Forbidden - The Claim Part 13

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will join Him."

"And you're one of those? A Dominie?"

"After serving as Treasurer for two centuries, they elevated me. I'm the youngest to ever

have the t.i.tle bestowed upon them."

"And you've taken that from him," accused Rita.

"Oh, Ren," she sniffed. "I've stolen heaven from you? Not that I believe in heaven,


"It's all right, Vi," I a.s.sured her, taking her face in the palms of my hands. "Don't cry. You didn't take it away. Don't you see? You've given it to me. We'll be all right, baby." "It's not going to be all right, Byron. Do you think they will let you walk away from this?

They let you in. They trusted you. They can't afford to let this go.""It's not like I want to quit, I-""You are so naive! They're not going to let you stick around! They've held you up as an example! You're their golden boy, what all the little vamps are supposed to aspire to be.

You're a dead man, Byron."

"They can't kill me, Rita."

"They can now."

Rita didn't have to say another word; she glanced at Violet and it hit me like a ton of bricks. And in that instant, Violet realized it, too. They'd go after her, and in doing so

they'd get rid of both of us. I'd disappear. I'd be replaced. And the secret of my failure would remain just that, a secret.

"I'm not ready to die," said Violet.

Fred's dying words rang in my ears, "When they talk of me I want you to tell them that with my last breath I said I had no regrets, welcomed death, and expressed my unwavering devotion to the woman I loved. Promise me, Ren. I won't have people scaring their children with tales of my mistake. My life wasn't a mistake."

"You're not going to die," I told her, my heart breaking. "Rita will see you home."

Just the mere thought of separating had me breaking out in a cold sweat.

She started trembling and unconsciously reached up to touch the mark I'd left on her neck.

I looked at Rita, "Stay with her until you're sure she's safe. Help her through the trauma of the separation."

"I thought you fired me?" she asked sarcastically.

I just glared at her.

"What about you?" asked Rita.

"I'll be fine as long as I know that Violet is all right," I lied. "Leave us."

I waited until Rita retreated to the kitchen, then I pulled Violet onto my lap and peeled

the coverlet off of her, exposing her to me, and then I kissed her. I explored the warm, wet cavern of her mouth as if I was discovering it for the first time, trying to memorize the feel of it, taking pleasure in the taste of it. There was so much that I wanted to do, so much that I wanted to say, and so little time.

Never before in my existence had I felt the pressure of it-time. I'm not sure that I even appreciated the concept before. Now I knew that every second that ticked by was one less that I would get to spend with her. The taste of the salt from our co-mingled tears. .h.i.t my tongue and I pulled back.

"You could come with me?" she said, only it was more of a question.

She felt frightened and desperate and uncertain.

I rested my forehead against hers and released a ragged sigh. I so much wanted to

ease her pain, pain that she wouldn't have been feeling if she hadn't of come here. But the pain was real and I couldn't fix it, not today.

"I can't right now. There are things I need to do first, arrangements that must be made. But I will come to you, Violet. Have no doubt about that. I will come to you. That is...if you want me."


"As soon as I can, as soon as it's safe. I'll find a place where we can meet...maybe someplace in England or Ireland. Scotland is nice."

"I live in San Diego, Byron," she said, brus.h.i.+ng away her tears.

"It's awfully sunny there, Vi."

"All the more reason. They'd never suspect you'd be there. Right?"

"Maybe. It's true what she said, you know. There is chemistry involved, physical need driving this attraction, Violet. I don't want you to-"

Violet placed her hand over my mouth and looked me in the eye. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

I chuckled. "Until last night I didn't believe in love at all."

"Look inside yourself, Byron. Look inside of me. Feel what I feel. This is real. I don't know how or why...but I do know that I want to hold onto it...onto you."

She was right. There were feelings, strong feelings. "Until death do us part?" I murmured against her ear.

"Until death do us part, baby," she replied.

I sunk my fangs deep into her neck and renewed our bond, then carried her upstairs and made love to her one last time. That final encounter wasn't about pa.s.sion. It was about solace. It was about a promise being made and a commitment being kept. It was about mourning the loss of one another and rejoicing in the discovery of life and love. Certainly not the life or love that we had planned on, I'll give you that. But who's really good at planning these things? Certainly not me.

Violet left with Rita the following morning after an emotional goodbye. The sky was completely clouded over and the rain was pouring down in torrents. It was barely 8:00 a.m. when I watched the boat that Rita had come in take them away. I dragged my favorite black leather chair over to the large picture window so that I could drown my sorrows in merlot and watch as the small vessel that carried them became a distant dot on the horizon. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking he just lets her go while he sits there and drinks? The answer is yes. I drink what I want, when I want. I eat what I want, when I want. And except for a few things... I do what I want, when I want. And what I want...what I will to be with her...always...and unconditionally.

I walked over to my G5 and sat down to run stock screens. I would have to plan this out carefully, so as not to garner too much attention. When the market opened in Tokyo, I wanted to be ready to execute the first wave of trades. I was going to need new accounts to start moving money into. And I was going to need a, credit cards, and an entire background-fast.

I leaned back in my chair, looked around my living room, and smiled at the irony of it all. My house had never felt so empty. My life had never felt so full of meaning. I had been living the fantasy...eternal youth, immortality, rich beyond anyone's wildest imagination, a private Island, an enormous house, status in the community...I was the envy of my friends...the few I had.

That is, until a slip of a girl came to me, tempting me to take a taste, just one, of her forbidden fruit. And I did have a taste. And it was good. The fruit was my redemption, and Violet became my paradise. I imagine that many would think me a fool for having paid such a cost, for giving up so much. I have no regrets. You see...I've found something truly priceless. I've found love.

The End.

Coming Soon....Forbidden: The Awakening Samantha Sommersby has been writing romance since 2001. She was first published in 2005 and also has written under the pen name Lara Williams. Her background in the medical and specifically the psychiatric field is apparent in her work and allows her to bring a unique perspective to characters and stories. Sam loves to spend the day in her office creating-spinning rich tales, and weaving together interesting plots. Her aim is to create a hero that will literally sweep a reader off her feet.

She currently lives in Southern California with her husband of sixteen years, her twelve-year-old son, and a c.o.c.ker spaniel named Buck. Sam's husband is a Social Worker who works with abused children. He's an avid sailor who loves to surf and you'll find bits of him in every hero that she's ever written. She describes her son as wonderfully sensitive with a sarcastic sense of humor. He plays the piano, composes his own music, is a compet.i.tive fencer, and wors.h.i.+ps video games.

Like most writers, she'll tell you that she's always desperately trying to balance her "real life" work, family, and writing. She still works a full-time job, writing in the wee hours of the morning or on weekends. When she does manage to set aside some "play" time for herself, then you'll most likely find her reading a book, at the movies, or out wine tasting (she collects California Cabernets).

To date she's been publis.h.i.+ng with Linden Bay Romance and is extremely pleased to be a part of their family of authors. Sam loves to hear from readers and can be reached at:

Other works by Samantha Sommersby:.

Blazing Sun, Burning Hearts.

It's 1917 and Lieutenant Jackson Crawford is in Arabia on an important mission. A seasoned soldier sent to ensure a victory that will secure British interests in the Suez Ca.n.a.l, Crawford was prepared for resistance from the prince; he was prepared for the crude weapons, the h.e.l.lish sun, and the never-ending sand. What he wasn't prepared for was Harvard bred archeologist turned spy Lillian Barton Drake.

Weeks after Lilly's arrival in the desert she found herself in the center of a b.l.o.o.d.y ma.s.sacre. Rescued by the prince, she travels as part of his entourage, doing her utmost to gain his trust while avoiding becoming a part of his harem. Then into the camp rides an exhausted Jackson.

In a twist of fate Jack fights for Lilly's honor risking life and limb to claim her as his own. Casting aside common sense the couple begin a pa.s.sionate affair that sets the desert on fire and is guaranteed to melt your heart. Will their love be strong enough to survive the ravages of war, the duty they've sworn to their country, and the secrets of Jackson's past?

Trilogy No. 101.

You just never know where you're going to find love....

Blackout: Ashley and Curt get trapped together in an elevator. As the temperature rises they begin to reveal themselves in more ways then one!

Touch the Fire: Firefighter Garrett Flint rescues the beautiful Nicole from a burning building and then breaks all the rules by taking her into his home and into his heart.

June in August: June Monroe grew up next door to Wiley Patton. When he left for Vietnam she was just fifteen and hopelessly in love. Now three years later he's returned from war and little June is all grown up.

In the Still of the Night.

It begins with a chance meeting on a train. Psychiatrist Wesley Atherton meets the woman of his dreams, but when the train derails, a series of events are set in motion that has Wes racing against Death itself in order to save his new love, Katherine. Confronted by the unimaginable, Wes struggles to hold onto his own sanity as the couple fight against the dark force that endangers them and all those they hold dear.

Wes and Katherine quickly realize that it's a fine line between madness and mysticism, and between what's normal and what we don't understand. And it's a line they must cross to win.

Samantha Sommersby weaves an intricate tale of love threatened byultimate evil. In the Still of the Night delivers a knock-out punch that willkeep you on the edge of your seat and leave you begging for more.

As You Wish.

Mystery, danger, true love, and the best-d.a.m.ned birthday present ever! As You Wish has it all.

The instant attraction Liz and William feel for one another produces enough heat to rival the Sahara. But William has secrets from his former life, and Liz's ability to trust in love again is tied to someone from her past. Before they can find happiness together, Liz and Will must put aside past tragedies and embrace a new definition of family.

Add in one psychic sister, a deranged stalker, and a group of tried and true friends (not to mention a sailing fantasy that is too hot to handle and a welcome home dinner so s.e.xy it will make your mouth water) and As You Wish delivers whole-heartedly. It's a fast-paced story with exotic locales and characters that will warm your heart (whew - especially that William Carlton!). As You Wish is a story you will want to read over and over.

Shelter from the Storm.

Jennifer Jones likes being in control. A violent incident from her past makes it an essential part of her life. After a surprise turn of events Jennifer finds herself searching for a new roommate. Enter Maclain Moore, s.e.xy social worker, sensitive listener, and Jennifer's new boarder. Mac is no stranger to heartache. He's surrounded by it at work and has his own set of skeletons rattling around in the closet.

Unsuspecting Jennifer has no idea how far out of control her life is about to spin. Her attraction for Mac is undeniable and tempting. Soon after he moves in Jennifer is confronted with the news of the death of her estranged mother. Suddenly she's faced with the task of taking in her much younger sister, making her life even more crowded, messy and very, very scary.

This is a compelling story about two vulnerable people previously burned by love and thrown together by circ.u.mstance. Samantha Sommersby delivers whole-heartedly with this one. The growth of the relations.h.i.+p between the characters is wonderfully portrayed. We see the loss and the gain, the sadness and the joy, and most of all the pa.s.sion. Shelter from the Storm reminds us that not everyone has to go looking for love. For a lucky few. Love finds them.

This is a publication of Linden Bay Romance.

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Forbidden - The Claim Part 13 summary

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