Risk. Part 25

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"I know you." I pushed out my throat so tight it came out just above a whisper.

"Yes you do but enough about me lets talk about you and your relations.h.i.+p with Olivia."

"Stay the f.u.c.k away from Olivia." I spat trying to sit up but failing, I was so cold my fingers were numb, my stomach turned in that going to throw up way and my head hurt so bad my vision was fuzzy and I was bleeding from somewhere on my face.

f.u.c.k me.

"How about you stay the f.u.c.k away from Olivia because I've worked too d.a.m.n hard to have you mess everything up."

"Who are you?" I asked knowing I'd seen his face before I just couldn't make my mind think straight enough to figure it out where and when.

"I'm Nick, Olivia's brother."

The bag was ripped off my head, the bright light stung my eyes making me snap my eyes shut as Vinnie's awful voice came at me. "Oh Olivia I'm very disappointed in you." Opening my eyes slowly I found Vinnie standing in front of me and myself tied to a chair in Vinnie's living room.

Ahh eff.

"You should have stayed away from my business Olivia. Now not only do I get to kill you I also get Jonah for the rest of his life."

"You kill me Jonah will never stay working for you."

"He'll never know it was me not after he finds out you were poking your nose into the drug world. It's a dangerous place Olivia people die in it all the time. Plus just today me and Jonah made a deal." Oh no. "Jonah continues to work for me, no more trying to get out as long as no harm comes to you from me and if harm does come to you from another, I punish them. Now I get Jonah for life and all I have to do is find someone to take the fall for your murder. Win, win for me Olivia dear."

"Jonah would never make a deal with you," I screamed pulling my hands against the rope holding my wrist behind my back so hard I felt the rope rip my skin.

"You're right Jonah normally wouldn't do something like that but he would for the person he loves most in this world."

"You've taken everything he loves you sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d." I yelled tears falling down my face because I knew there would be no rescue. Shark was holding everyone that could or would save me. Vinnie was going to kill me. "Why Vinnie? He's your nephew and you killed his family."

"As I'm going to kill you I'll give you this one. My brother betrayed me working with a f.u.c.king cop to take me down after I gave him everything." Vinnie spat putting his face within inches of mine.

"You betrayed him first by working with someone from the Russian mob."

Surprise flashed across Vinnie's face before he started to laugh, "You found out quite a bit didn't you."

"Yeah but it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know."

"And what did sweet Olivia already know?"

"That you're the worlds biggest coward." Vinnie's eyes flashed dangerously as the back of his hand hit me across the face. "I'm a young woman Vinnie five foot nothing and you're a grown man who had to tie me to a chair just to get me to listen to your stupid a.s.s. Not to mention you had to kill your own brother because you f.u.c.ked up by going to someone from the Russian mob."

"Look around Olivia does it look like I f.u.c.ked up with the Russian mob, I'm living the dream. Business is booming, I got more money than I can count and half of Denver is scared of me."

"Wrong Vinnie you f.u.c.ked up big time Mika works for the Russian mob dips.h.i.+t and the people he works with are on their way."

Vinnie's whole body rocked backwards as his face went bright red he threw his head back and screamed. And as I was going to die anyways I burst out laughing.

"Shut up." Vinnie screamed which only made me laugh harder.

As Vinnie pulled out his phone the guy that had been following me punched me in the mouth. My head flew back as my lips split open and blood pooled into my mouth.

Throwing his cell across the room Vinnie yelled, "Get me Jonah and Denny now." Vinnie's boys started moving as Vinnie stomped toward me, grabbing a handful of my hair he snapped my head back so I was looking up at him. "Tell me everything you know, now."

"Go to h.e.l.l Vinnie."

Snarling like a wild dog Vinnie pulled a sliver pocketknife from his pants pocket. The cold mental of the knife bit into my neck causing me to scream out and blood to run free. "Tell me or I turn the small cut I just made into a big one that will cause you to bleed out."

Before I could say anything one of Vinnie's boys came into the room speaking, "Jonah's missing, Denny's looking for him."

Vinnie pulled away from me so fast I felt the knife cut across my skin. "What do you mean Jonah is missing?" Vinnie yelled.

"Nick's got him."

Nick no not my Nicky please G.o.d don't let it be my Nicky.

"Where?" Vinnie asked.

"Some place called the fire house we're trying to find it."

Oh G.o.d it was my Nicky and he had him at the firehouse my brothers old house, an old fire station that Alex and Nicky had converted into a house. What the h.e.l.l was Nicky doing with Jonah?

"Get a lock on that place and have all the boys meet up at the club. I'm done with Nick its time we met face to face."

"What about the girl?"

"Leave her, I want the fear to eat at her for the next couple of hours." Turning toward me Vinnie looked me straight in the eyes, "Enjoy the last hours of your life Olivia and know that I'm not going to kill you fast it's going to be slow and very painful."

As soon I heard the front door shut and the house turn a deadly quiet, I frantically tried to pull my wrists free. I did this for G.o.d knows how long it felt like hours but really I guessed it was less than ten minutes. The cut on my neck was stinging and every time I moved more blood would flow down and my wrists were burning like h.e.l.l. I didn't want to give up but I was getting nowhere, I was screwed.

A loud crash followed by heavy footsteps had me whipping my head towards the door.


I started franticly pulling at the ropes; I was so focused on what I was doing when the hands touched me I screamed so loud I'm surprised the gla.s.s in the room didn't break.

The hand on my arm slammed down over my mouth as Shark's face came in to view and his words for me to be quiet sounded in my ear.

Once I stopped he immediately started asking questions. "How much do you know about the drug business?" Shark asked moving his hand away from my mouth.

"What?" I croaked out my throat now added to the list of things that hurts.

"Vinnie's business, how much do you know about it?"

Ah s.h.i.+t he was here to arrest me.


Sharks eyes flashed as he pulled a small knife much like Vinnie's only smaller. "Fine, do you know where your brother Nick would take Jonah?"

"I didn't even know my brother was in the drug game, Alex yes Nick no."

Nodding his head Shark moved around me, "These ropes are tight and you've done a number pulling on them. I'm going to cut them off but it's going to hurt really bad, no matter how bad do not pull away or I will cut you with the knife." They already hurt like h.e.l.l I wasn't sure I could take any more pain. "Answer me Olivia do you understand?"

"Yeah." I whispered already cringing.

Sharks hands were cold against my heated skin, scrunching my eyes shut the ropes started to move. Holy mother of G.o.d a nasty pain like a thousands paper cuts shot up my arm causing me to jerk my arms and Shark to cuss. Finally the ropes gave and my hands fell free, pins and needles ran into my fingers making the rope cut hurt worse.

"I have to go find Jonah he," Shark pointed to a man standing just inside the door face blank gun in hand, "Is going to take you to your apartment. He is going to wait there with you. After I find Jonah I will come back and explain as much as I can."

Translated I don't have time to arrest you now but I will be back to do it after I arrest Jonah and your brother if Vinnie doesn't get there first.

Oh G.o.d Vinnie was going to get Jonah and kill Nicky. What if Nicky had already hurt Jonah? I was going to lose everything again. No, no, no I had to get to the firehouse.

Turning to the guy Shark gave him a pointed look as he helped me stand, "The cut on her neck needs stiches. Stich them if she'll let you."

As Shark talked I quickly made a plan in my head thanks to my hand going around Sharks waist and landing on the stun gun.

When we made it to the other person, I stumbled reaching out to break my fall I grabbed a hand full of the other guy's s.h.i.+rt. "Sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be," Shark said tightening his hold on me, "You were just tied to a chair and smacked around by Vinnie I'd be worried if you weren't shaky. I'm going to let go but Tom is going to help you out ok?"


Shark let go slowly; as soon as his hand left me I leached on to Tom my hand settling over the stun gun in his belt. Shark talked code to Tom gave his a chin lift then ran from the house.

Tom and I left the house much slower, as Tom was helping me into the car I missed the step my hand grabbing on to his belt and pulling the gun from the belt.

As Tom tried to pull me up I turned on the stun gun and pushed the p.r.o.ngs spiking with electricity into his back. Tom let go twitching but didn't go down so I touched him again. This time he did go down. Bending down I grabbed the keys from his hands and whispered that I was sorry.

With the keys in my hand I wasted no time getting into the car and started racing towards my future praying I wasn't too late.

I was sick and I was hurting but everything stopped at Nick's words. "Brother?"

"Yeah brother." Nick spat at me.

"Alex?" I said trying to understand how Olivia had another brother that was working for f.u.c.king Mika.

"Twin and thanks to that little s.h.i.+t, the reason I'm here. You're done with Olivia this is not her life and I will not let it be her life. I want your word that you will leave her alone."

"She hasn't talked about you, not once. So I'm thinking you don't get a say."

A growl sounded at the back of Nicks throat as his face came closer, "Olivia is my baby sister so yeah you little f.u.c.k I got a say and I say you're going to leave her."

"f.u.c.k you."

"Are you going to leave her or not?"

"Where have you been the last four years? Do you know your parents are awful to her? Do you know she has panic attacks over Alex's death?"

"Shut up and answer."

"Olivia is mine not yours." I hissed.

"Fine you won't leave her then you will die." Nick said simple.

s.h.i.+t I thought trying to pull myself up as best I could to some how fight but it was a failed attempt, I was too weak from being sick. I would never be able to take Nick on if he wanted to kill me he was going to and I could do nothing about it.

Hands quickly gripped on to my arms pulling them behind my back and me into a sitting position as Nick pushed his gun into my forehead. "There's a reason I left and never looked back. Whether you believe me or not everything I've done since Alex was for Olivia."

Chapter 25.

Thank G.o.d I kept a hold of the stun gun because a man was standing by the front door and another two were standing in the long hall leading to what used to be Alex and Nicky's living room. I hadn't been to the firehouse since a day after Alex's death when I found that Nicky had also left. Memories a.s.saulted my brain causing the mother of all panic attacks to come on.

By the time I made it to the door I was struggling to breathe and shaking so bad I couldn't grip the door handle to get the door open. Then I heard Nicky scream and what he said had me flinging myself through the door. All eyes and guns came my way expect for Nicky who was crouched in front of Jonah pus.h.i.+ng a gun into Jonah's forehead, his finger on the trigger.

"No!" I screamed trying to run across the room but was grabbed by men still holding guns to me as Jonah and Nicky screamed.

The room turned electric the tension hitting breaking point as everyone yelled and guns were pointed in all directions.

Nicky grabbed me around the waist pulling me into the room and into his body. It took what felt like hours but really was seconds for everyone to stop yelling and drop their guns.

My eyes where locked on Nicky's but a painful grunting nose had me focusing on Jonah, blood was covering half his face, his body was shaking and he was very pale. My knees gave out as a sob broke from my throat.

"Who did this to you?" Nicky shouted shaking me gently.

"Let me go." I cried tiring to pull away.

"G.o.ddammit Olivia who hurt you?"

"What did you do to Jonah?"

Nicky looked at me for a beat then his eyes when to Jonah. "You're done with Jonah."

My crying stopped as anger hit me straight on, "What?"

"Jonah is bad news your relations.h.i.+p is done. You will not see him. After I take care of you we will pick a new state for you to live."

Something cold and nasty swept over my skin and before I could stop myself I slapped him across the face.

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Risk. Part 25 summary

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