Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 6

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She heard a soft chuckle, but she didn't particularly find his s.e.xual torture amusing.

With slow, confident moves, he stood and circled around to face her hard-on ... err ... straight on. His eyes dropped to her swollen, achy, exposed b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Promise glittered in his piercing blue eyes.

"I'm just getting started, Cat."

Oh, good.

Dark, prominent nipples quivered under his hungry gaze. She cupped her orbs in offering as if to say, "Then get started." His growl filled her with raw l.u.s.t.

Pus.h.i.+ng gently on her shoulders, he lowered her on the bench until she found herself flat on her back. Oh h.e.l.l, he'd hung a mirror on the ceiling too. Her throat closed over. Had he somehow tapped into one of her nightly fantasies Sam sat facing her and drew her legs up until they rested over his. Uncomfortable in her damp panties, she s.h.i.+mmied her backside, aching for him to remove them. His eyes fixed on her swaying b.r.e.a.s.t.s. G.o.d, she really was a wanton woman.

His lips twitched. "Soon, Cat. I promise."

She'd never met anyone so in tune with her needs or desires.

Her heart did another little dance, more like hip-hop this time.

Gaze riveted, he took a long moment, just staring at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in obvious admiration. Pa.s.sion clouded his eyes.

G.o.d, the way he looked at her made her feel like the s.e.xiest woman alive.

Sam leaned forward and swiped his hot, velvet tongue across her hard nipples, moistening her f lesh. Ever so lightly he blew, tightening her pebbled nubs in painful bliss with the hot, cold medley. Her skin warmed from head to toe and came alive at the evocative sensations.

"Oh, Sam," she whispered, teetering on the edge. "I can't believe how close I am." Her p.u.s.s.y muscles undulated with each delicious stroke. Before today she never would have believed that she'd ever climax from nipple stimulation. In truth, few men were skilled enough to master such a feat.

Suddenly, Jen's words came back to haunt her, reminding her of Sam's numerous indiscretions and his exceptional talent in the bedroom. Her stomach churned. She swallowed and reminded herself it didn't matter.

Sam growled and brought his mouth close to hers. "Cat, you are so d.a.m.n responsive it's making me throb."

She threaded her fingers through his hair and guided his head down, back to her mounds, encouraging him to lick and suck and nibble until she died from too much pleasure.

It'd be a good way to die, she decided.

There was a note of desperation in her voice. Her eyes pleaded. "More, Sam. Please."

He smiled in reaction to her plea then dipped his head to answer her urgent demands. Slowly, methodically, giving her b.r.e.a.s.t.s undivided attention, he caressed her nipples with his tongue. Her heart nearly failed. She writhed and moaned beneath his ravis.h.i.+ng mouth.

Cat couldn't believe how erotic it was to watch the action in the mirror. Nor could she believe how aroused he'd made her. She began trembling with urgency as

the need for him to ease the tension between her thighs completely consumed her. She'd never felt so frantic, so out of control.

He pulled his mouth away and paid homage to her other nipple. Treating it to the same erotic tongue bath, pus.h.i.+ng her beyond all her limits, making her wild. Wilder than she'd ever been before.

Panting with utter excitement, she could barely find her breath as he manipulated her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her stomach knotted; her throat dried. His mouth branded her, searing her quaking flesh with his heat. Every nerve ending in her body vibrated and quaked. She tossed her head from side to side, a fever dampening her forehead.

He deepened the kiss. Sparks shot through her body.

Sharp teeth nipped, nibbled, and toyed with her swollen pebbles, his tongue soothing the sting left behind. A lethal combination that proved too intense for her to bear. Pain and pleasure gripped her. Her stomach clenched.

"Sam stop, it's too much." She reached for his shoulders to push him off, but he shackled her hands and pinned them above her head.

He made a s.e.xy noise and s.h.i.+fted. His eyes ravished her with dark hunger. "Let go, Cat. Let me take you where you need to go." The soft coaxing tone of his voice seeped into her skin and a.s.sailed her already overstimulated senses. As his mouth closed over her flesh again, her o.r.g.a.s.m took her by surprise. Suddenly, she felt that first sweet, all-consuming clench of total and utter fulfillment. She drew a breath, letting Sam take her to a place where nothing mattered but pleasure.

His tongue swirled around her engorged nipple, keeping up its gentle a.s.sault, adding fuel to the raging fire inside her.

She whimpered. "That feels incredible," she whispered.

"And it tastes incredible," Sam said between each determined swipe.

She took deep, gulping breaths and let herself topple over.

Tumultuous emotions charged through her as liquid heat surged from her p.u.s.s.y with more intensity than she'd ever felt before.

Her whole body tensed, then relaxed. "Sam, I'm coming,"

she cried out, certain that he already knew, but deciding to tell him just the same.

"Look at yourself in the mirror, babe. Watch yourself come while I watch you," he whispered.

She watched her body writhe as she gave herself over to her o.r.g.a.s.m. The room closed in on her as she focused completely on the stab of pleasure at the apex of her legs.

She threw her head back and lifted her hips from the bench as her climax tore through her. Her mind blanked to everything around her except the intense pleasure of Sam's mouth on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the pulsing between her thighs.

Still licking her nipples with long, luxurious strokes, Sam held her to him, balancing her until her world turned right side up again. After a comfortable stretch of silence, her labored breathing finally settled into a calmer, steadier rhythm.

His dark eyes met hers as he pulled her to him. She sat up, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s crushed against a wall of thick muscle. Damp curls fell over her forehead.

Eyes full of want, Sam shot her a tender look of intimacy that made her heart tighten. She s.h.i.+vered, almost violently.

The way he gazed at her drew her in to a coc.o.o.n of warmth.

She felt so close to him. She touched his face, needing the contact. Her throat clogged. Her insides turned to mush.

Leaning in, she pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. When her lashes fluttered against his skin, he shuddered.

She opened her mouth, not sure what she was about to say, not sure what she was about to reveal. He smiled and her heart did a somersault. G.o.d, she couldn't fall for him, she just couldn't. It would complicate everything. "Sam, I ..."

Her voice broke off.

He chuckled easily and lowered his voice to match hers.

"I know." He brushed the rough pad of his thumb over her engorged nipple. "You never expected to o.r.g.a.s.m from this kind of stimulation." He tucked her hair behind her ear. "You were pretty amazing, Cat. Very responsive to my touch. I really like that."

Her voice wasn't quite steady. "It's because you knew just how to touch me," she whispered with effort.

And everyone else, apparently.

She looked down, suddenly feeling very naked, very exposed.

Very vulnerable. Very worried that she'd given herself to him in a way she'd never given herself to another. Her physical need for him may have been temporarily sated, but her emotional need for him was reaching dangerous levels.

Trying for casual she said, "So I guess that concludes your experiment until tomorrow night." G.o.d, she hated the way her voice cracked.

Sam angled his head. "Tell me, Cat. Do you have any other plans for tonight"


The way he looked at her made her s.h.i.+ver. "Because," he touched her chin and dragged his finger over her neck. "If you do, I want you to break them."

"You do. Why" Her heart hammered with what felt like hope. G.o.d, she wanted him again. Inside out, upside down, but mostly on underneath.

He spoke in whispered words. "Because I'm not nearly done with you."

Her chin jerked up. Her eyes widened. "Really There's more" She didn't even make an attempt to hide her enthusiasm.

What would be the point It seemed Sam could read her every gesture, her every hidden desire.

He stroked his thumb over her mouth and then replaced his fingers with his lips, lightly feathering them over hers.

She opened for him as the sensations fueled her need for him all over again.

Sam gave her a playful look and whispered into her mouth, "Plenty more, Cat. We're just getting started." His voice, full of tender warmth, drew a shudder from the depths of her soul.

Her heart stuttered; her breathing grew shallow. Perhaps offering herself in exchange had been a stupid idea, after all.

If she spent another moment in his arms, she might end up wanting something deeper.

She forced herself to pull back emotionally. "Sam, I don't think I can take more." Her voice turned choppy, her words fractured. It occurred to her that Sam's brand of lovemaking would tip the emotional scales to the point of no return.

His wicked grin made her weak. There was a note of amus.e.m.e.nt in his voice. "That's what we're going to find out."

Chapter 4

Sam gripped her hips and lifted her from the bench.

Curly blonde hair cascaded over her bare shoulders and slid down her perfect round b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her eyes were drowsy, sated. Desire slammed him into outfield. He felt like he'd received a blow to the midsection.

G.o.d, he loved the way she gave herself over to him so freely, so completely. And knowing he was the first man to bring her to o.r.g.a.s.m through nipple stimulation thrilled him, probably far more than it should have.

As he gazed at her a moment longer, a wave of possessiveness tore through him. His body ached to join with hers, to lose himself in the heat between her legs. It took all his effort not to tear his clothes off, sink his c.o.c.k into her plush softness and ravish her all night long.

Of course, he had every intention of doing just that, right

after he tasted her sweetness and drew another o.r.g.a.s.m from her, using his mouth and his fingers. His whole body broke a sweat in antic.i.p.ation. Moisture sealed his s.h.i.+rt to his chest.

He brushed his damp hair from his forehead and sucked in a fortifying breath.

As Cat stood, her legs wobbled. She snaked her arms around his shoulders, steadying herself.

"Easy," he said, tightening his hold. "Are you able to stand"

She nodded, her body melting against his, her nipples hard against his chest, battering what little control he had left.

"Good, because what I have in mind requires you to be upright." He felt her body quake with yearning, her eyes growing wide at the promise in his voice.

It touched him and stirred something deep inside the way she s.h.i.+vered with longing for him. In fact, a lot of things about Cat Nichols touched him, making it harder and harder to separate s.e.x and emotion.

Banking his muddled feelings, Sam stood behind her.

With his chest molded against her back, he linked his fingers through hers. "Walk with me."

Steps synchronized, he urged her toward the mirror. Her gorgeous, swollen b.r.e.a.s.t.s swayed with each seductive movement.

Sam growled and pressed his thick, steel erection harder between the soft mounds of her a.s.s.

Cat drew a quick breath and wiggled her curvy hips. Sam growled louder, his c.o.c.k throbbing against her sweet backside.

"I'm not the only one who is very responsive," Cat said.

He caught the teasing glint in her eyes.

"If you keep that up, we won't be testing your responses; we'll be testing my limits."

Sam lifted her arms above her head and pressed her flat palms to the mirror. He caught her glance. Green eyes narrowed with dark seduction and bore into his. She widened her stance and her expression turned serious. "Maybe that's what I have in mind," she said, her voice rough with emotion.

The s.e.xual energy between them exploded, reaching an all time high. His body reacted to the desire in her eyes. His blood began racing. His heart slammed against his chest.

Wild, untamed pa.s.sion stirred inside him, boiling, rising, gaining raw energy, drawing his full attention. He gripped her hips, tipping her a.s.s up, and pushed his pulsing c.o.c.k hard against her lush backside. It didn't even begin to ease the ache. The only thing that would help a.s.suage the hot restlessness in his groin was to feel her naked skin against his.

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Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 6 summary

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