The League: Born Of Betrayal Part 40

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"No. I want to understand why you have saved my life, especially after what I did to you earlier. I humiliated you in front of your family."

Fain shrugged. "I've had worse. Trust me. Your little hissy fit doesn't even register on my scale of degradations. Like I said, I owe you more good than bad."

"You still feel that way, even after I made you trade your freedom for the Jaswinders'?"

Fain snorted bitterly at the reminder. "Yeah, okay. That one sticks in the craw a bit. Especially over the last few days of you peac.o.c.king around here and lording it over me. I have to say the urge to slam your head into something hard has crossed my mind... a few thousand times an hour."

Ven laughed. "Ever brutally honest. It's what I value most about you." He pulled out his link and scrolled through it. "I think I owe it to you to show you this."

Fain frowned at the encrypted message that had Galene's command badging on it. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he didn't care for the idea of his female conversing with another male.

Until he read it.

My Lord Porturnum, I know this is a bit forward of me, and for that I beg your extreme indulgence. I've been doing some research into Tavalian customs and contracts while I've been here, and there is one matter that I should like to inquire about. While a lot of information isn't readily available, it is my understanding that each high admiral holds a t.i.the or contract with the pilots who fly under them that binds that pilot to their Nation. The t.i.the is usually for the value of the s.h.i.+p, and in the case of a slave, for the value of the individual as well, and any special training or other undue expense they've incurred. I know that Commander Fain Hauk owes a t.i.the to you and I should like to pay it off on his behalf and buy his freedom or t.i.the from you. Would this be possible?

Thank you for your time. I look forward to your prompt response on this matter.

Galene of the Winged Blood Clan of Batur LT Commander, Alliance Command Fain stared in stunned awe of those words. Galene had tried to buy his freedom? He couldn't believe it.

Venik took the link from his hand. "I was a bit rude to your Ger Tarra in response to her request, and I apologize to you both. You're right. I'm an a.s.shole. I'm selfish. Reactionary. I do what I have to, to get the job done. As a rule, I don't care who or what I have to step on to get my way. But, you have been a good friend to me. A loyal servant even when I didn't deserve it."

Fain wasn't quite sure where Brax intended to go with this line of conversation.

"I know I'm going to regret this..." Ven motioned for Galene to join them. "Enough families have been destroyed today. It's time we start building them. As a unification present for the two of you, I'm releasing Fain's t.i.the. Blessed union to you both. May the G.o.ds s.h.i.+ne on you always." He kissed Galene's cheek, then Fain's. "Now I'm off to secure my family and sanity as best I can."

Galene gaped as Ven left them. "Was that for real? Did he honestly just set you free? For free?"

His head reeling, Fain sputtered. "Ven's always been capricious and bipolar... You really asked him about buying my t.i.the?"

The most beautiful blush stained her cheeks. "He told you that?"

"He showed it to me."

She visibly cringed. "Are you mad that I did that without asking you?"

"Mad?" Fain cupped her face in both of his hands. "How could I be angry over the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me?" Then he kissed her until she was breathless and he was so hard that he could barely think straight. All he wanted was to be inside her. To hold her and never again let anything or anyone come between them.

Stepping back, he rubbed his cheek against hers and took a deep breath in her hair so that the precious scent of her skin set his blood on fire even more. "C'mon, I'm taking you back and making love to you until we're both limping."

She snorted. "Gee, Fain. That's just the kind of romantic offer that makes a female's heart race with antic.i.p.ation."

He cracked what he hoped was a charming grin. "Yeah, well, I was never fully housebroken. You knew that when you unified with me."

Galene would have protested more, but then he took her hand and kissed her ring with a gesture so tender that it made her forget how unrefined a beast he could be. Especially since he led her toward Hermione's chambers to check on Ryn a thoughtful gesture that was very much a part of his character and why she'd always loved him. No matter how unruly or rough he could be, he was ever considerate of others.

"How's he doing?" he asked Hermione as she answered the door.

Hermione stepped back to show Ryn on the couch with his arms propped on his knees and his head resting in his hands. Misery was etched on his face and he appeared lost and bewildered. Completely bereft and devastated. "I've never seen him like this. How could he have loved her so much and me be so clueless about it?"

Fain shook his head. "None of us knew. I've even been on missions with them and had no idea. They hid it well. I actually thought they hated each other, the way they went at it whenever they were together."

"He told me... it was a ruse to keep anyone from growing suspicious." Hermione choked on her tears. "I can't stand seeing my baby in so much pain."

Galene took her hand and squeezed it in sympathy. "I know," she breathed. "It's so much easier to take it ourselves than watch them suffer. I am so sorry."

"Thank you. The remainder of the fleet is limping toward us and should be here in a few hours, with Jupiter Hinto leading them. They have to make extensive repairs from the battle. Gadghe's headed back for their main base. My understanding is that his son has taken command from his father, since he's too upset to handle things right now."

Fain lowered his voice so that Ryn wouldn't hear him. "Was Mack's body recovered?"

"No one knows. They sent over that last transmission to say her s.h.i.+p went down, and nothing since."

"Then I'll find out discreetly when Jupiter lands and make sure to relay it to you."

Hermione rubbed his arm. "Again, thank you. Now go and secure your family. Then we'll plot our vengeance."

Galene glanced to Ryn before she spoke. "I already have a plan. I just need a few minutes with Tahrs Nykyrian before I move troops."

"I want to know the minute Jupiter calls for clearance."

All three froze at the sound of Ryn's deep, deadpan voice.

Her face pale, Hermione turned to face him. "Ryn-"

"I'm not an infant, Mom. Jory won't be in any better shape than I am. He's the only one who was at our wedding, and he wors.h.i.+ped the ground his big sister walked on. It's not fair to put all this on him and leave him standing alone." He joined them at the door. "Let me know when you're ready to attack, Commander. I'll be there. All I can say is that b.i.t.c.h Kyr had better buckle up. I'm going for his throat with everything I have."

Fain held his hand toward Ryn. When Ryn took it, he pulled him in for a hug. "United in purpose."

"United by bond." Ryn clapped him on the back. "Forever Tavali."

"Forever Tavali." And with that, Fain put his arm around Galene and led her away from them. "h.e.l.l of a day, huh?"

"Indeed. Makes me terrified of tomorrow."

As they headed for Fain's s.h.i.+p, his link went off with Nyk's ring. He clicked it on. "Yeah?"

"Conference me with Galene."

Fain tapped her link so that she could hear the call, too. "You're on. Go."

"You asked for Kyr's weakness?"

Galene met Fain's gaze as they paused to listen. "Yes, Highness?"

"There isn't one."

Galene gaped at Fain. "What?"

Nykyrian sighed in their ears. "We've gone over everything. And I mean every last detail we could sift."

"He's right," Saf said through the speaker on Nykyrian's end. "I've talked to every member of my family. After the death of his wife, Kyr closed himself off completely. Mentally and emotionally, he shut down. From what everyone says, I was the only one he cared about. And you saw what that got me. He practically killed me, and he now thinks I'm his enemy. I know from being in The League with him that he has no one there he trusts. At all."

"We've got no eyes on him," Maris joined in. "Not one Sentella spy or agent has been near him. After Sumi's attack, he has sealed himself away."

Fain sighed heavily. "How do we stop him?"

"We have to kill him."

Galene flinched at Nykyrian's cold words. "Safir?"

He hesitated before he confirmed Nykyrian's statement. "I know he's my brother. But the brother I knew died a long time ago. My father has accepted it as a necessary action for the good of the Ichidian Universe and the United Systems, and is willing to sanction it. The Phrixians won't retaliate. They condone whatever action is necessary to secure Kyr's abdication from League power."

That was good, but she knew it couldn't be an easy decision for a father, even a Phrixian one, to make against his own son. "And once we've removed him, who would we trust in his position? We can't just dismantle The League entirely. While it has become corrupted, it did stand for centuries as a n.o.ble endeavor that protected all the systems from tyrants such as Eriadne and Justinian Cruel. Whether we like it or not, the Nine Worlds have grown to depend upon it as a necessary part of our governments."

"I agree. What I propose is a restructuring of how it's run, and who controls its power. Rather than one prime commander whose authority is absolute, we will need to reinstate the Overseer's Consulate to take command of League forces, so that one individual will never again be the sole authority. Rather, The League's prime commander will now answer to and take orders from the Consulate in the same manner as any military leader answers to the governing body of his or her world. And as far as Kyr's replacement, I plan to propose Lorens ezul Terronova for the position."

"You've heard from him?" Galene couldn't suppress the hopeful note in her voice.

Nykyrian nodded. "He's with an enclave of WAR. They've rescued his father, and several members of my mother's council. Lorens is requesting reactivation for his rank in the armada, and he wants Ilkin to step down so that he can take over. They plan to make an attack against Eriadne at first light... but only with your express approval."

"I trust him implicitly. And I gladly cede full control of Andarion troops to him. They're his to command. Please, reinstate his rank and oath, and I promote him to the acting prime commander of our armada in my absence. If he has a shot at Eriadne and Nyran, he is to take it on my authority with extreme prejudice and I will bear out all consequences for his actions... Are the Caronese there yet to back him?"


"Good. I shall let Acting Governor Drakari know then to coordinate with Commander Terronova for his strikes. And, Highness?"


"Can we requisition something else from Lord Drakari?"

"What would you like?"

"Two dozen of the best-trained Kimmerian Corps he can muster."

Nykyrian choked on her request. "And may I ask why you want us to hire from a rival organization I can barely stand?"

She laughed at his offended tone. "The Sentella is the best of the best. No doubt. Unfortunately, The League knows your uniforms too well. As well as all your tricks and tactics."

"But not those of the Kimmerians," Nyk said speculatively. "You're right. I like it. They've never crossed The League before. It's definitely something Kyr won't see coming."

"You think the Kimmerians will join on?"

"We can try, and I can raise you one better for the cause."

"How so?"

"A former Gyron Force officer aching for payback on The League. My cousin is salivating for a way to get to Kyr. Whatever you're planning for the Kimmerians, I say we put Bas in charge of them."

Fain let out an evil laugh. "Yeah. I trained with Cabarro. He is all kinds of crazy. I swear that Kirovarian has Andarion in him somewhere. Strongest human I ever met. Fast. And unpredictable as h.e.l.l in a fight. You never know what he's going to pull."

Galene liked what she heard. That was exactly what they needed. The best advantage when dealing with any enemy was unpredictability. "Then let's do it."

"I'll get started." Nyk hung up.

As they entered the bay where his s.h.i.+p was docked, Fain pulled Galene to a stop so that he could marvel at the miracle of her being with him.

"Something wrong?"

"You are the most beautiful female I've ever known." He cupped her face and placed a tender kiss to her lips.

Galene wasn't sure about Fain's mood. There was a strange solemnity to him. One that honestly scared her. "What are you thinking?"

He pulled back with a scowl. "I don't know... something keeps tugging at the back of my mind. A detail I missed."

"What do you mean?"

Fain hesitated before he answered. "I'm not exactly sure. Just... I guess I'm being stupid." But as they boarded his s.h.i.+p, he turned around slowly to scan the bay. He couldn't suppress the sudden chill in his body.

And it wasn't because there were others on board. This wasn't his nervous system reacting to the additional heat signatures on his s.h.i.+p.

This was another matter entirely.

A premonition of a thing out of place. His subconscious picking up on a detail that didn't belong. If only it would clue his consciousness in on it.

Not that it mattered. He planned on being on high alert anyway. Because the one thing that had forever remained true in his life was that whenever things went right...

Everything backslid into h.e.l.l.

Yeah, a s.h.i.+tstorm was coming for him. The deluge always did. He just hoped this time, he was the only one it took under and drowned. Because the last time he'd felt like this, his older brother had been murdered, Dancer had almost followed Keris into the grave, and Fain had lost everything in his life that mattered to him.

Chapter 16.


ykyrian stared down at the small child nestled in his arms, in absolute wonder of it. Her dark hair tousled, her cheeks were stained bright pink while she slept in blissful ignorance of the war that kept the rest of them from finding any peace at all. To her, the world was still fresh and new, a place of safety and love. She knew nothing of the real horrors he and his friends had survived. The absolute cruelty her beloved father was capable of.

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The League: Born Of Betrayal Part 40 summary

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