory against the , it might be better to strike the indiscriminately, all day long.

When I thinking that matter while checking Yuel body circ.u.mstances, Yuel is woken up. Her face become slightly red and with a little surprised-like face she intently looking to my eyes.

*fuu* And then she raised her chin and slowly closing her eyes.

TN: a mimetic word to lifting something – indra13

It’s wrong. You misunderstand me (>_<>

I was just checking the health and fleshness of your body, it’s not I find that my carnal desire is unmanageable so I grope your body.

However, what should I do now? I guess The Yuel right now is the so-called state of people who is waiting to be kissed.

I wonder if it’s just a kiss then it’ll be acceptable? Since she is a after all.


Nah, it’s “out”, I guess?

TN: fiuh, our heroine lips is sa~ve (^_^)b – indra13

As one would expected, I won’t be able to avoid the label of if I were to do it. Besides, if I were to respond it here by kissing her, I won’t be able to straighten Yuel misunderstanding.

If it would escalated from just a kiss into something else, it would be really dangerous.

While I am thinking such things, the situation keep on changing by the minute.

To be more specific, Yuel condition comparing to the way it was sometimes ago, *tremble* right now she is s.h.i.+vering and her face is dyed in bright red.

Perhaps because I didn’t respond to her at all she might have been realized it herself that maybe she has misunderstood my action.

This is embarra.s.sing, it’s really an embarra.s.sing thing to do.

However, I wonder if it’s better this way?

If this was the yesterday girl that called... Fran I guess, I’ll poke her with my finger and then *Guahahaha* I would laugh explosively. The problem is, the one as my partner right now is not that girl but the sweet and adorable with a pure sincerity, Yuel-san.

If I make a mistake on dealing with this problem and dragging it, I cannot denied that there is a chance that this problem may cast a shadow on her innocent smile.

TN: You’ll also be killed by me -_- - indra13

What should I do?

Mission is officially announced.

The first quick and simple way to do it is by kissing her just like that.

However, there is a possibility that doing this may make a problem on the nature of our future relations.h.i.+p. It’s escalate the danger. A relations.h.i.+p where the very young slave girl is yearning myself. I can feel a little trembling thing come out of my chest, but presently, I want to continue having a pure-like relations.h.i.+p with her for several more years. The reason for that is because I’m not a lolicon. Besides to do such things like raping a very young slave girl, the rest of my reputation will go the drain if I were to do that.

Even Ruruka that seems to be relatively have open-minded like nature will without mistake drawing away from me. Besides, it’s true that I have made Yuel to adores me, however, to look the pure Yuel with that kind of eyes, somehow it’s become a feeling where a guy tricked a girl in order to “eat” her. However, by no means I will do such things. Anyway, I want to choose another way than to kiss her.

The other way is......

Ugh..., it’s useless, there is no more time to think.

Yuel is already blushed till the tip of her ears, and tears starting to surface on the corner of her eyes.


c.r.a.p, the shame that Yuel feels right now is in dangerous level.

She is already hitting her limit, if I don’t caring her fast she will....

Let’s caress her, for now, let’s caress her. Immediately, I embrace Yuel’ back and then caressing the back of her head.

Rhythmically, *rustle* I comb her silver hair with a gentle touch like how people would soothe a child.

While I continue caressing her, I made my thought to rotate around.

What should I do? What should I do to make her feel better?

It maybe because until now I was always fanned up others fault so I don’t have enough experience to comfort a ladies.

Even in a situation like this, “Guhehe, let me comfort you on top of the bed, Ojou-chan.”, only such word that a sleazebag would say is the only word that come to my mind.

Not good, like this. I’m really fundamentally not suited on comforting girls. Thus, in the end....

“Um~, err, let’s leave things like that when you grow up a bit more, ok? For now, it’s fine if you just eat a lot, sleep a lot, and work moderately.”

The solution that I choose was the all-purpose anti-child weapon, “When you have grow up.”

TN: Yup, it mostly effective against most of the children – indra13

I feel I have also used it before, but there is nothing else to use than this on my . Or rather, it’s not even a comforting word.

Besides, if a child want to do something, it’s fine if they are only sleep a lot and eat a lot. Was what I want to say, but if I were to do that then we wouln’t be able to make a living. Not having money means that there is a risk for me on limiting my geniality.

“Um, as expected, I wonder if there is no on me?”

Seeing Yuel depressed expression, I feel that I desperately wanted to dispel that by saying “That’s not true, you know.”

However, Words that’s not accompanied by a conduct will become a shallow words. And yet, even if I want to, I cannot accompanied my words with an act.

“That’s because you are still a child, you know. However, given some more years you are surely will become a charming lady. I guarantee it.”

“To become a charming lady......... Yes, I will do my best on it, Goshujin-sama!”

Yuel countenance is brighten up in a flash.

Easy, you are so easy to handle oh my dear Yuel.

Somehow, it seems that it’s fine to praise her by giving her a feel that we are looking forward of her development.

However, with this, . I have safely carrying out the professional duties of a pimp.

TN: heee.... so you are a pimp, huh. No wonder -_- - indra13

We leave the , and go to the to take a breakfast.

If it was the where we stay 2 days ago, we can have a meal in it. However, today we are staying at a 500 Zeni .

It’s not that we can’t stay at the place that have a bathroom in it, but if we do that I might be unable to buy Yuel a clothes, and I can’t have that happens.

I cannot waste money at all.

The usual that I went to have a good flavor, good quant.i.ty, and good price, and it also came with a lively waitress in miniskirt. In addition to this, the menu and personnel is changed every 24 hours, it’s a management that can even scare The Pub in j.a.pan.

TN: just a little trivia, correct me if I’m wrong, in j.a.pan, business that operating in that kind of line (snack bar, host club, sake bar, etc) is usually operated at night, rarely they go 24 hour, read and for more infos, - indra13

Before, I came there with a purpose to get my order taken by the waitress that come by wearing a fluttering miniskirt. My purpose coming there now was to let Yuel eat delicious thing properly.

I properly order food for 4 people, and then as soon as every last of the food is delivered, together with Yuel, I eat them with a gusto.

While we are at it, I also ordered a for our bento, and then I store it on the . This is also 4 people portion worth. Engel’s coefficient is dangerous.

We leave the and quickly go down the stone stairway, inside the in the

At the gotten destination, the wall of solid stones on of is rumbled and then dimly luminescing, lighted up the destination.

is exactly similar to on roguelike game.

In , there is a pathway with a wide where only one person is able to swing a sword, there is a large room beyond that pathway.

TN: at first I thought this is similar to Eternal Poison but instead the author make it to be similar to s.h.i.+ren The Wanderer huh – indra13

There is also several path beyond that room, there is a room and also a dead end beyond that several path.

The small room and pathway is combined and was made similar to a maze.

TN: duh, that’s why it’s called - indra13

Though it seems that you may lose in it, in actuality you won’t be able to lose.

Because there is a placed on the shortest route that connect each making it into a .

It seems that thanks to the effort of that they perform periodically, have been placed till .

I think that as long as I follow this there should be no way for me to be lost inside .

Even on the where you normally need to explore it for several hours till you can move to the next , You can proceed to the next stratum in a short time when you use this .

But there are a few on this .

That’s because it’s a route where a lot of

Therefore it’s necessary for me to enter from the and do in order to a lot of .

Because someone doesn’t tread into the inside of too much, the likelihood of a to be there is high for sure.

Today objective is to look for while hunting on the <3rd stratum="">, with this today plan is settled.

*shk shk shk shk* While watching Yuel chopping up the just like yesterday, I’m holding the sandwich for lunch.

TN: do some work you leech! -_- - indra13

This time it was against 4 at the same time, but as expected she was uninjured.

At the time when she defeated the 2nd , there was a that change it’s target and came to my way, but she also defeated that fella by throwing her to it.

And then, after that, she put an end to the remaining by thrusting the deeply to the eyeball, as expected, so gross.

TN: Yuel, the awesome loli  o/ – indra13

However, for a monster to even came to my direction that means that perhaps 4 opponent is the limit when she fight against them at the same time.

If it’s just then even if they come in a large quant.i.ty perhaps Yuel by herself will be fine against them, but me who is in the back is likely to be beaten up by them till I become an octopus.

TN: Maggie-sensei said that タコ殴り (tako naguri)  is a slang for beat up someone really badly, but where the fun in it if I use “likely to be beaten up really badly by them”, right? – indra13

I don’t hold any weapon at all. The only thing that I’ve got on my hands is just for lunch.

TN: food can also become a weapon you know – indra13

That is to say, I do not fighting together with Yuel because I think that I would only obstruct her, however should I carry some weapon just for self-defense measure?

Even if I got beaten up till I become an octopus, using my superfluous by invoking each time I got beaten by them perhaps I won’t be quickly to die. However, I don’t really want to confirm it, to begin with, I don’t want to fall to that circ.u.mstances.

The most simple way is to make Yuel dive into by herself, however when I think what if she won’t ever came back again because of that, I’m unable to do that no matter what.

I can easily imagine myself become irritated with worry and feeling of guilt while waiting for her to come back on after I made her to dive into . Having been living together with her all these days, a considerable amount of affection to her is growing on me. I mean, the one that’s not feeling anything when that person were to face that extent of kindness and smile everyday is the weird one.

Thus, self-defense measure is necessary for the sake of doing with Yuel in the future.

I lightly caressing Yuel head who is came back after she finish retrieving , and let her eating the sandwich that’s for lunch.

For Yuel sake who got her hands a little dirty, we are doing the so called “A~n” situation right now.

*nom nom nom* When I look at Yuel who munching the sandwich, it’s as if the trampling scene just a while ago is just an illusion, and it become a calm mood.

The sandwich is a thing where there are a leaf vegetable like a lettuce and thick ham inserted in it with all sorts of spices and a white salty-sweet dressing lavishly apllied to it. The sandwich that I grab with my right hand is rapidly vanish into Yuel mouth, it shrink till at the size where it pinched by my two fingers.

When I put the last piece to Yuel mouth and were gonna withdraw it, that hand was caught by Yuel.

TN: o_O – indra13

*warm* a warm feeling crawling on my finger.

TN: orz – indra13

She licked it.

Yuel is, my finger is.

Yuel is slowly licking from my fingertips the white dressing that being leave behind on my hand.

The middle finger, the index finger, and then the thumb. Even if I want to withdraw my hand, I’m unable to do it because Yuel is holding my wrist tightly and don’t want to separate with it.

TN: Alright it’s decided, I call a dib on Yuel as my wife – indra13

And then especially to my thumb where there are a lot of white dressing being leave behind.

Yuel, to that finger she ―― *chomp* put it on her mouth.

From her tongue, from the mucous membrane of her mouth, a heat that is hot enough is being transmitted. Yuel is slurping my thumb while closing her eyes as if she is savoring the taste of it. While leaking out a light breath, using her tongue, she licks my whole thumb.

TN: *gulp* – indra13

“This dressing, it’s spicy, right? Goshujin-sama?”

Like an electric shock, the lower body of this side is nearly on the verge of coming.

TN: Pervert – indra13 

Nah, if I look on how Yuel does it, perhaps as a she is just cleaning it because her Goshujin-sama finger was dirty.

TN: trying to become a dense MC huh – indra13

Surely, surely that must be how is it.

Misunderstanding it is not good, I mean I don’t want to mistaken it for anything.

Nevertheless as expected, this is....... I wonder why did Yuel is trying to finish it by corrupting me frivolously?

TN: no way my Yuel is that calculative, you know -_- - indra13

My reasoning is in danger.

Afterwards, we go to the while I somehow able to keep my reasoning.

Today’s earning is 3,100 Zeni.

To begin with, we continue doing the till roughly past 3 o’clock, today. However, there was no discovery. From the talk that I heard on the , it seems that the is more easier to appear on the deeper than on the earlier .

The reasons seems to be because with the little number of the it’s hard to come across them on the deep .

Even if the is being discovered by somebody, it seems that the is being repositioned for the time being. That reposition process is taking a considerable time till it done and the is show up again.

I also want to go more into the deep , however I don’t wanna to got aimed at and being beaten up till I become an octopus.

Let’s continue doing the , at least until we have saved enough money to buy for self-defense use.

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I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth City (LN) I Work As A Healer In Another World's Labyrinth City (Ln) Volume 1 Chapter 2 Part3 summary

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