Risk. Part 22

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"What is Jonah to you?"

"He's the love of my life." I said honestly.

"She wants what you have brother." Shark said jerking his chin towards the house, "You can't have a family with someone in the drug business."

A picture of Denny, Rachel and their beautiful baby boy popped in my head. I wanted a family with Jonah not today or tomorrow but one day, if I couldn't get Jonah out, there would never be a *one day'. Tears were forming behind my eyes and by the look on the two men's faces they were reading me as if I'd said my thoughts out loud.

"Just getting dirt on Vinnie won't be enough. You'll need something that will rip his whole business apart and make other drug lords question him. Sadly for all involved I've got just the thing." Bunching his eyebrows together and pus.h.i.+ng his cowboy hat back Shark looked confused while his brother looked like he wanted to throw up. I had a bad feeling that whatever he had to tell was exactly what I needed but exactly what I never wanted to hear. "Before Jonah's dad died he was trying to get out of business with Vinnie, it wasn't a big secret, what was a secret was he was working with a police officer to bring Vinnie down for good. Jonah's dad and the officer got the evidence they needed, a couple days later Jonah's dad, mother and baby sister were all dead in a car accident."

Slapping my hand over my mouth I shook my head, no Vinnie didn't, no one could be that evil.

"What did Jonah's dad find?" Shark asked his voice coming out shaky.

"That I don't know but I know the person that does." Looking between Shark and I he chewed his lip with his teeth obviously trying to come to some decision. "No one can know about this person. Vinnie never knew about the officers involvement." Nodding our heads Shark's brother lips tuned up into a slight smirk, "The officer working with Jonah's dad was Officer Owen."

"Owen as in Rachel Owen's father, the girl Denny was dating." Shark asked disbelief heavy in his voice.

"Officer Owen is Rachel's father yes." Sharks brother said.

"Holy s.h.i.+t." Shark hissed through his teeth.

Those words didn't even cover it. Vinnie had...No he didn't say that, he just said the accident happen soon after they got the evidence. I really didn't want to know but I had too. "Did Vinnie have anything to do with the accident?" I asked barely managing to make my voice loud enough for them to hear.

Looking at me Shark's brother put his hand on my shoulder giving it a hard squeeze, "It wasn't an accident, Vinnie made it all happen and he made sure Jonah wasn't in that car."

Like someone had physically pulled my legs out from under me, my b.u.t.t hit the deck. This was not the dirt I was looking for. Jonah had healed and put the accident behind him and from what Denny told me it took years for Jonah to get over it. How could I throw it all back at him and this time it would be worse much worse.

"You don't want to use this do you?" Shark whispered, crouching down in front of me.

"No." I whispered.

"If that was your family wouldn't you want to know the truth." Would I? "Meet with Officer Owen get all the facts then make your decision." Shark said softly running a hand over my hair.

"Will you take me home now?" I asked not wanting to think about Vinnie, what he had done or anything really I just wanted to be with Jonah.

Nothing like this should have ever happened to my sweet Jonah.

Chapter 22.

The ride back to my apartment was quiet. Shark spoke for the first time while pulling into the parking lot. "You're going to have to tell Mason."


"I can't go with you to see officer Owen and I don't think you should do it alone."

"Why can't you go?"

"He's a cop I go with you I'll find myself in handcuffs."

"What makes you think Mason will help or that he wont tell Jonah?"

"I think you'd be surprised, you have those boys wrapped around your finger. Talk to Mason he'll help you set up a meeting."

"Thank you Shark." I said leaning over to kiss him on the cheek before I got out.

Nodding Shark gave me a smile before driving away.

Not wanting to waste a minute I got straight into my car and drove to the club. Parking in the back I had one thing I had to do before seeing Jonah.

Taking out my cell I dialed my parents number. They may be sucky parents at times but they were still my parents. Jonah didn't have his parents anymore and I knew for a fact that he would do anything to have them back.

"Mrs. Rees speaking."

"What happened to us?"


"We weren't the greatest family ever but at least we were a family. We didn't just lose Alex and Nicky mom we lost how to be a family."

"Olivia we are not talking about them."

"No and that's your problem. I'm not them mom, but if you and dad don't start treating me differently you're going to lose me too."

Sniffling and a small cry sounded through the phone, "They were my babies, I didn't have control over them and I lost them."

"Control over them had nothing to do with it. It wasn't your fault mom, nothing you did would have stopped him. It was his choice." I said tears slowly escaping the corner of my eyes.

"You say it's not my fault but you think it was yours." Because unlike her it real was my fault. "Olivia it is not your fault."

"I don't have time now but there is things about Alex's death you should know. I promise to come over soon." I hung up despite my mother's yelling protest at which point I broke down in tears.

Now knowing what had happened to Jonah parents and Jonah never knowing had made me question all the secrets I was keeping about Alex and Nicky. I may not want to tell them but my parent deserved to know what really happened to their son's and Jonah deserved to know what kind of person I really was.

Pulling myself together I redid my make up hiding all the evidence that I was crying.

Walking to the front of club Risk I thankfully didn't have to wait in the long line as the one bouncer that knew me was on the door.

The bouncer must have radioed for Jonah because he met me half way through the club.

Jonah opened his mouth to speak but I quickly shut him up by covering his mouth with mine.

Seconds into the kiss my hands were painfully fisted in his hair and my tongue was seeking out his.

Gripping on to my hips Jonah pulled back, "What's wrong?" he asked eyes full of concern.

"Nothing I just missed you. Mind if I hang out for awhile?"

"Not at all." Jonah said pulling me into his side as he walked me towards his office.

In the hall leading to the offices Jonah and I pa.s.sed several people some I'd seen at the house, others I hadn't but with each person Jonah became so angry his arm tightened around me to the point of pain and when he did speak it came out as a growl. "Give me a minute Olivia."

I didn't even get to answer before Jonah was pus.h.i.+ng me towards his office. Going into Jonah's office, as I wasn't left a lot of choice I heard Jonah stomp into Denny's office slamming the door shut with a loud bang.

"Nice of you to invite me to the meeting." Jonah yelled his voice so loud I could hear it clearly even with the door shut.

"You're not a part of what we were discussing so there was no need to invite you." Denny replied harshly.

"The h.e.l.l I am." Jonah shot back at the same time the sound of a gla.s.s smas.h.i.+ng against the wall had me jumping back.

"You said you didn't want to be a part of it." Denny shouted.

"I don't but Vinnie's not giving me a lot of choice. Where the h.e.l.l were you last night? If I don't help you kill Mika's boy Vinnie's going to kill Olivia."

Oh G.o.d.

"I'll make sure Vinnie never knows you weren't there."

"How do you plan on doing that Denny?"

"I don't know," Denny's screamed, "Just give me some time."

The sound of feet walking towards the door had me flying into Jonah's office even thought I felt so numb I couldn't feel my legs moving against the ground.

Jonah was going to kill someone to keep me safe.

No, no, no.

That couldn't happen not only would it ruin my relations.h.i.+p with Jonah it would also ruin Jonah and Denny's.

It would ruin everything.

I didn't want to use the information Shark's brother had given me but I now had no other choice nor did I have time to seat around and wait.

I waited for Jonah to fall asleep before I carefully slipped out of bed with Miss Daisy.

We hadn't gotten home till after three, I spent the whole night stuck to Jonah's side after what I'd heard him and Denny talking about. I knew Jonah wouldn't tell and I honestly didn't want him to. So this was my way of offering him comfort, holding on really freaking tight. But even with me holding on to him he was distant, he wouldn't look me in the eyes and he barely talked.

After we got home and into bed Jonah held me but it wasn't like I was used to. Since we started dating Jonah would pin my body to the bed with half of his body, his arms around me holding me tightly, tonight he held me with one loose arm around my stomach his body not even touching mine. It took him at least two hours to fall asleep. It was now five something, I had a killing headache and I was bone dead tired, scared for Jonah and a little hurt that he was pus.h.i.+ng me away.

Creeping down the hall I knocked on Mason's door lightly, there was no answer so I opened the door as quietly as I could. I'd taken half a step inside the room when a lamp came on; Mason was half way off the bed with a gun in his hands pointing at me.

What was it with these boys and their freaking guns?

"Olivia what's wrong?" Mason asked his voice alarmed as he lowered the arm holding the gun.

Putting my finger to my lips I shook my head and used my other hand to point to downstairs.

Giving me a chin lift and thankfully losing the gun Mason followed Miss Daisy and I silently down to the kitchen.

We had barely made it into the kitchen when Mason started talking, "What's going on Olivia?"

Flipping on the lights I took a deep breath and turned to Mason, "Yesterday I meant with Shark who took me to see his older brother."

"You did what?" Mason shouted.

"Chill!" I screeched lunging to Mason and slapping a hand over his mouth. "You can yell at me after you've heard the whole story."

Curling his fingers around my wrist Mason pulled my hand away from his mouth and growled at me, "Talk Olivia."

"I went to see him because Shark said his brother could help me find dirt on Vinnie so I could get Jonah and Denny away from him."

"That was not smart Olivia." Mason bit off so angry with me now I could feel it rolling off him.

"I'm not done. Sharks brother told me something. I wasn't going to do anything with it cause well it's bad but last night I went to see Jonah at the club and I overheard Denny and Jonah talking about how Vinnie wants them to kill Mika's boy and if Jonah doesn't do it Vinnie's going to kill me."

The air in the room spiked to boiling as I watched Mason's body go so tight I thought he was seconds from exploding.

Taking a deep breath and opening and closing his fist Mason pushed his anger down enough to speak, "Tell me you got something we can work with."

"I do but it sucks." I whispered causing Mason's eyes to snap to my face, "Vinnie killed Jonah's parents and sister because Jonah's dad was working with a cop to bring Vinnie's whole business down." The air left Mason's lungs in a whoosh and his hand fell back to grip on to the counter. "I need your help to meet with the cop to find out what they found that would make Vinnie kill them just to keep him quiet."

"Do you know who the cop is?"

"Officer Owen."

Taking another big breath Mason covered his face with his hands muttering the f-word over and over.

"I need this meeting today Mason I can't let Jonah become a killer."

Pulling his hands away from his face Mason looked at the clock on the wall, "Give me an hour for my contacts to find him."

"Thank you Mason."

Nodding at me I grabbed Miss Daisy off the floor and tip toed back up to Jonah wondering what the h.e.l.l I was going to tell Jonah to get out of the house with Mason.

Chapter 23.

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Risk. Part 22 summary

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