The Truth About Twinkie Pie Part 17

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"Where is he?" I whispered. "Where is he?"

"Leia, calm down," Haven said, chewing her fingernails. "He'll be here."

Meanwhile, Allie was pacing back and forth, twisting this old baby blanket of hers she called Banky. "I knew this wouldn't work. I bet the cops got him. I bet he got caught by the cops."

"The cops?" Haven said. "Seriously?"

Allie moaned and began tying poor Banky into a giant knot. Just like we planned, I hadn't told the girls what was really happening. Only that I needed to run away with Trip for a few days and it was Life or Death. Watching Allie torture Banky made me wish I could tell her the truth, but I doubted it would make things any better. I peeked out the window again. A cab pulled around the corner and parked behind the third tree on the sidewalk. That was the signal.

"He's here!" I started grabbing things, my backpack, my jacket, the cell phone Haven was lending me. "Okay, everyone stay calm. I'm just going to climb out the window like we rehea.r.s.ed. I guess this is it."

Allie looked at me all tragically, then threw herself back on the sofa and pulled Banky over her head.

"Good luck!" said Haven, giving me a quick hug. She opened the window to let me out.

I put one leg over the sill. Trip was late. I wondered if we'd still have time to make the first train. I jumped out. Haven threw down my backpack and quickly closed the window and turned out all the lights. The plan was in effect.

Though I couldn't exactly appreciate it under the circ.u.mstances, Haven's house had the biggest and most beautiful yard I'd ever seen. It was filled with all these different kinds of gardens, with trees and plants that flowered no matter what season it was. She said her parents were gardening freaks and were up every weekend at the break of dawn, tending to their plants and waking her and the Beast up-sure that they wanted to share in the excitement of pulling weeds. The front yard alone had to be at least as big as the football field at school. In gym cla.s.s, we get timed running across that field, and I knew it wouldn't be long until I was safe in that cab with Trip.

Luckily, there wasn't anything planted under the window where I landed. It was one of the few empty s.p.a.ces on the property. The dirt was soft and I crouched there for a second while I settled my backpack onto my shoulders. The street was quiet and it was pretty dark, so even if people were out, they wouldn't necessarily see a twelve-year-old girl sprinting for her life across that big lawn. I took a deep breath and was about to make a run for it when a voice from around the corner whispered.

"I don't think this is a good idea."

I fell over and face-planted right in the dirt.

"Trust me, she loves surprises. Let me just show you this one empty spot under the window. It's perfect. Next summer, I'll grow my tomatoes there-"

One empty spot under the window? I scrambled on all fours as quickly as I could over to the next bush that would give me any sort of cover and curled up into a little ball behind it. "Tomatoes? You're going to plant tomatoes in your wife's rare-tree garden-"

"It's not her garden, it's our garden, and yes, she'll love it."

Suddenly, there were more voices. "What are you guys doing out here? The next course is up."



"Not a thing."

"You're not talking about putting tomatoes in my last empty spot, are you?"


Everyone started laughing.

"Not happening."

"Not just any tomatoes-rare heirloom tomatoes. Just come take a look...."

I could hear the sounds of Mr. Chang trying to drag Mrs. Chang toward me. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"And you really think it will help your cause to do this when I have food waiting?"

"Good point. Okay, but I promise, you'll love it. They'll be beautiful-just like you. Did you know the tomato is also known as the love apple?"

The grown-ups were laughing and it sounded like they were going to go back in. I had to hurry.

"C'mon!" I said to myself. I was going to have to make a run for it before Mr. Chang convinced his wife to come out and look at his dream tomato garden again.

Just like gym cla.s.s, I thought to myself, standing up.

"Did you-Honey, what was that?"

I ducked back down. Dang it.

"That better not be the Millers' dog, leaving his little-Shoo!"

"I'll get him-"

I held my breath. This was it. I was a goner for sure.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

I looked up.

It was the Beast. Hollering from his bedroom window.

"What are you doing up this late?" Mrs. Chang yelled up. "And how did you open the childproof latch on that window?"

Oh, that Beast. He was grinning a wicked grin right down into my hiding place. Darn it. I should've wrung his neck. I should have threatened him with curses. I should have tied him up with old Banky.

"I-I'm scared! I want you and Daddy right now!"

"One moment, honey, I just have to-"


"Coming! Coming! Let's get in. Honestly, he'll keep this up all night-did you ever hear what Haven calls him?"

This time, I didn't move until I was sure I heard the door open and close. I exhaled and looked up at the window. The Beast waved at me as he chewed on the crust of his pizza.

I gave him a shaky thumbs-up. It was time.

I brushed the dirt off my legs and tried to wipe it off my face, mostly just smearing it around more. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was getting to Trip.

I took a big breath and ran for it.

Thudding one foot after the other.

Focusing on that taxi.

Trip would have already told the driver a story about how we were cousins and our aunt was going to meet us at the train station in the city. With his Wish Pie eyes and Perfect Boy manners, Trip would make everything okay.

I ran harder than I'd ever run in my life, aiming straight at that cab, each step taking me closer and closer and closer, till finally, gasping for air and pus.h.i.+ng the hair off my dirty face, I grabbed at the door handle and hauled it open, throwing myself into the backseat. "Why in the world are you so-"

I stopped short.

But then, I guess the smile on Mace's face would be enough to stop anyone.

The Ol' Switcheroo

You think you're about to enjoy something warm and soft and comforting, straight from the oven, when WHAM! You sink your teeth into this icy brick of ice cream.

Friend, you've just been had by the Ol' Switcheroo.

* 4 egg whites * A pinch of salt * cup sugar * 6 individual sponge cakes * Vanilla ice cream Take out your old electric beater and beat those egg whites with the salt till they start to make peaks. Add the sugar a few spoonfuls at a time till they make glossy stiff peaks.

Arrange the cakes on a parchment-covered cookie sheet. Scoop ice cream on top of each sponge cake. Spread meringue on top of each cake, covering the ice cream and cake and sealing it all the way down. Stick the cookie sheet in the freezer for at least an hour.

When you're ready to serve, pop the cakes into a 425F oven for 5 minutes.

Just enough time to turn that meringue a beautiful golden brown but still keep that ice cream frozen. Serve right away!

Give it a try. It'll surprise your guests and it might even surprise you, too.

Serves 6.


Hey, cuz!" Mace was smiling like we were best friends instead of I don't know what. "Sorry about being-What's on your face? Never mind. Listen, Aunt Joan said to look for her as soon as we get to the train station, so we better hurry, okay?"

Not only was Trip the only person I wanted to see right now, but Mace was also the last person I would ever want to have by my side when I was looking for my Maybe No Longer Dead Mama.

Mace mouthed, Answer me.

"Huh?" I said.

"You two are cousins?" The cabdriver was studying us in the rearview mirror. "You two..."

There was a second of silence.

Mace crossed her arms and smiled at the cabdriver. "Oh, she's adopted."

"Wha-" I started to say, but Mace shoved me in the ribs.

She went on. "We're meeting our aunt Joan at the station, and then we're all going into the city to a big family reunion. It's going to be great. Right, cuz?"

I tried again. "Aunt Jo-"

"Now, that's nice," said the cabbie, pulling out into the road. "Though I went to one of them family reunions once. Didn't care for it-I'll tell you why. My second cousin from my pop's side married this no-good stinking lunatic-a real loon, I tell ya-and this nutjob thinks since he's married into the family, he's got a right to my great-great-grandpop's wooden leg. Figured he could turn it into a lamp or somethin'...." As the cabdriver yakked on, Mace just kept looking straight ahead.

I turned away from her and stared out the window into the black night.

Where was Trip?

Why was Mace here?

It was like being handed the worst Mystery Basket in the history of Mystery Baskets. And, just like on the TV show, I had no choice. I had to see what I could make of it. But if Mace thought I wasn't going to come down hard on her the second we got out of that cab, she was wrong. She was dead wrong.


It was late and the station looked pretty much empty when we got there.

"Do not talk," Mace said in a low voice out of the corner of her mouth. "Thank you so much!" she said to the cabbie, handing him money. "And seriously, good luck getting back your great-great-grandfather's, um, leg-thing...."

"Now, that's awful nice of you to say. You kids have a nice family reunion. You see your auntie? I don't want to leave you here in the dark."

"Yes, there she is!" Mace pointed to a lone car, waiting with its lights on. "Hey, Aunt Joan!" She waved, then turned back and gave him a big tip.

More money! I started to protest. There was no way I wanted to owe Mace anything. Anything. Especially when I still had no idea why she was even here with me in the first place. She didn't care about me. She didn't even know anything. About Mama or the lipstick.

Trip was the only one who knew the whole plan.

About being cousins and going to the train station.

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The Truth About Twinkie Pie Part 17 summary

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