Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 7

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Shoulders forward, she inched her feet back. With her a.s.s tucked against his groin she smothered his erection and gyrated.

The position proved his undoing.

"I want you, Sam," she whimpered, spreading her legs even wider. "I want you inside me." She begged for him to take her, opening herself up, granting him access to her body.

He responded to the erotic pose and seductive lilt in her voice. Fingers moving swiftly, he ripped open her jeans, lowered the zipper, and tugged them down her legs. Her panties quickly followed. She removed her shoes and kicked away her clothes. He took in the vision before him. The sight of her sensuous body on display with her hands braced against the mirror was enough to shred his last fragments of control.

With intense concentration, she followed his actions in the mirror as he tore his clothes off and tossed them into the heap with hers.

What was it about this s.e.xy, feisty woman that turned him inside out He'd never felt anything like it. The need, the pa.s.sion, the desire welling up inside him. It curled around him, calling, consuming, reaching dangerous levels.

He tried to leash his control, his pa.s.sion, and his emotions, but failed miserably.

He had to have her.


Sam had never lost control before. Ever. But he'd never been taken to a place where the fierce need to possess another dominated his every thought.

His voice was labored. "Your shoes, Cat."

Heavy lids fluttered. "What about them" She angled her head to see him.

"Put them back on."

Grinning, she quickly obliged. The high heels stretched out her long legs, lifting her a.s.s in the air.

Pus.h.i.+ng his raging erection against her naked flesh, he tangled his fingers through her sopping silk curls and buried his face against her throat. Her damp arousal made his legs tremble. He pulled open her pretty pink lips and exposed her s.e.x in the mirror. With a long, lazy stroke he caressed her quivering c.l.i.toris. Her mouth formed an "O" when his fingers connected with her delicate pearl. She tossed her head to the side and moaned. Her body jerked against his pulsing c.o.c.k and he nearly released on impact. He clenched his jaw and held back, never wanting the night to end.

He stretched her wider. His mouth salivated, eager for a taste. He slipped a finger all the way inside her moist fissure, stirring, caressing her G-spot, reveling in the feel of her plush softness.

Her tongue slid over her lips as though she knew his intentions.

Their aroused scents merged and filled the room with a heady, stimulating aroma.

He applied more pressure to her s.e.x. Using slow, sinuous circles, he teased her c.l.i.t until it swelled and puckered beneath the rough pad of his fingers.

"Oh Sam," she cried, bucking against his hand. Color bloomed high on her cheeks. He watched her chest rise and fall in an erratic pattern. Her p.u.s.s.y muscles gripped his finger and he knew an o.r.g.a.s.m was only a stroke away.

He inhaled her warm, familiar scent as it perfumed the air. Easing his finger out of her, he drew it to his mouth for a sampling.

"Sweet Jesus, you taste incredible." His voice was gruff with need.

She swallowed. "Sam... . Please ... my purse ... condoms."

He could barely hear her through the buzz in his head.

He swept aside a lock of her hair, pressed his mouth against her ear, and caressed her cheek. She twisted her head and drew his finger into her mouth, sucking, licking, savoring her creamy essence.

The heat of her mouth nearly caused him to explode on the spot. He wanted to feast on her, to sear her engorged c.l.i.toris with his tongue, but that would have to wait. Right now he needed to answer the demands that threatened to burn them both up from the inside out.

His rock-hard erection throbbed to the point of pain.

Cat dropped one hand, reached behind her, and squeezed his steel shaft, running her fingers up and down the length of him, driving him into an abyss of pleasure.

Heat and pa.s.sion blazed through him. The intensity of his carnal hunger was almost frightening. "Oh G.o.d. Cat. I need you."

Her voice was husky and breathless. "My purse. By the door. And please, hurry."

Her words drove him beyond the brink of sanity, making his c.o.c.k drip. He brushed the wet tip of his arousal over her f lesh. His liquid juice dripped over her back, languidly sliding lower to nestle between the sweet slit of her heartshaped a.s.s.

Christ, that turned him on.

He disentangled himself and grabbed her purse. He had his own supply of condoms in the nightstand, but decided, in his haste to sheathe himself, her purse was closer.

He ripped open the condom and slid it on. When he turned back around to face Cat, what he saw nearly dropped him to his knees. His body tightened and his vision went fuzzy around the edges as unfamiliar warmth touched the depths of his soul.

Hand between her legs, she stroked her c.l.i.toris, sliding her slender finger in and out of her heated core. Long hair fell forward, curling around her pert nipples. Candlelight bathed her naked body and glistened on her moist p.u.s.s.y.

Sweat collected on his brow. He drew a shaky breath.

"Sweet f.u.c.k, Cat." In two quick strides he crossed the room.

He put his mouth close to her ear and murmured, "Need a hand." Without waiting for a response, he placed his finger

over hers, pus.h.i.+ng both his and her finger deep inside her at the same time. Cat panted, moaned, and shook as another o.r.g.a.s.m ripped through her.

Lord, he'd never met a more responsive woman. His c.o.c.k jerked, clamoring for attention. Sam grabbed her hips and positioned his erection at her dripping entrance.

"Look at me," he growled.

Cat tilted her head and met his gaze in the mirror. It was easy to tell she was overcome with need by the pa.s.sion raging in her eyes. She inched back, until his c.o.c.k probed her, opening her feminine folds. Her tight heat and rich female texture beckoned him. s.e.xual tension swamped them. Completely ruled by l.u.s.t, his mind abandoned any rational thought.

His growl deepened. "Cat, you feel so good." In one quick thrust he speared her.

"Oh ... my," she whispered as he drove into her.

She s.h.i.+fted her stance, the position allowing her to take the entire length of his shaft. Cat gasped and stilled as he pushed impossibly deeper, stretching open the tight walls of her p.u.s.s.y.

He felt her heat close around him, squeezing. His eyes locked with hers. "Cat, I need to take you. Now," he bit out between clenched teeth. He couldn't wait for her to catch up. He tried, he really did, but that small modic.u.m of control and distance he'd always kept during s.e.x jumped s.h.i.+p and left him frenzied, wide open, and vulnerable. For the first time ever, his guard slipped and he let go. Really let go.

"Then take me, Sam."

His internal temperature soared. He needed her so much he felt dizzy. Hard and fast he began pumping, pounding against her feminine mound. She met his every thrust with one of her own. The warmth of her slick sheath made him sweat. He leaned forward and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his fingers kneading her swollen pebbles. With his chest pressed against her back, their perspiration mingled, their deep breaths merged, fogging the mirror. Heat poured from his body to hers and back again.

They joined as one with Sam controlling the pace, depth, and rhythm. He clenched his jaw, trying to hold off his o.r.g.a.s.m. His mind began spinning. His thoughts scattered.

He wanted to stay inside her, to revel in her pa.s.sion-drenched heat. To claim her, to possess her, to have her climb inside him and stay there forever so he didn't ever have to share her with another man. Unfamiliar emotions rushed through him. His gut rolled. His pulse kicked up a notch. Air rushed from his lungs. f.u.c.k, some small part of his mind reminded him that he'd never been so crazed before, so frantic, and had never lost control.


Oh h.e.l.l.

He felt her p.u.s.s.y tighten around his c.o.c.k. She bucked and impaled herself on him.

Her head thrashed to the side. "Sam ..."

Hands biting into her hips, he buried himself deep as her o.r.g.a.s.m rolled through her.

"Cat ..."

Her liquid heat seared his c.o.c.k, pus.h.i.+ng the right b.u.t.tons, sending him all the way to heaven and back again.

With one hard thrust he drove into her and stilled, concentrating on the points of pleasure as his climax mounted.

His c.o.c.k clenched and throbbed. His seed spurted from his tip.

"Oh G.o.d, Cat ..." he whispered into her ear as his o.r.g.a.s.m tore through him. As he emptied himself into her, he felt her s.e.x muscles tighten, milking him of every drop.

He stayed there for a long moment, working to regulate his breathing while his c.o.c.k grew flaccid. Minutes later he slipped from her opening. Cat twisted around, glanced into his eyes, and broke the stretch of silence.

She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, moistening it.

"Sam." The warmth of her mouth called out to him.

"Yeah" He quickly discarded the condom and then took her back in his arms, unable to get her close enough.

She tilted her chin to face him and pressed her back against the mirror. Hands spanning her slim waist, he gathered her in tighter, needing to feel every inch of her pressed against him, knowing he'd never felt such an easy intimacy with another.

Oh boy!

Unwelcome images of those six different men parading in and out of her condo rushed through his mind and filled him with rage. Like the Loch Ness Monster, anger rose from the depths to rear its ugly head.

The way he reacted with such violence gave him concern.

Wasn't that one of the reasons Cat had appealed to him She was safe. Not looking for anything more than he could give.

Tamping down his anger and cursing himself for feeling so emotional, he forced himself to marshal his thoughts and summon control.

Cat smiled up at him and moistened her dry lips. "That was one h.e.l.l of an experiment, Sam." Eyes full of want flashed in the candlelight, her sweet breath fanned his face, closing around him, flooding him with longing.

He chuckled, smoothed her hair from her forehead, and crushed his body against hers. As she snuggled into him, a rush of tenderness made his stomach roll.

"I'll say," he managed around the lump forming in his throat.

He inched back his gaze roaming her face. When their eyes met, desire slammed into him once more, triggering a

craving that he couldn't sate. His c.o.c.k stirred back to life.

What was it about this woman Why couldn't he get enough of her Sam let out a regretful sigh. "Only one problem."

Her s.e.xy brow rose. Heavy b.r.e.a.s.t.s swayed, dragging his eyes with them. "Problem"

He gripped her hands, pinning them behind her back.

Her slick body molded against his and all he could think about was dropping to the ground, parting her twin lips with his tongue, and pressing a kiss over her gorgeous pink s.e.x.

"Yeah. You see, I was so caught up in f.u.c.king you I forgot to record your responses."

She swiped her tongue over her bottom lip, made a s.e.xy noise, and rotated her hips. Their groins b.u.mped. Sam's c.o.c.k thickened. His b.a.l.l.s constricted.

"That's not good, Sam."

"Nope, not good at all."

"What does that mean" He loved the teasing lilt in her voice. Loved this playful side of her and her adventurous spirit. Once again, the hunger inside him took hold, consuming his thoughts.

He frowned. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to run the experiment again."

She took a moment to digest what he said, then shook her head in mock exasperation. Her soft whisper covered him.

"Where are you ever going to find another lab rat this time of night" Suddenly her eyes opened wide. "There is always Bonnie," she rushed out.

Sam chuckled at the mention of his lab rat. "Can't."



"Can't wake her"

"Grumpy without her nine hours."

"I see."

"That really only leaves one solution."

"Only one"

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Pleasure Exchange (Avon Red) Part 7 summary

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