Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 5

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In that instant, Cat knew he was going to kiss her. Her pulse skyrocketed. Her body hummed with renewed excitement.

For months she had fantasized about what his lips would feel like on hers. Now she was finally going to find out.

She dropped her voice to a whisper. "Unless you had something else in mind."

His eyes darkened, his tone deepened, his mouth curved enticingly. The air around them crackled with charged electricity.

"I like your idea, Cat." The fierce need and desire in his voice whipped through her like a powerful aphrodisiac. "I really do." He threaded his fingers through her hair. Tugging slightly, he drew her mouth to his. "And I like that you're comfortable enough to do that in front of me. But maybe I'd prefer to discover all your likes and all your secret desires on my own."

Well, who was she to voice an argument After all, it was his experiment.

She moaned in acquiescence as he pressed his lips hungrily into hers. Heat licked over her body, moisture collected on her forehead. His tongue skated over her lips then sank inside for a slow exploration. She opened for him, granting him access, reveling in the feel of his velvet tongue mating with hers. Her body trembled, her nipples beaded and tightened to the point of pain, beckoning his touch, demanding his undivided attention. Urgent, unrelenting pressure brewed deep in her womb. A low erotic whimper bubbled in the depth of her dry throat.

Yes, perhaps his idea was better.

His tongue swept through her mouth like a firestorm, scorching her with his heat. He kissed her, long and hard, and with such pa.s.sion it left her gulping for her very next breath.

Letting him know in no uncertain terms what she wanted, she tightened her legs and s.h.i.+fted forward, until their groins b.u.mped. Her thighs hugged his hips, drawing him in closer, aching to feel him inside. A silent gesture that alerted him to the pa.s.sion building in her body, threatening to burn her up from the inside out. As she gyrated against him, her aroused scent perfumed the air and closed in on them.

G.o.d, this was better than any fantasy she'd ever had.

For a long time, they traded kiss for kiss. Pleasure for pleasure.

A low growl of satisfaction rumbled in his throat when he felt her responses. He inched back, his nostrils flared.

A slow burn simmered in his eyes as he inhaled, filling his lungs with her feminine aroma. The intent look on his face made her p.u.s.s.y muscles quake.

She concentrated on the increasing ache and the sensations he invoked as his expert fingers idly stroked her thighs. He pressed his thumbs into her legs and climbed higher, until he closed in on her engorged c.l.i.toris. He stroked her through her jeans. Liquid heat pooled in her loins. She opened her mouth to gasp, but no sound came. In a silent plea, her body tensed, bowed into his touch.

Her tongue found the warmth of his mouth again and drew him in for a deep, mind-numbing kiss. Sam growled and pitched forward, pressing his erection harder against her. His breathing turned labored. He broke the kiss and licked his lips as though savoring the taste of her.

Urgent need colored his voice when he spoke. "Very sweet, Cat. Very, very sweet. I can't wait to discover if the rest of you is just as delicious."

Holy h.e.l.l, neither could she.

The muscles in his jaw flexed and she sensed his restraint, sensed he was holding himself back. She could feel the wild feral pa.s.sion mounting in him, rising higher and higher, threatening to consume them both. She suspected if he ever let go and gave himself completely over to his primal needs and unleashed his pa.s.sion, his world would never be the same again.

And neither would hers.

His hands stroked her through her clothes, his corded muscles bunched with each torturous caress. "Are you ready to play, Cat" His voice held a challenge that stole her speechmaking capabilities.

Since a reply was beyond her, she simply s.h.i.+vered at the promise in his eyes.

"Are you ready for me to test your responses to my stimuli"

He breathed a kiss over her mouth.

Cat drew a shuddery breath, recovered her voice, and asked calmly, "How so"

His low chuckle seeped into her skin, flooding her with warmth, drawing her far deeper into this game of seduction than she'd have thought possible.

"You're always so full of questions. Must be the journalist in you." G.o.d, his deep rasp did mysterious things to her insides.

His features softened as he sat back on his heels and tugged her blouse out from her waistband. His fingers connected with her skin, his gentle caress touching her so deeply she thought she'd die.

"Why don't you shut that inquisitive mind of yours off for a while and let me do my job." Tenderness in his voice tugged at her insides. He cupped her aching orbs through her blouse and kneaded, increasing the pressure deep between her legs. "Let me push you beyond your wildest imagination. Then tomorrow night, we'll see if we can go further."

Desire moved into Cat's stomach. Sensory overload drew a shudder from somewhere deep inside. If Sam pushed her any further, she feared she'd splinter into a million tiny fragments.

Images of what the serum would do to her already s.e.xually heightened libido sent equal measures of anxiety and excitement churning through her.

Candlelight flickered, casting seductive shadows on the walls as Sam climbed out from between her legs and circled behind her. She watched him in the mirror. He moved with such s.e.xual confidence, a feminine thrill rushed through her and increased her pulse.

He threw a leg over the bench, lowered himself down, and s.h.i.+mmied forward, crowding her. Long muscular legs straddled her from behind, tightening around her hips, anchoring her in place. His hands spanned her waist, urging her closer. She could feel his desire and warmth reaching out to her. A strange, primal sound unlike anything she'd ever heard before crawled out of her throat.

"That's a girl." His voice and manner coaxed her to let go and do nothing but enjoy.

When she felt his c.o.c.k indent the small of her back, she became pliable in his arms. Her mind stopped working, obviously his intention all along. Sam didn't want her to think; he only wanted her to feel. Exhaling, she closed her eyes, deciding to do just that.

The feel of his thick erection pressing into her flesh drew her full attention. Some small coherent part of her brain alerted her to his rock-hard arousal.

This man that she'd wanted for so long wanted her too.

A rush of heat whipped through her blood. That same small coherent part also warned her to tread carefully. Warning her that Sam had the ability to seep under her skin in a way no other man ever had, and one night with him might cause her to want to be more than just his lab rat.

He pulled her hair from her shoulders, draping it over her back. His hands were gentle and soft against her flesh. The play of his fingers in her curls sent s.h.i.+vers of warm need to the depths of her soul. The way he pulled emotional reactions from her took her by surprise and threw her off balance.

He moaned against her throat then placed the sweetest, lightest kiss just below her earlobe. Her breath skidded to a halt. His lips were barely there, barely touching yet it did mysterious things to her nerve endings. He stroked her sensitive skin with his tongue, licking, laving until she nearly erupted all over him. Her body convulsed. She gulped air but still couldn't seem to fill her lungs.

She met his gaze in the mirror. His s.e.xy grin turned lethal. "Mmmm... . Very nice, Cat. Very responsive." l.u.s.t darkened his eyes, his voice dripped with desire. "Just like I imagined you would be."

He cuffed her wrists and moved her hands to his thighs.

"Keep your hands here," he commanded in a gentle voice.

The way he said it, the way his deep voice stirred all her emotions, sent a quiver along her spine. She held his glance in the mirror and forced a smile, hoping like h.e.l.l he couldn't see into the depths of her soul, couldn't see the emotions churning inside her. Emotions she had no idea she'd feel.

As she studied his features, she tried not to melt all over him. Her heart did a little loop. The man simply did the strangest things to her insides.

His fingers moved to the front of her blouse. He played with the material and then lazily began to work open her b.u.t.tons. Her lids fluttered. He popped one b.u.t.ton, then another. Much too slowly for her liking. Engorged nipples pulsed in eager antic.i.p.ation. She squirmed and s.h.i.+fted in her seat, suddenly very needy, very impatient for him to answer the pull deep between her trembling thighs.


His penetrating gaze locked on hers. "Hmmm" he whispered with dark seduction.

He eased open her s.h.i.+rt, pulled it from her shoulders, and let it pool around her back. She caught her own reflection in the mirror and barely recognized the woman staring back.

Hair swimming in disarray around her shoulders, her face was colored from heat and desire.

She arched against him, breathless. Waiting was no longer an option. "Would you please hurry" Her voice ended in an agonized whisper.

His low chuckle wrapped around her. "I'll see what I can do." He cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, hugging them with his palms.

He pulled them high as his thumbs slipped inside her red silky bra to manipulate her tight nipples.

Her blood pressure soared. "Oh G.o.d, Sam. That feels wonderful."

She listened to him swallow. "Oh yeah, it sure does."

He leaned forward and unhooked the front clasp. His hair brushed her nape, teasing her senses.

Like air seeping from a punctured tire, Sam let out a slow, wheezing breath as he freed her swollen b.r.e.a.s.t.s from the restrictive confines. Discarding the flimsy material, he stroked her naked skin, caressing the swell of her cleavage, brus.h.i.+ng his fingers in a circular motion around her pale mounds, drawing closer and closer to the coveted peaks.

Her lids slipped shut against the gentle a.s.sault. Tension coiled deep inside her. "Sam ... please." Sheer desperation for him to take her now, fast and hard, made her whimper.

She'd never been so deeply aroused, so desperate, so needy.

The responses this man pulled from her were unlike anything she'd ever felt before.

She'd had good s.e.x before, not great s.e.x, but good s.e.x all the same. Men had seduced her body, but none had ever taken the time to seduce all her senses. The combination brought her to this foreign place, a place where an incessant

ache and burn made her shamelessly cry out for release.

A place where Sam touched her on a completely different level.

A moment later he found her beaded nipples and began rolling them between his thumb and fingers. Pinching, squeezing, and pulling. Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, he'd push her further beyond her boundaries.

Then, giving her reprieve, he'd switch tactics, caressing her softly, gently, easing the throbbing ache. The mixture of pain and pleasure was most exquisite.

"Your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are beautiful." For a brief moment she thought she saw a flash of possessiveness in his eyes. Surely she was mistaken. "Have you ever from a man touching your nipples, Cat"

His rich baritone sent a barrage of erotic sensations straight to her damp p.u.s.s.y. Her s.e.x muscles began to shudder and clench. She rocked in her seat, pus.h.i.+ng her hooded c.l.i.toris against the seam of her jeans, searching for some kind of release, something to help quell the unbearable ache. G.o.d, she'd never felt so crazed, so frantic.

"No," she moaned as pa.s.sion exploded through her. He smiled and she wondered why that pleased him. Did he want to be the first to try The first to succeed Did that matter to him somehow He dusted kisses over her neck and whispered in the softest s.e.xiest voice, "Then it's time you did."

She gasped. Lord, there she went, gasping again. Man, she really needed to work on that.

"And I'm just the man to do it."

Her hands tightened on his thighs, nails digging into his flesh. She swallowed, wanting to believe it possible, but knowing her body didn't work that way. Not unless Sam was some kind of miracle worker.

She looked heavenward. Please let Sam be a miracle worker.

"I don't think I can, Sam."

"Well see about that." The fierce determination in his voice made her mouth go dry. She arched into him, hot and wanting. Wet antic.i.p.ation dampened her panties.

Her hand slipped off his thighs and nestled between her legs. Desperate for pleasure, she gave herself a light stroke, in an effort to ease the tension. Unfortunately, the friction only aroused her more. She moaned and rubbed her thumb over her aching c.l.i.t.

Sam caught her action in the mirror. "Dammit, Cat."

She heard the clench of his teeth and the l.u.s.ty groan low in his throat. Without warning he caught hold of her wrist and stopped her. Cat sensed he was on the edge, and pleasuring herself would ultimately send him hurtling over.

"Put it back," he ordered, sharply. "Tonight it's my job to touch you."

With excruciating slowness, he trailed his fingers over her flesh, his teeth over her neck, his lips pressing hot kisses against her skin. Sensations closed in on her as he stroked her with expertise. She squeezed her lids and moaned, almost delirious with want.

"Open your eyes, Cat. I need to see your responses." His voice was low, coaxing, demanding.

She rested her head against his shoulder, clenched her fingers around his hard thigh muscles, and struggled to find her voice. Her lips caught between her teeth, her breath shuddered.

"I can't, Sam. It's too intense."

He pressed his lips close to her ear, close to that erogenous zone that made her tremble like a wanton woman. His heated breath scorched her skin as he spoke. Her body responded with a shudder.

"Yes you can, babe. Do it for me."

Her lids fluttered open. Her glance collided with his. The dark desire she met in his eyes completely unglued her. Her heavy b.r.e.a.s.t.s, encased in his warm hands, filled with heated blood.

She'd never come from nipple stimulation before, but the seductive room, the expert ministrations of his hands, and the emotions Sam pulled from her raised her pa.s.sion to new heights.

Sam drew his finger to his mouth, licked it, and placed it over her nipple. Her whole body went up in flames. The wet, hot sensation pushed her to the edge of sanity. Oh G.o.d! She bit down on her lip and flushed darker. Sam touched her so deeply she feared she'd never be the same after this night.

"Ahh, I see you like that. Let me see what else you like.

What other responses I can pull from you."

He applied more pressure to her sensitive nerve endings, determined to make her soak her panties right then and there. She moaned and arched into his touch, deciding that was a d.a.m.n good idea.

He began panting heavily in response to her blatant need.

Their aroused scents mingled. His breath became hotter and faster against the column of her neck. His sheer excitement pushed her pa.s.sion impossibly higher.

He inched back, leaving cold where there was once heat.

Her hands slid off his thighs and fell to her sides. "No, don't stop, Sam. Please ..." Lord, she'd never heard such desperation in her voice before. She began to shake and vibrate with s.e.xual frustration.

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Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 5 summary

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