The Infinity Gate Part 6

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"Yes," said Inardle. And think not that you are a stranger to me, Avaldamon.

Avaldamon's mouth curved slightly as he recognised the power behind that thought, but he did not respond, allowing Ishbel to continue to question Inardle.

"The Magi travelled northward to the frozen wastes," said Ishbel, "and there they met with the Lealfast. I imagine a deal was brokered, Inardle, for the Magi taught the Lealfast a great deal, didn't they?"

"They taught us everything," said Inardle. "They taught us the way of the One and the secrets of the Magi."

"You control the power of the Magi?" StarDrifter asked.

"Yes," Inardle said. "Not all of us, but many of us. I control a little of this power, but nowhere near as much as Eleanon and Bingaleal, who are the most powerful Magi among us. Now that they have combined with the One and have pledged him their utter allegiance, their ability to touch Infinity and to use its power must be a hundredfold to what it was a few short months ago. My own command of the power of the One is much poorer -- I am female, and the One despises females for our power to subdivide the One."

"The ability to give birth," Avaldamon said, "and thus subdivide the One."

Many in the chamber now looked at Avaldamon curiously, wondering at him, but Maximilian still chose not to reveal his ident.i.ty.

"You combine the power of the One with the Star Dance," Maximilian said, and Inardle nodded.

"It was how our forbears made the spires, which Lister gave to Isaiah and others to enable them to communicate over vast distances."

Stars, Axis thought, Isaiah! Amid the chaos I had forgotten about him!

He would be travelling north toward Elcho Falling, by now somewhere between Margalit and the citadel.

And the Lealfast were in the air, and the Skraelings fast approaching from the south. Oh, stars, stars . . .

Axis almost opened his mouth to say something, but kept it closed. He would mention Isaiah's plight to Maximilian as soon as he had a chance.

"So the Lealfast have the ability to use the power of the One," said StarDrifter. "Wonderful."

"Jealous, StarDrifter?" Inardle said softly.

"Why are you still here, Inardle?" Maximilian said abruptly. "You could have left hours ago. You can leave now," he waved a hand at the windows, "for none here would stop you."

"Perhaps she stays to spread the treachery a little deeper," StarDrifter said. "Taunt us a little longer, work the Lealfast's purpose a little more accurately."

"Inardle?" Maximilian said.

"I stay," she said, "because I think Eleanon and Bingaleal chose wrongly when they chose the way of the One over you, Maximilian Persimius, Lord of Elcho Falling."

"And you expect us to believe that?" Axis said. "If you had decided that Eleanon and Bingaleal had chosen wrongly, why did you not tell me or Maxel what the Lealfast had done, and what they planned? Why did you leave it until so many lay dead?"

"How easy do you think it, StarMan, to abandon the loyalties of a lifetime for a new set?" Inardle said. "And how easy do you truly believe it could have been, to have come to you, and said, 'Oh Axis, all I have told you has been lies, but I am sorry for it, and as proof I shall tell you some secrets'' ? You would have hated me instantly, as you have now, and refused to listen to a word I said. I was trapped, trapped by conflicting loyalties and loves. There was nowhere for me to turn, and no one to believe me."

"I abandoned the loyalties of a lifetime for a 'new set' ," Axis said softly, "when I abandoned the Seneschal for the way of the Forbidden -- the Icarii. I found my conscience a good guide. I suggest you might like to try that, too, one day. f you have a conscience."

Inardle stared at him, her face losing its colour. "I stayed for love of you, Axis. That's why I stayed. A bitter choice, I am sure you will agree."

Then she sighed, and looked at Maximilian. "I do not blame any of you for not believing me. Nor for your distrust of me now. So, in order to alleviate just a little of that distrust, I shall tell you a secret, that when Eleanon or Bingaleal discovers I have spoken it, will be my death sentence."

"Then speak it," Axis snapped, "and earn your death sentence."

Maximilian thought about reprimanding Axis, but decided that the man had good enough reason to be bitter. Inardle had truly played to all his weaknesses, as all his strengths, in gaining his trust.

He raised an eyebrow at Inardle. "And your secret is . . . ?"

"Elcho Falling is not secure," Inardle said. "You know of the rose-coloured spires. But there is one other, made of pure magic and the power of Infinity, and perhaps beyond Infinity for all I know. It is what we know as the Dark Spire and it is a thing of great bleakness, of frightening potency. I believe that it is now somewhere within Elcho Falling. It is the only way the One could have gained access. Eleanon would have placed it here to aid and guide the One.

"And as long as it stays here, then we are all corpses walking. None of us can combat it."

Eleanon and Bingaleal sat on the small hill north of Elcho Falling, arms resting on raised knees, chins resting on arms.

"There is nothing from the One," Eleanon said. "Nothing. Whatever consumes his interest in Isembaard, it is not worry about us."

"Do you mind overmuch?" Bingaleal said.

Eleanon's mouth curved slightly. "No. But I'd like to know where he is and what he does. He's moving south-west through Isembaard, probably to reach DarkGla.s.s Mountain. Why, I wonder?"

"He feels safe there, perhaps," Bingaleal said.

Eleanon grunted. "So he runs away, eh? Of what use is he to us now?"

"We do need to be careful, Eleanon."

"We will be careful, brother."

"What do you plan for the Dark Spire, Eleanon?"

Eleanon took a deep breath, and told him.

Bingaleal's eyes widened progressively as Eleanon spoke. "Is this possible?"

"I believe so," Eleanon said. "I do not know how I can get inside Elcho Falling again to do what I must . . . but if I can work that out, then, yes, it is possible. I have spoken to the Dark Spire, and it is ready. It has . . . grown."

"The One will not object?"

Eleanon shrugged. "As I said, he appears to have lost interest in us for the moment. In any case, it will serve his purpose as well as ours."

"And the Lealfast Nation?"

"They will need to come here. We seem to have acquired an empty encampment of thousands of tents for their comfort."

"I will send word," Bingaleal said, and Eleanon nodded.

"There is a prize sitting there," he said, looking at Elcho Falling. "A portal into all the power we could ever want. A home that is more than we could ever want. The One had promised to achieve it for us, but now I doubt he could achieve the barbecuing of a small frog without someone holding his hand for the entire procedure. This is up to us, now, brother."

Chapter 10.

Elcho Falling.

"Where is this Dark Spire?" Maximilian said, his voice edgy for the first time.

"I don't know," said Inardle. "I am almost certain it is here, but I do not know where."

Maximilian was not sure whether to believe her or not. Did this Dark Spire exist? If so, did Inardle actually know its location? Did she think to amuse herself watching them panic?

She doesn't know, Maxel, Ishbel said to him, and Maximilian gave a nod.

"Very well," he said. "Georgdi, Eleanon, StarHeaven, organise a search. Inardle, what should they look for?"

"A dark, almost black, corkscrewed spire about so tall," said Inardle, holding one hand above the other.

"Is it dangerous?" Maximilian said.

"They shouldn't touch it," Inardle said, "nor approach it too closely. If it doesn't feel threatened it likely will not lash out."

Maximilian looked at the three he'd entrusted with the search, already on their feet and by the door. "Be careful," he said, and they nodded, and left.

His gaze returned to Inardle. "I didn't need this, Inardle."

"I'm sorry, my lord."

"Is there anything else you think you should tell us?"

"No. Eleanon didn't trust me enough to confide in me once I had become Axis' lover. All I know is that he probably placed the Dark Spire within Elcho Falling and that he, and Bingaleal, and likely all of the Lealfast, are now much changed to what once they were."

She gave a short, bitter laugh. "I think I must be the only original Lealfast remaining, the only one torn between her twin heritages."

"Are we going to be able to remove the Dark Spire when we discover it?" Maximilian asked.

"No," Inardle said, "none of you will be able to touch it."

"What can it do?" Axis said.

"It can reach into Infinity, Axis," Inardle said. "What can it not do? But . . . I do not know what its instructions are. I am sorry."

Maximilian looked at Avaldamon, then to those remaining at the table. "It is time to introduce you to my friend, I think, and explain to you what I learned from the Twisted Tower. Ishbel," he took her hand, "do you know this man?"

She smiled. "He is Persimius, and . . . familiar, but I cannot name him."

Avaldamon rose at that, walking over to Ishbel. He dropped to a knee before her and took the hand that Maximilian relinquished.

"I am Boaz's father, Ishbel. Your ancestor. Avaldamon."

Ishbel stared at him, then her mouth moved in a broad smile. She leaned down and embraced him.

"What do you here?" she said. "Oh, what legends I have heard of you!"

"Really?" Avaldamon said. "From who? You have long been distanced from your real heritage."

"From your daughter-in-law's cup, the Goblet of the Frogs. It talked of you a great deal."

Avaldamon laughed, kissing Ishbel's cheek, then rose to take a nearby chair that Georgdi had vacated for him. "Do I have time to tell my story, Maxel?" Avaldamon said.

"Until someone returns with news of the Dark Spire's location," Maximilian said.

"You all know of Josia?" Avaldamon said to the rest of the gathering, and everyone nodded.

"Josia's return was planned many thousands of years ago," said Avaldamon, "and so also was mine. Let me tell you a little of my background. I am a Persimius prince, younger brother to one of the Lords of Elcho Falling." His mouth twisted wryly. "As happens with many younger Persimius sons I think, I, like Josia, was given a task to accomplish that lay beyond Elcho Falling. Something that would have a great impact on the future."

He sat back in the chair, crossing his legs. "News of the construction of Threshold had reached Elcho Falling. My brother and I, as our advisers, were deeply concerned about both the cult of the One and the rise of Threshold itself. The ability of the Magi to touch Infinity? It was a nightmare. So . . . I was sent on the long journey to Ashdod, what you now know as Isembaard. My task?" He gave a small smile. "To sire a son on an Ashdodian princess. This would combine the blood of Ashdod with that of Elcho Falling, in an effort, should it be needed, to secure the destruction of Threshold and the cult of the One. Marry a princess I did and sire that son I did also, on the first night of our marriage -- then, disaster.

"Within days of our marriage, while I was stupidly cavorting on a river boat trying to make my new bride laugh, I fell overboard, and was consumed by one of the Lhyl's great river lizards. It was not a pleasant death."

He fell silent, and no one spoke.

"I was not supposed to die so soon," Avaldamon continued after a time. "I was supposed to watch my son grow, to teach him and raise him in the skills of Elcho Falling. Instead, my son Boaz fell into the clutches of the Magi, and became one of their number, indoctrinated in the way of the One.

"Then Fate took a hand. A slave, bought in one of the foreign markets, came to Threshold as a gla.s.s worker. She was a Vilander and may even have had some long-distant glimmer of Elcho Falling within her, for she had powerful abilities. She was no plan of ours, nor of Elcho Falling's. Tirzah, or Ygraine, as she was originally known, was simply Fate. She came to Threshold and, to cut this story short, for I fear we have not much time, she drew Boaz away from the way of the One and back into his elemental powers. Between them, they managed to stop Threshold from attaining its true power and to effect its dismantling."

"Were you always meant to come back, like Josia?" Axis said.

"No," Avaldamon said. "I am back because I had not finished my task. I was always going to be drawn back."

"Not Boaz?" Maximilian said.

Avaldamon shook his head. "Not Boaz. Boaz never knew the power of Elcho Falling, and it is Elcho Falling which will cause the destruction of DarkGla.s.s Mountain. If I had remained alive, I would have taught my son the ways of Elcho Falling, but I died and he did not do what was necessary to destroy the power of the pyramid. Thus I have returned rather than my son." He nodded at Maximilian, and smiled. "A new prince has risen, and his lady wife, both of whom can rally Elcho Falling against Infinity. My purpose remains: to show the Persimius blood how to destroy the hateful gla.s.s pyramid and, now, the One with it."

"You can't do this yourself?" asked Axis. "You are a Persimius prince, after all."

"I am nowhere near as powerful as Maximilian or Ishbel," said Avaldamon. "I can guide them, but I cannot be them."

Ishbel took a deep breath, catching Maximilian's eyes. "It can be done?" she said.

"So Avaldamon tells me," Maximilian said, "but the catch is that we likely have only a day or so in which to do it."

He turned to Axis. "Axis. I am afraid I am going to leave you in charge of Elcho Falling, as well as all the mess of the Lealfast and the Skraelings. Ishbel, Avaldamon and myself need to return to DarkGla.s.s Mountain within the next few hours."

"Oh, for the stars' sakes!" Axis said. "You can't think I am willing to --"

He broke off as StarHeaven spoke in his mind.

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The Infinity Gate Part 6 summary

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