Risk. Part 21

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Coughing and pounding on his chest with his fist Shark started to get his laughing under control. "Holly b.a.l.l.s you're a funny one china doll. Jonah done good, looks, sense of humor, easy going nature, not too bright though, seeing as you're meeting with me. Which brings us to why?"

"I need dirt on Vinnie."

Whistling Shark ran a hand though his light blonde hair causing strands to stick straight up. "Why do you want dirt on Vinnie?"

"You said it yourself Jonah and Denny aren't like the others in this business. Jonah never wanted this life Vinnie pushed him into it. He wants out but Vinnie won't let him go. I need something that will leave Vinnie no choice but to let Jonah and maybe Denny too if he wants it, out of his business."

"So the rumors are true, Jonah wants out." Nodding his head a smile spread across his lips, "About d.a.m.n time. I'll help you china doll, but I have to tell you what your doing is this could backfire in the worst way possible. Are you sure you want to risk your life for Jonah?"

Without hesitation I answered honestly, "Yes."

"You really love him don't you?"

"More than anything in this world."

Making eye contact with his longhaired friend Shark nodded once, "Tomorrow twelve thirty meet me at your apartment, tell Jonah your going to pack the last of your stuff and need some time with your friend Ty."

Shocked I locked my eyes on Shark, "How do you know I'm moving in with Jonah and that I'm friends with Ty?"

"Let's just say I'm better friends with Jonah than you think."

"You're really telling me you're friends after what I saw in that alley?"

"We're all great actors babe." Shark said giving me a wink.

"So that's what's up with the different looks?" I gestured to his blue jeans and black jacket.

"You like my look china doll?"

"No, what I mean is the first time I saw you, you looked like a beach b.u.m the second time you were in an expensive suit and now you look kind of normal, despite the hair."

"First of all there is nothing wrong with my hair. Secondly it's all about playing the game babe. Adam and his boys need a firm hand, they need to know if they try to screw me over they will pay for it. Vinnie, he's a ruthless b.a.s.t.a.r.d if he can't control you he wants nothing to do with you."

"What about Mika?"

The smile instantly dropped and the dark look I'd seen in his eyes at Adams house was back. "Nothing, you don't play any kind of game with Mika he's too dangerous."

"I meant you not me."

"I know what you meant but you tend not to follow the rules. So I'm just letting you know the score, I'm fine helping you find dirt on Vinnie but you take a step in Mika's direction I'll show you exactly what it is I do."

Fear spiked through me at his words and the hard look on his face, Shark was not someone I would mess with. If he told me to stay away from Mika I would.

My cell ringing had me jumping out of me skin. Spinning around I grabbed my phone picking up the call praying I didn't sound as guilty as I was feeling. "Hey Jonah."

"Hey baby, you doing ok?" Jonah yelled over the sound of music blaring in the background.

"I'm ok." I said as calmly as I could while feeling Sharks eyes burning holes into my back.

"Good, is Mason home yet?"

"No, why?"

"d.a.m.n ok, I'm on my way baby."

s.h.i.+t, s.h.i.+t, s.h.i.+t. "Why honey?" Wow could I sound anymore fake.

"A guy I know, Shark just text me saying he heard Vinnie was seen around our house."

Son of a b.i.t.c.h spinning around to ask Shark what the h.e.l.l he was doing I found myself alone in the kitchen.

"Ok see you soon." I mumbled hanging up the phone before Jonah could say another word.

Clutching the cell in my hands I went in to the hall to find it empty, opening the door I saw the back of Shark and his friend speeding away of their motor bikes.

That sneaky little b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

Jonah walked in the door twenty minutes after Shark left and I was still standing in the kitchen trying to think up an excuse for Shark having been at the house.

Circling his arms around my waist he kissed my neck, "I thought you would be in bed. What are you still doing up?"

Oh s.h.i.+t he knew, think, what was I doing up? Pizza box yes, "Hungry." I said opening the box and grabbing a slice, shoving half the thing in my mouth.

"Baby that pizza's been sitting there for two days."

Oh no gross, eww, gross.

Dropping the pizza and putting a hand over my mouth I darted to the bathroom.

Locking the door I fell over the toilet spiting out the bad pizza.

This was going great.

"Baby, you ok?" Jonah yelled through the shut door.

No, I thought was.h.i.+ng my mouth out with mouthwash that had been there for G.o.d knows how long but anything was better then rotting food, freaking boys.

Forget food and trying to act innocent I was going to bed; I could at least hide my face in the dark.

Opening the door a concerned looking Jonah offered me his hand, "You ok?"

"I'm awesome." I said through what had to be the creepiest smile on the earth.

"Right," Jonah said lips twitching, "Want me to make you something to eat?"

No sweet-cheeks I may never eat again I thought but instead said, "No thank you. I think I just want to go to bed now."

Still looking like he wanted to laugh his a.s.s off, Jonah nodded his head.

Leading me up stairs Miss Daisy trotted in front of us swinging her tail in the air. Miss Daisy, I should have used the freaking dog, told him I was letting her out pee, gosh I was bad at this.

Once in the bedroom Jonah started to unb.u.t.ton his s.h.i.+rt but stopped suddenly running his eyes from my head down to my toes, "Why are you dressed?"

Oh h.e.l.l, I was dressed, well time to go for broke. "I wanted to get dressed, gosh don't get your man period on me."

Jonah's mouth was literally hanging open. Blinking several times and shaking his head he walked slowly towards me. Cupping my face Jonah placed a soft kiss on my lips, "Are you having a chick moment?" He asked sympathy thick in his voice.

My eyes about popped out of my head and my hand was inching to hit him, chick moment I'd show him a chick moment all right. "Grab a pillow on your way out and have goodnight."

"I'm not sure what's going on right now but I'd really rather not sleep on the couch." Jonah whispered his face slightly red looking like an innocent boy who'd just been told off.

d.a.m.n he was too cute to stay mad at and honestly I was feeling a little bad that I'd set him up throwing him straight into the shark's mouth. Ha literally, mental high five for me. "Fine you can sleep with me but if you wake up missing a nut you cant say I didn't warn you."

Kissing me again Jonah walked into the bathroom, as soon as the door shut I fell on to the bed.

If I could get through the night without spilling all my secrets it would be a miracle.

Twelve thirty couldn't come fast enough, I'd been walking a high wire of guilt and fear that Jonah would find out what I was up to with Shark. I was not cut out for this secretive stuff, my stomach was queasy, I was sweating uncontrollably and every time Jonah looked at me I was sure he knew what I was doing. That haunted look I hated was showing in his eyes and he seemed distracted.

From his odd behavior I was sure I'd been found out and there was no way he was going to let me out of the house. But when I told him my plans to go see Ty and do some more packing he didn't put up a fight not even about me going alone. Something was wrong and it had nothing to do with what I was up to.

Waiting for the car to warm up I watched Jonah staring at me from the front door. Something was really bothering him, I'd asked him what was wrong at breakfast this morning but all I got was a mumbled later and Denny slamming his dishes in the sink and stomping off. From Denny's reaction I figured it was some kind of brotherly fight that would blow over. But I was still worried.

Waving to Jonah I let it go for now and drove towards my apartment.

I'd just parked my car in front of my apartment when a beat up red truck pulled up dangerously close to my car.

"Get in china doll we don't got all day." Shark yelled in a thick county accent that surprisingly matched his outfit. I had to do a double take bada.s.s Shark was dressed like a cowboy, hat and all. "What part of get in don't you understand?"

Shaking it off I climbed into the truck. "I didn't realize we were dressing up for this." I chuckled.

"You hating on cowboys?" Shark asked speeding out of the parking lot.

"No I'm actually a fan. I'm just not sure why you're dressed like one?"

"What I can't be a cowboy?"

"No it makes sense actually, I thought you got that bleach blonde hair because you were some kind of surfer boy stuck in Colorado, I had no idea you got that hair from being a cowboy."

"Shut it china doll, my mama raised me on a ranch it's in my blood."

"So how come you're not working on a ranch?"

"The same reason Jonah and Denny aren't working in a tattoo shop my father screwed my family over." Shark said his light mood turning sour.

Ok subject change time. "Why do you call me china doll? I have a name you know?"

"It's safer that the bad people in town don't know your real name."

"That sounds smart but Shark, really?"

Looking at me in disbelief Shark shook his head "We're done talking."

Someone was a little touchy about his name. Oh well the scenery was beautiful, the sun was out and the wind was blowing through my hair, who needs Shark's sarcastic voice talking anyways.

A little while later far outside of town Shark turned into a gated ranch. As we got closer to the house a man that looked like Shark only a bit older, his brother I was guessing, walked out on to the porch with two little boys running after him.

As soon as Shark was out of the car the two boys ran straight for him.

"Are you here to babysit us?" One of the little boys's screamed.

"Not today buddy but maybe next week ok?" Shark said hugging both boys to his legs.

"They actually let you near children? Surprising."

"Ha ha." Shark sneered rolling his eyes at me.

"Shane what are you doing here?" A brunette woman asked sticking her head out the door.

"Your real name is Shane." I screeched covering my mouth with my hand, "That's fantastic."

"Keep it up Olivia and I make you owe me a marker instead of this little thing being done out of the kindness of my heart."

The older looking Shark was starting at me with the oddest look on his face making me feel a little uncomfortable. "Jessica, take the kids inside." He said not talking his eyes off me.

While the kids were rounded up Shark led me on to the porch, "Is there a reason he is staring at me like that?" I whispered nodding to the man.

"He's trying to figure out what a girl like you is doing with me." Shark mumbled.

Once the kids and the woman were inside the man turned his eyes on Shark, "You in trouble Shane?"

"No I am not in trouble. China doll here is looking to get our boy Jonah out from under Vinnie's trigger finger."

Studying me intensely Shark's brother rubbed his hand over his beard, "The law involved?"

Sharks eyes flashed, his body tensed and with a slight shake of his head his brother nodded.

Guess Shark wasn't a fan of getting the law involved, come to think of it I wasn't either that would be a very bad plan.

Rubbing his beard again Shark's brother looked at me, "What's your plan?"

"I was kind of hoping Vinnie has done something I can use against him." I whispered feeling very shy under his stare.

"Vinnie's done a lot of stuff. Not a lot of it good. Let's say you do find something, what makes you think Vinnie will take it and let Jonah out?"

"I don't know that he will but I'm hoping I can find something big enough that leaves him no choice."

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Risk. Part 21 summary

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