The Kadin Part 2

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"Just today?"

"Every day, my sweet" and he kissed the tip of her ear.

She blushed, and he laughed. "Being my fiancee officially has made you more demure. It is most charming."

"Rudolfo," boomed the duke, "I "I think this would be a good time to present Gianetta with her gifts." He clapped his hands, and a troupe of servants entered bearing trays of packages and bouquets. Much to everyone's amus.e.m.e.nt Janet cried out in delight think this would be a good time to present Gianetta with her gifts." He clapped his hands, and a troupe of servants entered bearing trays of packages and bouquets. Much to everyone's amus.e.m.e.nt Janet cried out in delight "Now you see why I am hesitant about letting her wed so young," chuckled Patrick to Duke Sebastian.

"Marriage will mature her," replied the duke.

The white-leather case Janet first reached for contained the San Lorenzo pearls-the traditional gift of the reigning duke to his future daughter-in-law. The d.u.c.h.ess presented her with a red morocco toilette case containing two combs, a brush, and a mirror of gold; a gold box holding tortoise-sh.e.l.l hairpins; three Venetian crystal scent bottles, one filled with rosewater, one with lavender, and the third with rare Eastern musk; and a pale blue velvet bag containing pure white wax candles and a crystal-and-gold candlestick.

Young Adam had brought his sister a gold ring fas.h.i.+oned with the Leslie coat of arms and engraved inside with the words, "To my own dear sister, Janet from Adam." She rose, walked over to him, and kissed him on the cheek.

"You are the sweetest brother any girl could have."

Adam flushed and wriggled in embarra.s.sment.

Janet turned back to her gifts. On the last tray was a beautifully carved leather saddle.

"Oh, Rudi," she exclaimed, "it's wonderful!"

"But it is not from me, cara. It is from your father."

"But you said you had another gift for me, and there are no others left"

"Greedy wench," said Patrick.

"Oh, father," she giggled. "I'm sorry. The saddle is a marvelous gift"

"It goes with something else, little sweetheart. Come out on the terrace and see what your grandmother has for you."

The entire family adjourned to the terrace. There, standing quietly, was a beautiful white mare, and holding her bridle was a young black man wearing bright red satin pantaloons, a yellow turban with a white plume, and a gold earring in his left ear. His bare chest had been oiled, and it glistened in the bright sun.

"The mare's name is Heather," said Patrick.

"And this," said Rudi, placing a hand on the black man's shoulder, "is Mamud. He is a tamed and Christianized African, and my special gift to you. I purchased him from a trading s.h.i.+p that put in here last week. He is gelded, and therefore a eunuch."

Though Janet was delighted with Mamud, Mary Mac-Kay was not She was quite horrified. "Black as a crow, and he'll bring bad luck, too," she said. "What could Master Rudi have been thinking to give ye such a gift?"

Mamud regarded the Scotswoman warily out of liquid brown eyes and immediately summed her up as the enemy.

"Don't be silly, grandmother. Blackamoors are becoming quite the fas.h.i.+on."

"If he were a child, it would be one thing," persisted the older woman, "but he is not Gelded or nae, I dinna like the looks of him."

That evening, Janet stood on her balcony overlooking the sea. The day had been a long one, and she was relieved that it was over. A jagged streak of lightning cut across the sky, followed by a nimble of thunder that echoed into the hills. Soon the rain would begin, bringing an end to this awful heat Janet moved from the balcony and lay down on her bed. Closing her eyes, she let her body relax and her mind wander. Something had happened to her this evening that seemed to indicate that Rudi was as eager as she to be wed.

They had been sitting in the duke's garden. Rudi, who up to this point had given her no more than an occasional kiss on the cheek, had slipped his arm around her and kissed her on the mouth. At first she had been startled, but as Rudi whispered soft endearments in her ear, she had allowed herself to be kissed again. Her innocently ardent response had encouraged his hands to begin a gentle fondling of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Janet had heard herself murmuring in soft contentment as her body grew warm and strangely weak. But the sudden loud sounds of her brother and Rudi's younger brothers playing a boisterous game nearby had roused her, and she had pulled away, suddenly frightened.

Rudi had smiled slowly at her. "It is a long time until our wedding day, Gianetta."

"I know," she had sighed, "but father is firm."

Reliving that moment in the privacy of her bedchamber, Janet began to wonder if her father weren't right She loved Rudi terribly, but he had awakened feelings in her she wasn't sure she was equipped to handle at this moment Perhaps she was was too young. too young.

Maybe, she thought, I shall ask father to move the wedding date, and maybe not I have plenty of time to decide.

The rain came in a rush and began to beat fiercely on the red-tile roof of the villa. Flopping over on her stomach, Janet allowed the sound of the rain to lull her, and promptly fell asleep.


CHRISTMAS WAS OVER, and the new year of Our Lord, one thousand four hundred and ninety-three, had begun. The holidays, with all their feasting and merriment, had been happy ones. No longer considered a child, but not yet quite a woman, Janet had been expected to take up some of the duties of a future d.u.c.h.ess of San Lorenzo. She had appeared with Rudi at all official and church functions, and on Christmas Day had distributed alms to the poor of Arcobaleno. She was feeling very grown up.

Under her grandmother's guidance, she gradually began to take over the task of running her father's house. When she became the reigning d.u.c.h.ess of San Lorenzo, It would be her duty to oversee the housekeeping and provisioning of the castle. She would become responsible for seeing that the servants did their work well and for the feeding of the entire household-family, retainers, servants, and soldiers. She must learn how to order the provisions, which meant studying many recipes, and she must learn the difference between ordinary wines and those fit for the palates of the n.o.bility.

However, the matter of servant discipline was the hardest lesson of all By nature Janet was softhearted, and the servants knew it One day Janet overheard two young kitchenmaids discussing the desire of one of them to go to the carnival with a butcher's apprentice.

"Just tell her," said the first, "that you want to go home to visit your sick mother. She will be all sympathy and will not question you."

Janet seethed. She did not like being made a fool, but her anger quickly died, and her good Scots common sense took over. When the kitchenmaid requested leave to visit her ailing mother, Janet was all sympathy. Of course she must go and, continued Janet, she herself would accompany the girl with a basket of delicacies to speed the poor invalid's recovery.

The little maid was terrified. Unable to shake her mistress's good intentions, she finally burst into tears and confessed the deception. Janet sent for the other kitchen-maid and then p.r.o.nounced punishment "You," she said to the weeping girl, "will receive five lashes for lying to me. It is little punishment but the soreness of your guilt will be greater than the soreness of your back. I know you will not lie to me again. Had you asked to go to the carnival, I should have allowed it provided your work was done."

The girl fell to her knees and kissed the hem of her mistress's dress.

Janet turned to the instigator of the plot "Your crime is far worse," she said sternly. "You encouraged your friend to deceive me. You will receive ten lashes at the end of this day's work. Then you will spend the night in the chapel praying to Our Blessed Lady Mary to help you mend your ways. I will pray with you so you will not be tempted to sleep. If any servant should lie to me again, I will dismiss him or her immediately."

The servants learned their lesson well, but so did Janet She never again indulged them Only the blackamoor, Mamud, was spoiled.

He had turned out to be a wonderful gift His command of Italian increased daily. He kept Adam amused by the hour, telling him stories of his native land, showing him how to track and trap small animals, and even teaching him a smattering of Arabic Janet joined him in these lessons, for she loved the study of languages and was quite adept at it Mamud was also an excellent sailor, and one sunny afternoon in early February, Janet unable to sleep during the customary siesta, called to him to go sailing. Pa.s.sing Adam's room, she looked in and observed the boy sprawled sleeping across his bed. Kissing his russet head, she walked on. She stopped a servant on the terrace steps and told him, "Tell my grandmother that I have gone sailing with Mamud and will return by sunset" The servant nodded, and Janet walked down to the beach where Mamud waited ready to push the small craft into the surf.

The afternoon was balmy and breezy. The sea, a clear azure green capped with white foam, sparkled and danced in the sunlight Janet noted that Mamud had set a basket with white bread, a small yellow cheese, some fruit and a flask of wine in a corner of the boat She complimented him on his thoughtfulness, and he flashed her a smile, his teeth blindingly white against his black face.

Sailing into her favorite cove, Janet motioned to Mamud to lower the sail, and the little boat scudded up onto the sand. Taking the basket she leaped out and walked up the beach, "Do you wish to swim, my lady?"

"Aye. Do you, Mamud?"

"Yes, mistress. I love the sea."

Janet pointed to a strip of secluded beach a short distance away. "Very well, go along."

"But, mistress, I should watch you lest you drown."

"I am a strong swimmer, and you need have no fears, my good Mamud. Go."

Reluctantly he left her, and, now alone, Janet divested herself of the simple peasant skirt and bodice she wore. The sea was cool and tingling, and she swam slowly, letting the gentle current waft her along. Turning, she returned to the sh.o.r.e and flopped down on the warm sand. Loosening her hair, she shook the water out of it and braided it up, then slipped her skirt and bodice back on over her dry skin.

Down the beach Mamud cavorted in the waves like a porpoise, and when he returned she motioned him to sit Delving into the hamper, she spread the simple meal on a napkin.

The late-afternoon sun was warm, and the wine from the hamper sweet. Janet lazily studied the young black man who sat slightly apart from her. She was normally an outgoing, inquisitive girl, and by this time should have known everything about Mamud's history right down to his great-grandparents, but her recent elevation as the future d.u.c.h.ess of San Lorenzo had completely occupied her time. Mamud actually spent more time with her brother. Adam, she was sure, knew all about him Suddenly she could no longer contain her curiosity.

"Mamud," she said, "I wish to know of your past life. Were you born a slave?"

"No, mistress. I am the son of a chief in my own land. One day Muslim slavers raided our village. I was captured while seeing to the safety of my wife and son. My only consolation is that they are safe."

"You are married? Then you cannot be a eunuch."

"The slaver told that to my lord Rudolfo so he would buy me."

"Oh," she said in a small voice.

The slave laughed. "My lady need not be afraid. By the standards of my tribe, my lady is quite ugly."

Janet stared at him for a moment, wondering if she should be offended. Then she chuckled. "This will be our secret, Mamud. As soon as I can find a way, you shall have your freedom"

"Thank you, mistress. I would do anything for my freedom."

Picking up the basket, Mamud helped his young mistress into their small boat and pushed it back into the sea. Raising the sail, he turned the craft to catch the wind. The sun was just beginning its nightly trip into the Mediterranean. Staying close to the coast, he guided the boat toward Arcobaleno.

As they rounded a small point, they saw a s.h.i.+p within the cove, apparently taking on water. Mamud made for it "What are you doing, Mamud? We have not time to visit that s.h.i.+p, and besides, it doesn't look like a merchantman to me. Turn the boat"

The slave stared straight ahead and gripped the ruler.

"I order you to turn this boat at once, Mamud. The sun will soon be gone. We must reach home before dark."

"You will not be going home, mistress. I told you I would do anything for my freedom, and delivering you to a slaver for gold will gain me that freedom."

Flinging herself at him, she grappled with him for the tiller. She fought desperately, but Mamud raised his arm and shoved her away. Tumbling back, she struck her head against the side of the boat She struggled to maintain consciousness, but the blow was hard, and she spiraled downward into the blackness. Somewhere in that darkness she felt a thud, then hands upon her body, followed by the feeling of floating freely, and then the hands again.

Upon regaining her senses, she became aware of a rocking motion and realized she was aboard the s.h.i.+p. Hearing voices nearby, she cautiously opened her eyes and looked about her. She was lying on a divan in a moderate-sized cabin. Beside her a little window looked out on the sea. There was the coast of San Lorenzo. The s.h.i.+p was still at anchor.

Turning her head slightly, she saw Mamud and another man who was white but was dressed like her slave. They were talking. She c.o.c.ked her head to hear.

"How will you explain the girl's disappearance to her father?" the white man asked.

"I will tell him we were attacked by pirates. I fought valiantly to save my mistress but was overcome and thrown into the sea for dead. Your men must strike me several times so I look beaten. I shall swim to sh.o.r.e and walk back. Capsize the boat"

"Your plan is sound, but what will it gain you except the money we've paid you for the girl?"

"The earl is a sentimental man. He will not want me around to remind him of the girl. Since he really doesn't believe in slavery, he will free me rather than be reminded of his precious daughter. I am sure of it! With papers of manumission from him and the money you've paid me, I can safely return to my home."

Janet had heard enough. Leaping from the divan, she dashed through the cabin door to the s.h.i.+p's rail, but before she could leap overboard, two arms grasped her tightly and hauled her, kicking, back to the cabin. "You pig," she shrieked, flying at Mamud's face with her nails. He leaped back, startled at the gentle girl's sudden rage.

"You have sold me a tigress, Mamud," laughed the slaver captain, catching hold of Janet "Calm down, little lady. No one will harm you."

Janet faced the captain. "What ransom are you asking? Whatever it is, my father will pay it Do you know who I am? This sly slave has misled you. I am no pretty peasant girl. I am the Lady Janet Mary Leslie, daughter of Lord Patrick Leslie, the earl of Glenkirk. My father is the am-ba.s.sor of His Most Catholic Majesty, James of Scotland, to the court of San Lorenzo. I am betrothed to Rudolfo, heir to Duke Sebastian."

'Your pedigree is most impressive, my lady. However, there will be no ransom. You will be taken to Crete, where you will be sold to the highest bidder at auction. No ransom can possibly match what you will bring on the block."

Janet turned to Mamud. "How could you?" she asked.

"I am truly sorry, mistress, but I told you I would do anything to gain my freedom. I was a gift from your betrothed. How could you free me without offending him? It would have taken a miracle, and I do not believe in miracles."

"I hope my father finds out what you've done, Mamud, and when be does, may G.o.d help you."

The slave grinned at her, and Janet hit him so hard that Adam's ring opened a cut near his eye. The captain shouted for his servant, who dashed through the door and pinioned the girl's arms. Janet opened her mouth and began to scream. Quickly the captain motioned Mamud out of the cabin and, dropping something into a goblet of water, forced her to drink. Unconsciousness came quickly and mercifully.

Her first realization of returning consciousness was the cradlelike rocking of the s.h.i.+p. She lay quietly for a moment, lulled by the false sense of security. Then, remembering where she was, she rose quietly from the divan and inspected her prison.

The cabin was s.p.a.cious and furnished in the Eastern manner, with a thick carpet on the floor, a large, pillowed divan, a low, round, inlaid table, more pillows, and several hanging bra.s.s lamps. Looking out the little window, she saw the moonlight sprinkling itself across the now-dark sea.

Turning back to the cabin, she noticed wine and a goblet on the table. Suddenly she realized how thirsty she was and, pouring herself a full measure, drank it down. Its fire restored the warmth to her chilled body. The sound of a bolt being drawn on the door sent her spinning around, and as it opened, she hurled the goblet at the man who stood there.

"Your aim is no less impressive than your beauty, my little lady. And now, if you have vented your anger, let us talk. I am Captain Gian-Carlo Venutti, at your service."

"You are a pig and a bandit, Captain Venutti! If you are truly at my service, you will return me to San Lorenzo at once! I will personally guarantee your safety and a large reward."

Captain Venutti ignored her words. "Lady Janet," he began, "I sail under the protection of Venice. We are now on our way to Candia on the island of Crete. You will be sold at auction to the highest bidder, and a substantial portion of this profit will go into the Venetian treasury."

"But the duke of San Lorenzo will pay a large ransom for my safe return."

"We are businessmen, not kidnappers. My dear young lady, is it possible you do not realize how beautiful you are? All the money in San Lorenzo could not purchase your freedom You are worth a king's ransom, and now the matter is closed. Please do not distress yourself by trying to escape. Your every move will be watched. I hope you will be comfortable here. If you desire anything, simply ask the slave at the door." Then he left her, locking the door behind him.

For the next six days the s.h.i.+p sailed smoothly across the waters of the Mediterranean. Captain Venutti allowed Janet a small measure of freedom and gave her a portion of the upper deck for exercise and air. In order to take her mind off her predicament, he pointed out the different islands and their characteristics.

Corfu, second largest of the Ionian isles, and very, very fertile. Mount Aenos, towering over mountainous little Cephalonia. Tiny Zante, which not only raised sheep and goats but somehow managed to grow grapes, olives, wheat, and a variety of fruits. And, of course, the Peloponnesus of southern Greece, also called Morea, and now under Turkish rule. Here, aside from the usual grapes and olives, tobacco was also raised, a small silk industry flourished, and there was an enormous fis.h.i.+ng fleet On the evening of the sixth day, the s.h.i.+p reached Candia. The pleasant cruise was at an end, and Janet faced the frightening reality of her situation, and the fact that she might never see her family again.


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The Kadin Part 2 summary

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