Risk. Part 13

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"Whatever I say to you in the next five minutes must be kept between us. No matter what this leads to you can't let on that you know anything different, deal?"

"Deal." I said barely keeping calm.

"Olivia went to bed with a headache, her cell rang I thought it was you so I was going to pick up and tell you what's up but the caller ID was *Alex's Cell'."

The dead brother was calling? "A different Alex?"

"Not a chance, I tracked the number, it came from her apartment before the signal went dead."

Ah h.e.l.l, someone was effing with Olivia and that more than p.i.s.sed me off. "Someone turned the phone off?"

"That's my guess."

"Does Olivia know about this?"

"No, she was sleeping when the call came in and was still sleeping when I put the phone back. What are you going to do Jonah?" If I had it my way I would go to Olivia's apartment and let my fist do the talking until Ty or Darcy started talking. Was it one of them or was someone else there? "I don't know." I said finally.

"I went ahead and tracked Darcy and Ty's numbers they're both at the apartment or well their cells are at least."

My money was on Darcy; I knew there was something off about that girl. G.o.d help her if I found out she was s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g with Olivia. "Let's play this one slow but kept tracking their numbers, I want to know where they're going for the next couple of days." Then when I had more information I would pay one or both of them a visit.

Chapter 13.

"Let's just not go." Olivia screamed from behind the bathroom door where she was doing some kind of girly s.h.i.+t.

"Olivia, it's just dinner, it's going to be fine." I yelled back b.u.t.toning up my s.h.i.+rt.

"How can you say that, you've heard them on the phone with me and you were at the coffee shop with *Christopher the a.s.shole'?"

"You know what; let's play a game it'll show you it's not that bad and that you maybe overreact when it comes to your parents." I mean really how hard could it be to show up, eat and leave?

"What kind of game?"

"Jonah!" Denny screamed up the stairs, "That Darcy girl is here to see Olivia."

How the f.u.c.k did she know where we live? And why hadn't I told Denny so he would have kept that b.i.t.c.h out of my house and Olivia far away from her.

"Did Denny say Darcy is here?" Olivia said coming out of the bathroom.

I know I had a problem to deal with and Darcy being here was not at all good but hot d.a.m.n, my eyes just about popped out of my head. Olivia was in a skin tight midnight blue dress that hugged her figure showing off her beautiful body, it had my mouth watering, my hands itching to take it all off and my mind screaming forget everything else and just get on that.

Shaking my head in an attempt to clear away the red haze of desire I looked down at my clothes and frowned. "Should I change?" I said sounding like a big girl as I gestured to my black jeans and black dress s.h.i.+rt that was left un-tucked with the sleeves rolled up showing off the tattoo on my forearm.

"h.e.l.l no, you're looking hot Jonah!"

"I'm sure your parents will have the same thought."

"The way you look, probably."

"Jonah!" Denny shouted flinging the door open, "If you don't get that girl out of my house now I'm getting my gun."

"Dennya" I hissed hoping my face was showing him there was an a.s.s kicking coming his way.

"You do not have a gun." Olivia laughed shaking her head.

"h.e.l.lo b.o.o.bies." Denny said tilting his head to the side for a better view of Olivia's chest.

"Denny!" I yelled, five seconds away from saying screw it and kicking his a.s.s right now.

"Right, eyes off her b.o.o.bies. Get that girl out of my house."

"What's wrong with Darcy?" Olivia asked heading for the door.

"She's a bit-" Smacking my hand upside Denny's head I shook my head, "A bit talkative." Denny growled.

"Darcy what are you doing here girl?" Olivia's voice sounded from the stairs.

"Just checking on you, haven't really seen you lately. Have you been staying here?" Darcy asked in the fakest voice I'd ever heard.

"Why does that sound like she is fis.h.i.+ng for information and not just shooting the s.h.i.+t?" Denny whispered to me as we walked to the stairs.

"Because she is." Stopping beside the stairs but out of sight I put my hand up to stop Denny from walking down the stairs. "Last night Mason went to pick up Olivia's cell after she went to bed. Caller ID said *Alex's Cell' calling."

"What?" Denny whispered.

"Mason tracked the number back to Olivia's apartment." Putting my finger to my lips I shushed Denny's cussing so I could hear Darcy's next question.

"I need to talk to you alone." Darcy said, lowering her voice with a slightly alarmed tone.

"Talk, Jonah and Denny are upstairs." Olivia said sounding anxious.

f.u.c.king Darcy was scaring my girl, didn't like that at all.

"What do you really know about Jonah?"

"What?" Olivia said, shock clear in her voice.

"He seems kind of dangerous. Have you noticed anything odd?"

"Darcy what's going on?"

"Nothing I just wanted to make sure your ok, Jonah's not really your type."


"Forget it Liv, I'll let you get back to your evening."

Sounding confused Olivia said her goodbyes.

Shaking his head, anger flashed in his dark eyes, "You have a problem brother."

Oh yeah I did, Darcy was up to something and she wanted to know what Olivia knew about me. Darcy was working with someone. Question was who were they and what kind of business were they involved in?

Walking straight to the front door I looked out to see Darcy sliding into a sliver car with Ty behind the wheel.

Did Darcy have a partner in crime?

"What did Darcy want?" I asked Olivia as I walked into the kitchen.

"I really don't know she was acting kind of weird." Olivia said eyes focused on slipping her foot into shoes that were way too high.

"Weird how?" Denny asked coming into the kitchen, as I poured out the water in the two bottles I had taken out of the fridge. "What are you doing?" Denny questioned as I refilled the bottles with vodka.

"I don't know, maybe she just misses me and yes what are you doing Jonah?" Olivia asked staring at the bottles with raised eyebrows.

"Olivia and I are going to play a drinking game. Every time your mother says something mean I will take a sip, every time your father does, you take a sip. And then when we both come home perfectly fine it will prove my point that dinner with your parents is not that bad."

"Denny we're going to need you to pick us up from my parent's house; also you're going to need someone to cover for Jonah tonight at the club."

"We'll see." I said, confident I was right.

If I could eat dinner with a drug lord and survive, eating with her parents would be a piece of cake.

We had gotten as far as the foyer when I regretted my earlier statement, eating with her parents was going to be far from a piece of cake as one could get and if I was being honest I would rather eat dinner with a drug lord.

"You have got to be kidding me." Olivia's dad mumbled face strained so tight a vein was popping out of his forehead.

Hand held to her chest Olivia's mom looked like she was about to cry, "Oh Olivia." She whispered.

Gripping my hand so hard I feared she would break my bones, Olivia grabbed the water bottle from my hand. Giving me a big fake smile she lifted the bottle in the air, "Cheers sweetheart." She hissed taking a huge sip of vodka.

Sweet Jesus what had I done.

"So how was dinner kids?" Denny asked smugly, leaning out the window as Olivia and I stumbled our way to the car.

I was kind of drunk. Olivia was very drunk.

Giggling we fell into the backseat of Mason's SUV.

"The drinking game was a bad idea." I said laughing harder for no reason at all.

"My mother was mean, so was my father." Olivia slurred.

"Well did they at least like Jonah?" Denny asked in a mocking tone.

"Nope!" Olivia answered her head falling on to my shoulder.

"It didn't help when Olivia unb.u.t.toned my s.h.i.+rt to show her parents the tattoos on my chest."

"Yes!" Denny yelled smacking his hand against the dashboard.

"Oh Olivia." Mason said shaking his head.

"Or when she described what my tongue ring feels like against her skin."

"This just keeps getting better." Denny shouted.

"I didn't help; you didn't help by telling my dad you knew someone who could take care of *Christopher the a.s.shole'."

"It wouldn't have mattered what I said they took one look at me and decided they hated me."

"Don't worry they hate me too, my dad called me jailbait."

"That wasn't directed to you baby it was a jab at me because I'm nine years older then you."

"You're nine years old than me?" Olivia shouted spinning around to look at me.

"d.a.m.n Jonah how much did you let her drink?"

"Too much." I groaned.

"What else are you keeping from me?" Olivia screeched.

"There's a conversation." Denny laughed.

"Shut up Denny." I yelled trying to slap his head but completely missing.

"Oh my G.o.d I don't know your last name, you don't know my last name."

"Your last name is Rees and mine is Diaz." I said kissing her forehead.

"Oh yeah I knew that. Where are you" Olivia asked her hand hitting into my face.

"I haven't been wearing my all night."

Her glazed over baby blue eyes stared at me hard, "No s.h.i.+t?"

"I love drunk Olivia." Denny laughed turning in his seat, "Olivia sweetheart are you one of these girls that tells the truth when they're drunk?"

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Risk. Part 13 summary

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