Risk. Part 5

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With a nod from the guy with black hair and blue eyes, a fat guy got up from the bar across the room revealing a very p.i.s.sed off Kay.

Out of the fat guys shadow I could see that Kay was a little banged up, his lip was spilt and a cut above his eye was still oozing blood but other that that, he looked fine.

Once Ben and Cole with Kay in front of them made it to the door, Denny and I slowly made our way out not turning fully around until we were half way out the door. People were staring at us like we were crazy but I was not about to turn my back so the little s.h.i.+t could shoot it.

In the car Denny's control broke, slamming his hands on the dashboard, "That little f.u.c.k is asking for a war."

Denny was right, the guy was, Vinnie would never meet with this Nick no matter who they hurt and once we told Vinnie about this, Vinnie would likely tell us to kill the guy.

Feeling the weight of the gun in my waistband like never before I had to take a risk, "Vinnie can't know about this." If Vinnie found out we didn't tell him something like this it was us who would be getting hurt.

Denny said nothing while pulling out behind Cole but nodded his head in agreement.

"I will not kill for him Denny and I will not let you do it either." As soon as the words left my mouth Denny's foot hit the gas and his head whipped around to face me almost sending us into the back of Cole.

Here was the heart of the matter and something we never spoke of. How far were we willing to go for Vinnie? I knew I was not willing to take a life for Vinnie or anyone. Denny didn't have it in him to kill someone but sometimes the need to be accepted by his father made Denny do stupid s.h.i.+t. My fear was if Vinnie pushed it Denny would do it.

Thankfully Denny turned his attention back to the road and took his foot off the gas but like the last time I brought it up, he said nothing.

Back home Cole and Ben helped Kay to the living room couch and Denny grunted some cusses and stomped to his room slamming the door hard enough to rattle the windows.

"What's eating him?" Mason asked coming into the living room. With a quick look at Kay sprawled across the couch with a blood soaked washcloth held to his face Mason shook his head, "Never mind, I don't want to know."

Mason knew the basics of what we did for Vinnie's business but that was enough for him, he never asked and we never told.

"Where's Olivia?" I asked Mason's face turned hard, "Asleep in your room."

"Good?" I asked raising my eyebrows in question to his tone.

"No. Not good brother, we need to talk."

Gesturing to the kitchen I followed after him.

"You have to let Olivia go Jonah."

"Excuse me?" I snapped "Did you know Olivia has a brother?"

No. Honestly I didn't know much about her except that she was freaking beautiful and for some crazy reason she had a hold on me.

Shamefully I shook my head no.

"She told me her brother use to take care of her until he found something better."

What could be better then her? "Get to the point Mason."

"Her brother used to take care of her, until he got into drugs."

Oh s.h.i.+t. Mason was right; I had to let her go.

Nodding to Mason I walked to my room feeling like the World's worst person. It wasn't self-pity, it was true.

Was it Vinnie's drugs that were sold to Olivia's brother? Did I cause her World to fall apart?

Opening my bedroom door quietly I walked to the bed. Mason hadn't shut the curtains so the moon spilled light across the room lighting her face against the grey pillow. My heart squeezed inside my chest and in that moment I truly hated myself for the choices I'd made.

The sight of Olivia was breath taking. Her black hair was sprawled across the pillow and blanket; her creamy skin was flawless, bright red lips asking to be kissed. She looked peaceful and happy. And here I was, the Devil about to wreck the Angel's world. There was no place in her life for a person like me.

I should have woken her right that moment but I couldn't. I knew in my heart that this was the last and only time I would see her like this. Call me awful and selfish but I didn't care. For tonight I wanted to feel like she was mine.

Rus.h.i.+ng into the bathroom I put my piercings back in, took my contacts out, kicked my shoes off, threw my tie and dress s.h.i.+rt on to the floor and ran back into the room and crawled into bed with Olivia.

As soon as my back hit the bed Olivia curled into me wrapping her arms and legs tightly around my body. This should have been one of the most amazing moments of my life but instead because of the risks I had taken in my life it was the second time in my life I felt my heart break.

Chapter 7.

Sunlight streamed through the window hitting me in the face. Odd, I never leave my curtains open and what was that noise? It sounded like a bunch of guys talking which was weird because Ty never brought his boyfriends home.

Squinting my eyes open I came face to face with a tattooed chest.

Oh my...It was a very nice chest, but where the h.e.l.l was I?

With a speed that almost made my head explode the nights events came rus.h.i.+ng back.

What had I been thinking, drinking and the dancing?

Oh no, the dancing.

If Jonah wasn't sure whether he wanted me before, he most certainly wouldn't want me now.

Or did he?

Lifting my head up I found Jonah on his back with his arms cuddling me to his chest.

I thought nothing could be more beautiful than Jonah holding me, but then I looked upon his face and I knew that it was the most beautiful face I would ever see. His golden blonde hair was messy, sticking in every direction; his cheekbones were flushed red and his lips were pressed into a small smile.

It was easy to fall in love with someone at night, with the dark covering the truth and the chance to run when the sun came up, but in the light of day Jonah's sleeping body hid nothing and I knew I could fall in love with him. Because for the first time since Alex stared coming home beat up and b.l.o.o.d.y I felt safe and for the first time ever, I felt like I was home.

With a light kiss on his chest I slipped out of his arms and headed for the bathroom.

While was.h.i.+ng my hands I couldn't help but smile at my reflection. Even though I looked like I'd spent the night drinking my body weight in alcohol, I truly felt alive and it had everything to do with the man sleeping in the other room.

This time I wouldn't let him talk me away, that boy was going to be mine.

Opening the bathroom door I half ran back to the bed only to find it empty.

Ok, so not the greatest start but I could work with this.

Or not?

What was I suppose to do? Wait for him to come back or go find him? Gosh why did this have to be the first time I woke up in a guy's house?

Darcy I need to call Darcy.

Finding my purse by the door I grabbed my cell and ran back into the bathroom, all I needed was Jonah walking in while I was on the phone to Darcy asking what to do.

Finally on the tenth ring Darcy picked up, "Were are you?" Darcy shouted.

"I need your help?" I whispered.

"Doing the morning walk of shame are you?"

"What? No."

"Oh. Then what?"

"I woke up next to Jonah," I had to pull the phone away from my ear from the piercing scream, "Don't get too excited all we did was sleep."


See, there was the reason I called Darcy. "Anyway, I went to the bathroom and when I came back he was gone."

"And you want me to do what about that?"

"Well, you wake up in guys rooms all the time. If the guy leaves the room do you wait or going looking for him?"

"Ok one, ouch, you make me sound like I sleep with everything."

"You do."

"Secondly I do neither. Once I wake I grab my stuff and head home."

Of course, "Well what should I do?"

Once again I had to pull the phone away from my ear but this time it was from the yelling match between Darcy and Ty. "Olivia don't listen to this man eater or ask her for advice for that matter. Hang up the phone and go find your man." Without even a bye Ty hung up the phone, which I guess, settled that. I was going to go find Jonah.

Throwing my cell back into my purse I straightened my dress and walked down the stairs.

When I made it to the bottom I heard voices coming from behind one of the doors, I decided that would be a good place to start.

As soon as I walked in I wished I'd stayed in Jonah's bedroom.

Two sets of eyes looked at me in shock and I looked right back at them, a similar expression on my face. Sitting on the couch was a man bleeding from a cut above his eye while Denny sat in front of him going through a medic kit.

Images of Alex coming home looking the same flashed through my mind, I had to distract myself to stop the onset of a panic attack.

Not wanting to show Jonah or anyone how messed up I was, I took the first distraction offered. "Do you need help? I can fix that cut for you; I'm studying to be a vet." I blurted out while walking across the room and taking the rubbing alcohol and cotton pads out of the medic kit.

Before either of them could answer I pushed Denny out of the way and went to work cleaning up the dried blood around the cut.

"I'm Olivia." I said to the guy, he was as skinny as a stick and had a sweet baby face. He looked odd hanging out with two guys full of piercings and tattoos.

"Kay." The guy said wincing as I ran the cotton over the cut.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok it's not like you're the one who hit mea'"

"Shut it Kay." Jonah snapped from the doorway staring at Denny with murder in his eyes.

"Not my fault brother." Denny said gesturing his hand between Kay and I.

Pulling my eyes off of Jonah who looked like he'd just caught me beating his friend up, not helping him I quickly finished putting two b.u.t.terfly strips across the cut. "All done," I muttered anxiously, feeling Jonah's eyes burning into me.

"Thanks Olivia." Kay said standing up.

"Upstairs. Now Olivia." Jonah barked out harshly.

Was he mad I didn't stay in his room?

With a sympathetic look from Kay I ran up the stairs after Jonah.

Standing in the middle of his room Jonah had his off rubbing his eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked. Not understanding why he was so mad.

"No Olivia, I'm not ok I just had to watch you clean up Kay's b.l.o.o.d.y face." He spat looking at me with disgust in his eyes.

"I was helping him," I whispered, my voice tightening, a lump rising in my throat.

"I don't want you helping with that." Jonah said quietly, letting his head drop, "You shouldn't have to."

"You don't want me to help your friends when they're hurt?"

"Not when they're hurt by something I don't want you to be a part of."

Oh no, that didn't sound good. "What happened to Kay?"

Putting his back on Jonah fell onto the bed with a heavy sigh his anger turning to hurt. "I can't tell you."

Blood and secrets all too much like Alex. "It's a secret?" I mumbled, hating how scared I sounded.

"Yes. I have a lot of secrets Olivia, and not one of them is good."

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Risk. Part 5 summary

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