Risk. Part 20

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Oh my.

Sliding my hands through his soft blonde hair to the back I grabbed two handfuls of hair pulling him down. His lips were inch away from mine and his hands were under my s.h.i.+rt pulling at my bra. I was already coming apart and Jonah had barely touched me. If he didn't hurry up I was going to finish without him. "Jonah what are you waiting for?" I groaned smacking my head back into the bed making myself wince as I remembered my head was really still sore despite what I was telling Jonah.

"Let's play a game Olivia. I'll give you what you want if you give me what I want."

Yes, yes, yes I'd give him anything if he would just hurry the h.e.l.l up. "Anything." I managed to say around the saliva pooling in my mouth because Jonah never looked hotter than when his face was flush, his clothes were rumpled and his hair was messed.

"Don't leave the house and don't open the door while I'm at work tonight."

Oh h.e.l.l now I was hot and bothered for a different reason. "That's not fair Jonah." I growled trying to pull his hands away from my chest.

Pinching my nipples almost painfully Jonah kissed my lips hard. "You know what, I think it is Olivia. You were attacked last night so what I'm asking is very fair."

Some people didn't like the pain/pleasure thing apparently I was not some people because as long as he kept doing whatever it was he was doing with his fingers I would say yes to anything even thought I really didn't want to.

"Say yes Olivia and I will give it to you exactly how you want it."

"If she truly wants it rough maybe you should pa.s.s her over brother I'm not so sure you have it in you." Denny said leaning against the doorframe a smirk plastered on his face.

Oh my gosh Denny was watching us, I'm pretty sure I couldn't feel anymore embarra.s.sed if I tried.

Pulling his hand out of my s.h.i.+rt and flying off me so fast you would think we were teens that just got caught by our parents, Jonah lunged for Denny.

"Chill Jonah I'm actually doing you a favor." Denny yelled dodging Jonah's flying fist.

"Oh really?" Jonah shouted circling Denny his eyes narrowed into slits.

"Yes, Vinnie's meeting us at the club at three if we're not there on time he said he would come looking for us."

Jonah's body went rigged, "s.h.i.+t, what time is it?"

"We have fifteen minutes."

"Get out I'll meet you there at three." Spinning on his heels Jonah went straight into the bathroom.

"I'm all ready for work Olivia so I have a little time if you would like me to show you a couple of my moves."

Denny was hot in normal clothes thick black hair with a slight curl to it, deep blue eyes and a body that would have any girl melting and in that black suit he screamed sin and mystery but there was only one response I would ever give Denny's subjective offers. I started to laugh so hard tears were streaming down my face.

Still laughing despite Denny's growling I rolled across the bed going into the bathroom.

Jonah had pulled on a dark blue suit, his white dress s.h.i.+rt unb.u.t.toned giving me a lovely view of his toned chest as he took out his eyebrow piercing.

Sliding in between Jonah's body and the sink I start b.u.t.toning up his s.h.i.+rt. "What does Vinnie want with you?" I whispered, hating that Jonah had to go see the person that had made the bruise and cuts that still covered his face.

Moving to his earring his lips turned down into a frown, "I don't know but Vinnie never just stops by."

"Do you think it's bad?" I asked smoothing out his s.h.i.+rt as I'd finished with the b.u.t.tons.

"With Vinnie it's always bad."

Of course it was, so there was not a better time to start to change that. Kissing his cheek I left Jonah to finish, running across the room.

Once I was out of site I grabbed Jonah's phone, quickly found the number I was looking for and jotted it down with an eyeliner pencil on the back of a receipt.

Putting his cell back where I found it I stood up letting my purse fall to the ground as Jonah came into the room going to his side of the bed.

The first time I'd seen Jonah in his suit nothing had been out of place, hair was perfectly spiked, all his piercings were out, and he had contacts in instead of his Now was nothing like that, no tie to complete the suit, his hair was down falling across his forehead, his tongue piercing was still in and it was instead of contacts. Was Jonah just in a hurry or was he deliberately trying to show Vinnie he was serious about being done.

Giving me a nervous smile Jonah pulled a sliver gun from the nightstand.

My stomach dropped at the sight of the gun making me feel sick, for some reason seeing Jonah stick a gun in the waistband of his slacks drove home just how dangerous the situation was. A situation I was going to stick my nose in the middle of.

The look of disgust on Olivia's face as I took out my gun would probably stick in my mind for the rest of my life. I hated myself so much I could barely look at her as I kissed her goodbye at the door.

Vinnie was waiting with Denny at the bar when I arrived.

"I hope we're not making being late a habit Jonah." Vinnie hissed.

One of many, a.s.shole I thought wis.h.i.+ng I could say that out loud. After the stunt Vinnie pulled with Olivia I was done with him, if things were different I would have already told him to go screw himself and left once and for all. But Vinnie was never going to let me go without a fight and now he was using Olivia against me. If I left he would go after Olivia, something I could never let happen. "What can we help you with Vinnie?" I asked in the most sarcastic voice I'd ever dare to use on Vinnie.

Flas.h.i.+ng his dark cold eyes my way Vinnie shook his head, "I don't know why I pay you two, seeing as I found out who took my s.h.i.+pment."

"Who took it?" Denny asked sliding off the barstool.

"Mika's boy Nick. We can get the s.h.i.+pment back after I meet with Nick."

"So stop being a p.u.s.s.y and meet with him." I said out loud instead of just thinking it.

"Jonah!" Denny snapped.

"I would watch it Jonah or my next stop is your house where Olivia is home alone. I heard she got quite the on her head in a mix up with Adam's boys last night."

Vinnie was really asking for it today and from the smile on his face he was doing it on purpose. If Vinnie wanted to play I could play too, "You won't touch Olivia because as soon as you do I'm gone and we both know you can't afford to lose me."

"Don't be so sure of yourself Jonah."

"Than let me go."

"No but only because I have a job I think your going to enjoy very much."

"Doubt it."

"What's the job Vinnie?" Denny asked clearly tired of Vinnie and me b.i.t.c.hing like school girls.

"I want you boys to set up a meeting with Mika's boy Nick. Make it's somewhere secluded then kill him and anyone he brings."

Oh s.h.i.+t.

"We can't kill them, Mika will find out, then he will kill all of us." Denny said franticly shaking his head.

Finally something good comes out of Denny's mouth and this was as good a time as any. No way was I killing for Vinnie and Denny was right Mika would kill us it touched one of his.

"Then you'd better do a good job and make sure you have no witnesses. You can do this Denny; you're my son it's in your blood." Oh f.u.c.k he was pulling the dad card. "I sometimes question if you have what it takes to be in this business, prove it to me son, show me you have what it takes, make me proud."

"Denny you can't believe that bulls.h.i.+t?"

"Bulls.h.i.+t it is not Jonah. When I look at you I can see it in your eyes you have what it takes, always have. If it wasn't Denny looking so much like me I would question if he really was my son."

"Don't do this Vinnie." I warned.

"What's your answer Denny will you do this for me son?"

"Denny don't." I hissed moving between him and Vinnie.

"Shut up Jonah. I'll do it."


"Very good," Vinnie clapped, "Get it done boys."

Shaking my head at Denny, I turned to Vinnie, "I'm not doing this Vinnie." I said in a voice that was as cold as my body felt.

"Would you really leave your brother hanging? But know this Jonah if you don't help him Olivia will pay for it."

"You stay the f.u.c.k away from her!"

"Goodbye Jonah, say h.e.l.lo to Olivia for me." Vinnie said smile as he walked to the door.

I stared after Vinnie waiting till the club door shut before I turned my anger on Denny. "You can't be serious about taking this. .h.i.t Denny?"

"I'm very serious he basically just called me a coward Jonah." Denny hissed, the hurt clear on his face.

f.u.c.king Vinnie.

"Who gives a d.a.m.n it means nothing coming from the biggest coward on this earth."

Letting his shoulders fall Denny shook his head turning towards the offices, "I always figured he liked you more. Even with you causing trouble you're still his golden boy."

"Are you f.u.c.king kidding me? Vinnie hates me he's just using me to get you to do his dirty work." I yelled at his back. Taking a deep breath I lowered my voice, "Denny we can't do this. Killing someone there's no coming back from that not to mention Mika will find out and he will kill us."

Turning around Denny locked his eyes with mine, "Your answer is no?"

"Yeah" I said, "And yours should be no too."

Chapter 21.

Getting dressed to leave and hopefully be back before Mason got home from work I found it very hard to feel guilty, technically Jonah and I never finished our agreement, and as I didn't finish there was no agreement. Therefore I was not doing anything wrong by leaving the house.

Jonah had already checked in for the evening and Mason had called to tell me he was going to have to work late. I'd told both of them I was going to take a nap so not to wake me, hopefully that would keep them from calling for the next couple hours.

Miss Daisy pouted at my feet, not happy that I was leaving her again so soon. "If you had all your shots baby girl I would take you with me." I whispered to the dog rubbing her head.

Zipping up my last boot I stood up way too fast causing a wave of dizziness to sweep over me. Stumbling I grabbed on to the bed for support before I face planted into the floor. My head was killing me tonight, quite a bit more than last night. And my anger over the whole thing wasn't helping at all. The fear of being attacked was gone now that I was back with Jonah, in it's place was the anger and honestly I was p.i.s.sed way the eff off. Who just attacked someone like that? If I ever saw tattoo face again he was going to get a punch in the face. The punch would probably break my hand but it would so be worth it.

Opening my eyes to a room that thankfully wasn't spinning I checked the time, the text had been sent an hour ago I hadn't received a text back, but then I didn't expect to. Now it was time to go meet with what could be the greatest idea I'd ever had, or the worst.

Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen with Miss Daisy right on my heels I grabbed Jonah's car keys praying he would forgive me for driving his pride and joy GT mustang. I was a good driver it would be fine.

Rain had started to fall so I opened my umbrella as I opened the front door. As I stepped out of the door hands immediately grabbed onto my shoulders pus.h.i.+ng me back into the house. At first I didn't scream because I figured one of my boys had caught me. But the long streak of blonde hair hanging over the man's shoulder had me doing just about anything to get away; I would not be taken by anyone ever again. I lashed out punching the guy in the mouth; making my hand feel like I'd just punched a hard wall not a face while Miss Daisy did her part attacking the guy's leg.

I was about to hit the now growling guy again when another set of hands grabbed my fist. "You know last night I thought you were just in the wrong places at the wrong time now I'm starting to think you have a death wish." Shark spoke quietly, laughter dancing in his sea colored eyes.

"Why are you here and not at the meeting place?" I asked taking a deep breath trying to get my heart back on a healthier rhythm.

"When someone text's my personal phone from a number I do not know, asking me to meet somewhere I get a little curious."

Pulling my fist free of his hand I stepped back putting my hand over my forehead, nothing like making my head hurt more and now my hand was hurting tooaawesome.

"n.o.body said anything about getting punched in the face or ate by a tiny dog Shark." Longhaired friend hissed not breathing hard like me.

Remembering Miss Daisy was in fact still attacking his leg I pulled the dog off him and nodded for him to move into the house so I could shut the door. "Fine you got curious and tracked me down did you have to scare the living s.h.i.+t out of me?" I spat slamming the front door, not doing myself any favors, freaking Shark I knew this was a bad idea.

"Yes, because maybe next time you won't be so stupid to call on a person like me." Shark smiled showing off pearly white teeth against his tanned skin.

"You're not a drug lord." I whispered stepping back until my back was against the door.

"No china doll I'm not, but that doesn't mean I'm not just as bad or even worse."

s.h.i.+t what had I done?

Whatever I'd done it I had to go for it, it was too late to turn back now. Plus if he was going to kill me wouldn't he have already done it?

Taking a deep breath I steadied myself so my voice wouldn't give away my fear. "I need your help." For some reason what I said was funny as both Shark and his longhaired friend started to laugh. "I don't remember saying anything that was funny." I snapped stomping my foot on the floor which caused Shark to laugh harder.

Fuming I pushed past Shark stomping into the kitchen slamming Jonah's keys on to the counter. This was not going to plan.

"I'm sorry." Shark said following me into the kitchen still laughing.

Putting Miss Daisy down she took up a protective stance in front of me bearing her little sharp teeth. If only she was bigger I would have had her eat them already.

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Risk. Part 20 summary

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