The League: Born Of Betrayal Part 29

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Unable to listen to any more, Galene had stepped forward and pulled Fain back. "It wasn't Fain's fault. He was with me because I needed him."

Only then did they back off.

Endine had shaken her head. "I hope for your brother's sake, for all our dignities, he doesn't survive surgery." She'd stalked off.

His father had limped toward Fain. "That hybrid b.a.s.t.a.r.d is the one who dragged him out of the wreckage and ruined his future. If you're the warrior you should be, you'll kill that rank b.a.s.t.a.r.d tomorrow and save what little family honor we still have." Then his father had stormed off after his mother.

Keris had spat at Fain before he followed his parents and left Fain alone in the waiting room with his guilt and pain.

Aghast at their actions and aching for him, she'd rubbed his back, trying to offer a solace she knew she couldn't. "I'm so sorry, Fain."

The raw agony in his eyes had been excruciating. "It's all my fault. I did this to Dancer."

"You didn't do this. Had you been there, you'd have crashed, too, and been scarred."

He'd looked at her as if she was repugnant to him. That expression was what she would spend the rest of her life believing had sent him into Omira's arms. "I should have been there. I should be the one in a coma, not Dancer!"

Galene had stepped forward to hold him.

Hissing at her, he'd run down the hallway, into the bathroom. She'd followed after him and paused, knowing she couldn't go inside.

Through the door, she'd heard his rage and temper as he trashed the facilities. An act of desolate agony that had caused them to call for security. Her parents, who'd been doctors at the hospital, had responded to the call instantly, and her mother had forced her to go home while her father had gone into the bathroom to talk to Fain.

Over the next week, Fain had stayed by his brother's side, only leaving long enough to take his finals and attend obligatory graduation functions. Abandoned by his parents and Keris, who'd forsaken Dancer, Fain had refused to speak to anyone.

Even her.

She'd felt completely helpless in the aftermath. Yet on their graduation day, Chrisen had told her that Fain had wanted to see her. That he had something important he wanted to tell her about their future.

Knowing she was already pregnant, and eager to share her own news, she'd rushed to the locker room where Fain had shushed her and brushed her aside so that he could shower and dress for the ceremony, "without any more stress on my back." That was what he'd coldly said to her.

Since Dancer's crash, he'd been avoiding his home by staying at the hospital, and had decided to dress at school instead of his mother's house where he'd have been subjected to her constant insults and tirades. If not actual physical abuse.

Wounded by his callous words, Galene had left him. But as she stepped outside the locker room, she'd found Merrell lurking by the door. As she tried to brush past him, he'd grabbed her arm.

"Fain doesn't want you, Galene. Dear G.o.ds, how blind are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"He's been s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g Omira Antaxas for weeks now. Ever since the accident, she's been with him at the hospital and everything."

s.n.a.t.c.hing her arm out of his grasp, she'd sneered at the smug prince and that utter stupidity. Fain would never do anything like that. "You're lying!"

"I saw them together. So did Jullien. Just ask him, if you don't believe me. All the Hauks are twisted. Didn't you know? Their entire lineage is chromosomally damaged. Keris is a drug addict. Dancer's deformed, and Fain's a human-lover. Before your unification, you might want to check his DNA. I've heard his own father knows that Fain isn't his. It's why his skintone is so much lighter than his brothers'. And they doubt Dancer's paternity, too."

Galene had wanted to deny it, but she'd heard those rumors. And she'd seen Keris high on several occasions, even though it was strictly forbidden, and could mean his life if he were caught.

Shoving Chrisen away, she'd gone to Fain, only to have him break her heart by denying nothing...


She blinked as Fain's deep, melodic voice pulled her back from the past, into the present.

He cupped her face gently. "Where did you go?"

"Back to a boy who gave up everything he had to save his brother's life." Tears gathered in her throat as she placed her finger over his lips to keep him from speaking. "Shh, Fain. I know the dirty politics Chrisen and Merrell practiced. The lies they told and crimes they committed. I can't imagine having to make the choice you did. Especially alone, at that age."

"I should have killed them."

"No. If you'd done that, Talyn would have been the b.a.s.t.a.r.d son of a felon. A traitor who murdered royal sons. It would have been even worse for him. But had you told me then, I would have run with you, and never looked back."

"And they would have killed Dancer... just as they killed Keris. The only thing that saved Dancer's life was my leaving. It forced my parents to keep him, even though he was scarred."

Because it would have been the highest mark of dishonor for them to disown two sons. One child was an acceptable loss. That meant something had been wrong with that child. Disinheriting two meant that the parents had failed in their roles. And since Keris was dead, it would have ended the Hauk dynasty on Andaria. Something his proud father would have never allowed to happen.

For Dancer, Fain had given up everything he cherished.

Her hand trembling, she brushed the braids back from his face. "My n.o.ble warrior."

Fain shook his head. "There's nothing n.o.ble about me. I'm just an Androkyn."

"No, you were never so simple a creature, Fain Hauk."

Smiling, he picked her up to whisper against her lips. "My precious Storm Dancer." He slid her down his body so that her gown caught on his pants and exposed her to his questing hands.

She sucked her breath in sharply as he boldly explored her and left her breathless. "No male has ever touched me, save you."

"Good. I'd kill anyone who dared lay a hand to you, Stormy. I've never been one to share what I love with anyone." He pulled her gown over her head and dropped it to the floor.

Galene s.h.i.+vered as the cool air raised chills on her skin. Only the heat of his body warmed her now. She nibbled at the whiskers on his jaw, delighting in the way they teased her tongue and lips.

Fain closed his eyes and savored the sensation of her breath on his skin, of her hands sweeping over his back and pulling his pants lower. He kissed his way down her body until he was kneeling between her legs. Looking up at her, he nudged her knees apart so that he could finger her and then taste the part of her body that he'd been craving since the moment he saw her waiting in the Andarion landing bay.

He knew his eyes were glowing vibrant red in the dim light. He could feel that surging rush of possessive emotion. The need to protect and cherish.

All for her.

As a boy, he'd been torn apart by those unfamiliar stralen urges. As an adult, he fully understood what they meant. "Stormy? If we do this..."

She brushed her hand over his lips to cut his words off. "I know. It's time for you to come home, Fain. Let's forget the past and start the future we should have had."

Those gentle words wrung a growl from him as he rose up to capture her lips. Unable to stop the flood of adrenaline and possessiveness she awoke inside him, he entered her.

Galene cried out at the unfamiliar sensation of a male filling her body.

Holding her weight, he froze. "Are you all right?"

She buried her face against his braids and nodded. "I forgot how large you are."

More gentle than she could fathom, he cupped her breast as he swirled his tongue around her ear. "I won't move until you're ready."

Smiling at him, she slowly began to thrust her hips against his.

Fain growled again as the stralen inside him rushed forward. It'd been so long since he felt it that he'd forgotten the intensity of the hormones and adrenaline. The feral need to protect everything he loved.

"I love you, Galene," he breathed. It was a stupid confession, but it wasn't like she didn't know it. Not like she couldn't look into his red eyes and see the truth.

There was no way to hide it now. Not that he wanted to.

She'd been right. He'd hidden too much from her. Never again would he be so stupid.

Closing his eyes, he bit his lip and savored the warmth of being held by her. Of finally feeling like he was where the G.o.ds had meant for him to be.

This really was home.

"Kimi asyado."

I love you tremendously.

Galene couldn't breathe as she heard the words she'd lain awake at night missing. As she felt Fain's strong arms around her again while he slowly thrust against her hips. She pressed her cheek to his the deepest expression of Andarion affection. "I love you, Fain Hauk. You worthless b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

He laughed at that. "But I'm your worthless b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

She joined his laughter until he took control of their lovemaking. Her laughter died under a fierce groan at how good he felt inside her.

Screaming out, she came in a blinding wave of pleasure.

Fain savored the sound of her literally purring in his ear while she clutched at him and arched her back against the wall. Closing his eyes, he surrendered to his own release. Weak and panting, he leaned his forehead against the wall and held her against him as he shook all over.

Galene nuzzled his neck, raising chills the entire length of his body.

When he pulled back, he saw the same regret inside her eyes that he felt for all the years together they'd missed. "I should never have let you go."

"You had no choice."

"That's the lie I've always told myself."

"It's not a lie, Fain. It just wasn't meant to be for us."

The way she said that made his breath catch. "What are you saying?"

"That the G.o.ds themselves conspired against us. Maybe there was a reason for it."

"Yeah, Merrell was an a.s.shole." He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?"

He quirked a grin at her. "Making up for lost time."

Hours later, Galene swallowed hard as she slowly traced the myriad of scars that marred Fain's bare back while he napped by her side. Honestly, she wasn't sure which ones angered her most. The deep, vicious marks from a whip that had to be from his days as a slave, or the surgery scars from when Venik had fused Fain's spinal cord with his s.h.i.+p.

Tears blurred her vision as she tried to imagine the horror he'd suffered. How much rehabilitation must have gone into merging him with his s.h.i.+p's systems. She knew from Talyn's injuries just how long and arduous such recoveries were. Not just physically, but mentally grueling.

And Fain had done it without anyone there to help him through it. No one to wake up to.

That broke her heart.

She knew from her brief conversations with Dancer that he had no idea what Fain had been through. He stupidly thought his brother had joined The Tavali by choice. Dancer had no knowledge that Fain was still enslaved to Venik or that he'd been bound to a cruel human master for a time. One who had used him as nothing more than a c.o.c.kfighter in the worst sort of blood sport. One that made the Andarion Open Ring fights look like kids' play. Fain had been stripped of his name, his heritage.


When Venik had taken custody of Fain, he'd been nothing more than a piece of feral property. Marked and tagged, and issued a value like other pieces of stolen cargo.

How she wished she'd never gone snooping into Fain's Tavali service files.

But she'd known that Fain would never tell her anything about his past. Her male was too good at keeping his secrets.

With the sound of his soft snore warming her, she pressed her lips to his shoulder and traced the lines of his tattoo. Just as she started to brush her fingers against the small hairs around his navel, he woke up with a beautiful fanged smile.

He s.h.i.+fted slightly to give her more access to his body. "Surely you're not still hungry for me?"

Laughing, she nipped at his shoulder while she gently cupped and caressed him. "Maybe."

He kissed her as he rolled so that she could straddle his hips. But before she could do much more, her link went off with Talyn's ring.

Worried that something might have happened, she grabbed it and answered. "Hey, baby. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. Lish and I have something we're doing and we kind of need you here. You got a few?"

"For you? Always. But I'll need a couple of minutes before I head over."

"No problem. And do you know how to reach Hauk? I tried, but he's not picking up his link."

She traced the line of Fain's nose. "Um, yeah, I might know where your father is. Why?"

"Could you bring him with you?"

Now that was a strange request. "Sure. You need me to bring anything else?"

"No. That's all we need."

"All right. I'll be there shortly." She hung up.

"Is something wrong?"

Galene hesitated. "Not quite sure. Talyn didn't sound right."

"Because he asked for me?"

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The League: Born Of Betrayal Part 29 summary

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