Risk. Part 16

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"That's debatable." Denny said barking out a short laugh.

Jonah pushed the guys face back into the fence, "You hear about the black car following my girl?"

"Yeah man everyone heard you shook down half of Denver. But that's all I know."

"Alright Shark I got one more question then you can go back to doing whatever the f.u.c.k it is that you do. Know anything about Alex Rees?"

Jonah's question hit me right in the heart and had me stumbling on my heels. Knocking into the trashcans behind me I sent them falling to the ground with a loud bang. Before I could do anything four guns were pointing at me.

"Olivia!" Jonah shouted lowering his gun. "Put your guns down, now." He snapped to the others.

Breathing heavily I clutched on to the material over my heart hoping that this could somehow stop my heart from breaking into a million pieces.

"Put your gun down now Shark." Jonah barked at the only person pointing a gun at me now.

"f.u.c.k no. I don't know this chick." The man with s.h.a.ggy blonde hair yelled.

As fast as lightening Denny moved in front of the guy pointing his gun at the blonde guy's head "Put it down now Shark."

"I'm guessing we're done here so me and my boy are just going to be going before someone gets shot."

"Go." Jonah yelled not taking his eyes off me, "But Shark you and your boy never saw Olivia."

"I got you J." The guy said as him and his friend disappeared behind the back of the building.

Putting his gun G.o.d knows where, Jonah put his hands out in front of him, "I'm going to come closer Olivia." He spoke at me like I was a frighten animal.

By the way I jumped when he spoke I guess I was.

Backing up for every step he took closer Jonah growled in frustration. "Olivia I'm not going to hurt you baby."

Shaking my head without really knowing what I was shaking my head at, I clutched at my heart harder feeling my nails digging into my skin.

"Baby, let me explain." Jonah begged.

"No." I cried as I turned and ran for Vinnie's stupid driver.

Thankfully the driver was waiting by the back door, seeing me running with Jonah and Denny right behind me the driver quickly opened the door and helped me in.

"Olivia do not go with him." Jonah screamed as the driver shut the door.

Jonah started to run towards the car but Denny caught him.

Looking at Jonah's face I started to cry harder, the haunted look that I hated to see was back but this time it was ten times worse, his face was an off white, his mouth hung open and his eye sparkled with unshed tears.

What the h.e.l.l had I just walked into? Guns, s.h.i.+pments and asking about my brother what did all that even mean?

Like one of those guns had gone off, the hole I felt in my heart when the answer came to me had me doubling over trying to hold myself together. Drugs it was all about f.u.c.king drugs.

The car must have stopped because the driver was opening my door and pulling me out. Looking up through blurry eyes I realized I was not at my apartment. Where the h.e.l.l had Vinnie's driver taken me?

Pulling me by my arm I found myself in a very expensive living room, "Where am I?" I finally asked moving aside some of my grief to care what actually happened to me.

"Vinnie wanted to see you." The diver answered pus.h.i.+ng me down on to a couch and moving to stand behind me as Vinnie and five other men came into the room.

Vinnie poured himself a drink while the other men spanned out, standing around the room. Sipping his drink Vinnie took a seat on the couch opposite me.

Saying nothing he sat drinking his drink staring at me with that evil smile.

A loud bang followed by yelling sounded in the hall as Jonah and Denny burst into the room. Jonah ran straight to me sinking to his knees in front of me, his hands running over my body looking for injury.

Once Jonah was satisfied that I wasn't injured he turned on Vinnie.

Jonah flung himself at Vinnie and I finally figured out that all those men were Vinnie's bodyguards as they pointed their guns at Jonah and Denny who was just barely holding Jonah back.

"You're a sick son of a b.i.t.c.h you know that. You wouldn't let me out so you had to drag Olivia into your cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k of a business so you could use her for your own personal gain." Jonah yelled his fear and anger coming out clear. "No Vinnie. You can have me but you cannot have Olivia. She is mine G.o.ddammit not yours."

"Calm down son." Vinnie said as cool as a cuc.u.mber ignoring the fact Jonah was looking at him with murder in his eyes.

"I am not your son." Jonah snapped disgust dripping from each word.

"You're mad now Jonah but you had to know the truth."

The truth?

"More games Vinnie?" Jonah laughed.

Vinnie signaled one of the men over. Standing beside Vinnie the man dropped my purse onto the coffee table separating the couches, followed by four pill bottles.

Jonah and Denny looked confused, Vinnie looked happier than h.e.l.l and I was horrified.

"Should I tell him or would you like to explain Olivia?" Vinnie asked smiling at me.

"How did you get those? They all came from my apartment." I whispered.

"Olivia?" Jonah whispered shock all over his face.

"Who do you work for? Adam or maybe your one of Mika's b.i.t.c.hes trying to move back into my town?" Vinnie hissed his eyes narrowing into slits.

"Work for?" Oh no he thought I was some kind of drug dealer. "No those pills are mine I use them to treat my panic attacks." I whispered ashamed I had to admit I was messed up in front of all these people. Oh well wouldn't matter I was never going to see anyone in this room again.

"Panic attacks?" Jonah questioned.

"I started having panic attacks after Alex...For about a year they were random now they only happen when something triggers them." I said tears starting to fall.

Pulling out of Denny's hold Jonah dropped to his knees in front of me again.

"You can't honestly believe this sob story." Vinnie snapped.

"What's the trigger Olivia?" Jonah asked softly ignoring Vinnie's comment.

"When I get upset about Alex anda'"

"His death." Jonah finished for me before I had to say the other half of the trigger.

"That doesn't explain why you have medicine that is not in your name." Vinnie yelled his controlled tone slipping.

"The names on the bottles are one of my mother's maids. She makes the doctor use a different name so no one will know that her daughter has a problem."

"I'm so sorry Olivia." Jonah whispered so only I could hear, his hand sliding along my jaw into my hair.

Gosh that hand felt so good against my skin, I wanted to lean into him, take comfort from him but I couldn't because Jonah was working for Vinnie, a person I was pretty sure was a big player in the drug scene. "Please don't touch me." I whispered pulling away from his touch. Looking at Vinnie I tried to put on a brave face but it wasn't working, I was hurt, broken and scared. "I want to leave now."

"You can leave." Vinnie said coldly.

Standing up Jonah stayed on his knees his head hanging low. Grabbing my purse but leaving the pills I walked to the door.

"One more thing Olivia." Vinnie said the smile back in his voice, "Do you love Jonah?" My whole body froze. "If that's a yes I would keep what you saw here tonight to yourself, you wouldn't want something to happen to him."

Turning around I met Jonah's broken look, "I won't tell anyone."

Letting my eyes drop and more tears to fall I left the room finally understanding why Mason chose not to feel at all.

Chapter 16.

What had I done, I knew Olivia would find out sooner or later I just didn't know it would be this bad. Who was I kidding I knew it would be this bad from the very beginning that's why I tried to stay away. But I just couldn't stay away Olivia was mine, my other half, my soul mate.

"Move your a.s.s Jonah. Don't let her get away now." Denny hissed pulling me off my knees.

Could I go after Olivia? The way she looked at me had broken my heart and told me she was never going to forgive me so what was the point? The point was she was mine whether she wanted to be or not and now she was on Vinnie's radar. Slamming the door shut on my self-pity I pulled away from Denny, "Stay put Vinnie I'm not done with you." I said so full of anger and hate venom was literally dripping from each word.

Without giving Vinnie another look I took off on a full out sprint.

Olivia was standing at the end of Vinnie's drive, her head in her hands softly crying. Jesus I'd caused her so much pain, how did I even begin to fix it.

Taking a risk I wrapped my arms around her body pulling her back in to my chest and burying my face in her neck. Her body stiffened and a small tremble shot through her body but she didn't pull away. "Olivia I know you're hurt and confused just please let me explain baby."

Honestly I hadn't put my face in her neck to do anything other than be close to her but I was feeling desperate and needy. My lips begun kissing a long her neck moving to the sweet spot just below her ear, I sucked a little letting my tongue taste her skin. A gasp left her lips her hands fell and her head dropped back on to my shoulder. Spinning her quickly I crushed my lips over hers needing her kiss more then I need air to breath. Pus.h.i.+ng my tongue past her lips I made her open for me. A whine left her mouth, her hand grabbed on to the back of my hair almost painfully pulling my lips harder into hers. Her mouth moved under mine in a kiss that said everything we couldn't.

The hurt and pain was making us borderline aggressive and the kiss was moving to a place we couldn't go right now. "Olivia stop." I gasped for breath yanking my lips off hers.

Letting me go, tears escaped her closed eyes.

"You coming or not?" A man said leaning his head out of the taxi window.

"Give them a minute." Denny said from somewhere behind us.

G.o.ddammit had everyone seen what had just happened?

Still not opening her eyes Olivia took a sharp breath in. "Goodbye Jonah." She whispered a sob leaving her throat as she turned and ran for the taxi.

My heart stopped beating as I tried to grab for her, "This is not goodbye Olivia." I screamed Denny's arms catching me before I could reach the car door.

"Let her go brother. You both need to cool off."

I couldn't watch her leave her crying face was already imprinted on my brain I didn't need to see her leaving over and over again too. Closing my eyes I felt like crying for the first time in twelve years.

Waiting till I no longer could hear the taxi I opened my eye searching my pocket. Pulling my keys out I pushed them into Denny's chest, "Make sure she gets home?"

"What are you going to do?" Denny asked not taking the keys.

"I'm going to go talk to Vinnie."

"Maybe I should stay." Denny said sounding unsure of what he should do. Whether he would admit it or not he cared for Olivia, he wanted to make sure she got home ok just as much as he wanted to stay and help me with Vinnie.

"No, go I don't want you to be a part of this." Letting the keys fall into his hands I stormed back into Vinnie's house.

Vinnie had moved into his office his bodyguard surrounding him. Good move on their part because I was going to kill Vinnie.

"You brought Olivia to the bar you knew we were meeting Shark at, why?" I demanded not stopping till my legs where touching his desk.

Rubbing his hand over his beard Vinnie studied me for several seconds. "I thought she was using you. I was looking out for you."

Rolling my eyes at that bulls.h.i.+t answer I didn't even give it a reply, Vinnie looking out for anyone but himself was laughable. "How did you know about the medicine?"

Giving me a quick smile he leaned back in his chair. "I had her apartment searched."

Moving faster than his guards I lunged myself over his desk smas.h.i.+ng my fist into his face. "You son of a b.i.t.c.h." I screamed as guards piled onto me hitting and kicking as they tried to pull me off. Fist and feet where flying, pain and blood were running down my face and sooner or later someone was going to pull a gun.

Two guards finally got me off Vinnie slamming me into Vinnie's desk as another helped a laughing Vinnie up.

"Let him go." Vinnie chuckled, wiping blood from his lip. "That was fun but uncalled for; I was only trying to help."

"This wasn't for me, this was all for you." I yelled fighting against the two guards.

"You're right Jonah."

Stopping my struggle to get free I stared at Vinnie, "What?"

"It seems this little drama is in my favor. Your girl knows too much. I can't have someone running around with that kind of information."

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Risk. Part 16 summary

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